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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. He never seems to express his views that he dislikes something that has happened to his character until it has passed then he might say something. But it is too different things, you can respect someone that is gay, love them unconditionally but he did state that he has never played Dean with anything more than friendship. I can't find the vid so I can't provide the link. It had Misha and Jensen both saying they only played for friendship. But my views came after watching several vids that had a similar theme to them. The vids were from 2012 to 2014. I noticed this year was stronger than last years and my suspicion it had to do with protecting his baby girl. I could be wrong. And yes, I can see the mixed messages because last year they had outtakes that poked fun of destiel. Not wanting to play a bi or gay character doesn't necessarily mean you dislike or hate gays. Nor does it mean he has any negative views about them. I would never do a nude scene, but that doesn't mean that I disrespect someone that does. I just felt he is really tired of the whole conversation. So I'll agree to disagree and stop talking about this. The truth is I can only sense what he might feel, I don't know anything for sure, cause I don't know him. So yes I can be very wrong.
  2. Thanks, I don't own season 7 so for now I'll just have to wonder. Just seeing it in a lot of vids so it made me wonder. Usually I can guess a season but this one has me wondering. Thanks again.
  3. the question was about Dean being bi, and he totally make a joke and refused to answer. He also stated that they have only played it as friendship and it will never be more. I think before he became a father he didn't care as much. Looking at my own brother, I'm a little shocked with some of views that didn't fit with what I know about him growing up, so I guess that's why I said he is becoming more conservative. Honestly, I don't care and to be honest I'm sick of the politically correctness that is really causing more harm than anything else. You can't control someone's feelings, you can only make them not answer. I think he respects people's view and beliefs, but he isn't for Destiel and his answers makes it plain he is against it from what I've seen. JMV and I respect other's views but I only see Dean and Cas as friends and those that want more...keep having fun looking for those moments that make you happy. But I think the show made it harder this year, especially with the line, Cas is such a weird little man. (Not exact words) Looking at one recent con, Jensen even complained about how the convention use to be about talking about their characters and now it is just acting silly. Of course he made it sound like a joke and he is very sarcastic. I don't know Jensen at all, nor do I claim to, I like what I see when he answers questions and he entertains me so I'll keep watching his career. I was hoping to get more insight into next year, but so far I haven't found much to help me formulate any ideas, yet.
  4. I don't remember what ep, but Dean point blank say "You're not my father." I think the problem became when they were trying to figure out how to keep Jim on the show. He wasn't even suppose to be in that first show in season 1, they couldn't get the actress, so they had to create a new character. They seem to forget their own cannon. I can see Bobby as occasionally having contact with the boys, maybe even playing a little ball but not really in the picture that much. Sam forgets things anyway, so I could see him being so young that he really doesn't remember Bobby that well and Dean's relationship really coming from after his Dad's death. I think sometimes, rarely they stayed with someone but most of the time Dean was left to care for Sam. That's how I spend it regardless of what cannon says, so I can still enjoy Bobby. What ep is this picture from, I don't remember and it's bugging me. Anyone know?
  5. Dean connecting to the kid seemed deeper, because we get a secret that Sam didn't know. If you explore the Dad's journal it shows one thing that had been well thought out, Dean not talking, how long we never are told, but it makes Dean real instead of a trope. That last scene where the boys save the boys, well it really pulls me in. I skipped through a lot of the gore but I'm not into that anyway. I like Acker so she doesn't bother me either. As far as ages, this show has a problem with that all the time, look at Dean in high school and his brother suppose to be in high school, they don't match the correct ages at all. So I tend to just over look it, it might be because I teach middle school so I have kids playing adults all the time, so I'm use to ignoring it. See how good I am at BS? I mean at excuse making? :)
  6. If I wasn't watching this show, I would have a certain belief as well. Some things are never considered as strong acting. Comedy is easier compared to drama. But if you really are trained you know it isn't true. So the acting world has their rose colored glasses on and they look through their filter. Daytime soaps are considered awful actors, and yes they do have a lot, but the amount of pages they have to get down in a day is a full 2 hour play. That's a lot of lines to memorize. Then again it could really be who do you know not how talented you are, that would be my guess along with how much money the show has to push your talent. On a totally different topic, I really hate to see all the trash they throw at Jensen because he doesn't like destiel. I imagine now that he has a little girl he is getting more conservative and that's okay with me. I know I had an opportunity to talk with a writer of a show, actually writer and producer, and we all knew don't bring up fanfiction. In fact the minute that person popped into chat, all fanfiction discussion would immediately stop, never would we ask them about it, because we respected their feelings. It didn't stop us from writing fanfiction, we just didn't cross the line with that person. Jensen has made it very clear that he doesn't ship destiel and nor would he ever support it. This last convention left zero doubt. Misha likes to avoid answering it and will even egg it on sometimes but it will never become cannon on the show. I think they have no problem with people creating it, but don't ask Jensen about it, because he is no longer trying to please the fans on the topic, period. JMV
  7. Everybody Loves a Clown -- What Is and Never Should Be ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ 33 - In My Time of Dying 33 - Tall Tales 33 - What Is and Never Should Be 31 - Born Under a Bad Sign 27 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 27 - Crossroad Blues 27 - Hollywood Babylon 25 - Nightshifter 19 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Hunted 15 - Bloodlust 15 - Playthings 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 11 - Everybody Loves a Clown 11 - Croatoan 11 - Simon Said 09 - Heart 07 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 03 - Roadkill 03 - No Exit
  8. I think to be honest they unrated Jensen when they first started. With Jared what you see if what you get. He is that actor that has improved a little but he has mainly stayed the same. Jensen however has so many layers. He is that actor that wows you and because he has layers he has created a Dean that is so much more than was written on the page. I know I've auditioned actors and trying to move them up isn't possible. I have given them coaching but they are closed minded and not open to it, so I can't help them. Jensen strikes me as someone that will listen and go for it as long as he believes you know what you're doing. I agree he will have to move on to another show before he can get recognized. But for now he is just plain enjoying what is going on. Mark Shepperd talked about where else can you have the opportunity to go to conventions to have people tell you how much they love your work, and love what you're doing. Only stage offers that glimpse into the actor's work. Because in TV & Film no one is there. So they can only do the best they can do and hope it is well received. I think Jensen is totally in agreement with that, which is why after 9 years he still isn't phoning it in.
