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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Adam's story is sad, he is introduced to create some jealously and then killed before Sam has a chance to help him. Poor Dean has another brother that gets the attention over him. Then his brother gets to play baseball with his dad. The downside, because they didn't know about the supernatural, they are left defenseless and killed. I'm sure this was suppose to prove to Sam, that growing up in a hunter's life was better than being totally unprepared and killed before your time. It's interesting that in Nightmare, season 1 that Sam finally acknowledges his Dad not being such a terrible Dad and once again trying to defend his father's actions to Dean. I haven't watched in a while but I think that Dean felt the betrayal more than Sam. I believe we were suppose to see how much alike Sam and John are and no matter how much Dean tries to step into his father's shoes, his personality just won't let him go all the way.
  2. Guess I just don't see this issue, Sam got everything off his chest and made his feelings very clear this season. His reaction at the finale was we'll figure this out, so all he has left to gripe about is Dean taking the Mark without knowing the consequences, but Dean's always done that, so I don't think Sam thinks he can cure Dean of this issue. JMV. I can support that both learn how to work out differences and I kind of liked Sam's line can we get started before we find something else to argue about. He acknowledged that they will never see things totally eye to eye. I really would like to avoid we did this with Sam in Season 5, so now let's do this with Dean in season 9. I wouldn't mind seeing Dean having some humor with his being a Demon, like Sam had when he was soulless, but I hope they won't drag that idea out if they repeat something. I just figure they won't be able to resist, well we've had possessed Sam do some awful stuff to Dean, now let's turn the tables on Sam. Since I figure we can't beat them on this why not look for a way I could enjoy it for at least an ep or two. But maybe they'll surprise us...Now that would be interesting, seeing them surprise us. I think the introduction of Angels was the only time we were really surprised, right? I mean in a way that nothing leaked in the spoilers about it.
  3. I guess for me, since I didn't watch season one live, I always thought Dean was the more interesting character. I realized the talent in Jensen in Home, his phone call to Dad, was enough to let me see he had talent. Sam wasn't the strong character for me and the actor was okay and sometimes down right bad. I wish Missouri had more than one ep, to see if they would have done her better, but I'm also pretty sure they wouldn't have made her better because they don't write too many strong woman characters. Although I've liked several women more than some fans.
  4. On one hand I would like Dean being unwilling to take responsibility for any of his past actions and allowing Sam to really experience an truly uncaring Dean. That Sam can spew anything he wants and he just laughs in his face. On the other hand, I'm sick and tired of the brother's fighting and angst and truly wish for some fun light moments with the brothers just enjoying working together enjoying their lives a bit more care free without the weight of the world on their shoulders. I also wouldn't mind a loving Mary showing back up. The best part about wishing, if you get it and you don't like it, you can wish again. :)
  5. From the moment they get to the cabin, it has some of the best scenes. Dean figuring out that John isn't himself because he praises him. But seriously, how was torturing Dean going to get Sam under his thumb? Also the first time that Dean is able to stop Azazel in his tracks by begging for his father to show that he loved him. I guess we the audience wasn't suppose to be smart enough to figure out that Dean is Mr. No Self-Esteem and that John loved Sam more? Guess it's the cat likes to play with his food before he eats his snack. Had he just killed Dean...well that would have set up a very different ending for season 1. This way the crash leaves the audience wondering who will die? I think Azazel thought if he hurt Dean enough Sam's powers would get a jump start and then he would finish Dean off anyway. So much potential for many different arcs, so I do think it was a nice ending to season 1.
  6. + Hollywood Babylon -- Tall Tales -- The Usual Suspects 52 - In My Time of Dying 52 - What Is and What Should Never Be 47 - Born Under a Bad Sign 38 - Hollywood Babylon 35 - Tall Tales 33 - Crossroad Blues 31 - Nightshifter 25 - Folsom Prison Blues 21 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 15 - The Usual Suspects Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy Bloodlust All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1
  7. The only thing I liked about House of Holy was just when Sam loses faith, Dean wonders if there is a reason to believe. I wish they had not made the angels dicks and focused on them trying to be good but maybe gotten a bit lost along the way. If everything is dark, what brings light to the darkest moments? JMV To many choices, what to choose what to choose? LOL> ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ What Is and What Should Never Be -- The Usual Suspects 55 - What Is and What Should Never Be 51 - In My Time of Dying 47 - Born Under a Bad Sign 43 - Tall Tales 41 - Hollywood Babylon 35 - Crossroad Blues 31 - Nightshifter 25 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 25 - Folsom Prison Blues 21 - The Usual Suspects 03 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 01 - Bloodlust Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown Playthings Simon Said Hunted Houses of the Holy
  8. I started babysitting by age 8 or 9. The irony to me, is my parents didn't think it was okay for my brother and sister to left alone at age 8 or 9. Oh the joy of double standards. So the issue of Dean being left alone with orders to call Jim if something went wrong didn't make me cringe. I still wonder if John was actually using them as bait and watching the whole time. Convenient how easily he showed up at the nick of time. I really think the problem is the writers. Being male and just plain not thinking. This will really harm our character more than we want to. They just thought about it putting Dean in line. I think this is the entire problem with the series. They don't think about what will people think about this. Then they get surprised at the fan reaction. It makes me have to work really hard and I have to think things like, he's thinking like a soldier not a dad. Dean is so responsible he just doesn't realize how young he is. Does it make John's actions better, NOPE...but I know the show didn't really ponder the message they were sending out and I enjoy JDM too much to totally hate John. But was he father of the year....NEVER!
