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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. And here comes Greta. Off to local news for me. Fortunately, I'm in DC, so local news is national news. Hope they will give us some real Metro numbers.
  2. Raises hand! We're going on Feb 21st. If that's a Tuesday. Looking forward to it!
  3. I think the worst was Bill Clinton. It looked nothing like Bill. When she put Wax Ike onscreen, Mr ebk and looked at each other and had no idea who it was. From straight on, it was somewhat recognizable, but looking at it sitting there - no way. I loved the whole thing!
  4. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    I will never, ever, ever, ever, never, ever root for the Colts. Never
  5. I also laughed when the car blew up. And at the line about the Nazi's standing up to Russia. And that was about it. Loved Sturgill (but I think I already said that...)
  6. Thank goodness for Sturgill.
  7. So now I've seen Wicked. I'm still glad Avenue Q won the Tony.
  8. Stopping by to say I'll miss watching this with everyone tonight, but I got a free ticket to see Wicked. So I guess I have to go... Hope it's a fun night for everyone!
  9. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Fortunately for me, I had another of that same 'head. So we all lived happily ever after. If you come visit, I'll let you look at the 'heads. My office has a glass wall, so you can look all you want...without ever getting close... Let me know when you're in town :-)
  10. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    You laugh, but one morning (in our old office), I came in and in a very few minutes, noticed something was amiss on one of the shelves. A...space...had appeared. Turns out, the office maintenance folks had knocked one off the shelf with the backpack-like vacuum and thrown it away in hopes I wouldn't miss it. It was totally fine - things happen - I just wish they'd left it on the desk, or at least told someone. You don't have a chance. I'll notice.
  11. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    I would love that! Please let me know if you wander up here. At anytime...if there's no baseball happening, we can surely grab a drink!!
  12. Sam and Jane Pauley talk to the guy in the NYT who does these Sunday gabfest articles. No real insight here, but pleasant enough. http://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/07/fashion/table-for-three-samantha-bee-jane-pauley.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
  13. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    You should always have a current passport. You know, in case you have to ... flee ... We'll be in NY in late August. If it works out, maybe we can catch a game. However, I want to make it clear that I will never be a Mets fan. Just a baseball fan. :-)
  14. If you want to guarantee you see these shows on a particular day (Great Comet on Sunday, Feb 19th matinee, for example :-) ) those prices aren't terrible. I've read on BWW that the rear mezz works really well for Comet. The prices for War Paint also sound not terrible, although we don't know how well the show will actually sell and how deep the discounts could get. I guess what I'm saying is that if you have a definite time you need to see these, get them in advance. If you can wait...wait (at least a little while). I'm sure that didn't help... ETA: It pains me to say that those prices aren't terrible. Because in the grand scheme of life, they are. But in the grand scheme of today's theatre, they're...not terrible. I got an email from my friend in the box office at the KenCen that said if you're looking for inexpensive tickets to Wicked this weekend, there are a few in the 2nd Tier for $120. Yikes - $120 for 2nd Tier is awful. But that's life.
  15. If it had been before noon, this would have been my reply. There's rarely a good reason not to have that cocktail!
  16. It's after noon - do it!!
  17. Thank you David, and all of the hardworking mods, for this special place. I've taken great solace, and learned so much from everyone here. I'm sorry we won't be able to at least be here for the coming event (the march and all...) because I was hoping to connect with folk coming into town. If there's anything happening, or another place we can all chat, I hope to be a part of it. Thanks to everyone. It's been incredibly helpful. And friendly. And comforting.
  18. There are about 8 seats on the Sunday we'll be there...but I can't commit at this point. We're already kinda booked up and I don't really know anything about the show. But I'll keep an eye on it. So, I'm finally going to see Wicked on Sunday. Standing room at the Kennedy Center - and it's free. Which I always said would be the only way I'd see the show. And someone called my bluff...
  19. I really don't understand (and really hate, but decided I'd put this here) the Ally Bank series of commercials, particularly the hitchhiker and the beekeeper ones. (Okay, those are the only two I remember right now, but I think there's at least one more). How are those supposed to make me want to bank with Ally? What do they have to do with banking at all? And they're just totally unpleasant. Blech.
  20. Did anyone see the comments from Anthony Bourdain? He doesn't seem to be a fan of Mr. Maher... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2016/12/31/anthony-bourdain-bashes-fellow-privileged-eastern-liberals-for-making-trump-win-possible/?utm_term=.24c98c802b77 I want to disagree with him, but I mostly can't.
  21. One of my PBS stations is showing the 1979 Tom Waits show this weekend. If they are showing it in your neck o' the woods, you should watch!
  22. @NinjaPenguins,... words fail me. Thankfully, they never fail you. Absolutely brilliant!!
  23. Listening to the top-of-the-hour news on CBS radio, I noticed last week that they now sign off from the newscast not with "you're listening to CBS radio news", but with "you're listening to REAL news from CBS radio news." Oy vey - sad that it's come to that...
  24. I mostly enjoyed the show. I love Jennifer Lawrence and Leslie Jones. I liked the drinks served for each of them. I thought Kelly Clarkson's number from the Hamilton Mixtape was wonderful. Still trying to decide whether to buy the album. The Closer Look segment was fine. I wasn't fond of the Ahnold piece. In fact, I didn't even recognize him and couldn't figure out what was going on for a moment. I admit that the show was mostly on as background noise, but I did actually pay attention to some of it. It was way better than most of the stuff that's on on NYE. Did I hear Seth and Jennifer say something about it was okay to drink on the show on NYE and not on a random Monday afternoon? I had the thought that they taped the show last Monday afternoon...
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