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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Right now Jensen is winning! hee hee...what will he do to Misha if he does and if Misha wins what will he do??? lol. Still raising more. It seems if you're on supernatural and liked you can get some strong following. There is another project they are trying to get noticed and I admit it looks interesting. The trailer is on Jensen's twitter page and several other's as well. It features Dr. Sexy. lol
  2. ++ Henry Winchester ++ Lisa ++ Charlie 27 - Henriksen 25 - Jody 23 - Kevin 19 - Pamela 19 - Bela 19 - Mrs. Tran 17 - Frank 17 - Chuck 15 - Lisa 15 - Jessica 15 - Charlie 13 - Ed 13 - Harry 13 - Karen Singer 13 - Adam 11 - Henry Winchester 09 - Ben 07 - Claire Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole
  3. It is time for someone else to die. End of 8, Sam's near death, End of 9, Dean dies...the history of the show doesn't go back and forth and usually there is something between the next round of Sam and Dean. So Crowley's Mom...could be a given. But then again they could let her stay for a bit so we have a woman in the cast. Cas dying would solve the pesky Cas lost his grace and is dying anyway. So if he sacrificed his life to save Dean that would be the best way for him to go out. I guess the only thing that would be the big reveal has Cas been given series regular again for season 11. Poor Misha, isn't his track record he gets season regular only to have his role end? And I hate to say this but usually they don't really surprise us. Dean going to hell the first time might have been the big one they pulled off, but everything else has been pretty easy to spot coming. Now if they are trying to do something we are expecting and trolling us so we can't guess that might be a slim chance...but I doubt it. If they brought back JDM that would be a surprise, but so far I think that is just wishful thinking.
  4. Okay don't shoot me for asking but 20 years from now will he still shock us with his good looks? I ask because so many don't keep their great looks after 50ish. But he certainly has the chance because so far he has just gotten better and better. Just wondering so only time will tell. :) I do love his green eyes in that photo...so he definitely needs to wear more blue jean jackets. Dang, does he ever take a bad picture? I wish I could say the same. :) https://twitter.com/JensenAckles The pic is a hoot, Jensen and Misha fighting for Zapit award. lol check it out.
  5. Oh it wasn't mean, just kind of joking back and forth. I can't remember where I saw it and I'm probably making it bigger than it was. I think the 2 goof balls like giving each other a hard time, but it's all done with teasing. Which is how I see Jensen giving it back. I don't think there is really any real heat about whose gotten what.
  6. Dean is a hero. Having low self esteem doesn't mean you don't get back up and try again. The rotten to the core is from the time he's spent as a demon...IMO. He's had plenty of people tell him that he has way too much courage and it is the root cause of him getting the MoC. His desire to do good, to keep fighting no matter what goes on, is also very much part of his being. People are complex and having two feeling that don't mix is often seen in people with self esteem issues. Dean hasn't run from a worthy fight, he embraces it and even though he has thought some really negative stuff about him he's had Cas, Sam, Charlie, Bobby, Jody, Ellen and the list goes on telling him that he is someone worthy. Even Crowley told him he was worthy and not as a killer IMO. I don't see Dean seeing himself as a killer but a realist that the work he does will kill him one day. He can't cure the MoC so he wants to do as much positive stuff in the world as he can and go out swinging. That's a hero, he's not running away and hiding hoping that Sam and Cas can fix it. It's why I like Dean, he is a mixture of so many characterizations and has dealt with really dark issues that would drive most of us crazy if these issues were real. Learning to believe in yourself if hard and difficult. I'll give this one over share example. For years I thought I was stupid. In fact my belief of how stupid I am was so strong that I couldn't get why my students couldn't do the simple things I did. It took a lot of people trying to get me to see how smart I am. There weren't any learning disabilities when I was growing up and all I heard way too many times is how stupid I am. I finally believed it. I now know I have some issues that makes it hard. In 2006 I decided to start writing stories to see if I could get over the idea that "I'm too stupid to write" I stuck with it, and even though I have to stop and google words to figure out how to spell them and do I have the right word, I've improved a lot. I can now write, where before I wouldn't have bothered to share my thoughts on screen, because I would be "too stupid" to do it right. Now I try. I still fail sometimes, but I try. Dean is doing the same thing and I think the really important part of the last ep, was for Dean to start seeing he can ask forgiveness for what he has done and it is okay for him to believe he is worthwhile. So for me Dean is a hero...because I get how hard sometimes it is too keep up the fight when everything in your soul tells you just quit. Don't know if any of that makes any sense and luckily today we can't tell students they are stupid, we have to try to see what can we do to help them, but sometimes we still fail.
  7. Hopefully season 10 will be the end of that and that with the brothers on solid footing, they can get back to the fun and hope. At least that's my story and I'm sticking with it! So there! said in the little brother Sam's voice. lol. (not sure what is wrong with me today? - my weird sense of humor, perhaps.)