  9. Dean isn't suicidal, he has tunnel vision and is on a mission. Thus he can't see the consequences just the outcome of kill Metatron. He believes he will die anyway if you recall the speech back in Season 8, he felt he was just a grunt and as such his only goal in life was to take out as many bad guys as possible before his death. For him, I believe it is a trade my life for taking out the bad guys. If I live then I keep fighting. Nothing good ever happened when he tried to go for normal so he dropped that dream a long time ago. Which is why I think that Sam doesn't get his big brother. He had happy normal with Jessica where Dean's was marred with my brother's in hell. Sam knew his brother and father were hunting but he wasn't really worried about them, so he could enjoy his normal life. The only time Dean got that was before his mother died. I think the soul is in hell or trapped by the Mark. If you go with Christianity, that is where his soul would be. I doubt we'll get an answer to that unless his soul meets Kevin. Now that might be interesting, Demon Dean being controlled by Crowley and Dean's soul trying to reach Sam with an assist from Kevin. It would allow them to bring back Kevin if they wished. I do think Carver's plan is tied into Season 7's storyline for Dean. Saw some music video's that complied season 7 - 9 and it did make a natural progression for Dean. I think if I wasn't so sick of the brother's fighting I might be impressed. Not sure if anyone knows what to do with Sam. Thus why we get so unsatisfied with his storyline. JMV
  10. if you make a mistake someone will help out, no worries, just have fun and the more the merrier. :) What Is and Never Should Be ++ Hunted ++ Everybody Loves a Clown -- 29 - What Is and Never Should Be 25 - In My Time of Dying 25 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 25 - Tall Tales 23 - Hollywood Babylon 23 - Born Under a Bad Sign 23 - Crossroad Blues 21 - Nightshifter 17 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Hunted 15 - Bloodlust 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Croatoan 15 - Playthings 15 - Houses of the Holy 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Everybody Loves a Clown 13 - Simon Said 13- Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 11 -Roadkill 07 - Heart 03 - No Exit
  11. I agree and I think her and Gamble made a stronger team. I think Gamble had some great ideas for the big picture but didn't see how to connect the dots. One interesting thing for me, especially since I really hated a lot of season 7, I do see some things that really fit nicely with Carver's plan. Watching some you tube videos, combining 7 - 9 I saw a progression for Dean that makes sense for the direction they have taken him. I think if I hadn't been so fed up with the brothers angst and hating each other, I might be more pro Carver. I do like half of his stuff, but I think he doesn't make it flow as well as he should so the storyline gets weird. One minute nothing is happening and then suddenly it is way too much in a few episodes. I think some ideas have worked a little better but when you feel the repeat and rinse cycle is happening too often, it does make you stop and wonder. I am not sure that I care if they come back. I don't think they did as great a job as they seem to be credited with. Some parts work and other parts stunk, JMV. They did have some good ones but I didn't love everyone, so I won't miss them if they never come back.
  12. I kinda am against the rule, why because as we get to fighting over it, several will vote more than one negative but if I'm out voted, I'm out voted. Till the rule is made being bad and doing all positive one more time. I think the vote downs will happen naturally as people start saying this one is my favorite. Just my two cents. :) ++ What Is and Never Should Be ++ All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 ++ Hunted 23 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 23 - What Is and Never Should Be 21 - In My Time of Dying 21 - Born Under a Bad Sign 19 -Hollywood Babylon 19 - Nightshifter 19 - Tall Tales 19 - Crossroad Blues 17 - Everybody Loves a Clown 17 - Hunted 15 - Bloodlust 15 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 15 - Simon Said 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Croatoan 15 - Playthings 15 - Houses of the Holy 15 - Folsom Prison Blues 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 11 -Roadkill 09 - Heart 07 - No Exit
  13. Poor Jensen, he will have to make sure never to google himself but most of all teach his children to do the same. I agree he doesn't want to be on it in the first place and Jared has put his foot in his mouth several times. Luckily for him society will forgive and focus on the next dumb statement if you give them some time. I'll have to reflect on my best acting for both, but I've always thought Jensen was a strong actor, Jared is a strong personality actor which is why I'm interested in seeing what choices Jensen makes next season. I wish Jensen would get on whose line and looking forward to seeing Misha's performance.
