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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++ Jody ++ Gabriel -- Kevin 17 - Castiel 17 - Ellen 17 - Bobby 17 - Death 17 - Jody 15 - Rufus 09 - Gabriel 09 - Kevin Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny
  2. so should I watch with my eyes closed? All I can say, not a happy camper...not at all. Now it looks like let's make both brother's look like asses. :( My guess is both brother's get in trouble...oh yeah...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ++ Ellen ++ Gabriel -- Kevin 17 - Castiel 17 - Rufus 17 - Jody 17 - Bobby 17 - Death 17 - Ellen 13 - Gabriel 09 - Kevin Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny
  4. Ah look, cause it usually isn't what you think it is, EVER! Okay one minute Dean is a prisoner and then he is on a killing spree??? I agree the splicing is designed to stir up emotions and dividing the fandom could be a death sentence to the ratings. I'm still on the fence. I will watch, but it looks like once again they are stuffing too much into the last few instead of balancing it along the season. On a sour note, about Supernatural...I saw the new Avenger's movie, the thing I really liked and something that Supernatural use to be good at, is mixing humor with depressing. But somewhere across the line they have just turned to angst. Yet they have the perfect characters to mix up the drama & the humor....Maybe it would be best if next year was the last....The show needs to reinvent itself, but I just don't see them doing it...ARGH! So frustrated right now. :(
  5. Awww so sorry to hear...hope your doing okay. ++ Gabriel ++ Jody -- Kevin 19 - Castiel 19 - Death 19 - Ellen 19 - Rufus 19 - Jody 17 - Bobby 15 - Gabriel 11 - Kevin Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny ETA: Why does it feel like we are just spinning our wheels???? lol
  6. One thing that bothers me, is Thompson's report that he really tried to keep Charlie alive. And that even though the fans hated the Amelia storyline but he says that it wasn't the fans that caused the end but it was the direction Carver and Singer wanted to go or TPTB. All is IMO... So this makes brings up a suspicion that I've always had...Carver has his idea of what he wants to do and if the fans love or hate it..he will stay on course. We know that fans complaining is fine because they are still watching...so until the ratings drop Carver doesn't have a reason to do anything different. Now with this following teaser - a combination of several reports, I'm worried that what the actors like doesn't mean fans will like. Actors like a challenge - a new direction. I'm guessing for Jensen he feels he is getting it. So I have to admit my excitement has drastically gone down since Charlie's death. Kevin's death was pointless because it was just to fuel the flames and now we have Charlie just to fuel the flames. I'm tired of this and to be honest I think I have one foot out the door again. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/supernatural-season-10-finale-actor-teases-unexpected-cure-dean-will-sam-die-my-brothers-1500556 I posted because wasn't sure about the site, I have a good ad-blocker but I know some don't.
  7. ++ Ellen ++ Gabriel -- Kevin 21 - Death 19 - Bobby 19 - Castiel 19 - Jody 19 - Ellen 17 - Rufus 17 - Gabriel 11 - Kevin Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny We haven't made it a rule that you have to down vote and since some down vote all the time...it's just do you want to drag this out. Of course, sometimes the best way to save someone is to down vote others that many are voting up...evil aren't I? :) Actually on this list Kevin is my least favorite because of how they killed him off.
  8. Jensen Singing at Asylum 14 and some other guy. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=116&v=ImhdUxFrs3g
  9. If this is the last one ever...I'm really disappointed. I did like the Danny and Steve moments and there are parts I really enjoyed. Yes, I turned off my brain for the action stuff and just let them tell me the story knowing that in real life that was really stupid and could never happen. But for a ending of a series, well it plain sucks. I guess the problem is that they never figured out what caused fans to tune in the first place. Although I enjoyed parts of it, I just don't find it satisfying and they know the ratings so they should have wrapped it up in a better way. I did enjoy seeing Catherine back. I'm frustrated because this season felt stronger on the whole but...that's the huge problem...how do you make it satisfying and keep it fresh. I think they could have had the same impact without it being a nuke, and I doubt that the water really kept the explosion safe for that area...but I also loved the Danny and Steve on the chopper scene...so I guess this is just suspend disbelief moment. ETA: last sentence was a mess and I couldn't figure out what I meant to say. lol.
  10. It may kick them in the ass if they threw the gauntlet down and we all see it coming a mile away. I hope they are right. I also hope that Jensen's hints and some of the stuff he said is true. One of his interviews posted above and I forget which one, stated something to the effect that they are following Kim Manner's advice give them something they don't expect. He also made it clear this one isn't the boys fighting the big bad together but trying to save the brother that's wrong...and he enjoyed being on the side of what's wrong with Dean vs what's wrong with Sam. So I'm watching to see what they do, but since Charlie's death I'm not longer excited. I just hope I won't feel as if it is time to give up Supernatural. I wanted to stick with it to the end, but if they made the mark mean nothing like Demon Dean...I most likely will be out. So I'm hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised...is that asking for too much????
  11. ++ Jody ++ Gabriel -- Kevin 19 - Bobby 19 - Castiel 19 - Rufus 19 - Death 19 - Gabriel 19 - Jody 17 - Ellen 13 - Kevin Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Benny how I loved your desire to be good in a world of temptation and how hard you tried to enjoy being with your family. Your brotherly bond with Dean and the willingness to save Sam even if it meant no longer staying out of purgatory. Go have some fun and peace.
