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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++ On the Head of a Pin ++Lazarus Rising -- Family Remains 21 - On the Head of a Pin 21 - Lazarus Rising 19 - The Monster at the End of This Book 17 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 15 - In the Beginning 15 - Metamorphosis 15 - Monster Movie 15 - Yellow Fever 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - I Know What You Did Last Summer 15 - Heaven and Hell 15 - After School Special 15 - Death Takes a Holiday 15 - Jump the Shark 15 - The Rapture 15 - When the Levee Breaks 15 - Lucifer Rising 13 - Family Remains 13 - Sex and Violence 13 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 09 - Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Did it and we agreed! I hate when people vote at the same time because it doesn't let you know it, I usually double check right after I vote and that's usually when I go darn, they voted before me, got to change my numbers. :) ETA: goofball, I forgot to change my own numbers! silly me. :)
  2. My only issue, part of the view is blocked by a hand. LOL. It would be fun to see Jensen in something else and hopefully it will happen soon. They found a way to do it for Jared and it would be nice if they could do it for Jensen, maybe the second half if they take away Jensen's storyline once again.
  3. -- Mystery Spot - A Very Supernatural Christmas 12 - Mystery Spot Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers No Rest for the Wicked Jus in Bello Bad Day at Black Rock A Very Supernatural Christmas Well I guess I did the deciding vote. I do prefer Mystery Spot over Christmas but they both have some really fun moments. I kind of like Bad Day at Black Rock more than the Christmas one but not really upset with how things ended between the final three. As far as wrapping Christmas presents with comics, well I've done that one by choice. Yes it is rare for me but sometimes it just seems like the perfect wrapping paper. That last scene gets you with the Christmas music and the toast. Mystery Spot is most likely one of my all time favorites and that Last hug from Sam gets you every time.
  4. + Mystery Spot -- A Very Supernatural Christmas I'm clear on which one is my top one. I like Bad Day at Black Rock and I will always love the line "I'm Batman" 14 - Mystery Spot 07 - A Very Supernatural Christmas Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers No Rest for the Wicked Jus in Bello Bad Day at Black Rock
  5. -- Mystery Spot -- A Very Supernatural Christmas + Bad Day at Black Rock 17 - Mystery Spot 10 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 08 - Bad Day at Black Rock Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers No Rest for the Wicked Jus in Bello
  6. But how, he can't even have his own name...so many people are already using it. But yes it might be fun to see him on twitter especially since he likes to play but I'm computer challenged. What a big tease for those of us that would enjoy it though. But I doubt he will do it, since he seems to be a private person.
  7. Okay, Jensen has been challenged, I want to see it. Misha of course he has to find a way to entertain. Loved the comment about one-upman-ship.
  8. -- Mystery Spot + Bad Day at Black Rock -- A Very Supernatural Christmas 23 - Mystery Spot 13 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 11 - Bad Day at Black Rock Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers No Rest for the Wicked Jus in Bello A moment of silence for Jus In Bello...I think the thing I really like about this one is the pace, and Hendrickson and Dean, they are just interesting. Although it does fall into the I'm shot but I can still do it almost as good as if I hadn't been shot. I like the introduction of Lilith and you don't really expect the ending. Although I still want to believe that somehow not all perished but maybe are alive somehow. Yes, I like happy endings, so what. :)
  9. -- Mystery Spot -- A Very Supernatural Christmas + Jus in Bello 27 - Mystery Spot 13 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 10 - Bad Day at Black Rock 02 - Jus in Bello Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers No Rest for the Wicked Dream a Little Dream of Me I'm shocked Jus in Bello lives for one more vote. :) yeah! I know my top vote but the battle for second place may depend upon my mood.
  10. Sniff No Rest for the Wicked - such a perfect ending and really haunting because you didn't know if they would really do it. Sam's grief vs Dean's screaming for someone to help him hits you hard. Lilith is so creepy. Since I won't be able to vote until evening tomorrow I'm sure Jus in Bello will be gone as well. I like Dream a Little Dream of Me but for me Jus and NRFTW is stronger. catrox14, I'm afraid if the one your trying to save gets voted off before you can vote you can't bring it back otherwise,none of the shows would be Mauled by a Hellhound. But I do feel your pain, I wanted them to last a bit longer but I knew the writing was on the wall but we did keep them alive for a bit longer, at least we can take a small bit of comfort in that. ;) Sorry @DittyDotDot, I just loved the other two more.
