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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Person of Interest is winning right now, but supernatural is second. It's down to 16 now, Jared & Misha are losing, Jensen is in the lead in his race...Go vote if you want. :)
  2. Well it helps when you see the right clip. lol I see the smirk but my guess it is the "what are you doing little brother" vibe more than Demon Dean. But it definitely can require more research. I mean it's not a happy go lucky smile, but I think I know you're up to something now just what is it. The real question is what has Dean been doing prior to this moment? Sam looks guilty and with egg on his face so to speak....so I'm going for the whimpy need more info before I decide. But something is a little off.
  3. looks like something happens to Sam and Dean shows up at the wrong time and goes from Pizza Bar & Grill to Purgatory. Still can't figure out who is the girl, because she looks really really familiar. I think Demon dean is lurking just beneath the surface and once Dean gets knocked out he can't control it anymore and watch out here come Deannnny. Or Demon Dean. I just hope the ep lives up to the expectations. I mean the last one was really good, so this one needs to be the same. You cracked me up. Dean's worst nightmare. Look at the top of the page on the left side, there is a HD promo for next week. You can pause it and move it slowly to get a few more details. That's one that shows Benny and Dean together again.
  4. I wanna see the work out scene that got cut! I hope they put it on as an extra. Badass Dean sure is a sight to behold!
  5. Dang I think this is gonna be soooooooooo hard & crazy! Meg Masters -- Jody ++ Benny ++ 17 - Castiel 17 - Ellen 17 - Death 17 - Benny 17 - Jody 17 - Rufus 15 - Bobby 15 - Gabriel 15 - Gadreel 15 - Cain 15 - Tessa 15 - Kevin 15 - Henriksen 13 - Meg Masters 13 - Azazel Fixed Rufus's count
  6. I live with that...I think I would have killed them all anyway unless I was really evil and let Jody live...but I like them so why not. A tie because I wouldn't mind seeing them all again. In fact I'm hoping that with a tablet back in play we somehow get Kevin again.
  7. So who will be the meanie! Or do we declare a three way tie? this is crazzzzzzzzzzzzzy I tell ya!
  8. I can hear catrox14 screaming from here. Wonder if it will be a three way tie,,,this has been the most mixed up ending I think we've ever had. The suspense is killing me. lol
  9. Well it is clear that trusting Rowena is plain stupid. The question is how does Sam think he can control anything once he gave the book to Rowena? Why not keep it in his room so he has more time to figure it out? Hopefully whatever plan they have will not make us hate Sam again...I'm tired of that too.
  10. someone else pointed out that Sam going behind his back and NOT burning the Nun's journal actually saved Dean's life. So maybe it doesn't have to be a bad thing that Sam didn't burn the book of the damned...
  11. + Jody + Kevin -- Henriksen 09 - Jody 07 - Henriksen 04 - Kevin Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck Pamela Mrs Tran Since we seem to have an issue on killing Kevin, I thought I would just even the gap. Of course I gave Jody top billing! :)
  12. I saw Sam saying I don't want to do it alone as him finally coming clean with himself. He could have left Dean way back when...but I can get the one more time. I did the same with teaching, one more kid...I'll get this one through and then I'll go do something else. Now so many years later it is my career. I'm on the verge of hunting for the next career, but teaching became my life. I liked that Sam really saw how much he appreciated his brother and even stated how he missed seeing this happy carefree Dean. I think it was a reminder for him and Dean why they work together so well. As far as the Purge Speech, Dean thought he was dying and in that moment he might have been at peace with it, but now Dean is challenging just how far does Sam want to go when he really hurt Dean at his core. The issue can't be solved with a quick speech on a deathbed, so I was fine with seeing it. Plus Dean didn't really beat him down, but more like gave Sam a way out if he wanted to walk away. He also pulled the big brother card, that this is on me, you didn't cause this so you can't own it. Yes, Dean's still got a few secrets, but it was the most open he's been in way too many seasons. I also didn't think that Sam looked bad especially with his answer to Charlie. An answer by the way that Dean still hasn't heard. I think he would be very surprise to hear that Sam loves hunting when Dean still thinks that Sam wants to leave and get back to his life. If the writers move the whole thing to the brothers working together to solve the issue, I'm totally cool with that. I still love Charlie and I guess I'm not sorry for that either. I really liked her in this ep...so I look forward to seeing her again especially if she needs help and is organic to the storyline. I didn't see Sam totally concerned about Dean in Season 7, it's where we disagree, which is fine. I did see some concern at times but he still threw things in Dean's face as well. They both do. I guess I don't remember the Abandoned All Hope evil quote from Dean. So I didn't see this as a flaw on Dean's part but more like trying to figure out just where does go if the mark takes over again. He is putting on the brave face of "I'm okay with Death" but we know that he doesn't want to die, he wants more. So I think it was good for him to put it out there and Sam's response for me worked. Now if Dean can't let it go, It's still normal but hopefully he will find a way to move on. You move on from blows of pain in spurts. I also liked that we got a strong look into Sam's head of what is at stake. Sure he could hunt on his own, and his brother could hunt on his own, but together is the richer blessing for both. And I really liked the scene with Sam and Charlie...so I like it and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :) But I think in the end we have the same goals, 2 brothers enjoying working together to fight the big bads. Is that too much to ask????