  8. Oh I agree Jensen has been smart and hasn't had the issues Jared has for not thinking before he tweets. I think this is part of his personality. I don't think Jensen is really shy but a thinker. He said he thought the best way to learn was just to shut up and listen and see what is happening. Honestly you learn a lot when you can do that. So he has watched the mistakes Jared has made and learned. Although he certainly is getting some grief about his dancing pics with Misha. lol. So he can be spontaneous when the time hits him. I too have been voting for Jensen, so it will be interesting to see what happens as they are close and not that far apart. If Jensen wins you can bet he will come up with a payback of sorts since Misha won the PCA and rubbed it in Jensen's face. :)
  9. If Carver is doing his job...I think there are many subtle things in this season that will show how the inner struggle will allow for something better. The key to thought is will they do this? Life is a lot like onions. You don't make the big changes and keep them, you take off a layer and think you've done it. When bam the next issue pops up to show that you still have more work to do on that little old issue you thought you had finish with. So you start the process once more. So if they are peeling off the layers and allowing Dean to move forward where he can truly laugh at his goofs/mistakes and see that he does deserve more from his relationship and create new relationships I'm fine with that. I just want to see the fun back in hunting and some glimmer of hope. That is why I liked the beginning years more, because although it was dark at times, the boys had hope they could do this. I want to see the hope come back to life. JMV
  10. Henry Winchester ++ Charlie ++ Lisa ++ 21 - Henricksen 21 - Jody 21 - Kevin 19 - Pamela 19 - Bela 19 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Chuck 17 - Lisa 15 - Jessica 15 - Ed 15 - Harry 15 - Karen Singer 15 - Frank 15 - Charlie 13 - Henry Winchester 13 - Adam 11 - Ben 09 - Claire Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole
  11. Acting in different countries is also different styles. Some are much bigger than life like stage acting and some are much softer. So it could be that the actress had trouble with the transition but I wish she had taken your suggestion and the blame lies with a good director. You have to be willing to let them know that it is too much. Can you be a bit more subtle. It could be she was giving what she thought they wanted and now that fan interaction has occurred they are adjusting the performance. But however it happened, I liked her more this last time, I just think with her less is more. The more I see her the more I want her dead, gone and hit the door and don't come back. I blame the writing not the actress, because I think she is capable of delivering the right stuff, with better writing and direction. I am also glad that this site doesn't attack the opinions of others and get nasty like some of the other sites do. I enjoy coming here to read other thoughts and I don't feel I'll get buried with insults if I express something someone doesn't like, so thanks for keeping this site mature and fun. See some fans know how to act with good manners. :) I may re-watch much later to see if I can like it a bit more or to see if this one really did pave a direction for the rest of the season.
  12. Right now Jensen is in the lead. Which is kind of funny since really he's the one doing the least on social media. I think one reason supernatural stays on the air, it gains lots of new viewers which aren't tired of the same old storyline and the cons are so much fun you can't help but watch. Some cons are better than others. Las Vegas was really cool, and all I've done is laugh whenever I've found a clip to watch. JMD confirmed he was upset with what they did to his character but still says he would like to return at least once to show the love he has for his boys. You can really see the affection they have for each other, but Jensen might be the favorite, just a tad. Although it was hoot to see the three of them planning the pranks they would do to Jensen if they got their wish and had Mom, Sam and Dad all together again, with Jensen directing them. Of course, Jensen responded with guys I'm right here...like you dorks I can hear you. :) Jensen also talked about why Misha and Mark made it as series regulars, requirement must be able to goof off and when the time come to shoot the scene jump into character at a split second. Looks like being a goof and dork is requirement to hang out on a more permanent basis. LOL. ETA: my brain gets ahead of my typing realized what I said didn't make sense if you can't read my mind. Hopefully it's more clear now.
  13. I couldn't watch this show IF I was easily offended. I think they will stay away from any mention of Christ. They can say Jesus and just a few lines but if they get heavy with it, I could see some starting to attack the show. I don't see anything they say as truth which is how I can tolerate their beliefs about God and such. Really for the most part they avoid it but they do scatter some faithful characters in the storyline here and there. I think the better way would be to use John and Mary. We don't know where they are and Ash did tell us they weren't in heaven. So there is a loop hole of sorts that they could use because we don't know where they are. I would say the show is smart to avoid using Christ because that would open too many can's of worms IMO.
  14. ++ Henry Winchester -- Amelia -- Becky 21 - Henricksen 21 - Jody 21 - Kevin 19 - Pamela 19 - Bela 19 - Mrs. Tran 17 - Chuck 15 - Lisa 15 - Jessica 15 - Ed 15 - Harry 15 - Karen Singer 15 - Frank 15 - Henry Winchester 13 - Adam 13 - Charlie 13 - Claire 13 - Ben 05 - Cole 01 - Amelia Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Feel free to come up with a better title I really wanted Amelia gone first but alas it was not to be. Ah sweet Becky how I liked you at first but the writer's really took you too far when you married poor Sam and for that you have to go.
