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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. -- Chuck + Jody + Lisa 29 - Jody 28 - Kevin 28 - Henricksen 27 - Mama Tran 19 - Pamela 09 - Chuck 08 - Frank 06- Lisa 05 - Jessica 05 - Bela Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam
  2. excited to see Benny and I don't know but it looks like charlie's hurt and having trouble with one of her arms. Loved Dean's line to the effect come on already, you two solve it...NOW. no clue who the girl is, unless it is a new Claire? But I do think I've seen her before, but no clue when...
  3. -- Adam ++ Jody -- Chuck Henry,how you wanted to be a good father, but you slipped up and started the legacy of a father not really living up to all he could be, how Dean gave you grief for that, yet you still tried to do the right thing. I think in the end you did succeed in getting Dean's forgiveness so it is a shame you didn't get to stick around a little longer, but I enjoyed seeing you all the same. Adam - how Sam looked forward to having a little brother and to discover all the responsibility it takes to teach a younger brother, but alas you were killed much too young. Then you came back and Dean could only choose to save one...so hopefully you escaped the cage and are enjoying some time with your mom. 29 - Kevin 29 - Jody 27 - Henricksen 27 - Mrs. Tran 21 - Pamela 13 - Chuck 11 - Jessica 11 - Lisa 07 - Frank 07- Bela Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie Henry Winchester Adam
  4. ++ Pamela ++ Lisa -- Adam 29 - Jody 29 - Kevin 27 - Henriksen 25 - Mrs. Tran 21 - Pamela 15 - Chuck 13 - Jessica 13 - Lisa 09 - Frank 07- Bela 03 - Henry Winchester 01 - Adam Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie I need one more vote for Henry, but I wanted Adam to go out before Henry. Oh well, looks like this is the time for me not to get my wishes. I liked Henry but too tired to say why, but if for nothing else we got a happy Dean moment when he gets a mattress that remembers him. We just don't get many happy moments lately do we?
  5. I think I've read a few before the site closed down and honestly don't remember the link. Maybe when time calms down I'll try tracking them down. I remember something about a dragon but not much more than that. It is interesting that Kripke & Co. would mine them for stories.
  6. Funny I get the feeling it is more women on this site than guys. And my experience has been more women. IRL I don't talk about my shows because very few of my friends would understand. I've only had chats with three shows though, this one, Star Trek Voyager and Numb3rs.
  7. Oh that's why I don't know, I just started watching season 4 but avoided TWOP because how awful they were to Numb3rs and I was a fan of that show. I literally started the year they closed, so thanks! ???
  8. Ah Charlie, darn you're gone but not forgotten and luckily you are still coming back. I love that you're Dean's little sister and yet you are caring about him. That you try to reach him and willing to be firm but also not really mean. Plus I love the extra blooper when Jensen falls in the mud and we would never have had that special moment without you. So hit on Pamela, I'm sure you too would have some fun. Till the next time...cause this is not goodbye. Yeah!!!!! :) ++ Henry ++ Lisa -- Adam 29 - Henriksen 29 - Jody 27 - Kevin 25 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 15 - Chuck 15 - Lisa 13 - Jessica 11 - Frank 09 - Bela 05 - Henry Winchester 03 - Adam Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Charlie
  9. I found out who Damien was before TWOP closed but who was Barnes? I thought of Becky as over the top and I don't see many Becky's on this board? I'm sure there are some but to me she was just an over the top character they created to poke fun of. I enjoyed it once but I haven't watched it since, so not a favorite by a long shot. Becky out grew her welcome and at the end I was glad to see her go. I also would like them to show fans that are not so crazy...I know I'm not normal...can't be if you go into acting or teaching middle school, but I'm not insane either. I thought of the show trying to show, that Dean and Sam had the life, because so many are looking for someone that really cares about them, have lots of adventures but doesn't think about the day end to life issues. It's a fantasy, and one they can quit whenever they want because for them it isn't real. So I didn't mind it so much because I got they didn't have a clue and Dean was suppose to re-evaluate his life and see that he did have some good things going even if it felt really sucky at the moment.
  10. Another ep, is the one where Dean kills everyone and Sam yells tell me you had to do this to save your lifes. I thought at the time, that line sounds like Demon Dean. I don't remember the exact line, but Dean just been hit over the head and plainly says you don't want to do this. So if they do go there, I believe we can say the layers have been put in place. Plus his hair is getting longer, so call that exhibit B.
  11. -- Adam ++ Lisa -- Chuck 29 - Jody 29 - Kevin 27 - Henriksen 25 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 17 - Lisa 15 - Chuck 15 - Jessica 13 - Bela 13 - Frank 05 - Adam 05 - Henry Winchester 03 - Charlie Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer Ed Harry Darn now the list is getting hard. Looks like the fight to save Charlie is a losing battle but I still enjoy seeing her on my screen. But then again I still like Bobby...