  12. ++ Benny -- Henriksen -- Kevin 21 - Death 21 - Bobby 21 - Castiel 21 - Ellen 19 - Jody 19 - Rufus 19 - Gabriel 15 - Kevin 03 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Oh we got movement...two sniffed are nevermore! Cain you had so much potential and somehow it seems wasted. But I still adore ya. The hair such a great look the last time you showed up. Henriksen, you wasted all that time chasing the wrong guys but when you found out the truth you picked the right side. But you were never boring. Both go play for a bit, and may the writers figure out a bright way to bring you two back. :)
  13. Metatron could have been killed and I would be so happy...Charlie has the opposite effect and I'm tired of them killing off all the characters. It makes me not want to see Jody come back, because soon they will just kill her off too. URGHHHHHH. I can totally get what you're saying and part of me wants to stop...but I guess I'll watch a few more before I decide. Kevin's death meant nothing to me due to the poor shock choice and Charlie is landing the same way and I liked both characters very much. I wish the writers made better choices. Sorry to see ya go! You can always stop in for a quick visit if ya want. :) Oh they had some emotion, but I had called it sooner and before the ep and really it did nothing to me other than the idiots did it again. I like Charlie and her death didn't add to the story for me. It is poor shock value and to be honest I'm sick to death of it. It can have a very bad backlash, such as fans being so sick of watching their fav die and the recycled storylines that they just quit watching. If I'm so suppose to be excited I wasn't and it was almost boring...maybe upon rewatch I'll like it a bit more, but that will have to wait for a bit. This wasn't what I hoped it would be. Shame they killed their run of good eps. Maybe the last 2 will be better but I'm so over how this brother screwed up soooooooooo BAD! :(
  14. ++ Gabriel -- Kevin ++ Jody 21 - Death 21 - Bobby 21 - Castiel 21 - Rufus 21 - Ellen 21 - Jody 19 - Gabriel 15 - Kevin 05 - Henriksen 03 - Cain 01 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Well since Benny is too easy to take out even if I up vote him, I went after Kevin instead. But I'm not taking Benny out. I still like him too much and loved seeing him back on the show even if it wasn't real. My real problem is I like who is left on the list...so it is just figuring out if I have ones that are higher, but I may be voting as my moods go...so don't count on anything staying consistent from here on. LOL. It's the end of the school year it is driving me mad and well Kevin you got the brunt of it this time. (insert evil laugh)
  15. IA, I see Carver as I have a plan people and you'll love it when it becomes clear, but not really getting what drives a lot of fans. I don't hate all of his work, usually half works...the other half that's my problem. :)
  16. ++Benny -- Kevin ++ Castiel 23 - Death 21 - Bobby 21 - Rufus 21 - Jody 21 - Castiel 19 - Gabriel 19 - Ellen 17 - Kevin 09 - Henriksen 03 - Cain 03 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters
  17. IA that Dean is faking that he is doing better than he is. Also I think Dean acting so normal and having the crazy nightmares is getting to Sam. I think we are suppose to see the nightmares as the really bad issue that is showing that Dean is losing it. I also thought that Dean had a moment of looking like the mark was taking over when he got knocked down on his last fight. So maybe we are suppose to see Sam supper sensitive since he ignored the issue last year and Dean turned Demon in a blink of an eye so to speak. I'm not upset with Sam or Cas because I believe they are acting on it is better to be safe than sorry. but I do wish the urgency was shown and not told to us. Every writer has had some major fails...but I'm hoping we see something that makes us go oh now I see it or something where we want to support Sam's crazy ideas. but even last year when I could support some of Dean's decisions to save Sam, and let's face it - if they didn't save Sam, the show would be over. Even though I did support Dean, I also saw him cross a line that should have been addressed. It's how they addressed it, is what I had an issue with. So I'm hoping the writer's have had a major learning curve and they do a better job this time around.
  18. She felt it was relevant today because of how much the writers like to recycle old ideas???? :) just a guess as I can't really read minds. ;)
  19. You won't be alone in this, cause I am sick of Stupid Sam, mean Sam for no stinky reason. It may be asking too much for creative writing...but I hope we are both pleasantly surprised...
  20. When you hear "Eye of the Tiger" or "Carry On Wayward Son" and you think of scenes from SPN. I remember when I just thought of Kansas but now it scenes from Supernatural. ETA: When you see the name Jensen and wondered why they Stole Jensen Ackles name...or you've never seen the name before this show, that you remembered anyway. :)
  21. Well Dean's eyes going black and him not telling Sam isn't helping. I guess the nightmares is what has Sam convinced that Dean is losing it. Of course this plan stinks and will backfire...just how bad will it backfire? Hopefully Charlie isn't killed...I'm tired of the deaths on this show of the good guys that are left. Kill Metratron, some angel but leave the few left alone. Hoping I won't be killing my TV after the end of this ep. At least Sam is showing how much he cares...not so easy when the shoe is on the other foot now is it. LOL>
  22. -- Kevin -- Henriksen ++ Benny 23 - Death 21 - Castiel 21 - Jody 21 - Bobby 21 - Rufus 21 - Gabriel 19 - Kevin 19 - Ellen 11 - Henriksen 07 - Cain 05 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters If I can't save Benny I'm taking some others down! (insert evil laugh) Try teaching at the end of the school year and see if you can keep your insanity intact. Yes, I'm blaming it on the kids!!!!! & Administration.
  23. Okay a strange idea and no clue if they would do this or not... What if Metatron takes the devil tablet to Crowley and makes a deal to save himself and the tablet gives Crowley a way to control Dean because he has the mark. Dean could kill Cas and Sam and not be held accountable in some ways since he did it against his will and becomes a demon again...
  24. Or was Misha saying no way am I letting you guys drown me in mud! I've got....something oh yeah, Random Acts.... lol.
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