  11. The direction for Ben to act like Dean and be a mini dean was all director's choice. It wasn't written in the script. I disagree that Lisa and Dean didn't have chemistry...I've always liked them. I also saw it as tug a war, we had a thing you left and maybe it hurt her more so put up the boundaries and then give it a slight nudge at the end. I can agree the actor playing Ben wasn't the best, but a lot of KID actors aren't acting, they just play themselves and say some lines. It's why so many kid actors can't make the transition into Adult acting. When you're a kid, a lot of people will go aren't they cute and not have much in expectations. So on that part, I just shrug my shoulders and go with it. He certainly wasn't the worst I've seen. I know in Hawaii 5-0 Grace has grown on me and at first I was like couldn't they find one kid that can really act? But I laugh at the scene where Dean and Ben deal with the bully and totally get Lisa's reactions. I really haven't figured where this one is for season 3 but I never had a problem with Dean and Lisa. I know it's in my top group but I would have to sit down to figure out where. I really like Ruby at this moment, but then again very few shows surprise me. I remember watching a film and the whole time I kept saying watch this is going to happen and the guy sitting next to me was like how do you know. It was an awful movie and both of us agree so the whispering kept us entertained. Bad I know but we were in a cheap college movie. Anyway, I always laugh when they say they thought they had surprised us because they don't know how to be subtle. But I have always been one of the few that really liked Lisa and Ben and those that don't thats okay, but I always enjoy this ep when I watch it. @DittyDotDot I agree with a lot that you say. But I do love this ep.
  12. + Jus in Bello -- A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Dream a Little Dream of Me 28 - Mystery Spot 14 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 08 - Bad Day at Black Rock 04 - Jus in Bello 02 - No Rest for the Wicked 01 - Dream a Little Dream of Me Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers Can't save both so I went for the one I feel is stronger and I don't think the Christmas one is that far from Jus in Bello.
  13. The one spot I'll agree with you is in Kevin's death. I'm so sick of killing off characters we like, and if they are going to kill a villain don't waste them in the first place. My reaction to Kevin's death, was really you did it again...man I'm sick of it. However when Jensen was trying to tell Kevin how sorry he was, I was pulled in and I even kind of enjoyed Kevin's response. So I do hope they stop these unnecessary deaths. They become pointless. I get when these writers were growing up - you never killed of important characters but going to the extreme doesn't make good drama or keep viewers. It's one of the main reasons I stopped watching Lost very early in the run of a series. Usually I stop watching more than I stay. But Jensen pulls me back in with his acting skills. If he left the show, I would be gone in a heartbeat. Misha I enjoy but his character is kinda of flat lately so it just isn't a reason to keep watching. I'm hoping they've heard the fans because I've read so many that are tired of the angst. I understand the new viewers and teenagers not feeling the same, but they need to bring the adventure and fun back into the show. I'm hoping the Demon Dean storyline will do that.
  14. -- Dream a Little Dream of Me + No Rest for the Wicked +Jus in Bello 27 - Mystery Spot 17- A Very Supernatural Christmas 12 - Bad Day at Black Rock 04 - Jus in Bello 04 - No Rest for the Wicked 04 - Dream a Little Dream of Me Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers
  15. Well, some like to take the clones home and sometimes don't return them in good shape. We can't have the real ones harmed now can we? If you hurry you can ask them to mix it all up and watch them do a lovely salt and burn because the darn old biddy has been haunting the school house. But you do have to get there before sunrise. Of course Dean may flirt with you while Sam rolls his eyes. Try not to damage them too much, please. Clean up is a mess. :)
  16. For a limit time only, as only can be found in the Supernatural world, the flavor of you choice is available for the next 24 hours. Hurry while supplies last, Dean or Sam clones may be serving you if you are lucky enough to enter while they are on duty. ;)
  17. Actually it is interesting to see why people vote for what. I always took Dean's speech even with the yelling is saying Stop. We aren't killing someone as it's wrong. Do I think this ep is perfect nope. But it has two guest stars that I like and how I wish we found out that Hendricksen somehow survived. But I said this one would be an interesting ride because I didn't think we were really going to agree this season but I do know which one is my negative vote. LOL. But season three certainly has a better season than it might have since it was cut short due to the writer's strike. Ruby was suppose to be the character that everyone loved to hate. They thought they were being sneaky but I don't think too many were fooled and she certainly knew how to pull the heart strings. But I can forgive her part since Lilith is just soooooooooo creepy.