  14. This is what I miss the most and I hope that they will figure out a way to bring this back in Season 10. Too be fair I didn't start watching until season 3...actually the repeats in the summer break or online. I started off watching season 4, so I already had an opinion about some of the things on the show. I never get scared watching any of supernatural. Graphics don't bother me, since I remember watching "Lost in Space" black & white version and the graphics are just plain laughable now. So I understand that my job is to suspend disbelief and I could laugh when they finally show the monster but instead I just focus on Dean's attitude. I loved when he yells out trying to give Sam the best chance for escape with the everyone that needs to be saved. I love I never wear shorts and trying to make it sound like Peanut M& M's are a food choice. So I watch for the little moments. It's not a favorite but I there are moments which I really like. Not sure why some fans always seem to hate the women on the show, because I thought she did a fine job but then again, I had a huge problem with some of Jared's acting choices throughout season 1. JMV
  15. See we can find things we agree on. :) Ditto, me too! ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 ++ What Is and Never Should Be 19 - In My Time of Dying 19 -Hollywood Babylon 19 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 17 - Tall Tales 17 -Hollywood Babylon 17 - Crossroad Blues 17 - What Is and Never Should Be 15 - Everybody Loves a Clown 15 - Bloodlust 15 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 15 - Simon Said 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Croatoan 15 - Hunted 15 - Playthings 15 - Nightshifter 15 - Houses of the Holy 15 - Born Under a Bad Sign 15 -Roadkill 15 - Folsom Prison Blues 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Heart 11 - No Exit
  16. I love the pilot, and Jessica was fine for me. But they really didn't give that much and in some ways I wish she hadn't been killed off so fast. Sam has some really nice moments, jerking Dean into hiding, gasp being concerned that his brother might have died only to laugh when he finds him covered in mud. It had a healthy mix of angst and humor. It certainly is one that is worth watching again. If I hadn't watched the extra scene I wouldn't have known how Dean knew his brother was in trouble.
  17. Pilot is my vote and I'm fine with moving on to season 2. Had a major upset, and RL is taking a toll on my free time. So whatever ya want to do is fine with me.
  18. Pilot + Scarecrow -- 51 - Pilot 39 - Scarecrow GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin Dead in the Water The Benders Something Wicked Faith
  19. + Pilot -- Scarecrow 54 - Pilot 45 - Scarecrow GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin Dead in the Water The Benders Something Wicked Faith Have to go with the one that hooked me into the brother's story
  20. Haven't watched but one ep this season. I liked it but I wasn't expecting anything so the tension worked. I saw the arrest as lame cover and only idiots would buy it, not that it looked believable but the destruction to the home...if that hits the news should be harder to explain. But then I watched the A Team and many old shows that weren't meant to be realistic but just be a bit of entertainment. So under that vein, I was entertained. I might try to watch a few eps now to see if I like any others.
  21. (Sniff, by Faith the one time that Sam did find a way to Save Dean's life and that scene with the reaper and Layla at the end such a killer. Sniff, Something Wicked, yes I liked the flashback but mainly I liked how Sam saw how much Dean had given up for him and Sue I echo your thoughts about Benders. Sniff) Pilot + Scarecrow -- 54 - Pilot 48 - Scarecrow GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin Dead in the Water The Benders Something Wicked Faith
  22. Poor Jensen, even if he wanted to do any of the social media, he can't use his name because all the variations have been taken by fake accounts. They made a joke about it at a con. So he will never be on it, since he can't even use his own name. So sad.
  23. Something Wicked + (have to fight for it one more time) Faith -- (Like it and one I rewatch a lot but guess I have to pick my top one.) Scarecrow -- (Just like the Pilot more!) 54 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 03 - Faith 02 - Something Wicked GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin Dead in the Water The Benders
  24. +Faith +Something Wicked + Pilot 53 - Pilot 49 - Scarecrow 09 - Something Wicked 06 - Faith 03- The Benders 02 - Dead in the Water GANKED: Route 666 Bugs Provenance Dead Man's Blood Hook Man Nightmare Asylum Wendigo Hell House Bloody Mary Home Salvation Shadow Phantom Traveler Devil's Trap Skin
  25. Eric Kripke stated it in an interview. I thought he was dumb not to catch that none of us were buying it at the time. Plus he was told that the brother's moments were what was selling the show, not the monster of the week story. It's why I don't think of him as the Great God of Supernatural, he lucked into a lot of it...IMO
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