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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Mystery Spot ++ Hibbing 911 ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ 19 - Changing Channels 17 - Frontierland 17 - Yellow Fever 17 - Slash Fiction 17 - Reading is Fundamental 17 - Hell House 17 - Mystery Spot 17 - Hibbing 911 17 - Hollywood Babylon 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Nightshifter 15 - Tall Tales 15 - Folsom Prison Blues 15 - Bad Day at Black Rock 15 - Ghostfacers 15 - Monster Movie 15 - Wishful Thinking 15 - It's a Terrible Life 15 - The Monster at the End of This Book 15 - The Real Ghostbusters 15 - Hammer of the Gods 15 - Weekend at Bobby's 15 - The French Mistake 15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 15 - Out with the Old 15 - Party On, Garth 15 - Hunteri Heroici 15 - LARP and the Real Girl 15 - Everybody Hates Hitler 15 - Dog Dean Afternoon 15 - Fan Fiction 15 - Ask Jeeves 15 - About a Boy 15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 13 - Two and a Half Men 13 - Slumber Party 13 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe 13 - Fallen Idols 11 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 11 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! 09 - Swap Meat
  2. Well I don't think it will happen. He's rock solid in 3rd place and first and second haven't really changed. Jensen has gone up to 19.2 but the lead is at 38.5. Could be enough fans no longer really care as it has been 10 seasons and we know he can act. :)
  3. That's funny and yet so true. lol
  4. Wrote my second word and just continued it on the first one. Here is the link for Chap. 2 Carry On Hope you'll read and let me know what you think. Sort of ties to Brother's Keeper. Mick Lady you have been missed and glad you're back. :)
  5. -- Hibbing 911 -- Inside Man + About a Boy 07 - Fan Fiction 04 - The Werther Project 04 - About a Boy Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Ask Jeeves The Executioner's Song Soul Survivor Book of the Damned Inside Man Hibbing 911 IMO I didn't take them out because I didn't love them, I do. But the numbers are close showing that the difference between them isn't that different. They just happened to be at the bottom at this time of vote, so I sent them off with love. I loved how they brought Bobby back this time, but they lose points because he wasn't living the dream with his wife. I also wanted something more...maybe it should have been a little harder for Bobby to escape or get captured again. But I thought this time the reason they brought him back worked and I still love Bobby. Hibbing - I need to see these two gals working a case again. I loved them and it was a really good use of comedy. On another given day it could have been no. 1.
  6. -- Fan Fiction -- The Werther Project + About a Boy 10 - Fan Fiction 09 - The Werther Project 07 - About a Boy 07 - Inside Man 05 - Hibbing 911 Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Ask Jeeves The Executioner's Song Soul Survivor Book of the Damned
  7. If it is about getting more offers than I can see them not bothering. Also, not sure that either really care. Jensen likes spending his off time with family and playing music. Jared seems to be enjoying spending time playing water sports, being with family and I don't know that he cares. IA that they have both done some really good work this season and even last season had some moments that were good. I just don't think that those in charge of giving out the awards would see them as the right kind of actors for awards due to the show their on. However, what is popular or what is considered great acting isn't always. Will be interesting to see what happens after SPN but I don't think a horror show will ever get the kudos. I know if I didn't watch this show, I wouldn't have thought they would deserve anything because horror doesn't require the acting chops of Shakespeare. It's an unfair bias but one that makes it really difficult for the actors to overcome, if that makes any sense. Jared's blown me away in a few places, but Jensen does it on a regular basis. Shame we can't control the vote. :)
  8. “You need a vacation.” “I need a vacation?” “Ok, I’ll concede we need a vacation.” Sam continued to search the web. “Dude, we don’t have any money. Hello, broken arm, pool is out of the question. So princess, just how do you suggest we support this grand vacation. I had to use the last bit of our cash reserves to pay for the motel to keep us from being kicked out on the streets. Our credit cards are maxed out.” “Dean, look what I found online, 25 free things to do around Boston, we can pick a few things we both want to see, bet you would enjoy the Harpoon Brewery.” “Genius just how are we going to get there?” “Simple we take the free bus. Group going this afternoon. Of course it is a bunch of old farts but they said they would be willing to take pity on you and included you just this once, I think one of the granny’s is smitten by you for a change and has declared us her grandsons. Family can go free if they are assisting the members.” “So how on earth will this be a vacation? Sorry Sammy but I’m not feeling so good, I think I need a nap.” Part of him not eager to babysit a bunch of old folks and really trying to cover up how lousy he felt. “Okay fine, I’ll let Linda know. I’m sure she would rather keep you company than go.” “Your no fun, you know that. But if I don’t at least get a beer out of this, you’re paying…” “Lie down, before you fall down.” “I’m fine.” “Sure you are.” Ignoring his brother’s glare, he fluff the pillow and got his brother settled on the bed. Told you too soon to get up.” “Darn, I guess I won’t be able to go on that trip. Tell Ms. Linda…” he yawned. “Sam covered up his brother, making sure he was comfortable. Then he made a phone call outside.” “Ms. Linda, I’d like to take you up on that offer. You sure it isn’t a problem? Dean’s a little ornery when he’s hurt. Yes, I think in two weeks he’ll feel up to being your personal tour guide. Thanks ma’am. I already know how I’m spending the extra money, Dean’s baby needs a few repairs and with what you’re paying us, we can get the car fixed.”
