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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. An easy site is fanfiction. net. It's easy to upload and you can use your user name. http://www.fanfiction.net Other idea we could start a fanfiction subset where people post stories if the mods agree. I know we did that at the numbers site years back. Of course when they closed it down, all the stories were lost that wasn't posted elsewhere. It's how I got started. Watch it though, once you start writing you might not stop. LOL I know I'm evil aren't I? :)
  2. -- Girls, Girls, Girls ++ Soul Survivor ++ The Executioner's Song 21 - Fan Fiction 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - About a Boy 19 - Book of the Damned 19 - Inside Man 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - The Executioner's Song 13 - The Prisoner 11 - Soul Survivor 07 - Reichenbach 03- Girls, Girls, Girls Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home I guess because of Star Trek I'll always have a bit of fondness of split Dark and Good Charlie but it had some good moments but I agree they could have done better.
  3. It was fanfiction that got me into Supernatural...so yes there are some great writers out there. I do have some one shots to start with or short ones. I must admit I wonder about these writers all the time. :) But if I get too upset I usually go read someone I like to help me deal for a bit. Will be trying to write this summer to finish my monster that have been left undone. I do sometimes have weird ideas...so they may or may not stay true to cannon. Also I'm learning so be kind to my poor soul. lol.
  4. Oh you could start one...just saying and still do your demon!dean search. I'm not letting you off the hook that easy. Of course it could be a drabble or a one shot - you don't have to start with a novel. Sigh! My problem I always come up with a too complicated storyline so of course it turns into a novel. lol. Oh I liked the last video and after I watched it, I watched one called O death showing demon!dean being death as they sung Death's theme song. Very cool as well. Mick Lady this most likely is the best thread for it since it is a thread about fanfic and vids. Of course if you put the link to the story and then review it...I think you are following the rules. Just saying, unless the mods want us to start a new thread for that. But as long as it doesn't pop up on all the other threads I don't think it will be a problem...
  5. now I have something to watch when I'm wishing for shirtless Dean. lol. Such a bad boy. :)
  6. Finally able to post again...only 2 more days till School is out! Yeah!!!! ++ Inside Man ++ There's No Place Like Home -- Girls, Girls, Girls 21 - Fan Fiction 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - About a Boy 19 - Book of the Damned 19 - Ask Jeeves 19 - Inside Man 15 - The Prisoner 15 - Soul Survivor 13 - The Executioner's Song 11 - Reichenbach 11 - Girls, Girls, Girls 09 - There's No Place Like Home 03 - The Hunter Games Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart
  7. I love that she speaks about how hard it is and depressing. When you start out you don't get that, not really you think you'll be able to over come it. But it does take a toll on your soul and only a few lucky ones get their dreams. The rest of us quit for sanity and try to find something that fulfills that dream that is now missing. There are more opportunities today, but it doesn't mean it's an easy field and that you still won't have your heart ripped out. Somehow you have to get the rejection isn't personal, but it sure feels like it. :(
  8. Favorite Male Performer in a Drama: Jensen Ackles as Dean so Jensen won something! The Outlander fans are mad that their stars weren't on the list, but they were included in new shows. So we have a new rabbit fan base that will be trying to take down Jensen, but will have to wait till new year! LOL.
  9. About a Boy ++ Hibbing 911 ++ Girls, Girls, Girls -- 21 - Fan Fiction 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - About a Boy 17 - Inside Man 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - Book of the Damned 15 - There's No Place Like Home 13 - Soul Survivor 13 - The Hunter Games 13 - The Prisoner 13 - Girls, Girls, Girls 11 - The Executioners Song 11 - Reichenbach 07 - Angel Heart 05 - The Things We Left Behind Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon
  10. Strange enough, I am getting comments I should be writing. Now this is weird for me, since I'm mystified by grammar, spelling, and punctuation. But I have decided to give it a try to see if I can get rid of this fear that “I can’t write!” I know I can tell stories, I can even sometimes be a pretty good comedian, but a writer? Now that is the question! {Quoted from my fanfic page and I didn't start writing until 2006.} You can't say I didn't warn ya. I have some short ones that are done and one long SPN that is unfinished...School is out for the summer after next week, so I am hoping to get back to finishing my fics as I hate unfinished fics...hate with a passion and I'm guilty of it, so I must at least finish it even if it sucks. I'm fine with honest reviews as long as you give me something to work on. :) http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1080405/7kstar Now to get the topic back on track...I get how you can have beginning, middle and end sort of planned out but not have planned all the points that lead to it. I would be fine with Carver changing his mind about something because he had a better plan...but it just doesn't feel like he has one. My frustrating issue for me, is I loved Cain, Benny, and even Crowley's mom has grown on me. I could even deal with Death is dead and his twin brother just happens to be the next in line and shows up to seek revenge on our boys. Yes, I can come up with plots - finishing them is the issue. :) If Carver has finally gotten it all out of his system and just is using this to bring the boys on the same page to fight together, then I could deal. It still has lots of stupid, but I could over look it. The boys don't have to be on agreement about everything, they just have to be willing to work together because saving people and hunting things is what counts more than anything else. This is the show I fell in love with and the one I want back, damn it! (sorry if my language offends.)
