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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. ++ Fan Fiction -- Dark Dynasty -- Brother's Keeper 17 - Fan Fiction 15 - Paper Moon 15 - Ask Jeeves 15 - Girls, Girls, Girls 15 - Hibbing 911 15 - The Things We Left Behind 15 - The Hunter Games 15 - There's No Place Like Home 15 - About a Boy 15 - The Executioner's Song 15 - The Things They Carried 15 - Paint It Black 15 - Inside Man 15 - Book of the Damned 15 - The Werther Project 15 - Angel Heart 15 - The Prisoner 13 - Dark Dynasty 13 - Black 13 - Reichenbach 13 - Soul Survivor 13 - Halt & Catch Fire 09 - Brother's Keeper
  2. I'm wondering if Jensen being quiet is to see how fans are responding. Many loved it but many didn't. The question will be, does Jensen love it next season??? But if they got rid of the boys, this show would be so easy to quit. Not even the Dukes of Hazzard's could go on with Bo and Luke Duke. lol
  3. Well at least we could have a simple solution, all fans connect to the same storyline and believe the brother's are heroes enjoying saving people and we wipe out a lot of season 8-10. Our faith would literally rewrite all the stupid issues and we could have a blame free zone for both DEAN & SAM!!! Part of my complaint is too much is thrown into this ep, and told instead of being shown. So yeah, it doesn't make sense. I too thought here's a repeat of the demons escaping hell and will both boys be returned to their glory and once again remember they died???? The show I loved was 2 brothers fighting the bad fight to stay on the path so the world would be better, not interested in the brothers destroying the world. I forgot what convention it was, but they had finished the final and Jensen was acting excited about it. It may be he felt excited due to the acting challenges. I know there are plays I would love to perform, but I would never want to watch. JMV
  4. What I hated was the lack of explanation of not looking for Dean but the leaving Kevin when he did know what happen that was the part that made me hate Sam. But I hated the writing more than anything. So many little things could have been used to make it work. A simple trying and but running into nothing but dead-ends and then he hits the dog and all is over. My biggest gripe right now is that the boys are no longer hero's. That sucks!
  5. -- Castiel -- Death -- Rufus 09 - Castiel 08 - Bobby 03 - Death Sorry the mood I'm in someone had to go and Death was too far away! Love ya Rufus, such a fun hunter and I really wish I had learned a bit more about what that fight was between you and Bobby. I loved you two together. So go be the hero you are and know we still love ya! Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin Gabriel Jody Ellen Rufus
  6. Jared is off social media right now as he is in a major health issue, last word was exhaustion and his last tweets weren't good, hinting he was in a bad place. Exhaustion can do that though, so he might be fine once he gets some rests and plays a bit. Jensen...is doing conventions...but his opinion that this is/was Carver's best finale???? Now to be fair he didn't say the best ever...lol I think my real issue is I'm mad. This season now feels pointless and that it was drifting without direction. I know it isn't really new, but the end just didn't make me care. Sure I'm glad that the boys are back together fighting the big bad together... But the flip side that makes my blood boil, is they made them dicks and no longer hero's. It's one thing if you are doing everything you can do to end something terrible and find you've been mislead all along, but to cause the world's worst for what? If we are suppose to believe that love is the winning hand...HOW!!!! Maybe as I get some distance from it I'll feel a little different but right now I suspect it will be three eps of angst and then the boys are back fighting some monster of the week and nothing new in that dept. Worse, how in the hell did a witch get the upper hand over the King of Hell and an Angel???? They are that useless, that weak? Death is easy to take out, he didn't see that coming? OH well the answer will come and I'm sure I'll watch but it might be like I watched season 7...when I felt like it and I missed more than I saw. I guess it is too much to ask for the fun loving brother's that loved life and saving people. So since everyone is a monster, who is left to be the hero??? I forgot, they're all dead.
  7. okay which rinse and repeat was it, season 2, saved Sam but released the demons or season 5. Is Jensen's hint when you see the boys working together to end the big bad then that will be the sign it is the last season? I guess this year it is me needing a reason why I should keep trying with this show besides the eye candy.... why does it feel as if it all came crashing to the ground. I mean if the writers were good at planning and spacing out a storyline. I guess I should be grateful that Dean's story wasn't just thrown out and both boys look like fools now...really this is the best the show can do?