  18. Well, I like it a bit better than the first few times, but no it's not a great one for me. Listening to Kim Manners talk about his approach to directing brought it up, but in some ways I would put it close to Red Sky...yes I'm one that likes half of it. The old lady...no. The bar fight to get the wife out and how they use the holy water to fight...plus Dean and Sam's conversations ...plus Bobby and Sam trying not to hit Dean when he puts his foot in his mouth...priceless The end scene with Dean and Sam...awesome. But why don't I still love it, The deadly Sins. Maybe it was because they crammed too much into it. But once you get to the house...not so great. I needed to see the sins as a bigger powerhouse than they were. On one hand they are taken out really easily. Yes there is one death and it is not a death I want to watch, and I don't really care about them that much. I liked this Ruby and thought her entrance was interesting but did they really surprise me with she is bad...nope knew pretty quick but I did say okay go with it, what reasons will make Sam cave and work with her. So if you want to kick my butt...well...I don't fight like a girl...I have brothers. :) Perhaps a I can give you some ice cream instead? What flavor? ;)
  19. Well for me Jus in Bello is strong because you have the argument that both people love to say, Save the one over the many or save the majority even if you have to sacrifice a few. I just love how smug Dean is, and the ep is pretty tight with pacing. Ruby I really like in this one. I really see how they play the line that I'm here to see you win but when they lose at the end, she realizes that Lilith is the only way to go after-all. Or you could say she played the boys but good. Dean is shot and they Save Hendricksen from the Demon, that toilet scene is funny and scary in one breath. Dean's plan would have worked except for one weakness, the least experience guarding the one door that one little demon escaped out of it. You have Sam being so sweet and coaching the Girl to give him the towel then scaring her to death to get the cross for protection. No Rest for the Wicked over Dream a Little Dream...The last scene with Dean going to hell and Sam finding out that Lilith couldn't harm him, yet he couldn't save his brother because he had to be upset in order to make his powers work. It's the one thing they kept consistent through season 2 - 3. Why the Christmas one isn't so much higher for me, yes but, getting it out of the way first. The last scene with the brothers is a killer and it is pretty prefect. But the pace for the rest of it isn't as smooth. Plus they did what with Santa in front of a little boy. With all the deaths in real life...Well it lowers it a bit. I can understand how I can be outvoted. But once the few I'm fighting to save are gone...well I can be evil too! :)
  20. @Amerilla, I like Season 9 and the second half has some really good eps. There are a few in the first part. Can you do itunes? You can select the one you want to buy and only have to buy a few. I don't think 9 is the weakest and there are fans that agree. I don't think you have to watch too many before the last few, I mean it is the usual in this verse, many stand alones and a few that really dig into the myth arch. You do need to watch First Born and it gives a summary of what happened that you can decide if you want to watch more. has a list of ep and a short summary. Slumber Party, Bad Boys and Rock and A Hard Place are strong ep IMO. The last time I bought a season was Season 5 and I'm thinking about buying Season 9. I wouldn't say the same for 6-8. Those season's I would only buy the eps I like. Every season has some really strong ones, a few good ones and some you should skip. The problem is that as fans we don't agree which ones those are. So it depends on your taste. I find the first half weaker of season 9. Not sure if anything I said was helpful, but many fans feel that season 9 is stronger. Hence the rating increase.
  21. I think this one became an issue of look how well Jensen can act these scenes and then they just started writing more. Yes he can do the really dramatic but Dean is a mixture and I really wish they would get back to the mix of having fun and fighting the good fight to save people. This is the Dean I like the most. But on the other-hand, I know that as a writer sometimes things are happening in your life you just focus on the negative and then the writing gets more negative. It seems on the whole a lot of writers are writing a much darker world and it naturally brings up angst. Sam just doesn't do the angst scenes as well unless he is grieving. Maybe the reason they stopped with the Sam Pov was because they believe he would take to heart Dean's words in Season 1 "No chick Flick moments" At first Dean was the one that had all the secrets and he still does...but they started showing his feelings and then stopped showing Sam's. They do a few times if the storyline requires it but the way they write Sam, I find myself liking Dean more, despite his weaknesses.
  22. + Jus in Bello + No Rest for the Wicked -- A Very Supernatural Christmas 27 - Mystery Spot 19 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 12 - Bad Day at Black Rock 07 - Jus in Bello 03 - No Rest for the Wicked 03 - Dream a Little Dream of Me Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers @catrox14 you're babies will live for another two votes...but yes I'm afraid the writing is on the wall and I think Jus in Bello should be a bit higher but I seem to only agree with the top one.
  23. + Jus in Bello -- Dream a Little Dream of Me + No Rest for the Wicked 29 - Mystery Spot 21 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 16 - Bad Day at Black Rock 10 - Jus in Bello 05- Dream a Little Dream of Me 05 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers
  24. + Jus in Bello -- Dream a Little Dream of Me + No Rest for the Wicked 31 - Mystery Spot 21 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 18 - Bad Day at Black Rock 15 - Jus in Bello 11 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 07 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers
  25. -- A Very Supernatural Christmas -- Bad Day at Black Rock + No Rest for the Wicked 33 - Mystery Spot 23 - A Very Supernatural Christmas 22 - Bad Day at Black Rock 20 - Jus in Bello 14 - Dream a Little Dream of Me 09 - No Rest for the Wicked Mauled by a Hellhound: Bedtime Stories Malleus Maleficarum Red Sky at Morning The Magnificent Seven Sin City Long Distance Call Time is on My Side Fresh Blood The Kids Are Alright Ghostfacers
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