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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Yeah someone else that won't kill Citizen Fang. I know it still a easy kill but not ready to stop fighting yet! ++ Citizen Fang ++ Blood Brother -- Trial and Error 31- Everybody Hates Hitler 29 - Hunteri Heroici 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19 19 - As Time Goes By 19 - Goodbye Stranger 19 - Pac Man Fever 19 - The Great Escapist 13 - A Little Slice of Kevin 13 - Blood Brother 09 - Trial and Error 05 - Freaks and geeks 07 - Sacrifice 05- Citizen Fang 01 - Clip Show 01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver
  2. When you don't have much to get excited about, sometimes you pay attention to the parts you like. I really liked the moments with Ty, Misha and Jensen. Plus I liked seeing Dean being productive and clever. So I know I'm in the minority...so I only choose to remember the few parts of Sam that sort of works. Sam freaking about Benny is actually funny with his line, I see you two have a lot of talking to do. I remember when I watched this, I still didn't know if Benny was friend or foe, but he did seem to like Dean. I think it would have been better to show a lot of the stories live, but TPTB seem to really be afraid of keeping Sam and Dean apart. Of course their reasons do suck...but I agree that once again Jensen's acting skills mess things up and Jared just wasn't able to overcome the bad writing. I could buy that Sam just couldn't be alone, that he needed to latch on to something, because Crowley does tell him your all alone...no one left. So maybe we were supposed to buy that Sam being all alone meant he was too stupid to think of a course of action and then he is aimless without any drive or direction until he hits the dog. The dog is the reason he stays and then he sees something in this woman...I think it was the plan that just didn't worked. If it had happened live I think it would have helped. Maybe the writers just don't really understand conflict and how to really paint a good conflict story. I can deal with the show's measure of soap opera, as it isn't really a triangle....Maybe someone above the writers really wanted a woman relationship and this was their attempt to add more strong women. But the seem to suck at this. Of course one problem the actors have, is that they play the part as it is written and they don't know the big picture coming so they may not play it correctly which is why we feel like it doesn't make any sense when we see it play out over the season. But I like Ty and Jensen a lot...so for me I can fanwank some of the mess so I can enjoy the parts I like. Of course, that means I've skipped the stupid parts and totally pretend they never happened. JMV :)
  3. -- Clip Show ++ Blood Brother ++ Citizen Fang 29 - Hunteri Heroici 29 - Everybody Hates Hitler 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - As Time Goes By 19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19 - Goodbye Stranger 19 - Pac Man Fever 19 - The Great Escapist 13 - Trial and Error 13 - Blood Brother 13 - A Little Slice of Kevin 11 - Citizen Fang 09 - Freaks and geeks 07 - Sacrifice 05 - Clip Show 05 - We Need to Talk About Kevin Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver Sorry but I'm fighting ya on two of them...I like them not for Sam's story but I really miss Benny! :(
  4. One problem about John, is if they showed John being a great parent and had kept John alive...then it split the show's focus. So they needed a reason to keep the boys separate from John. When John gives up his life, it was to save Dean and possibility does exist that he knew Dean stood a better chance of saving Sam than he could. One reason for me that John wasn't as awful as he could have been was how he realized that once he tried to protect Lisa and Ben from the monsters, he fell into John's patterns. It gave him a new way of looking at his father. Plus he honestly got along better than Sam. But the show has always had moments even with Sam and Dean starting in season 1 which made me wonder why the boys even stayed together. So yes it would be nice to see John, if only to get some closure for the audience. John will NEVER be the Best Dad ever, but even Sam saw he wasn't the WORST one ever either...this is season 1 So I think you can find lines that show a complex man, and I think Dean gets that. He sees that he isn't the best role model but when he was four, his Dad did come through. I can even see a love/hate relationship, but I think he saw something positive but recognized that his dad got tunnel vision and that could be deadly. But he did hero worship him as a child. there had to be enough positive reactions, that helped him look past all the mistakes. That four year old that needed his Dad, still can't let go and say his dad is just awful. I think they have been all over the place as they kept trying to figure out excuses for why John was absent. Perhaps if JDM could have come more often on the show, his character wouldn't have been painted into such a dark corner. But I would still love to see him come back at least one before the show ends. This season seems possible fingers crossed. Fighting a headache so hopefully this makes sense. If not feel free to ignore.