  8. It's time, for the show to end, at least that is my feelings right now with such a crap final. So Demon Dean meant nothing. Just when the mark could be interesting they do this. GOD is gone and I guess Rowena is the big bad until she meets darkness. I kept hoping that Metraton was pretending to be Death but of course not. The places they took Dean...I really hate Carver right now...not excited at all for next season and no I won't be worrying about it because in 3 eps it won't mean anything and will be the biggest waste we've ever seen. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Although Jensen and Jared did their best and there were a few good moments... the key word is few...I don't know if I'll be back.
  9. Castiel -- Jody + Death + 13 - Castiel 10 - Bobby 08 - Death 07 - Jody 04 - Rufus 04 - Ellen Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin Gabriel
  10. -- Castiel + Bobby + Jody 14 - Castiel 12 - Bobby 10 - Jody 08 - Death 08 - Rufus 06 - Ellen Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin Gabriel
  11. well we will know on Wednesday...darn it! But it sure is a pretty pic...somehow I get lost in his eyes. :)
  12. Sniff Gabriel is gone...oh well I knew it would be luck if he was still around when it came to my time to vote. Still like him but maybe he's still pretending to be the trickster...somewhere. :) + Jody + Ellen -- Rufus 16 - Castiel 15 - Bobby 12 - Jody 10 - Rufus 10 - Death 10 - Ellen Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin Gabriel
  13. Though having one successful show doesn't guarantee another. But yeah, I think that is the MAJOR problem, they've had 10 years so now it doesn't really matter until it does.
  14. -- Death -- Castiel + Gabriel 17 - Bobby 15 - Death 15 - Castiel 13 - Jody 13 - Ellen 12 - Rufus 03 - Gabriel Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin Top 2, I figured I would just even it up, since I can't decide. Not ready to let Gabriel go either.
  15. What gets me besides this, is that when this show ends, if all they have is bad writing to show for it, how will they get the next opportunity, for a new TV series. Maybe it is the fact that they get new fans and they feel that counts more?! I'm also bored of everyone dying on this show. It's not surprising or interesting anymore. It's over done and boring IMO. :(
  16. Compared to LA where 400,000 is an average home and not a rich home, well you get my meaning. :) Dallas is more expensive than some areas of Texas. I've visited a few areas of Georgia but never priced anything. the cool thing about the internet is you can chat with someone anywhere across the globe. My house was just 120,000.00 and now the neighborhood is in the 200,000 range. It's not the expensive area, but it is a nice area. I couldn't afford my house now. :( No I don't live in Dallas, but I did grow up in a small town sort of near Dallas. :) Sounds like it is fun where you live if you can see so much. :)
  17. Neither really come from money. Their family has a nice income but they aren't stinky rich. JA's Dad main work is voiceover's and it has provided for them but it was clear his father is very grounded. The directive you can try it for 6 months but if you don't make it or land something steady you're to come back and go to college shows how level headed it all is. I'm sure like anything there are days they just don't wanna, and would love to do something else, but the crew and actors have a unique situation. Most shows die because of the in fighting or casts not getting along. Few have the rep that Supernatural does. I know I would love to have the chance to work with them, because it does sound fun. Also Texas is cheaper than many States on houses and cost of living. Hence a reason that many are moving to areas in Texas. You can buy a really expensive home for $400,000.00 in most areas. Homes were really cheap 30 years ago as well. Actors make their best income working...how much they can make after the show stops depends on how strong of a contract they got signed and how popular the show stays. If you are really an actor / artist you want to work. I know when I stop teaching I will still be looking for something creative to do, I have to. This is something that some will never understand. I really wish it was easier for creative people to get the jobs they want...but it is a hard field and many turned to other forms of work, to survive. So I get why these 2 keep doing the show. When it stops being fun, I think they will leave.
  18. Bob Singer and Carver...you both deserve to have to face your fans. Killing Charlie was plain dumb. Even if you had really good reason, this one just sucked and you just made her stupid. IA that some of the writers really try and care about the show and I really respect them. But JA & JP need direction too. In TV, the writers play a part of the director's job in stage. The director has a lower bit of control in TV land. In stage everyone, including the writer answers to the director. It's a different world and the writer can find what they created on the page is thrown out if it just doesn't work. Good actors also need strong material to make it work. I think some of the blame for the acting is that they are doing their best to make it work, but sometimes it just doesn't make any sense. I can understand only having broad strokes, but at least go back enough and make sure the puzzle pieces fit. I think this was a strength that Krikpe did. He might have not really planned it all out and some things he was definitely flying by the seat of his pants, but he was smart enough to pick a moment in the past to tie it in. By doing that, it made it appear as if he had planned it all along. JMO Aww Thanks. I agree that the writers need to bring it up a notch. Smart people watch this show too, so writers do your job a little better please especially the so-called best ones, or the ones they seem to allow to write more than they should. I admit after reading Robbie's interview my respect for him has gone wayyyyyyyyyy up. :) My frustration is that they have some awesome potential ideas that fail because they don't have a big picture plan. Killing off characters should only be done if it really forwards the story, not for a cheap shot to make fans react.