  12. Well an answer I can create being a fanasty fan and all, Bobby thinks the note in his head and Cas creates it in paper form. Or we can have a missing scene where Bobby is screaming get me some paper...I mean all the things in heaven and you can't get me a single sheet of paper. Idjits! :) Who knows but if it can help you sleep at night...take it. :) I would just like the show to answer this. I get that it is ambiguous, but I would like to know what happened to them before the show ends. JMV. I don't think they are in heaven, because we've been told we can't find them...of course with as much as they love to re-write cannon that doesn't mean anything so this is plot hole that would be nice to see it filled.
  13. If you haven't seen the extended promo, it's showing up on facebook's Supernatural Page. This is the best I can do for the link, but it looks like Dean is going really dark, and for a moment I thought he was choking Sam, but another look I think it is someone else. But it gives a few more details about the book. I'm very torn...since I liked last weeks, and this one looks really interesting...I'm hoping I won't self destruct if the ep falls apart. On the Jensen/Dean scale he is looking really hot....http://www.facebook.com/Supernatural?fref=nf ETA: Nevermind it's posted on page 47...I just found it...can they kill Crowley's mom NOW! Please????
  14. Had to do some saving so I picked Harry over Ed. Why you ask? He depressed me too much the last time he showed up. So there! I'm afraid the prediction that this game will go on for a while so true, But if I must be cast as the wicked witch I prefer Elphaba...but does green really look good on me? :)
  15. Harry -- Henry Winchester ++ Lisa ++ 29 - Jody 29 - Kevin 27 - Henriksen 23 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 17 - Bela 15 - Jessica 15 - Chuck 15 - Lisa 13 - Frank 09 - Charlie 09 - Adam 07 - Henry Winchester 03 - Ed 01 - Harry Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer
  16. -- Ed -- Harry ++ Henry Winchester 27 - Henriksen 27 - Jody 27 - Kevin 21 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 17 - Bela 15 - Jessica 15 - Chuck 15 - Lisa 13 - Frank 09 - Charlie 07 - Adam 05 - Henry Winchester 03 - Ed 03 - Harry Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire Ben Karen Singer I like Henry and I'd rather see Ed and Harry go first. Although they were amusing at first, they over stayed their welcome and became just a lot of sad, their last ep would be best forgotten due to them hitting us over the head with anvils.
  17. Yeah, an ep that was worthy! I miss Bobby and I really enjoyed him in this one. Yes, I can miss him, we don't see him that much and I liked what he did. I can agree with a lot that others have said, Loved Dean and Crowley. Dean is the smart one in explaining human stuff to the non humans. I thought Dean being a bit of a Dick in the pool game was to show that Demon Dean isn't gone and the boys did ask for the ass kicking. Just that he went a bit over the top and I think that was to let us know, oh no, Demon Dean is trying to take over. The pacing worked and some surprises along the way...which is nice. Sam may be set up for a fall but to me it is the parallel with Dean in season 8 that they love to do so much. However not upset with Sam on this one. One to rewatch...and I loved Crowley with Dean, Sam and Cass and I hope they can find another way to bring Bobby back. This story felt organic to having him, and I thought it showed he loved both his boys.
  18. Evil Jared and Jensen, the A -list doesn't mix with the B-list...lol. Love Jared's acting all cool until he notices that Jensen's missing. Don't want to get on Cliff's bad side do you? :) will be interesting to see what they come up with next. I loved the green room reference. It never makes sense that they say green room, when I've never seen a green room. lol
  19. With what we've seen, I think your spec makes more sense than anything else. Too much is being done for shock value, so I hope that now they are moving in a matter that makes the characters strong and adds weight to the storyline. I know too much to ask for. :)
  20. Please be worthy, Please! :)
  21. IA Kind of hard to call it the year of Demon when Demon only lasted 3 eps and meant what? I think it's hurt more than anything. They could have gone for it, it's not like they couldn't have had a redemption arch for him. To a large extent, what a waste of Jensen's talents and storyline. Should never have gone there if you had nothing planned. Shame on the writers...they should know better!!!
  22. ++ Henry Winchester -- Ed -- Harry 27 - Henriksen 27 - Jody 25 - Kevin 21 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 19 - Chuck 17 - Bela 17 - Lisa 15 - Frank 15 - Jessica 11 - Charlie 09 - Henry Winchester 09 - Adam 05 - Ed 05 - Harry 03 - Ben 01 - Karen Singer Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire ETA: Left Claire off list...guess I really want to pretend she never happened. :)
  23. ++ Charlie ++ Lisa -- Harry 27 - Henriksen 27 - Jody 25 - Kevin 21 - Mrs. Tran 19 - Pamela 19 - Chuck 17 - Bela 17 - Lisa 15 - Frank 15 - Jessica 13 - Charlie 13 - Ed 11 - Harry 11 - Adam 09 - Henry Winchester 05 - Karen Singer 05 - Ben Writer’s Cannon Fodder Becky Amelia Cole Claire
  24. JDM or Cain would be a cool surprise. So I wonder who is the mystery person they had to schedule around their shooting schedule. Will be interesting to see who has guessed the right answer. :)
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