  5. I think Dean sees John showing up when he really needed help, like he shows up just in time to kill the monster to protect little Sammy, yes it give Dean the worst I told you so...but in Dean's eyes he did save Sam. Dean is the first to say he wasn't the father of the year, but in the Christmas ep, he saw the humor in the beer can wreath and that he did sometimes attempt to do some nice things for his kids. John can definitely be a SoB, but Dean always felt that he cared for his family and did the best he could. I also think Jensen's own feeling for the actor and his own father flavor some of his feelings. Jensen always points out how his Dean's Dad is a good guy stuck in a bad situation. They have never addressed what happened to John or Mary. So yes it would be a good thing if they wanted to use some version of John to help out. I would prefer to see JDM, but there are other ways to bring John back if they can't get JDM. I guess John's last scene before he died or sold his soul has weight for me. He sees how he's made so many mistakes and he even says the things in a heart felt way of how proud he was of Dean. I know some feel the secret throws that all out, but I think Dean see it as a warning he had to give before it was too late. Does he love his dad for it...NO...but I think he knows his Dad well enough to understand his motivation. I also think that there are some things Dean forgives his father for and knowing how Sam would react to his dad found ways to color it more positive. Sometimes it is easier to believe something must be wrong with you if the people you love keep disappearing in your life, than to see the worst in the others. But no matter how they slice it, I really hope that they include John this season in a way that is more uplifting...if that makes any sense. JMV. ETA: Hopefully it makes more sense.
  6. @Awesome0 I get why you hate it but I hate what they do to Dean in the second half and yes, I love good character development. But by this season I'm sick to death of Dean only having I will bow to King Sam and be depressed. The only good things he got, they just drop and by this season I had join I'm sick of King Sam. I get we don't agree and I won't see it your way either, I can respect it but I can't agree. The best Part of Taxi Driver was having Sam having to eat his words about Benny and realize that he was wrong to do what he did to his brother. And the heartbreak of Dean killing Benny but believing that Benny would come back. Once again Dean is blinded by the thought that he can't save everyone and not seeing how tired Benny was of fighting his own instincts as a vampire. The place he had longed for on earth wasn't the paradise he thought it was. So it's the only good part. I did like seeing Bobby again, but I hated how they brought him back. So I was willing to let it go, but Citizen Fang & Blood Brothers, nope not ready yet. ++ Citizen Fang -- Clip Show ++ Blood Brother 27 - Everybody Hates Hitler 27 - Hunteri Heroici 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - As Time Goes By 19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 19 - Goodbye Stranger 19 - Pac Man Fever 17 - The Great Escapist 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Blood Brother 13 - A Little Slice of Kevin 13 - Freaks and Geeks 11 - Citizen Fang 09 - Clip Show 09 - Sacrifice 07 - We Need to Talk About Kevin Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed Taxi Driver
  7. -- Sacrifice ++ Citizen Fang ++ LARP and the Real Girl 27 - Everybody Hates Hitler 25 - Hunteri Heroici 23 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - As Time Goes By 19 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 17 - Goodbye Stranger 17 - The Great Escapist 15 - A Little Slice of Kevin 15 - Pac-Man Fever 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Blood Brother 13 - Clip Show 13 - Freaks and Geeks 13 - Citizen Fang 09 - Sacrifice 09 - We Need to Talk About Kevin 05 - Taxi Driver Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans Bitten Southern Comfort Heartache Torn and Frayed There were some good moments in Torn and Frayed, such as Cas telling Dean and Sam to stow their crap. I've seen a few other good moments in clips but I don't remember them right now.
  8. Yes they are and they have even sung together. Don't remember how they met.
  9. I didn't see it as jealously with Dean, I saw him dealing with his abandonment issues and rejection. Pretending that he was fine when really he was having a difficult time returning to the normal world he left and the only friend he had left from that place was Benny. So, Benny longing for peace, and living with his only relative he had left, hit Dean with the you don't leave family. That's been Dean since Season 1. Now the Sam part of the Story, with Martin...sheesh, yikes...awful. Do I think they failed as much as some, no...but the first half is the only part Dean has for this season. It was his only interesting part for me. I can agree to disagree, but Sam did do some of these things many times over the years, but it is like the put the worst part of Sam on speed. I can agree that TPTB, tried to fix an earlier fail, and made it worse. Dean didn't like Ruby, but for a time he did try to accept her and Sam doesn't even try. Which does sort of in a weird way fit Sam, because whenever he didn't like what John or Dean wanted him to do, he would rebel by running away. I think the problem is that TPTB, forget that have made the characters more complex and sometimes they just forget what they created over time. I think Carver might have felt that since so many fans hated 6 & 7, he would just skip those years and connect the dots to season 4 and early 5. Not that it worked...and what was he thinking....So do I love this ep, no, but I like Benny and Dean But I really do hate the divide it put the fandom in... for really not a good reason. So it's a mixed bag for me. If that makes any sense.
