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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++ Benny -- Henriksen -- Kevin 23 - Death 21 - Bobby 21 - Rufus 21 - Ellen 21 - Gabriel 19 - Kevin 19 - Castiel 19 - Jody 15 - Henriksen 09 - Cain 05 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters I'm not giving up the fight yet...Save Benny! Dang guess I'm alone in this...
  2. Kevin -- Gabriel ++ Benny ++ 25 - Death 21 - Castiel 21 - Bobby 21 - Rufus 21 - Jody 21 - Ellen 21 - Gabriel 19 - Kevin 17 - Henriksen 13 - Cain 09 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Dang wouldn't let me vote earlier...anyone having issues with the site?
  3. -- Kevin ++ Gabriel ++ Benny 25 - Death 23 - Castiel 21 - Jody 21 - Ellen 21 - Bobby 19 - Kevin 19 - Henriksen 19 - Cain 17 - Rufus 17 - Gabriel 13 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters
  4. I expected worse, so I did find moments to enjoy. I just wonder if the reason Dean had trouble was due to this teen vs. all teens. I can see him thinking it's not good or healthy for me to be around Claire and just not able to trust her. I liked Sam but once again he had to be saved although he did free himself for a bit. Hopefully the next one is stronger.
  5. The Bob fans are whining that they are losing so badly to Sam, and Green Arrow is losing to Captain Hook. I mean 100 barely beat Jensen... Well it's official Hook vs Sam and that's confusing because it isn't Sam from Supernatural...I'm just glad to see Bob gone...I'm not petty...nope, nope, nope! I guess you can tell that Jensen isn't worried about his looks...wearing a headband??? lol :) When you live in Texas for a long time, it is hard to get rid of all accents. The only actor that I can think of that I never caught his Texas accent was the guy that played Higgins in Magnum PI. LOL>
  6. 2nd that! -- Meg ++ Benny -- Henriksen 21 - Ellen 21 - Death 21 - Rufus 21 - Bobby 21 - Gabriel 21 - Kevin 21 - Jody 19 - Castiel 17 - Cain 15 - Henriksen 13 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Maybe this time I can vote each day! lol
  7. I say start with her at 21 and allow everyone to vote today, I guess. I can't believe I missed seeing her gone. Because I really like her...but I'm not sure it would have been a big change on her votes because people seem to have been focused on getting rid of others. So DD, since you discovered it, what do you want? She certainly shouldn't be any lower than when she just disappeared off the game. Weird.
  8. -- Kevin -- Henriksen ++ Benny (Mwhahahaha still fighting! Sorry Kevin you're getting my blacklash :P) 23 - Death 21- Castiel 21 - Bobby 21 - Gabriel 21 - Jody 21 - Rufus 19 - Kevin 07 - Cain 05 - Henriksen 05 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters
  9. I'm not excited about this week's. Maybe it will be better than the preview...Well at least we got 2 in a row. Some badass Cas would be nice. Please don't make the good guys stupid so they lose.
  10. Jensen is down to 48. Not cool how they ganged up. :( All I got to say is everyone needs to take Bob out. He doesn't deserve the title. He looks whimpy. :) Give him 6 or 10 years and then we'll talk. lol Captain Hook is still in. I don't care who wins as long as it isn't Bob. But Jensen had a nice run as the winner didn't he? How many years did he win?
  11. Jensen is loosing because the young girls are voting against him. Jensen is old for the teenagers. But he is holding his own when you see he is loosing by fractions. So I say now if Jensen is out -- vote this Bob guy out fast. LOL. No way could this guy beat Dean in combat.
  12. -- Kevin -- Henriksen ++ Benny 23 - Death 23- Castiel 21 - Rufus 21 - Bobby 21 - Jody 21 - Gabriel 19 - Kevin 15 - Cain 09 - Henriksen 07 - Benny Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Most likely a losing battle but not ready to let go of Benny yet.