  19. Carver...all I got to say is that you better deliver and make it worthwhile that you killed Charlie. Not going to get too excited because every time I do, I hate it.... Please let me like it...please????
  20. ++ Jody -- Kevin ++ Gabriel 19 - Death 17 - Castiel 17 - Bobby 17 - Jody 15 - Ellen 15 - Rufus 03 - Gabriel Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show Tessa Gadreel Azazel Meg Masters Cain Henriksen Benny Kevin
  21. Jared lost a friend to suicide this Jan. hence the keep fighting. He suffered from a bout in season 3 and was told they needed to shut the filming down for 5 days, he took one according to him. I read he was bummed about the fans reactions to Charlie's death and that some were blaming Sam. Now if Jared is a method actor and I suspect he uses a bit of it, Some of the feelings of his character could be bleeding over and he just needs to rest and feel loved. So I sent a tweet, not sure he will see it, but I'm sure someone is in touch with him till he makes it safely back to Austin. I think the best advice I have heard and is true about suicide, is that if you're stuck in a monologue you'll choose to end your life. but if you get into a dialogue, you can save a life. Depression is nasty and the head games are the worst part of it. So hopefully he'll get some rest, have some fun time with family and feel better soon. I'm glad that Jensen will look out for Jared's best interest and say what he really needs, instead of suck it up and do your job. It's how they look after each other is another reason I keep coming back to watch this show.
  22. Jensen has said and I forgot where I read it, that this was Carver's best final yet and he didn't have a clue how it would be resolved. Show can end quickly if the ratings aren't there. I don't think they would kill the boys off and start a new one without them as that would have a backlash on the new show, a death sentence really. I remember when CBS decided to shorten Numb3rs run and announce a new show would run in it's spot. Basically Number's fans killed the new show. They campaigned to have the fan base watch anything but the new show. The new show died, regardless whether that was the cause or not. However I could see this being it. Jensen has hinted you know it's the last season if the boys are fighting the big bad together as though if they are united it would be the sign of the end. Right now, I'm fine with next being the last. I would rather it ended without me deciding that's it, I'm out, I'll watch the last one when it airs, like I did with Lost, but I'm out. I'm hoping that final will bring something back, but right now I'm dreading it but can't not watch. Now if Metatron was killed I might get a little excited...
  23. I think I will see if Dean as a reaper is the winner. I thought Death wanted to teach Dean as though he held a special spot in his family of sorts. Not sure if any of this is making sense, since I'm so tired right now. I'm luke warm about the finale. Hoping I find more to like.
  24. Okay this might be out there, but what if Killing Cain has done more than releasing the Mark. What if Dean is slowly being turned into Cain? The line Dean said about the boy was almost word for word what Cain said when he intended to kill the boy that the brother's saved, even though we thought we saw Cain's death. What if Cain is the one taking over Dean. It also would make sense on Cain taking down Cas easily with Charlie's death being the catalyst to bring Cain to the forefront. I just wish the finale won't divide the fandom in half? I just wanna have fun...sigh
  25. Well I liked the Charlie montage at the beginning but Hated what Dean said to Sam about he should be dead not Charlie. Sam's point about saving Dean will have a price, maybe too high of a price was spot on. But the beat down on Cas, the killing of the kid, yes they really did make Dean really dark, too dark... I did love that Crowley didn't die because I wasn't expecting it. His eyes turning red and him remembering why he loved what he did, I thought Sam what have you released. I have a thought that I will share in the spoiler's thread, but there are so many issues. Not sure how I feel, I'm not excited but maybe I'm like the spectators that have to watch the train wreck. So I will either hate the whole thing or they will give me a reason to want to watch next season. SO I totally get the hate watch, because I feel like I'm torn in half. I don't want to see what comes next, yet I can't miss it either. There has to be a really big pay off, that makes next season worthwhile, but right now I'm scared I'm just going to wish that season 11 is the last one ever.
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