  10. I really liked First Born even when I was screaming at Dean it's a stupid move. Dean and Cain, the action scenes and Crowley and Dean were all well done. I don't remember hating the bar scene so I'll have to watch it again when I have time. I'm not sure I remember Sam's part in this ep but I still wasn't liking Sam all that much and just remember I should want to take Sam's side on some of this...but I just don't. So maybe it will be best to forget him for a bit. I'm hopeful that when Cain shows up again the ep will not let me down. Please Please. I also hope that Sam continues in a direction that I like him and that he is watching Dean's back. Dean's watched Sam through a lot of bad stuff, I think it's time Sam returns the favor a bit. JMV.
  11. Although I did like the fight between Sam and Dean and felt Sam had it coming, the end blows it away and I hate how Dean caves to Sam...just no. Sam didn't look for him, he didn't look for Kevin and really he has no right to be mad that Dean found a new friend and there was truth in that statement, the only one who hasn't betrayed me is Benny. So it has some funny moments with Garth, but it isn't on my radar to save. Now Citizen Fang, sorry...still fighting for it even if it is a losing battle. Not for the Sam part, but for the Dean and Benny story. I could care less about any of Sam's stories this season. It was the season that easy made me hate Sam. Sorry @ Awesom0
  12. ++ Citizen Fang ++ As Time Goes By -- Bitten 23 - Hunteri Heroici 23 - Everybody Hates Hitler 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 21 - As Time Goes By 17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 17 - The Great Escapist 15 - A Little Slice of Kevin 15 - Pac-Man Fever 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Goodbye Stranger 15 - Clip Show 15 - Blood Brother 13 - Sacrifice 13 - Freaks and Geeks 13 - Citizen Fang 11 - We Need to Talk About Kevin 09 - Taxi Driver 09 - Torn and Frayed 03 - Southern Comfort 03 - Heartache 01 - Bitten Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Remember the Titans
  13. In some ways it reminds of "When things were Rotten" with singing. It is so bad that it is good. I knew 2 of the actors but the rest I didn't know. Will have to check out the songs on youtube. :)
  14. I enjoyed it because it was just goofy fun. It reminded me of Men in Tights and other types of musicals. I loved the joust and agree with all the plus reasons to enjoy it. I thought it could easily bomb, but I'll check it out again. Could it get old, sure but if they are smart they would put it in filler spots. I think for a short run it could be entertaining. I forgot to record, so I will have to watch it again later. I wasn't expecting more than a spoof, so it worked for me.
  15. Bitten -- Citizen Fang ++ LARP and the Real Girl ++ 21 - Hunteri Heroici 21 - Everybody Hates Hitler 21 - LARP and the Real Girl 19 - As Time Goes By 17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 17 - Citizen Fang 15 - Pac-Man Fever 15 - A Little Slice of Kevin 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Goodbye Stranger 15 - The Great Escapist 15 - Clip Show 15 - Sacrifice 13 - Blood Brother 13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin 13 - Torn and Frayed 13 - Freaks and Geeks 11 - Taxi Driver 07 - Southern Comfort 07 - Heartache 05 - Bitten 03 - Remember the Titans Sent to (a Deanless) Purgatory: Man's Best Friend with Benefits Back to the old grindstone for me. Awesome don't hold back your excitement! lol.
  16. The scene with Dean taking Benny's life is the only part I thought worthy of my time and when I find it mixed in youtube videos, it is so well done. I really liked Benny but yeah now that you've refreshed my memory, I remember why I didn't really like it. I know they used the issue as a way to bring Bobby back...but I think it would have been more interesting if they had found a better way to bring him back. So yeah the issues with this one really takes it down. One or two scenes does not make a good ep.
