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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Dean kept asking Sam questions as he was the expert, so yes it is how I think the show meant it and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :) But isn't this what we do? We take a fun show and twist, and squeeze every drop of possibility from it until it makes our heads hurt. So I think they like giving us questions to see if we can turn it into a SAT question. I mean what would be the fun in just enjoying the moment and not looking at all the issues we would fix, if we could be in control. :)
  2. The first place I went was the Star Trek Ep. Kirk learned he couldn't be the captain without his dark side, I think Charlie needed to learn she was a better person whole vs. being all good. So I guess that is why on some level it worked for me. I think stronger directing was needed to bring out the depth of characterization and some places the writing just didn't help. I really liked Charlie's line, "How's that working for you?" She's always been like the little sister to Dean and she was willing to prove that she wasn't going to stop looking. Hunting down leads is something she can do and at the same time give her the space she needs to get over the issues when she looks at Dean. It is one thing to get it in your head and even the heart, but she will have nightmares and that is when she won't handle it so easily being around Dean. So I liked how they gave her time and space to deal with what happened. Sam found a lead, a rare book. so she took the info because she's good at that. This allows Sam to focus on something else. JMV I didn't have a problem with him trying SAM's diet. I saw it as that. This is what Sam does to keep him calm...is it working...Nope. It is also very absurd but I can see him thinking that is can work for Sam...maybe it could work for me? Right? Sometimes we think if we do what someone else is doing and they established last season that Sam teaches yoga...that it will help him stop. The part with Dark Charlie, I saw him desperate to save her because of course that means he can be saved. Also believing that she wouldn't lie to him and his brain finally caught up too late. When you allow the heart to rule, it can mess up your judgment. I get this, as I know someone that I tried for years to believe they would change, that they wouldn't lie to me, only to discover once again I was a chump. It is a real life moment. I agree that Dean not seeing his baby following is stupid. But bad writing always shows up someplace in an ep, so I just went with it. I'm not sure, but maybe the reason the show worked so well for me, is that I didn't watch it in order and I was really exhausted when I watched it. So the pace worked and I didn't try to be that deep with it. Seeing the ending first, I wanted to know how on earth Charlie got so beat up. I started out in the bunker, so I rewound to the beginning and I found myself really liking it. I might feel differently when I watch it later when I have more time, but for now I think it wasn't as bad as some say. JMV! :)
  3. ++ First Born ++ Bad Boys -- Meta Fiction - Just voting down Metratron...I want him gone...I'm sure there is something good in the ep but I'm so ready for Metratron to die!!! Does that make me evil? 23 - First Born 19 - Bad Boys 17 - Mother's Little Helper 17 - Dog Dean Afternoon 15 - Devil May Care 15 - Heaven Can't Wait 15 - Holy Terror 15 - Captives 15 - Meta Fiction 15 - King of the Damned 15 - Slumber Party 15 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann 13 - Meta Fiction 13 - Blade Runners 13 - Road Trip 13 - King of the Damned 09 - Stairway to Heaven 07 - The Purge Off in the Veil with Kevin Bloodlines Rock and a Hard Place Do You Believe in Miracles? I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here I'm No Angel #THINMAN Sharp Teeth
  4. Yes, there are some bits that make you shake your head, like the trail they left behind but hopefully someone wiped it clean so it won't be so easy to trace it back to Charlie and Dean. I really liked this one. Yes the anvil was there comparing Dark Charlie to Dark Dean, but I found the pacing worked and it felt enjoyable. I even want to watch it again and that is nice. Also Charlie didn't easily find all the answers and really had to have some help. On rewatch I'm sure I'll find more weak spots but for the most part I really enjoyed it. Then I like Charlie most of the time. I really loved the last shot with Jensen. I thought using the camera angle really worked and made that last shot powerful. Dean trying so hard to find a solution and failing. But I really liked that he now has three people saying your not alone and Charlie calling him on his bull worked for me. Looking forward to the next one too.
  5. I would be fine if Metatron never showed up again. Armstrong is acting isn't the problem...I'm just not that interested in the character. I don't fine Dean hot when he tortures, period. Never have. I would rather see him using his knowledge to get information and see the mark interfering with it if that is the direction they wanted to go, but the gore on this show is out of control and I rather liked it when it was less. However Jensen is looking hotter this season to me and there are some photos of Dean's character that is really hot this season and last. But do I like the violence or think I want to see him loosing control, Nope not at all. So on one hand I can understand Sam's horror and now that the shoe is on the other foot, I hope he will show some understanding of Dean's past treatment. Sam isn't handling that well, but his one speech to Dean to find the control from him was the only part I liked. I still have to watch the entire ep...due to situation's beyond my control I haven't had time to watch it all. But so far I really don't like what they have done with Claire.