  15. I think I should warn you rant warning...Maybe sometimes finding out what the idjits in charge of writing the story may not be a healthy use of my time. To be honest it seems as if they have done this with way too many stories. It's why the Dean fans can get so angry because his stories seem to be dropped without any real purpose but to be an equal complainer, Sam's aren't always planned out well either. Maybe they just didn't think they could get Cain, but why turn Dean into a Demon when they didn't have any plans to use it for any real purpose. So yeah I am leery of getting too excited and if I didn't enjoy the cons and seeing Jensen's talent's on screen, this show would be easy to drop. Maybe the problem is that the idjits in charge just don't get why the old fans stick. The young fans seem to really be excited but I'm getting tired of so many bad eps in a row. I'm getting tired of another storyline being a big bust and waste of talents. Cain had so much potential, and Demon Dean should have been big. If a witch can get rid of a MoC I think I might throw something at Carver...so it is a good thing I don't stand a chance in running into him in person. Every showrunner has done some really stupid stuff, but I just can't why they are soooooooo blind. Sorry I think it turned into a rant...instead of anything meaningful...feel free to ignore.
  16. A lot of it is from this one, in Rowena torturing her enemy, but although some fans loved this ep, not on this board...I don't remember all of it just a haze of it. I think the fanwave, is that when an idea is too hard to keep it up, add a new verse so you can get more mileage out of the idea. What other eps have given some of this info I don't know, as most haven't been the best eps with the witches. JMV Maybe someone that loved the ep, can be more clear, but I'm afraid I don't have the energy to research this one in watching past eps. lol
  17. ++ Lisa ++ Henry Winchester -- Amelia 17 - Kevin 17 - Jody 17 - Mrs. Tran 17 - Pamela 17 - Bela 17 - Henricksen 17 - Lisa 15 - Chuck 15 - Jessica 15 - Henry Winchester 15 - Ed 15 - Harry 15 - Karen Singer 15 - Frank 17 - Lisa 13 - Adam 13 - Cole 13 - Charlie 13 - Claire 13 - Ben 11 - Amelia 09 - Becky
  18. One reason I still have hope that Cain is alive, is that I think Dean is hiding how bad he is feeling. Last season we got that if he didn't kill the cost was death. So if he didn't kill Cain, he didn't kill the ghost and could it be that he was still holding back, like he did with Cain, because he knows if he let's go he will return to being a demon and kill Cas and Sam? It would be nice if they had a better arc for Cain than what we've been shown. Sam still doesn't know the cost of not killing and following the mark's desires, but we aren't seeing Dean having trouble seeing himself in the mirror, at least not in the last 2 eps, that I remember. May just be babble...and not worth pondering.
  19. Yes, we've heard Dean say he doesn't want to die...but the part about maybe he needs to go deeper, make different connections..that was interesting if they do something with it. I liked that Sam wasn't stupid, but the let's make Dean say stupid stuff for a laugh is so bad, I can't even muster up a laugh. I just cringe and wonder if the writer's are really this lost for material. If they are, then it's time to wrap it up with a strong storyline. I don't think the actors can't deliver good stuff, but the bad writing is really too difficult to overcome. Have a few more thoughts but I don't think they belong in this thread.
  20. I liked the Hamster. Dean's confession started out so stupid and got a little real at the end, the best line..."Not sure God cares about us." I kept waiting for Sam to notice that Dean is coughing and covering it up. I guess now we won't know what Dean is really thinking until Sam uncovers it, which is another reverse from the early years. On one small hand I get Crowley wanting to make his mother a bit more happier, since she is causing issues in hell...but on the other hand why should he? I sort of re-watched a few bits but this one is easy to fast forward through. Hope next week gives us something better.
  21. Interesting I thought Amelia would be the first one to go....And I liked Frank...oh decisions decisions....
  22. I'm fine with the order of the top 3...I bet that Death will win. I would still like to see Benny brought back, so I still like his character but if they brought him back I'm sure they'd mess that up, so maybe it is best if he enjoys spending his days killing his enemy's.
  23. -- Dick (come on, just finish him off already!){ - as you wish! :)} + Benny -- Tessa 20 - Death 07 - Tessa 05 - Benny Slicing and Dicing in Purgatory Baby! Eve Edgar Rowena Alpha Vampire Dr. Eleanor Visyak Gordon Walker Dick Roman I can't lie...not sorry that Dick is gone. Someone else give him the send - off, but Dick as a monster, boring for me...we have too many in Congress and such that I just didn't find him enjoyable at all.
  24. -- Gordon -- Dick + Benny 20- Death 19 - Tessa 12 - Benny 07 - Dick Roman 06 - Gordon Walker Slicing and Dicing in Purgatory Baby! Eve Edgar Rowena Alpha Vampire Dr. Eleanor Visyak
  25. Charlie is gonna win as she is picking up speed, so if you want Jensen to be in the showdown with Misha you have to vote. Just saying. :) Jensen how come you got so much talent...sigh I hope once Supernatural is over he continues to act, I would hate that all we would get is a shot from twitter and such.
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