  17. LARP and the Real Girl ++ Citizen Fang ++ Bitten -- 21 - Hunteri Heroici 21 - Everybody Hates Hitler 19 - LARP and the Real Girl 17 - As Time Goes By 17 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 17 - Citizen Fang 15 - Blood Brother 15 - A Little Slice of Kevin 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Goodbye Stranger 15 - Pac-Man Fever 15 - The Great Escapist 15 - Clip Show 15 - Sacrifice 13 - Southern Comfort 13 - We Need to Talk About Kevin 13 - Torn and Frayed 13 - Freaks and Geeks 13 - Taxi Driver 11 - Remember the Titans 11 - Heartache 09 - Bitten 05 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits I watched some clips last night and what I remember was each ep had something good but many had something awful. Sam's storyline I hated first half but Dean's I liked. So I may be voting on more what I liked than the whole ep. I don't remember Heartache...why is it so bad?
  18. Welcome Altered Reality, it is show that certainly encourages us to be obsessed. LOL> I got introduced by some little old thing called fanfiction, so however you found your way here, I have found this group welcomes all. We may not agree on every point but I think we are always respectful of other viewpoints. Hope you had a great New Year!
  19. Bitten -- Citizen Fang ++ LARP and the Real Girl ++ 17 - Hunteri Heroici 17 - LARP and the Real Girl 17 - Citizen Fang 15 - We Need to Talk About Kevin 15 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy? 15 - Heartache 15 - Blood Brother 15 - Southern Comfort 15 - A Little Slice of Kevin 15 - As Time Goes By 15 - Everybody Hates Hitler 15 - Trial and Error 15 - Goodbye Stranger 15 - Pac-Man Fever 15 - The Great Escapist 15 - Clip Show 15 - Sacrifice 13 - Torn and Frayed 13 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits 13 - Freaks and Geeks 13 - Remember the Titans 13 - Taxi Driver 13 - Bitten Some reason I'm not sure why but not sure if we will agree on the top 3. Everyone has weak spots so what makes it better than the others....trying to figure out how to watch the ones I don't remember without paying for it. :)
  20. Okay the childest part of me is now satisfied. :) I'm fine with a tie because I know we will just even the score again. But I'm not looking forward to 8 or will it be a race to kill off as many eps as possible. Just a few may stand out, but I didn't buy the season and I only vaguely remember it at all. :( Slash Fiction -- Time After Time + 06- Time After Time 01- Slash Fiction Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Reading Is Fundamental Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Born Again Identity Meet the New Boss Hello, Cruel World
  21. Happy New Year to all my fellow Supernatural Fans. You get my obsession and I never have to worry about you'd think I'm weird for still liking this show. Of course Hot guys never hurt in watching a show. May this NEW YEAR bring some really good luck, joy and blessings to all. So Happy New Year a bit early! :)
  22. Claire plotting revenge, yeah that always ends up well. The worst part, I'm don't really care about Claire but her trying to hurt Dean won't be a good thing as it never ends up well. Part of me dreads the second half as it is usually where they give Dean's storyline away, so I guess I have to be prepared but would it be too much to ask that the show surprises me? In a good way?????
  23. He would have to have someone that wants to take the chance with him but first he has to get off Supernatural. At some point he may want to spend more time with his daughter so...who knows what he will do. But some actors have been able to break into movies when they had been in a huge TV show, Tom S. did and so did Rob Morrow but TV doesn't have the negative impact on an actor's image like it once did. So it is still up in the air, IMO.
  24. Time After Time + Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World -- 10 - Time After Time 05 - Slash Fiction Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Reading Is Fundamental Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie The Born Again Identity Meet the New Boss Hello, Cruel World Both Meet the New Boss and Hello had such a strong potential and could have really gone somewhere and that is the failing of the writing in season 7 for me. I love Death but I hated the speech he gave Dean. I loved that Dean being helpless and being forced to go to the one hospital that wasn't safe. But some of the moments just didn't satisfy me in these two shows so they couldn't be no. 1 for me. I know someone else will give them both a better sendoff. The reason for me Time is over Slash is the Amy storyline. Plus Jodi and Sam is a nice pairing, Ness and Dean a nice pairing. So I can't vote for Slash, as I really don't buy the big fallout and the number one shouldn't be the one that takes me out of the story and it does. So I guess it is up to you to decide which one you like more. Hope your doing better!
  25. I love this about about this ep, every ep has something to love but I have to vote how I think which one is the best and wasn't ready to be the big meanie again. :)
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