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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Faith and this one are really top notch for me, so I really think they were good partners. I wouldn't have minded to see what more she could have done, but I'm glad she was the writer for this one. It is one of my top favorites for all seasons. Of course I'm probably not a good judge for this genre, since I'm not a fan of this genre. I look for strong characters and interesting stories. This one is that and I think it works because of the relationships are so interesting to contrast against the norm for this show. Plus the monster is really interesting in this ep. Poor guy had to stay in the makeup until his job was over and people didn't want to serve him while he was wearing the makeup. I forgot how many days he had to deal with that. I'm sure people's reactions weren't fun to deal with.
  2. I'm sad, I have only a week before I have to go back to work...darn it. Teaching has it good moments but I'm not looking forward to my new room and the obstacles to deal with. I wish I had the money to just play all day. Yeah right...back to reality. Next week votes will shift to evening. -- A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Dream a Little Dream of Me + No Rest for the Wicked 35 - Mystery Spot 25 - Bad Day at Black Rock 24 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 24 - Jus in Bello 15 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 10 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers
  3. Actually he has always said something along the lines of don't send me work I can't do. I've read that many times. Now whether he seriously looked at any of the marvel stuff or not I don't have a clue. But his commitment to Supernatural has gotten stronger since Gamble isn't the show-runner. Not sure that Gamble is the reason as much as he made the decision to run with this show for as long as the show is enjoyable. He also said he was leaving the show when Krikpe left and well as we know that didn't happen. I think as long as he enjoys the environment and the show, he will stay. Why leave a definite pay-check if you're having the time of your life. But it will be interesting to see what he does after he leaves Supernatural, I just don't think this show will go on forever.
  4. Okay, I think my heart just stopped beating...He just keeps getting better and better...loved the comment he only had to be in makeup for 10 minutes. Just not fair and how can I decide which one is the best one? ;)
  5. Strap in for a ride on the Bittercake Express. How I love that! :) I think Krikpe was so surprised to find out how many hated it. Because it seems to me it really juiced up the fire splitting the fans in half. You have stated it in a very eloquent way and I really agree with this. I do try to fanwink it that it was Dean being there plus the car but I have to work soooo hard. I also don't really buy that Sam going into the cage was the better choice. There wasn't this huge fight of killing of thousands and if Dean had gone to Michael and tried to take control what would have been the end result. Everyone says it would end with sooooooo many deaths but would it really? I'm not so sure I buy that. So it sort of nulls Sam's great sacrifice. JMV.
  6. The problem is that Krikpe didn't think it up until when it aired. He wanted something special to direct which is made very clear in the commentary and it shows why other's had to point out that the brother's relationships was core to the show. I don't think he gets that. He just wanted to show the brother's not getting along so this ep is special due to the acting and tiny details and I think the writer did an excellent job. I do watch this one often and it still stands out. I think the one thing that is so sad is that no matter what world he lives in, he doesn't get to have both parents for long. Yes, he's told his dad had a normal death, but for Dean he didn't get to experience growing up normal with Dad longer than 4 years so it always hits me as he can either have his mom or his dad but he can't have both. I disagree with Dean's saying yeah I can see I did that about Sam's prom date. Dean might do some jerk things but usually it was to hide his feelings so people were distracted about what he was really thinking or feeling. I don't know if I can state this clearly. I don't see this one as Dean accepting his Dad's death. I see him understanding that if he has a happy life, other's suffer and why does he have to be the hero, why can't someone else do it. But his core belief won't allow other's to suffer so he takes it back by ending the fairytale life. He had gained so much, someone to love, cause he liked his nurse wife, was she the wife or girlfriend, I don't remember, he had Sam happy and his Mom was alive and he got to enjoy that. He thought he could get Sam to like him but then that girl keeps popping up to end it all. It's such a bittersweet ep and for me this ep is tied with In my time of Dying. It also shows that the best eps always have the best collaborations. Hopefully that makes sense.