  6. First Born ++ Bad Boys ++ Slumber Party ++ 25 - First Born 17 - Bad Boys 15 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann 15 - Blade Runners 15 - Road Trip 15 - Devil May Care 15 - Heaven Can't Wait 15 - Holy Terror 15 - The Purge 15 - Captives 15 - Mother's Little Helper 15 - Meta Fiction 15 - King of the Damned 15 - Dog Dean Afternoon 15 - Slumber Party 13 - Stairway to Heaven 11 - Sharp Teeth 07 - #THINMAN 01 - I'm No Angel Off in the Veil with Kevin Bloodlines Rock and a Hard Place Do You Believe in Miracles? I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here Just got back and most likely wont vote tomorrow. I have mixed feelings about this season, it made me start watching live which I had stopped, so I do like it. But I won't have time for repeat watching so mine will be coming from what I remember. First Born has such a strong storyline and the acting between the three is so compelling for me, so yes for me it is the top one. I agree with Sue B on her send off's. Jensen's work this season is so strong. The death scene is tragic and pulls the heart strings. Loved Crowley's last speech. But since they ended Demon Dean in 3 eps, I found myself asking what was the point? Dean's cry for help, Tahmoh playing Gadreel which was really interesting vs Jared. Sam's storyline however is such a mess, that I totally get why it is already gone. I wish the writing team could pull off their ideas. They have some really good ones this season but too many WTF, that it really destroys so many points. It feels so disjointed instead of flowing smoothly together. The angel war needs to die and Crowley really shouldn't last much longer. But somehow I still love to hate him so I guess I can take him being here, for now. I doubt I will agree upon the outcome this season, but that is fine who says fans have to agree? :)
  7. Funny I thought about Dean running away and meeting up with Benny. Benny's reactions not being positive to see him there. So I guess we must have a bit of the same wave length. :)
  8. I'm fine if Claire left and never showed up again. Loved Dean being dark... and the scene with Sam and Dean. But if they put Dean on the back burner to give Sam a storyline I won't like it. Why not try something new, two brothers equally fighting the battle together...Although finally seeing Sam trying to be the care taker is a nice payback since Dean has done it for him for years. Talk about stupid, leaving Dean alone with Metratron. Although I would be fine if he left the show. Not exactly interesting and I have to admit I didn't even care that Dean was torturing him. Was I really suppose to? ETA: I really only had time to watch the last half. I have to leave town so I'll have to watch it all later. But do they really have to work so hard to make Sam and Cas look so stupid. How many times are we suppose to buy Dean on his own to create drama. example how differently would it have been if Sam had to meet Claire on her own?
  9. -- Everybody Hates Hitler + Hunteri Heroici 23 - Everybody Hates Hitler 05 - Hunteri Heroici Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother A Little Slice of Kevin LARP and the Real Girl As Time Goes By What's Up, Tiger Mommy? Goodbye Stranger The Great Escapist Pac Man Fever Well no tie this round. I'll give hunter one last upvote for the idea of cartoons. Sobs, Sniff I couldn't save you Pac Man...lol on one hand I laugh because it was the first game I played, not great I never really got into the video game. But the hug with Dean & Charlie...Lucky girl! I know there is so much more to say but too choked up right now to give a proper goodbye. I don't know how to do gif's but maybe @Catrox 14 can find the perfect one. @Sue B I too Love Robbie McNeil and think he is a strong director which got his training ground on Voyager. I wished he had continued acting but alas he went behind the camera. Jensen's story of how he got into directing is very similar.
  10. Oh I laughed and I'm not offended either, but I know when I watch stuff it is amazing how much gets by the censors today. Kripke said they sent stuff that was worse to get what they wanted, so that might be why they are so successful at it. Anyhow it has been nice seeing them trying to find more support for this show and the internet is fine since it is how younger viewers discover stuff. So I've enjoyed seeing these ads. :)
  11. Just started to watch and I liked it. I liked Kane in Leverage. It is clean, fun and not expecting deep stories but am interested in seeing where it goes from here. The humor and adventure keeps me checking back. If fate does have a hand in what happens, wouldn't they be better off together...lol.
  12. I'm not really sure they are censoring anything like they should anymore. Watching some shows in the early hours and it has plenty of stuff that shouldn't be allowed during young eyes. But they seem to get a lot of stuff past the censors that really shouldn't have been allowed. I guess it's the parent's job or they feel they no longer have to do it...
  13. Yes I laughed when I heard that. Sam man up and kill him already. wishful thinking not spoiler... So will the last one be Jensen...IT BETTER!
