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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. You have some interesting moments to set up the story and I loved the insults the kids were throwing. I might suck at the voices, but usually I find a voice in my head that feels like the characters. I sometimes look at a picture or watch a clip to try to find that voice that fits the boys. Sometimes I think I do and other times not so sure but this is where reviews come into play. My first fanfiction was crap...not gonna lie. I'm rewriting a lot that I posted just because I didn't get it. So you learn by trail and error. You can't improve with taking risks and that's the point for us to have a group that will help us get better without damaging our egos. :) Here's mine http://www.fanfiction.net/s/11310065/1/A-Burden-on-his-Brother-s-Soul I did do two words, so that fact it's over 500 won't count against me??? I hope I got the voices right. I've posted several stories and I still get nervous. I'm hoping one day I'll get good enough to publish some plays but you can't do anything without taking risks. I hope you all enjoy it.
  2. IA with that. I loved the promo, but it sold something different than what they did. I still like the Executioner's Song and it wouldn't have been so low on my list but it is interesting to see how we vote. There are others I also really like so when the downvoting happens too often then I decide if there is another one I would rather save. I think as a season, this one has been much better than 8 & 9. JMV
  3. It's the behind the scenes stuff with the cast that keeps me coming back plus I do love Dean and finally like Sam again. I know that some actors are NOT fun to work with, they have a big head and create havoc so I can see both Jared and Jensen saying as long as this is fun, why not stay. When it becomes a job then it's time for them to go running elsewhere. Plus it's hard to get jobs. I think they could but I seen many of a fan favorite not get another job after the hit show they were on ended. It was fun to read how Jensen reacted to the parody
  4. + About a Boy + Soul Survivor + Book of the Damned 24 - Fan Fiction 23 - Inside Man 22 - About a Boy 21 - The Werther Project 20 - Hibbing 911 19 - Book of the Damned 07 - Soul Survivor 03 - The Executioner's Song 01 - Ask Jeeves Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner I think The Prisoner might have been a better final, they jammed pack the final and really it needed a longer arch...but that is the problem with this show for years and not just the Carver years IMO. I had to pick and I picked Soul Survivor over the Executioner because I do believe they wasted Cain and it could have been so much more. I thought Soul did a pretty good job and not blaming it for the writers dropping Demon Dean too fast so they could do fanfiction... No the hard part for me, I like what is left, so now it is just figuring out the order of what is left and I'm not in the mood today so I let clue live just a bit longer. I just didn't think it was better than some of the rest, so that's why I down voted it.
  5. To do a simple tag type the user name and then put a @ before the name. Or you can cheat, quote something you want from that person and only keep a bit of what they want by hitting the quote marks on the end of their posts. Hope that makes sense. I liked it, sneaky how you tied it to season 10. :) Very nice job of filling the void of why Dean's eyes bled red. Loved it. Well I broke the word count, so I figured what the heck I would write two words in one and then it wouldn't matter if it was longer. So how about 500 to 750 words. Unless you really demand that we stick with 500. But I warn ya, I'm a drama person and we love to bend or break rules. :) Also I don't teach writing...so no guarantee that my writing measures up. ETA: I should have mine up tomorrow...to tired to finish it tonight.
  6. + Book of the Damned + Soul Survivor -- Ask Jeeves 24 - Fan Fiction 21 - About a Boy 21 - Hibbing 911 21 - Inside Man 20 - The Werther Project 20 - Book of the Damned 08 - Soul Survivor 06 - The Executioner's Song 05 - Ask Jeeves Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach The Prisoner Looks like it's correct. Darn I want one more vote....:)
  7. My take on the mark was causing Dean to see the worst, dark side in people that had a dark side. Like Cain he had begun a quest, to rid the world of evil even if it wasn't totally clear that they would be evil. Like Soulless Sam he didn't care about the innocent victims along the way, example Rudy (or course interesting Ruby) If they had set this up with more eps I think it would have been a good final. But to throw as much as they did in the end it came out of left field. Now if parts of what we saw was a dream, still can hope that Death isn't really dead and the really extra large weapon might be a clue.... It would have been fun to see the Crowley and Dean dream scene though. I'm glad we didn't see Cas and Rowena scene it is like bad fanfiction.