  7. I think the frustration comes from Dean having a myth part and then it suddenly means nothing and I think adds fuel to the fire so to speak. Teaching debate and acting requires that you look at both sides, so I do see Dean being there as important. It just isn't satisfying for me. But I respect people opinions and as long as people are respectful, I don't mind revisiting it again. Someone might come up with an interpretation that I can see it in a new way. That's why I discuss things. Who knows I might even like season 7 a bit more than I once did and that is because of the discussions that have been shared that allowed me to see it differently and time heals all wounds anyway. However, I think Dean says it best at the end of Season 9 - "I'm proud of us" Both brothers have been shattered and in someways beyond repair but their love for each other helps them to rebuild and try again. I think this is the concept that pulls so many people in. I also am very aware that you can mean something when you say it and really think it is how you feel and at that moment it is the truth. But then a new moment shows up and it changes. That is how I look at Sam's, "I lied." I don't care which brother had the best or worst storyline, because what's been written is done. I do think one thing Jared said applies, "The fans forgive us" and I can as long as they improve on past issues. It's why I'm still sticking with the show.
  8. I guess the reason I used those words although I can agree with you, Is the ep...I forget the name where Crowley tests Dean. He gives Dean a chance to allow someone to kill Crowley and when Dean saves the man, although we later find out he is really a demon, Crowley thinks that proves Dean is loyal to him. Really Dean was trying to save the man and he still needed Crowley alive. I do believe Crowley hoped he could have Dean as a friend to go play with, at least until he got bored, being alone isn't always that fun even if you are doing all the things you enjoy. It is much more fun to share those things with someone and if Dean became his knight, he could mentor Dean and show him all kinds of new things. JMV but I don't think I'm really that far from yours either. I think to a degree Crowley is bored and if you can't beat the Winchesters because it's hazard to your lifeline, then getting them to join you is the next best thing. Having control of Dean also gives Crowley an edge to keep Sam from killing him. Crowley is very much attached to his head. Cas is more interesting when he is with the boys and I would love to see Cas and Crowley having a bit of a showdown. It might be funny in a twisted way to see both of them fighting over Dean.
  9. They better fix the car when Dean is back to being human. I can understand your weeping but so far everytime they've harmed Baby, she's been rebuilt better than ever...Dean will take care of it the question is when??? I saw Dean taking the mark because he was punishing himself, he felt the weight of the world on him and was basically it's the only way I can fix this mess, what I did to Sam and mostly to fix Kevin getting killed. Also Dean felt it wasn't his brother's fight, his words, so he falls back to old patterns of protecting brother and the end result his death...he just didn't know Crowley's plan. So if anyone will be blame...It's CROWLEY's fault...all of it. Sam you need to kill him or at least attempt to and only a very GOOD reason should stop it. But just because they made Crowley a regular doesn't mean he can't be gotten rid of it just gives him a bit more rights than a guest star. But the history of this show unless you are a brother be very scared, because they haven't brought Jim back that often and I know they like him as an actor, but there isn't a good reason to bring him back, yet. Evil I know. :)
  10. @ fourteenwords This is the can of worms for too many Dean fans...Sam was the special one for all 5 seasons and Dean gets a piece of the action when he gets pulled out of hell and supposedly he is part of the plan to save the world and then oops we don't need you. Then add into the mix, Sam's get's the worst hell experience and thus we whitewash everything bad he's done. Dean's time in hell get's lost because he didn't have it as bad as Sam. My problem with the show is I've never bought the theory that Sam's hell was sooooooooooo much worse. Bad is bad. What is bad for someone is just plain bad, there really isn't your pain is worse than mine because we just don't react to the same things, PERIOD. What may be almost impossible for one to get over is a picnic for another. So for me, Dean is the reason that Sam can take over Lucifer for a split moment. I just hate how the so called solution. It is also why I didn't care about Sam's time in hell. Both brothers have ownership in the problem, one breaks the first seal and the other one breaks the last seal...Hello it can't have