  14. I just like looking at your waiting gift. lol. Wish Pac Man had more love...oh well Can't have everything we want can we...pouts...why not? :)
  15. -- Hunteri Heroici + Pac Man Fever -- The Great Escapist 26 - Everybody Hates Hitler 14 - Hunteri Heroici 10 - Pac Man Fever 05 - The Great Escapist Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother A Little Slice of Kevin LARP and the Real Girl As Time Goes By What's Up, Tiger Mommy? Goodbye Stranger All the ideas sound good. :)
  16. Sam isn't prepared to be the caregiver. Also he is quite aware that Dean on his own won't be a good thing, as the two times he's been on his own in the last two season's he got the MoC and paired up with Crowley for a partner. The entire series it has shown Sam having his eyes opened to how much Dean took care of him, protected him when he wasn't really aware of the weight it put on Dean. He was allowed to think like a kid, Dean wasn't. As an older sibling I can get this. My little brother and sister don't see what I did to help out when they were little. I doubt they see it even now...but like Dean I willingly chose to do it. I also realize that when I left it left - a hole that they didn't know how to deal with my parents because I had always stepped in when it got rocky. Like Sam when I left I didn't think about it, but for the first time put myself first. It was weird. So I can get it is weird for Sam to be in the shoes of looking after his brother and not really getting how to do that. Dean had years to learn how to do that, Sam hasn't had that long in the scheme of things. So seeing him floundering is realistic for me. Sam for the first time may also understand why Dean did step in and saved his life instead of just letting him die. But he has a bigger issue...If Dean dies, he won't go peacefully to heaven, he will become a Demon. If he fails and goes to heaven, he will still have the knowledge of what he couldn't do to live with. Which would be the worst part...because he (Sam) was saved from being a demon. For me in a way Sam is in John's shoes. John understood what would happen to Sam and the weight of how it killed his wife, destroyed his family and he was driven to stop it with the only way he could do it, which was revenge and kill the demon. If he could kill the demon he could somehow save Sam. It is twisted logic but it is how I see John, JMV. Sam gets what will happen to Dean, and he knows that when it was reversed he asked Dean to kill him. Demon Dean told Sam do you have the guts to kill me. Sam failed just like Dean did, though to be fair Sam was possessed. The richness of this complex storyline could be really interesting. Just not sure they will use it which is why I remain hopeful but ready for bitter disappointment.
  17. The writers are really weird. They don't cave on certain issues even if it isn't good for the storytelling and yet cave on others. If they wanted to really switch it up. they should just go for it. Their love of flashbacks to tell parts of the story that would actually be better if it was done in real time...I think the fans could support Dean and Sam separate if it was organic and it felt as if it was designed to create a new resolution to explore an interesting dynamic of the brother's relationship. A twist that we didn't see coming. Instead we get a lot of rinse and repeat and story lines that are rushed and aimless for the most part. I keep hoping I'm wrong...but just when I think it might be a breath of fresh air, boom they go backwards. And then they anger another part of the fandom. You can't please everyone, so tell your story in a way that moves it forward. Of course it would help if they didn't kill off the more interesting characters. If Jensen didn't pull me in, I don't know that I would still be here. But I also root for each show runner to do it well. I want them to succeed. I just wonder if they didn't try to cater so much to a section of the fandom, if the stories would be better?
  18. Hunteri Heroici -- Everybody Hates Hitler -- The Great Escapist -- 26 - Everybody Hates Hitler 20 - Hunteri Heroici 15 - Pac Man Fever 14 - The Great Escapist 09 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 03 - Goodbye Stranger Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother A Little Slice of Kevin LARP and the Real Girl As Time Goes By
  19. -- Everybody Hates Hitler + As Time Goes By + Pac Man Fever 27 - Everybody Hates Hitler 23 - Hunteri Heroici 18 - Pac Man Fever 15 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 15 - The Great Escapist 08 - Goodbye Stranger 07 - As Time Goes By Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother A Little Slice of Kevin LARP and the Real Girl Well I liked LARP and I guess that's what happens when you miss a day. I liked the end moment when Dean is sure that Sam won't let him play and instead Sam agrees and surprises Dean by saying "I think it will be good for both of us." Dean of course acts like he doesn't really want to but will do it since Sam declares it would be good for them both. I liked some of the bits and it was fun. Plus I really like stuff that deals with medieval stuff. LOL> As Time Goes By, I liked Henry. Is there some issues, sure but I understood Dean being upset to learn that Henry felt the job was more important than family and Dean would never choose family over the job. Even though John basically did the same thing, I think it really hits Dean in the face. Do I agree with where they ended up, NO, but alas my vote couldn't save them. I'm really clear that my votes of the best for this season doesn't agree with what has happened. But hopefully I will agree more in season 9.