  8. Jensen is way down the line, only 5%. Arrow and Outlander are the biggest winners, Outlander way in the lead.
  9. + Hibbing 911 + Soul Survivor -- Ask Jeeves 21 - Fan Fiction 21 - About a Boy 21 - Hibbing 911 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Inside Man 19 - Book of the Damned 10 - The Executioner's Song 10 - Soul Survivor 09 - Ask Jeeves 03 - The Prisoner Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls Reichenbach Farewell Reichenbach. Like catrox14 & Awesom0400 I liked several moments of it. But felt I had to pick one to save so I went with Soul Survivor. I think as time goes by season 10 will be seen as a strong season, the final gave me a bad taste in my mouth but I will rewatch what I saved to see if I feel differently but I agree it had some really strong moments with Dean and Sam.
  10. I think the conventions have given him his awards and recognition. I think that is another reason he is opening up more to the fans. He now enjoys them and sees the opportunity. Also as an actress, though I didn't do it that long due to all the hardships, you have a pull to act. Anywhere. I'm sure you would like to have the kudos, but when the same people keep getting it over and over...how much value does it hold? He's happy and on a show that is fun to work on, and that isn't always the case. Plus as Mark S said, I get to go to a convention and have the fans tell me what a great job I'm doing...where else in film do you get that. Would I like to see Jensen get an award, sure.
  11. Maybe because Jared on Gilmore Girls and they just did a reunion??? Other than that I've got nothing.
  12. + Soul Survivor + The Executioner's Song -- Ask Jeeves 21 - Fan Fiction 21 - About a Boy 20 - Hibbing 911 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Inside Man 19 - Book of the Damned 15 - The Executioner's Song 12 - Ask Jeeves 10 - Soul Survivor 06 - The Prisoner 01 - Reichenbach Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls
  13. Wait till you're only allow 100 words. Yikes! I very seldom hit it on the nose. So are you going to go through the whole alpha in a few days. LOL Since you're ahead how about answering that burning question, why did Dean's eyes bleed in Bloody Mary???? I want to know and I don't wanna have to write it. Please.... :)
  14. The family car that we drove everywhere with a family of 6, the banna wagon. the Volkswagen Bus, it was orange yellow. The little ones slept in the back, and I didn't have to fight for elbow room like we did with the other car. Don't really remember what it was. Plus we got an air vent that gave us air and in Texas that is a good thing. My learning to drive is a downer, guess I won't ever win the optimistic award. I was learning how to drive the bus, had to learn how to drive a stick shift. So I was almost ready to take my test, when my mom gets into an accident. She is okay but the bus is smashed and so it goes to be repaired. So now I start learning how to drive my brother's beetle. It was bright yellow. Just about ready to go take the test when my brother gets in a wreck and so now it's out of commission. So I go back to learning on the bus, as it's finally ready when my sister gets hit by a car. Yes, I saw it. Anyway, I gave up. I finally took the test around my 18th birthday after almost 2 years of trying. So unlike my brother I didn't get it early but luckily I had someone to drive me if I needed to go someplace. My sister survived and married with a kid old enough to go to college. For some reason I can really relate to Dean...can't imagine why???? :)
  15. Poor Dean, I think I agree with him though. Trying to keep it vague so I don't spoil it for others. congrats, great job and you did two in one. cheater! :) Are you trying to get an A? lol Nope I'm on summer break, no grading for me! yeah. :)
  16. + Hibbing 911 + Soul Survivor -- Ask Jeeves 21 - Fan Fiction 21 - About a Boy 20 - Hibbing 911 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Inside Man 19 - Book of the Damned 15 - Ask Jeeves 15 - The Executioner's Song 10- Soul Survivor 09 - The Prisoner 03 - Reichenbach Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home Girls, Girls, Girls
  17. If they did tie Rowena to the past history it would be interesting. Of course that means they actually had a clear plan for her character to begin with. Just read an article and I don't remember where of course, that they only planned to use her for a few eps, but because the fans liked her they added more. Might be why it felt off, then once they got a solid idea it started working better. I just wonder how much Carver watches the history of the show. I know they give dvds to the guest stars but does Carver watch any of the past to help guide his own ideas?