gotten started if Dean hadn't been broken in hell. Before Season 5, I didn't really care which brother had the worst storyline, because both had important parts. But after season 5, I was sick of Sam's excuses of why he didn't really mean what he said or it wasn't really his fault. I blame the writing. Dark of the Moon had growth for Sam and it looked like he could finally see his brother's point of view and then poof we forget it all and start all over. I'm sick of let's start over. Both brothers have said something bad and done something bad to each other. Love is the reason they have survived the terrible things or they would have ended it a long time ago. Both brothers are important and it is time the show ends this seesaw back and forth. I can only speak for me but I can say that season 5 is the beginning of they gave Dean's storyline away again. I didn't feel that way until the end of season 5. I kept hoping I would be rewarded for continuing with the brothers united and fighting the fight together, which is how I wish oh how I wish they had done that in Season 5. the big bad in season 7 was a big fail for me. Honestly I just didn't care and I didn't care about poor limp Sam. I also didn't like Dean as the drunk but I continued on because a few shows would be enjoyable and so I would try to watch. 9 pulled me back in but I'm still leery of the shows direction. I hope I'll enjoy this next season more. Stopping because I think I don't know what on earth I just said, so if it made you upset, remember it's just my opinion, we do not have to agree. :)
  11. We must have voted very close together...glad you caught it and it was fixed. I liked Ghostfacers the first time I watched it and couldn't figure out why so many didn't, but repeat viewing just didn't hold up as well for me at least. I think the concept was a good one and I liked this version of them, because you get to love to hate them the two repeating characters. That's all I can think of to say.
  12. - Ghostfacers + No Rest for the Wicked -- Dream a Little Dream of Me 38 - Mystery Spot 27 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 25 - Jus in Bello 26 - Bad Day at Black Rock 22 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 09 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers I'll let someone that loves Ghostfacers an opportunity to give it a better send off. Personally I like all that is left, so the hard part is deciding which ones do I love more.
  13. + No Rest For the Wicked -- A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Ghostfacers 38 - Mystery Spot 27 - Jus in Bello 27 - Bad Day at Black Rock 26 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 08 - No Rest for the Wicked 03 - Ghostfacers Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright
  14. Both actors could walk as their contracts end this season and Jensen has made it clear as long as he is excited about the stories...I just don't see him being excited about rape and hopefully the writers are smarter than that. Jensen had a little control in Season 5 because Krikpe asked him about getting rid of the necklace so I would say this shows that they run the big stuff by the actors because really unhappy actors will kill a show. Also every interview I've seen, all have been so much upbeat about this, giddy almost unless Jensen was really tired after directing. So for right now I'll trust them to know which pitfall to avoid. The ones they have done that have been a bit tasteless has always been more a one up-man-ship. Almost we got away with that in that show let's see if we can push the bar a little bit more. They have always been protective of keeping Dean the hero. John not so much but they have to have a way to get back to that. Season 9 was the one where they could have gone too far and instead they seem to attack Sam instead to keep the spin of Dean's a hero but he is a bit out of control. I think that Demon Dean will be let's see what Dean would look like if he ever let his killer instinct loose and the demon's that tortured him in hell should be very scared. I think even Crowley should be a bit scared. I also agree that Crowley took Dean's control of death out of his hands by putting the blade in his hand. Now my question is, where on earth is that darn blade?
  15. Mara Daniels - the public defender...Looking at her as she gets into the car I wonder if she knows something the boys don't. Almost as if she was working behind the scenes to make sure the boys get away free, more than just redirecting the Hendricksen to the wrong grave. It's a fun ep and yes it has some issues but Sam demanding that they leave and Dean declaring he will stay on his own shows how each brother knows how to push their own agenda. Yes it is obvious that the boys are trying to be caught, now what does that say about the FBI? Love the blue steel photo with Dean and it does have some really fun moments.