  9. I started a fanfiction game in the game section...hope to see lots of people playing. Even if you think you can't write you can do this. :)
  10. Okay, I thought this might be fun and anyone can play. I think keep this spoiler free zone, so that anyone can play. The objective you can only use one post to tell your part of the story. The next person picks up where you left off and moves it along. It can be dramatic, humorous, dark, light or anything you want to be. Try to keep the characters true to the spin verse. Trying to keep it light on rules. You can write a few sentences or you can add up to 750 words? Not really worried about how much you write as long as it is only one post. Then someone else should pick up the story and run with it. Hopefully, that is easy to understand and my next post starts the game. Hoping that others will join in. You don't have to worry about finishing it because someone else adds to it, so your imagination is your only limit. Also a great way to explore your creative side without taking lots of risks. :) Wanna play???? ETA: Just realized it didn't let me do it as two post. ======================================================
  11. I'm hoping it wasn't Death but Metatron trying to kill Sam and Dean someone how connected to love and did the right thing at the end even though it looks selfish right now. So I could go with on this idea, but that doesn't mean they will do this....they do like messing with us, don't they. Now that might be an interesting question...too bad they won't use it... They seem to do the opposite of what we want. Sure they will give us the brothers together for a moment but since season 3 when have the brother's really enjoyed being together. I'm sick of their formula, now I guess the game will be to see if I can spot what they will do after I watch the first ep.... I will never notice some misspelled words...I will always misspell some words so if you don't help out, we will just live with bad misspelling on the board. So we need you to help us out, plus you do it with style. :)
  12. -- Inside Man -- The Werther Project + Hibbing 911 17 - Fan Fiction 16 - About a Boy 15 - Inside Man 13 - The Werther Project 10 - Hibbing 911 Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Ask Jeeves The Executioner's Song Soul Survivor Book of the Damned Sniff by Book of the Damned...You had such potential, such a nice scary introduction but then you allowed stupid Dean and of course Sam has to have a secret. Still I enjoyed a a lot of it, especially badass Dean! Just decided to even the scores a bit. Don't expect my votes to be the same next time. I'm the undecided wonder. :)
  13. I think it is another writer that is leaving but can't remember. What I found said Robbie is coming back even though he is working on something else. But someone else may find more up to date info.