  11. One reason I'm so mad at the final is that the "cat came out of the bag" that they had thought "Oh, I know let's make Dean a Demon." They had zero planned with it and it wasn't until they came back that they decided a bit what to do with it. Then they figured out the 200th needed the boys back together. Now they've got the darkness bit. If they planned this, you could tie it back to season 5. Lucifer could have been the smart one, the one everyone loved. He could even have been the best angel. Then God created man and gave man free will and the ablitity to love. Now these new creatures or monkeys as Uriel called them were ugly in Lucifer's eyes. He gets jealous because dear Daddy is spending too much time on his new play toys or kids. this happens in real life when the youngest child is born and the other kid feels threaten. So if dear old God knew his time was up, that Death was gunning for him, or he wanted his angels to learn their lessons, that Lucifer failed at...plenty of directions to tie this to... We know that souls are really powerful and that the angels were so suppose to be protecting them. That the angels lost their way and had forgotten what they were suppose to be doing or had grown tired of it and just wanted to go out and play. So could love, oh dear this could get really cheesy...is LOVE the key to solve this whole darkness issue, but humans have grown lazy, too busy and no longer focus on love... But now with Sam and Dean on the same page, will God once again save their asses, and give them the job of putting the darkness back into it's bottle by them uniting or some weird method... Somehow I think I've just put more thought into this mess than our dear writers have. It's a jumble mess I had an idea when I started this...It was tied into a short fanfic I wrote that God wanted Dean and Sam to teach Michael and Lucifer about the power of love...unfortunately it failed hence the mess of season 5. me bad. oh well...but I think that's the issue, the writers get one idea and then go how can we solve it? If the fans are teenagers they won't mind. The bad part is the adults that can figure out something stronger or see the huge plot holes.
  12. ++ The Executioners Song ++ There's No Place Like Home ++ Soul Survivor​ 19 - Fan Fiction 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - Hibbing 911 17 - Inside Man 17 - About a Boy 17 - Book of the Damned 17 - The Werther Project 15 - Girls, Girls, Girls 15 - There's No Place Like Home 15 - Soul Survivor​ 13 - The Prisoner 13 - Reichenbach 13 - The Executioners Song 13 - The Hunter Games 11 - Angel Heart 07 - The Things We Left Behind Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon
  13. Sure rip my heart out... Here's another that works well with Cas and Sam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YzI5a-1at8 I only know how to paste the URL.
  14. I think that is another reason why I kept rewinding it catrox 14. Another reason I might not be able to stop watching the show is I love these guys at cons. Jensen admits that the last 2 years the conventions have been different for him. He finally is able to let the love in and share more with the fans. He credits it with the birth of his daughter...Everybody say ...awwwwwwwwwwww now. :) I swear if they would package the best of the conventions together, they could make a mint. I know I would buy something if it was reasonable. :)
  15. -- Paint It Black -- Dark Dynasty ++ Book of the Damned 19 - Fan Fiction 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - Hibbing 911 17 - Inside Man 17 - About a Boy 17 - Book of the Damned 15 - Girls, Girls, Girls 15 - The Werther Project 13 - Soul Survivor 15 - Executioners Song 13 - There's No Place Like Home 13 - The Prisoner 13 - The Hunter Games 11 - The Things We Left Behind 11 - Reichenbach 11 - Angel Heart 07 - The Things They Carried 05 - Paper Moon 05 - Halt & Catch Fire 03 - Paint It Black 01 - Dark Dynasty Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper The only good thing about paint it black was Dean's confession toward's the end of it...but it's not enough for me to save it. Right now I hate, hate Brother's Keeper...I might like it later but I've lost faith in Carver, so I doubt it. I hate, hate Dark Dynasty...there are many ways they could have killed Charlie and that was beyond the worst. Plus I'm sick of the plot...oh we need someone the audience cares about to die. They won't mind as no one dies in Supernatural...but really show once you do die it isn't easy to bring them back unless they are the 2 leads. So the death's have hardly any impact anymore and mean nothing but stupid writing IMO.
  16. I know a pic has already been shown of Jensen showing his little tummy by accident, but I really laughed watching his reactions during this section of the con panel with Misha. Hope you enjoy. Of course rewinding to peek at one section doesn't say anything about me at all does it? :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHeuvNS1GEk
  17. IA that Carver is telling the story he wants, except for a few things. I think they are stuck in group think. Well Season 4 was so popular because...those elements keep being used. Dean's story, followed by Sam's secret & other brother's discover secret...The pattern are so similar and unwilling to do something really different. Afraid of the really major risks due to the fact that they may loose the fans they have built... He didn't cave on killing Charlie but really is oblivious to why so many in the fan-base was so upset with how she was killed even if they hated her. I think mainly the lack of risktaking makes the story pretty dull.