  20. -- Everybody Hates H... + LARP -- Goodbye Stranger 27 - Everybody Hates Hitler 26 - Hunteri Heroici 23 - Pac Man Fever 19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19 - The Great Escapist 15 - LARP and the Real Girl 14 - Goodbye Stranger 12 - As Time Goes By Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother A Little Slice of Kevin
  21. Interesting that they have to buy really expensive Jeans. Suits I can get and yes I do know someone that found some real jems in the thriftstore...but do I buy that for everything...Nope. Wish it was so easy in real life...lol.
  22. Everybody Hates Hitler -- Hunteri Heroici -- LARP and the Real Girl + 28 - Everybody Hates Hitler 26 - Hunteri Heroici 23 - Pac Man Fever 22 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 18 - Goodbye Stranger 18 - The Great Escapist 15 - As Time Goes By 05 - A Little Slice of Kevin Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Trial and Error Sacrifice Blood Brother sniff, Blood Brother bit the dust. Oh how I enjoyed Benny and Dean being badass together. How Dean used Sam's voice as bait. Still think the best thing about 8 was Benny & Dean. This is my debate side kicking in, I don't care if you agree with me, it is what I enjoyed about 8. I did like Charlie this season and I always like Charlie with Dean. But since you killed my eps, I can cause havoc with the top 2. :)
  23. -- Trial and Error ++ Blood Brother -- Everybody Hates Hitler 29- Everybody Hates Hitler 29 - Hunteri Heroici 21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - Pac Man Fever 21 - As Time Goes By 19 - The Great Escapist 19 - Goodbye Stranger 11 - A Little Slice of Kevin 09 - Blood Brother 03 - Trial and Error 03- Sacrifice Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver We Need to Talk About Kevin Clip Show Freaks and Geeks Citizen Fang Well Citizen Fang I couldn't save you but I don't agree with your placement. I doubt I will this season. The first half with Dean and Benny is the part I liked, skipping Sam moments is easy for me since I always did that when I watched Soaps, like General Hospital. I only watched the storylines I liked and ignored the rest. Not my favorite season by far but the moments I will miss. Benny and Dean kicking butt together. Benny forcing Dean to talk to his brother about him. I think he knew Dean well enough to know he wouldn't have talked to Sam about him. Dean being a badass and I even get Benny's stupid about the girl. I loved the moment with the phone. For me Sam is in character when he meets Benny because he knows how bad it went when he ignored Dean about Ruby.
  24. Someone else came up with this, but I can't remember where I read it, but in some ways it makes sense in a weird way. Why did John show up in Home but not Faith. When Sam calls he isn't broken. He's upset and he is letting his father know what is up, but he is determined to fix it. They argued since Sam felt he could find a solution John felt he could stay away. Good idea of course not. However when Dean calls, he is loosing it, and letting his Dad know he can't deal with it. He isn't in a place of I can deal with it but asking for help. John shows up but doesn't let the boys know he looking after them. I think the writers messed up really because they felt the more they made mention of John the more it became about finding John and not about two brothers hunting things and saving lives. I guess my main thing is seeing the growth in John in My Time of Dying. Do I think he was a great Dad, NO. But I think he was messed up and really felt his only way to get the Demon and save the boys was to make sure he kept the Demon off their trail. We also get the one ep where the Demons use Sam & Dean as bait. So he has reasons to believe that he could harm his sons by being with them. He knows that the Demons know his only weakness is his sons. He's in a rock and hard place and he doesn't trust anyone. Also I wonder if he feels as if anyone that helps him, he is poison and the only real solution is to be alone. He has a mission to do and only the mission counts. This is a mindset of the military and is shown on TV shows all the time. Plus messed up people have warped thinking and I think John did love his boys but then again did he even know what love looked like other than Mary? To me this is what makes the show so interesting. The characters are so complex and as much as I really get upset with some of the things John did, I also love to hate him. I wish that Dean could get some closure with his Dad...he really needs it, especially now. By the way I'm the middle child and the one that was responsible for two younger siblings. So I can relate to Dean and sometimes Sam. Our family life is very dramatic...it makes movies look normal...but I have found that my relationship with my mother has healed in many ways. But even as a young child I knew that she didn't know better, she did the best she could and had been given really bad role models on some things and good ones on others. Sometimes the mixed messages really created a mess. So to some extent I see Dean being the smart one that can read his dad. Does that mean that he forgives him for everything, no but maybe it allows him to accept him better than Sam. Now that he is older he is less accepting of some things because he has taken some blinders off...if that makes any sense. JMV.
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