  14. I'm still hoping that Death's crumbling into ashes isn't real but an illusion. Hoping that Dean would turn on Sam and gosh golly, instead he kills Death. Like they kept bringing back the Trickster, until they didn't, they could do the same with Death. Now what will they do??? my guess something that looks cool but turns stupid. Yes, that is why you can still watch this show, because there is so much potential and much to discuss. Of course it doesn't hurt that Jensen has gotten hotter as he's aged. :)
  15. Jensen Ackles, Supernatural 16.1% Ioann Gruffudd, Forever 30.1% Sam Heughan, Outlander 37.6% If Jensen has to loose I don't mine him loosing to Forever, since the show's been cancelled and he did do a really outstanding job. He deserves the recognition. But at least Jensen looks like he is 3rd right now. :)
  16. IA with your interpretation and it could be interesting because no way can the show put on a big war. However, I'm not sure they even have a game plan yet. Unless they are now meeting to go. hey we did the cloud thing now what. Which is why I was so mad at this year's oh no cliffhanger. The interviews coming out that said he we turned Dean into a Demon, now what??? It pissed me off. Because I didn't feel they really had a plan and so we got the mess we got. I wondered if it will just be shown as it effects everyone in a negative way. Because they aren't ending the show yet, and my crazy idea, is that the Winchester's are in the same car and think the other is missing and they are in despair, etc and go off to find each other but can't see they are right next to each other. Then somehow they unite again after 3 or so eps and start trying to fight the big bad together. Whatever that is. I pick the number 3 for that seems to be the max they are comfortable with showing the boys apart. Of course I could do without the blame game and secret, I've got a secret stuff since it lost its meaning in oh season 4.
  17. -- Fan Fiction + Book of the Damned + Soul Survivor 20 - About a Boy 19 - Fan Fiction 18 - Inside Man 16 - The Werther Project 13 - Hibbing 911 11 - Book of the Damned 03 - Soul Survivor Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Ask Jeeves The Executioner's Song Giving Soul Survivor one last boost...looks like it isn't going to make it so if it is is hanging on by a thread I'll take it out next time. I think it is a strong ep but I like all of them and really just one to vote up. So I took down the one that was on top. Thought it only fair. Couldn't decide who to vote down and just realize I've forgotten about the game. oops. :)
  18. oh if my vhs and dvd recorder hadn't died, I doubt I would have changed either. I just like that you can do a menu on a dvd to get where you want, where not so easy on a vhs. I still have a huge collection of vhs, but I'm slowly moving to dvd. I rent from my cable for now, but if I could figure out another way...I wouldn't.
  19. thanks, that helps me out, because I already have a huge VHS collection that now is worthless and since DVD's can play on Blue Rays I think I'll wait till I decided to buy 10 or not. I would rather buy some others I don't have and having been trying to save for. People laugh at me because my cell phone is just above a flip phone but I'm not quick to jump on to the latest expensive gadget. Now I just have decide to I like season 10 well enough.... :)
  20. I have a LCD TV. I also read that they didn't include the original rock music in the blue ray...sounds like it isn't worth it. I mean I grew up on a black & white TV 13 inch...
  21. I agree with Sue B review... @Sue B everytime I write I think why did I post that...I'm not a writer... But then I do it again. So I guess I'm just glutton for punishment! I still get excited if I get a review. lol
  22. If I was a teenager I could see the pillows...but I'll pass. lol What is the real difference between the blue-ray and dvd versions. I might get season 1 but is it really worth it? Serious question. I only have a few blue-rays
  23. + Soul Survivor + Book of the Damned -- The Werther Project 22 - Inside Man 22 - Fan Fiction 22 - About a Boy 20 - The Werther Project 18 - Hibbing 911 16 - Book of the Damned 07 - Soul Survivor Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Ask Jeeves The Executioner's Song Now it's gonna get interesting as I will not promise that I will vote the same, I like all that is left and I'm still unsure what my order is...I'll try to do some research to see if I can fix this issue. :) Cain such a wonderful under used character and hard to believe you where in only 2 eps. Maybe the darkness will find a way to bring you back. HMMM.... :)
  24. The Outlander and Forever are both rabid fan base. Forever got canceled and they are trying to get it back on. So I'm not surprised. I watched Forever and liked it but I saw it at the end of it's run. I haven't watched Outlander.
  25. I always get upset with save the music but they do little to save Theatre as well. The Fine Arts are important. Sports are important because some kids aren't Fine Arts and we need both. The difference between the haves and have Nots is really frustrating. I've taught middle school for way too many years...but it does have its moments of joy and sometimes it sucks...it just depends on how the kids react to each other. But the good news is children do grow up and most don't get stuck in middle school. If it keeps getting worse go see someone but hopefully it will calm down and get better. Benadryl is the next thing to try but if it keeps getting worse go to the emergency clinic.
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