  9. I've always liked this one and the flashback is fine since I wanted to see some wee winchesters. I also like that it shows being a normal teenager. Sure Dad, I'll follow the rules and do what you want, blah blah blah and then seeing the consequences which is really harsher than he ever thought it could be. I like how Sam gets Dean and starts to see in him a different light and I know how you can be surprised to discover something about someone you thought you knew every little detail. Yes it has some pacing issues, but I think that is normal for season 1. I also like how Dean continues to show he can connect with kids if he wants to because he did have to take care of Sam. He also can ignore them if he doesn't need to deal with them. Just to me, a lot to love about this ep.
  10. I agree they needed to do something better with John and the conflict they created with John really sucks and harms the show. Why should Dean follow his dad's orders if his Dad is such a terrible person. If Sam hadn't gotten all the cooing and sympathy, and they had dealt with Dean's pain this ep would really leap off the page as a really great story. Sam could be trying to support Dean and yet at the same time wishing he knew who is Mom was. But maybe the problem is that Horror is only suppose to show bad family relationships. I don't know, Horror isn't my thing as I hate the girl standing still just waiting to be killed. I wish they had a better writer for this ep.
  11. I agree what they did with John stinks. I don't think John really was an awful dad but he got lost and made some really bad choices. If he had been such a bad Dad, neither Dean or Sam would care about him. So I wish they had shown more reasons why Dean felt his Dad was a hero to him and showed him concerned about his boys. I still watch this one over and over. It holds up over time and not many do from season 1 and Yes I like Sam in this one. Why can't they do this more often now?
  12. ++ All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 ++ Hollywood Babylon -- Houses of the Holy 49 - In My Time of Dying 49 - What Is and What Should Never Be 49 - Tall Tales 47 - Born Under a Bad Sign 43 - Hollywood Babylon 35 - Crossroad Blues 33 - Nightshifter 31 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 25 - Folsom Prison Blues 23 - The Usual Suspects 09 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 07 - Houses of the Holy 05 - Bloodlust Oops forgot to do it earlier, so this will be my last one for a bit. Won't have internet connection for several days. So will see what damage was done while I was gone. Soon the battle will get really tough. Hopefully it won't be over before I get back. Have fun!
  13. The sad part is the ones that will go, where do I find this? lol That truly is weird... and it did make me laugh. I'll stick with laughter being the better medicine, not going to touch a snake ever. lol At least not by choice.
  14. I liked how Gordon was introduced and beaten but after Hunted I didn't like how they used him. I certainly didn't like him being turned into a vampire and I skip the scene where Sam kills him.
  15. How about an O. Hey I guess we like to pass the time with saying Hey assbutt! lol
  16. Well I haven't seen a recent one about that, but he may have finally gotten tired of being the brother that can't show he loves his brother. Maybe Carver is Dean and Sam whumper? In fanfiction, there are authors...yep I'm guilty that like to whump their characters, but after doing it for a while... and started trying to insert the humor into the whump until something in real life makes me want to hurt someone. It's better that I hurt a fictional character than someone in real life. Some times I think I can't say anything with words, so hopefully it makes sense. I think all writers have to figure some things out. I think on the whole, Craver is strong than Kripke but only time will tell. I think Kripke lucked out on a lot and not much was his real genius at work. His ideas are just too all over the place for me to think he really is that strong. Although I can relate to his ability to come up with ideas, he just needs someone else to help him execute them. JMV. I don't even think he came up with the brothers on the road, he wanted reporters.