  16. People that are good at building up walls will do it till they hit bottom. Then once they start talking they might not be able to stop. Dean drank to keep from talking and he wasn't really sleeping in season 4. But the writing also refuses to deal with the issues, so I can see both sides. I wish they had played out the mystery of who is after Dean longer instead of Sam turning bad due to his addiction of the demon blood. But then again it is always easier to see the mistakes they made in hindsight.
  17. I really doubt that Jensen would be okay with rape. I think he would make calls. So it has to be a fine line, something that he could go along with. Since he has said that he doesn't believe "I'm proud of us" has been destroyed at least not in the 1st three eps, I think they wouldn't go there. It would not be kid friendly and they do have a kid base of fans. I know on a soap it was a very popular pairing even though he had raped her. But even the soap took on a backlash for the pairing. Much later they actually dealt with it saying that they loved each other in-spite of what happened and they did over come it, and he regretted it. I can see him flirting having heavy sex and then when she asked him to call him, not doing it. Her promising I'll never do it with him again and giving in once again. Demon Dean enjoying being in control and not acting like Dean because he always puts the woman's feelings above his own. Most of the sex stuff that people have gotten upset about, I think it happened because the writers never thought about the consequences of what they were implying. But this show is weird about sex sometimes. Now if Demon Dean suddenly became bi, that would be something very different than Dean. Just hoping they don't really go too far, because as we have seen with Sam, once they harm a character, they are terrible at fixing it. But if they want to make sure the show only goes another season, well they could do something stupid.
  18. -- A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Ghostfacers + No Rest for the Wicked 38 - Mystery Spot 29 - Jus in Bello 28 - Bad Day at Black Rock 27 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 10 - Ghostfacers 09 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright
  19. Is it Season 4...trying to guess by Dean's hair. Doesn't look like Season 8...I suck at this game. :)
  20. I didn't join it live until season 4, so I have only seen a few tidbits about the earlier years. I just know as an actress, it sucks to have to eat on stage. Film is worse than stage acting and if you watch shows, look at all the actors that come up with reasons not to eat. Some are better at it than others. I do think Jensen is good at spitting it out when the camera isn't on him. Seems I recall an interview where he was trying to teach Misha how to do it and Misha was a poor student. Don't remember where or when I saw that.
  21. Yes you did. I would say No Rest for the Wicked is in my top 5. I think that Dream a Little Dream holds up and Bella is fun in this one. But I like Bella and think the Actress is really strong. My other top 4 not decided on the order yet, guess I will have to figure that out shortly I may just see how my mood strikes. Glad you joined us. Next season...oh dear I guess I have to rewatch to see which one is which not sure I even remember most of them.
  22. Well on the survival game I tried to keep it in the game as long as possible because it’s such a fun ep. But mostly I love Dean's beginning to think that being a PA sucks to finding out he is really good at it. It's like for one ep he's a little boy in heaven. Plus I like the story of them making fun of hunters killing ghost with salt and the girl having trouble screaming. How many girls have to scream in a stupid horror flick? It’s about time they showed how stupid a woman would think this part is. I do like how they make fun of the supernatural only to have it bite them in the butt. In real life we do this and then someone shows something that is difficult to explain. On the whole this is a tight show with only a few minor flaws. It’s meta without being too meta. I think it’s a fine line and if you cross over too far it stops being funny. Poor Jensen, I think this was the ep that got him stuck having to eat so much food in shows, one I’m sure at times he regretted. One or two is funny but when you have to film it...that’s a whole another can of worms. Love the sunset at the end as the boys walk off only to have it move showing it wasn’t real to begin with.
  23. Ghostfacers -- Jus in Bello + No Rest For the Wicked + 38 - Mystery Spot 30 - Bad Day at Black Rock 29 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 29 - Jus in Bello 24 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 15 - Ghostfacers 08 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright
  24. No, do you want a Hell NO? :) Join in, this point of the rules, you only get 1 + and when you vote down it's 2 -.. Also it is one vote per 24 hours. Any other questions just ask. Every vote is valid.
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