  13. Well just put in a few more, but it is going up but it is going to be a close race.
  14. Jensen is still behind but not as bad. Just depends on how many vote. Game 1 Bob Morley, at 50.5% Jensen Ackles, Supernatural 49.5% Could be some fans are like he's won easily so I don't have to vote or it really is the mobile votes that do it?
  15. Which is how I felt when they killed off Kevin. It was lazy and oh here's a shock for you. It had no emotional bite for me...I didn't care. Another they need to watch out for, killing off too many can have a backlash. I wonder if "Greys" will feel that next season, but they lost me as a viewer a long time ago because of the too many death issue. "Lost" lost me for the same reason. It's another reason I hated season 7 and 8. I'll watch to the end, but if they do kill off someone for shock value, I won't be watching it live anymore. I hope I'm wrong. :(
  16. Kevin -- Henriksen -- Benny ++ 23 - Castiel 23 - Death 21 - Cain 21 - Rufus 21 - Bobby 21 - Gabriel 21 - Jody 19 - Kevin 15 - Henriksen 11 - Benny 03 - Meg Masters Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel
  17. Gabriel ++ Benny ++ Meg Masters -- 21 - Castiel 21 - Ellen 21 - Death 21 - Rufus 21 - Bobby 21 - Jody 21 - Gabriel 19 - Cain 19 - Kevin 17 - Henriksen 13 - Benny 07 - Meg Masters 03 - Azazel Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel
  18. -- Meg Masters ++Gabriel ++ Benny 19 - Castiel 19 - Rufus 19 - Bobby 19 - Ellen 17 - Death 17 - Jody 17 - Henriksen 17 - Kevin 17 - Gabriel 15 - Cain 15 - Benny 09 - Meg Masters 09 - Azazel 09 - Tessa 09 - Gadreel
  19. about 3 eps ago. I caught it once and then forgot about it and then caught it again. I started with the rich guy trying to date the cop. so I'm really new to the show. :)
  20. I've just started watching so I'm a little lost on a few things but most of it is easy to follow. I love Judd Hirsch and this ep really had so many wonderful twists and turns. the heartbreak of Henry and yet he seems to forget that his son is feeling it too. My only nitpick. I agree about the poetry and everyone has already said what I liked about the ep. Hopefully the ratings have improved so we can get a second season. Lots to love about this one though.
  21. Well I have a few I can let go over others. But yep it's gonna be a bloodbath. I just don't want Benny to go out first. ;(
  22. @awesom04000 Sam went dark in Season 3 under Carver's hand. One spoiler said a new bad would show up. Which we really haven't seen. What is the "they go there?" issue? Yes Sam has done some stupid stuff due to the writing in season 8 & 9. Yes some of the fandom believes that Dean was evil in how he saved Sam. I read just a bit and it turned my stomach so I happily let it go. I see two flawed brothers both having the same issue. One is happy to go out and leave the other behind if it means they can save the other, but neither wants to live without their brother. Now in real life you can't do what Sam and Dean have done. But it is verging on predictable on what has happened so far, so I'm hoping for a surprise, a pleasant surprise. I suspect this next ep will let us know a few more ideas but I'm tired, so very tired of which brother f up the most. It's time the writers came up with something interesting because a recycle storyline will make me not excited at about the next season. Hopefully they are aware of this and trying to set us up and Carver has done some things better. I think he's learned from the fan's reactions. So there is hope but I'm not wanting to see Sam fail again or beeeeeeeeeeeee so awful again. Time for something new. The wrong move could really have a powerful backlash because another divide in the fandom could end it. Hopefully Carver's not stupid.
  23. ++ Bobby ++ Ellen ++ Benny 19 - Castiel 19 - Rufus 19 - Bobby 19 - Ellen 17 - Death 17 - Jody 17 - Cain 17 - Henriksen 17 - Gabriel 17 - Kevin 15 - Benny 13 - Tessa 11 - Gadreel 11 - Azazel 11 - Meg Masters
  24. Jensen's lead is down, but so far he is the only one of the three still ahead. But if he lost this round, he's had a long run. I know bite my tongue...but hopefully he will win against Sherlock.
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