  17. @ @ElleryAnne - No I figured out assbutt and then googled. that's how I found the hey. I tried searching three letter words cause I was stumped on words. I had been beaten but I couldn't spend the time on it either, so I figured let the one who can. Plus I'm terrible at hangman. Usually I don't figure out the phrase until it is almost spelled out, so don't feel bad. Of course in some people eye's I may have cheated but didn't guess, so I guess I'm covered either way. LOL. K
  18. See Mary-Sue. A female fanfiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to "Sue". A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc). The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe. I guess anyway I look at this definition, I don't see Dean as this. He has anger issues that creates problems. Even if he was the Mary-Sue, I perfer him over all the other characters...I use to be a brothers fan, with Dean slightly ahead of Sam. No longer. I agree it is terrible choices, actually in acting we would call it the stero-type choice, the one that is too obvious and the stronger one is always the one you don't see at first. I think we all are complaining about some of the same things and Kripke started this nightmare when he had Dean discover he started it all when he broke the first seal. Instead of dealing with it, they moved on to It's a Terrible Life and avoided the whole issue. If you drop bombs but never deal with it, then what is the point. You have to deal with the bombs in a creative way or other never use them. I agree Carver's choices with Sam not looking for Dean at the beginning has me wondering just what is he thinking. But I think it is a case of Group Think. This is an issue that happens in groups. Kripke definitely had this but finally listen to a strong voice that over-road his thoughts, Kim Manners. So I think they believe they all know what the fans want but really never understood what the fans wanted in the first place. The few that may get it aren't listened to, so a few override everyone opinion. Jared wants to play anything other than season 1 Sam. I get it, as an actor Sam's character is the terrible one to have to play as he becomes dull after a very short time. And most actors want to flex their acting muscles to get something they can sink their teeth into unless they are a personality actor, like John Wayne. So he will side with the writers when they want to make him evil. He likes playing that over the helpless victim. I almost wonder if Carver is just going season 7 was a mess, I can't fix so lets just ignore it and start over. This is the same writer that gave such a great brother moment at the end of season 8 only to trash it at the beginning of season 9. This makes me wonder how much group think is in play and only the ones that agree get to voice their views. If the repeat and rinse it one more time, I really hope that season 10 is it. I think the real reason this show is so popular and look at Fanfiction net to see how many stories are written all the time over this show, is that it has so much heart , so much potential and sadly so much failure. They really need to drop the over use of bad sex jokes and just bad gore for gore sake and start crafting a strong story. I get that you will most likely only get 3 or 4 great ep, 3 to 4 good ep and some fair and some plan crap...but I wish they would collaborate better to tell strong stories. It's like the creative juices are not mixing well and what we get is a potluck. Some parts are really good and some you know just to skip. The one question I can't answer, is how can Carver create a half season that part of it is so solid and yet fail miserably on the other half. Sam's story could have been so strong, "I couldn't deal with you missing Dean and I just got in the car and drove off. I thought I would go back to searching, I really did each day it was on my mind to try, but I couldn't function because I couldn't deal with you being dead. I was so numb that I don't even know where or what I was doing until I met Amelia. She gave me a reason to get up but not enough to get back in the game." There are also so many other ways they could have done it but NOOOOOOOOOOO, they had to pick the worst one and the most shallow one. I think this is the major problem about Sam. It's always the shallow and most stupid excuse and no one can really buy it. On one hand I'm hopeful about next season and on the other, I'm cringing with dread. I've been waiting since season 4 for them to fix it, but I guess they never will. Darn it!