  18. Yes, I teach, middle school Drama & Debate. I can't help it...I've been teaching too long! Please forgive me. Funny thing, middle school kids think I don't tell them enough...I can't please anyone can I! :) I did forget one rule, you have to use the word in your story. OOPS!
  19. I have those, hence the reason I plan on trying to wrap one up...I hope. :) So post a link and if I have time I'll look it over. I don't think you'll have to worry about any of us flaming ya. I might give suggestions...but I'll never be cruel. Mick Lady - on Archive of their Own -- not one I use a lot, since I usually go to fanfiction net first. (It's where I post my stuff.) Looks like you can click on TV shows, then supernatural and if you know the author then search from there. Maybe some others know the site better so they can help out more. Sometimes I just google hurt Dean fanfiction and go from there, although I have a lot of different places I go to read fic and not just supernatural. Usually it's summer when I get to do that. But be warned, fanfiction will have some really weird stuff out there and if you don't like, just stop reading and move on. When I first started reading fanfiction, I finished many bad fics but now if I just don't like it or it is too hard to read, I stop and move on. If the fic is slash - gay relationships - wincest - brothers together-- it is usually marked so you can avoid it. I've even seen spanking fics - sheesh -- not my cup of tea. First one because, well I want to know. "Why did Dean's eyes bleed in Blood Mary?" Too hard...fine Pick a word that starts with the letter A. Ex. Abandoned, Adolescent, Adorable, Amused Don't want to hunt for a word, pick from one of the 4 above. We could start it on Sunday and you have a week to get it done. No more than 500 words. So since we aren't all aboard yet, let's give two weeks for this first one. The next time we go to letter B and so on. Everyone understand the prompt???? We can make up rules if needed as issues pop up, but I think less is more. This isn't suppose to be a masterpiece. Write, edit but once the time is up, post. Any questions? ETA: Forgot --- I did forget one rule, you have to use the word in your story. OOPS!
  20. Not bad for your first one. Dean's confusion was very nicely done. See you can do it! Warning...you may feel the need to do this more often...just do it! :)
  21. fanfiction net is easy to use because if you write in word, you just upload the document and then publish. Also if you don't have an account you just need an email and you could use your user name for this site. I have to finish my clearing out my classroom on Monday but I should be able to start it in a few. I was dead yesterday but like Dean and Sam I seem to be coming back to life. lol Prompts are easy...putting an ending is the hard part...
  22. ++ About a Boy ++ Soul Survivor -- Girls, Girls, Girls 21 - Fan Fiction 21 - About a Boy 19 - The Werther Project 19 - Hibbing 911 19 - Book of the Damned 19 - Inside Man 17 - The Executioner's Song 17 - Ask Jeeves 11 - The Prisoner 11 - Soul Survivor 05 - Reichenbach 01- Girls, Girls, Girls Fallen in a pit of Darkness Black Brother's Keeper Halt & Catch Fire Paint It Black Dark Dynasty The Things They Carried Paper Moon The Things We Left Behind Angel Heart The Hunter Games There's No Place Like Home
  23. Writing Challenges is how I got started. Let me sleep on it and I have a few ideas, I'm just exhausted from the end of the year and a lot of pain. So I guess the question is who is interested in playing. Key word, playing and supporting each other.
  24. Hey start with the ones done...I've got a few that will get you by for a bit. Plus the monster is almost 30 chapters over 60,000. words so it will take you a few days to read. :) What can I say the muse is fickle but I have a short one buzzing around so maybe some good reviews will spark my muse into overdrive...you just never know. Hee hee!
  25. Just let us know where you do post it. Links help us that don't know all the places. lol It's okay there are nice folks that will help us that don't know how, although I've never done a blog or live journal. There is more out there than I have time for...hence the reason many of my long fics are undone. ;)
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