  18. Okay we saw God or might be God in Fanfiction...so I wonder what if God felt it was his time and he needed to leave to try to escape death or he was tired of it all, felt he had given too much especially since Carver has added that the mark twisted his most precious soldier. So with Death gone could it be time for God to reappear? I still wonder if Death wasn't an illusion one created by a certain demon tablet. Of course that would require some planning and connecting the dots so to speak....Argh I think I've gone mad!
  19. Balance would be an interesting concept in Spn world...especially with Carver at the helm. Taking the rest of my thoughts to the spoilers thread.
  20. Inside Man ++ Dark Dynasty -- Brother's Keeper -- 17 - Fan Fiction 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - Executioners Song 17 - Hibbing 911 17 - Inside Man 15 - Girls, Girls, Girls 15 - There's No Place Like Home 15 - About a Boy 15 - Paint It Black 15 - Book of the Damned 15 - The Werther Project 15 - Angel Heart 13 - Paper Moon 13 - The Prisoner 13 - Soul Survivor 13 - The Things We Left Behind 13 - The Things They Carried 13 - The Hunter Games 13 - Halt & Catch Fire 11 - Reichenbach 09 - Black 09 - Dark Dynasty 03 - Brother's Keeper Guess I need to go back to first grade...Does that explain my issues with balancing a checkbook??? :)
  21. My problem is with the writing. How about Dean not wanting Sam to close the Gates of Hell because it will cause more harm than good? The big bad at the end of this season came out of left field and could have been interesting if it had been set up. I don't get what Carver wants with all of this? Does he really want us to believe that TFW can save each other and still save the world. How about giving us a reason why this time matters more than last time. How about we connect the dots between the 10 years. Why not brainstorm these questions before you ruin your 2 lead characters...
  22. Hibbing 911 ++ Dark Dynasty -- Brother's Keeper -- 17 - Fan Fiction 17 - Ask Jeeves 17 - Executioners Song 17 - Hibbing 911 15 - Paper Moon 15 - Girls, Girls, Girls 15 - There's No Place Like Home 15 - About a Boy 15 - Paint It Black 15 - Inside Man 15 - Book of the Damned 15 - The Werther Project 15 - Angel Heart 15 - The Prisoner 15 - Soul Survivor 13 - Reichenbach 13 - Dark Dynasty 13 - The Things We Left Behind 13 - The Things They Carried 13 - The Hunter Games 13 - Halt & Catch Fire 11 - Dark Dynasty 11 - Black 07 - Brother's Keeper IA that Jensen and Jared did some of their best work this season and aren't phoning it in. There are some great eps, but right now there are 2 I hate due to what they did, more than the acting so I'll focus on them...
  23. I love leverage. This morning when the pain level came down I realized I need to do something that can make me smile. Since the weather is lousy, I think some leverage might be what the doctor ordered. I haven't watched Eureka...looks like another idea. I'm lucky in that both my parents are alive, although I closer to my dad than my mom. I can only imagine...but when I lost my uncle who I was very close, I did get the issues of seeing something that would bring the pain. So I suspect the emotions will be off the charts and some will make you laugh and other stuff not so much. One thing I did with my grandmother because I wasn't there in person when she left us, so I wrote a letter and said all the things I needed to say and then I burned the letter in a ceremony. Sorry you're dealing with the weirdness, but when it makes you smile cherish that moment before you move on to the next item. HUGS.
  24. Never even knew the slogan. Words get stolen all the time. There is a play title that is "Our Hearts are Young and Gay." I was asked to change the title, which legally I can't. It was written in the 30's so guess that one is off the books for middle school forever. Just thought I would help you lighten the load. To take offense, you would have had to do something or say something to make me upset. Sue B sorry you had it ruff, and maybe we should just start a mediation or yoga group...lol. I wondered if creative people have a higher percent of depression. I know that pain and a family loss is hitting me harder because of the combination. No I'm not in trouble...but the dark thoughts are running rampant right now. Hence maybe why I'm so over acting to a TV show. I may have to stay with season 1-3 for a bit and ignore the later stages or just give supernatural a break. I need something that makes me laugh or gives me hope. Not somethings that adds to the depression. Not sure if that makes sense.
  25. That would mean that Carver would even consider this issue. We had people stuck in the veil for one ep and then poof it's no longer talked about or even dealt with, everything went on as normal. Hence why I not even concerned, care or whatever about this final. It won't be dealt with. The first 3 eps will maybe deal with it, then the boys are back to MoW stories, some meta thrown in and then the last 3 will be crunch time and let's do something stupid to say we've done something about this. I'm sure I'll tune in, I haven't been able to stop yet but I am closer to leaving than staying. So unless they give me something that I like, I won't worry about all the issues because Carver will never address them, he hasn't yet in the past either. Hope that makes sense. I hurt myself last night and in a lot of pain so maybe it only makes sense in my headspace. But maybe that is Carver's problem. It makes sense to him, just not to us long time viewers. Short time viewer, or just joined fans aren't tired of the rinse and repeat so they can be excited.
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