  19. H I figured out the Hey... but I didn't have time either so I figured I just wait to see who figured it out next. Does that make me evil. I'll Dittydotdot pick her letter. :)
  20. If I'm still checking out the show, most likely I will stay till the bitter end. By the way all the debate we do about the show, even the stuff we hate communicates how much we love the show. People that hate it, aren't watching and won't come back. I think sometimes that is why the flame the flames. The fans in a heated discussion, means ratings...right? :)
  21. Catrox14 I agree. Sorry but Dean isn't a Mary-Sue nor is he written as one. He's had flaws shown and has had help to do anything. To save the day at the end of Season two, John stepped in. Without that distraction, Dean couldn't have gotten his shot. A Mary-Sue doesn't need any help and isn't real. Is able to do it all and never fails. Dean isn't that. Wesley Crusher yes, he was a Mary Sue. If anyone they tried to write as a Mary-Sue at first it was Sam. He had all the traits that should have made him the favorite and yes I believe he was modeled to a degree from Kripke. Kripke left home and wasn't the popular one. I really think it shows that he sees Dean as one of his popular brothers that got all the good things. They wrote Dean one dimensional, but Jensen is a talented actor and reflects about the issues and adds the layers even if it wasn't written in the lines. Then I think they saw how talented he was and they started giving him better material which he could knock out of the park. This show has always shown that a loving marriage is not a good thing or something that can last. Again it's embrace the dark and forget about the light. To have a real balance show, you have to lean towards balance and that goes against Horror anyway and certainly against the shows writers. Sorry but in my opinion nothing you've stated sways me to see Dean as a Mary Sue. So I'll agree to disagree. Sam was suppose to go dark. The angel story was never suppose to happen, so yes we were suppose to see this wonderful person become a villain to save his brother. Dean was the bad boy that everyone loves to save. Simple as that. Not that strong of writing. But then again, neither was Star Wars. I remember watching the first movie and going this is the movie everyone is raving about? Why? It was really the end that everyone loved. I know some of the shows it is really the end that I love and remember fondly and some of the beginning and middle is just plain bad. Sam's character was destroyed in season 4 - 9. The hero aspect is gone for me. I don't like Sam that much at all. Dean wouldn't have drawn me in at first either. If I had met Dean in a bar, he would be fine for a few laughs but both brothers wouldn't be someone I would say this is a great guy. I blame bad writing for all of this. If there was a character that was moving into a Mary Sue, it would have been Bobby. It was why so many started hating him. He always had the answers, was always right and the other Mary Sue is Charlie. Dean's flaws, low self esteem, yes it is a big deal and only someone that doesn't deal with it would say it isn't. He drinks too much. He never thinks about the consequences before he acts, sometimes it has been a good move, but sometimes it has been deadly. Going to hell and the Mark of Cain, anyone. He backs down when he knows he is right because he doesn't always trust himself. He doesn't trust anyone and expects to be betrayed. The only one that hasn't was Benny. Not counting Garth and Charlie. He defends his friends and family to death even if it will harm him at the end, Cass at the end of season 6. Those that think Sam has been redeemed will never see this. Also those that have had a charmed life won't get how harmful a low self esteem is. In teaching I see the damage of low self esteem. All the trouble makers have such low self esteem that they become destructive so no one can see the pain they are hiding. I teach in a low income area but we do get a mix of high income. I laugh sometimes when the rich kids try to pretend they know how to be in a gang. They don't have a clue and it shows. Dean lies, to himself as well. He's been on suicide mission for a long time. He's okay with dying because he doesn't have something worthwhile. He see Sam as the one that can make it on his own. In fact Sam did. He left the family, was very successful, had the American dream until Jess was killed. If Jess hadn't been killed, Sam never would have left school and never have gotten close to Dean. It wasn't wrong that he left, never thought that was a problem. And as someone that barely talks to my family, I can totally relate to why it happened. But I also can see Dean's side of loving his family and needing them far more than they ever needed him. "What should be" really drives that one home. If you listen to his commentary, none of us would ever liked Dean. He didn't envision Dean, but Jensen added so much depth that he went with the flow. Again, we can agree to disagree. It will be interesting to see how everyone talks about Demon Dean next season. I think the reason that everyone felt Dean wasn't so awful this season was due to the acting skills, what was written on the page should have made us hate him. But Jensen's talent and skill keeps that from happening. Again, JMV Jared couldn't make us love Gadreel and Soulless Sam. I think the writers thought he could. Jared is good at small doses of playing evil. He is better with comedy and I think as an actor, he hates playing the old Sam. So I would love to see them write something that will make me respect Sam and love him again, but a line telling me he had the worst hell, and overcame all the bad he's done won't do it. I guess I should add I teach Debate and if I believe I can prove something, no one will change my mind and I'm fine if you don't get swayed either. Dang this post turned out way too long. Shame on me. ;)
  22. I might have a death wish...I kept working at a bank after we were robbed, we were only robbed 5 times in one year and I only experienced 3...might make a good story one day. So I kept trying to watch when I felt like it. But I know I missed a lot. I tuned into Lost to see the last ep even though I had totally stopped watching. I guess my one hope that springs eternal is that the brothers will finally like each other again and unite to fight the big bad. I guess when we get to the eps on season 7, I'll find out if I liked more than I think I do, but I only own seasons 1-5. I figured why buy the whole season when it most likely will be cheaper to buy the eps I like. I just have to figure out which ones those are! LOL.
  23. @DittyDotDot, Jensen talked about seeing his life size skittle portrait and how weird that was. So yes it would be weird but then again, it means they are working actors and can enjoy the perks of having a steady paycheck. I know at one time I wish I had been one, but alas I only know the experience of being the unemployed actor. It's why I finally turned to teaching. Nope I'm not the teacher that said I want to teach. I turned to it after being in several robberies when I worked at a bank and thought teaching was safer. Now I'm in what do I want to be when I grow up stage. :)
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