  13. -- Henriksen + Jody -- Mrs Tran 16 - Jody 14 - Henriksen 03 - Kevin Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck Pamela Mrs Tran Momma Tran How much I like your spicy ways. You are willing to fight for your son and you don't give up. Other's might have run away screaming from all the things you saw, but you held your ground and looked for solutions. Go have a few beers and don't worry Kevin will be by your side soon. I vote for Jody on top. I like Henriksen but I like Jody more. I have contest again tomorrow, so this might be over before I can vote again.
  14. If you think about it Jim was never a regular but he got a lot of time on the show. Also a regular doesn't equal lead. It just means that they have a contract so they can count on getting the person on the show. I like Charlie and I thought this time she really didn't out shine Sam. More like she gave him a pep talk and got him to vocalize what he needed to say out loud and this time he has said how he wants Dean around. Dean's called him on his Purge speech but Sam hasn't backed down on trying to find a way to save his brother. Plus Sam didn't get saved this last ep, he saved himself...so it will be interesting to see if they can surprise us in a pleasant way. I'm hopeful for now. :)
  15. Jensen has already leaked out that Carver out did himself on the final and that he felt it was one of the best ones. Now what that means...no clue...well a few but I also want to be a little surprised because I usually like it more that way. I would love to see Cain back as well...If only my wishes could come true. :)
  16. Maybe Rowena has learned trying to kill the Winchesters is a very bad idea to one's health. Of course the promo gives a clue... But one reason I'm not mad at Sam, is that they showed all the little things that reminded Sam why he can't let his brother go. Plus the downer of you must kill Demon Dean if you don't succeed and of course he can't rest in heaven if he knows that Dean is evil. So this ep is laying down so many possibilities...now fingers crossed that they can keep it up.
  17. Yes there is the stink of Sam lying once again...but I'm not even mad at him. I get he is on the ledge and he doesn't think he can let Dean go but I loved the scene with Sam and Charlie. All the points everyone is bringing up. I liked Sam giving up why he can't let his brother go and trying to get Dean to understand he gets it now. The boys need to go out together. I just wish for once they could unite to find the answer instead of the I've got a secret. But I like Sam again and that's been a long time coming. :) Adding Dean having fun banging on the steering wheel while listening to the boys are back in town. Loved how Cass found his grace, but I so want to see Metatron die. That mess up not a good one. but I will definitely watch this one again. Yeah and next week looks interesting.
  18. -- Henricksen -- Kevin + Jody 23 - Jody 20 - Henriksen 12 - Kevin 05 - Mrs Tran Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck Pamela
  19. -- Henriksen -- Kevin + Jody 24 - Henriksen 24 - Jody 18 - Kevin 15 - Mrs Tran 05 - Pamela Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck Why do I feel like wash, rinse & repeat?
  20. -- Henriksen + Jody -- Kevin 28 - Jody 25 - Henriksen 22 - Kevin 19 - Mrs Tran 07 - Pamela Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck
  21. I know both Jensen and Jared have wanted to do at least 11 seasons to beat Smallville, Tom Welling. Then Jensen hasn't been saying he wants to keep going forever, in fact he's been really smart about his replies. As long as the stories staying interesting...that could mean I'm done next year? lol Now, how long they will go...Jensen gave a clue when you see the boys working together like season 1 expect it to be coming to an end. Does that mean next season, IDK. But Jensen did say he thought this was Carver's best season finale. So does that mean it will be better than??? IDK. Personally I think if we see the whole family united somehow that will also be a sign that it is ending. Ratings will determine it, but if they do a repeat of last season...not looking forward to that. It needs to go in a new direction...not a same old repeat loop to loop. Although I am hopeful to see Death....He and Dean usually are a fun mix especially if there is a eating scene involved! :)
  22. I know a lot of real life couples that have major height differences. But it must be a pain to have to sit or stand on boxes all the time. :)
  23. Well, it's time for me to do the evil deed. Bye Chuck. May you write some better material in the bar. Oh Chuck what a spectacular entrance you had. How we loved so many things about you. You made it possible for us to see the boys do laundry. But then they had to change you so you might, could be GOD. If you’re God you suck. + Jody -- Kevin -- Chuck 30 - Jody 28 - Henriksen 26 - Kevin 28 - Henriksen 22 - Mrs Tran 13 - Pamela Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Frank Bela Chuck
  24. --Chuck --Henricksen + Jody 30 - Jody 28 - Henricksen 27 - Kevin 26 - Mrs Tran 19 - Pamela 04 - Chuck 04 - Bela 02 - Frank Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam Lisa Jessica Lisa how I mourn your departure as I really hate how they wrote you off. I liked your relationship with Dean, I even enjoyed Ben. I thought you were a hoot in your introduction and how you told off Dean yet understood him better than he sometimes got himself. You didn't ever demand that he choose you over hunting but instead tried to make it work. So I still wish you were around but like Sue B I think if two should go out together it should be the girls that just didn't get to stay with their man. So maybe when Dean and Sam are old farts, both you and Jessica can have that life you dreamed of but never achieved in heaven. I like Frank but I need 4 votes which I only get three...but I won't vote him off either.
  25. Funny I had a story Idea in Season 9 with Dean running away to Purgatory and Benny trying to get Dean home cause he's not happy that's Dean is back. He wants Dean to have a happy ending. But I do love Benny and I wouldn't mind seeing Death. Of course it would be fun not to see Death stomping on Dean's heart but maybe they go eat at one of his favs that he hasn't gone to in a while and he drags Dean along. So I'm in my usual spot, excited but hoping I won't hate it. I always find something I like about any ep, I just do. I just hope it has more I like that I don't. Of course I do like Charlie...so it does have some positive hopeful. The best part might be when Cas hits Metatron...
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