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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. But has Kandi really been ignoring them all this time? We've seen several instances of them all getting together for drinks and chicken and BBQs on the show over the past two seasons. It's one thing for Kandi to be at her aunts' place several times a week when she's single. But she's married now and needs to start her own traditions with her new family. I just feel they were looking for a reason to start some shit. It was also very telling that everyone was shocked by Weenie's response.
  2. Us Caribbean people know all about that rum, lemon, honey mixture when you feel a tickle in your throat. You're never too young or old for that shit. I don't have any love for Geneva, but Greg needs to relax. If old judgmental Demetria thinks Geneva is a good enough friend to invite to the wedding, and as far as we know and from what you've said, y'all haven't had any issues with her, then why make such a drastic decision. I love how the Daisy has cancer reveal somehow became all about Geneva, to the point where she was shouting , "why didn't anybody tell me" and people in the living room could hear her. I'm not sure why everyone was upset with Melyssa, Arzo, and Demetria. They're at the other end of the room, they've already heard this stuff, and despite being tipsy they were keeping it pretty quiet. And Mica, I love you girl, but you can't be side-eyeing anyone about turning up at inappropriate times.
  3. That was great! But where was Drip Drop??? Very glad they're still getting such great exposure.
  4. Man, it so did not take long for the old ladies to get all crotchety. You'd think in their old age, they wouldn't want to spend so much time being unhappy all the damn time. That pile up on Kandi was ridiculous. And Aunt Baby Dinosaur was just doing too much just because the car ride was long. If you're going to pout, stay your ass outside. I hope not, cause she was acting like a little brat. Telling Kayla that she's always on her phone, when I've NEVER seen Riley without hers. Straight up telling her mom no when asked to move to the other cabin. I don't know when kids started having an opinion on the decisions that adults make, but it's obnoxious. Couldn't have been in my family.
  5. No more creepy ass dolls! She had to have like 50 of them. What the hell did she do to all those people (and all those babies!)? Echoing all the love for the interactions between Mr. Lyle and Ethan. Still chuckling at "I'll bring both my guns!" I knew from the time Angelique, the Madonna of the Victorian era, sauntered up to Dorian that she was a he. Glad they didn't hold off on that reveal. And of course Dorian was all about it! I really do need some more Dorian/Ethan time, though. Victor is really creepy with "Lily". However, how does Caliban expect to court his new woman when he doesn't have a home. He thinks Lily's going to want to live under the streets of London with him and the cholera infected of the city. He needs to up his game.
  6. Definitely looks like she did something to her nose. She looks pretty, but she looked pretty before. I've always thought that once she got her weave/wig game right, that she looked really great and didn't need all the other stuff. Brielle is certainly looking like a 30 year old. She needs to scale back on the makeup a bit. I don't think she had a boob job though; the just looked pushed together. Well I hope she didn't.
  7. That counselor deserved to get arrested. She's hooking up with a student, at school, with all the blinds open, and the door unlocked. And they get caught, and she still hooks up with him in her office with the door unlocked, but 1 set of blinds closed this time. Plus, as someone else upthread said, if you're going to put your career and freedom on the line, it better be for someone beyond fricking hot! I fucking hate Taylor. She's wants people to pay attention to her but she acts like a fucking bitch ALL THE TIME. If you feel that unloved, run away. We won't miss you.
  8. Those are cute! Why doesn't Kandi where stuff from that line?
  9. For me it was "You need slime to exist...." Lol! Nobody every said Janet Hubert was sane! If no one has seen her Unsung Hollywood/Life After (don't remember which one, but it's one of the where are they now shows from TV1), it is worth a look on sheer entertainment value. She just reminds me so much of one of my crazy aunts who just don't give a shit!
  10. Man, I don't think I've ever enjoyed someone getting acid to the face, then being shot, as much as I did when it happened to Tom. What a fucking moron! Beyond all the other dumb shit he's done all season, I'm BAFFLED that he left a dead corpse rotting in his bathtub. Dude didn't even attempt to wrap it up to keep the scent in. Just went back to work and then went on a date. Pure tomfoolery. Don't even get me started on Gwen, with her "all you care about is work; you need to quit your job; you're an awful person" business. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Ryan may be a piece of work, but he never lied about who he is and what his priorities were. You just chose not to listen. One can only hope that Theo takes care of her next week in his extended rage.
  11. Loved Shanola's character as a victim. She actually had common sense and fought back! I called that it was someone in the support group as soon as the one girl mentioned the other hadn't showed up for the meeting. I can't stand Jack. He's frakking creepy. And maybe it's just me, but I never got the sense that Beth was interested in him like that.
  12. I'm trying real hard not to watch this show. But y'all are cracking me up with these damn comments. That's exactly how I got sucked into the hot mess that was LHHNY.
  13. Evelyn only said no to one of those men asking for permission to marry her daughters! Don't believe that for a second. She seems like the type to loathe all men.
  14. Exactly! Why is his wife responding and not him?? The whole thing sounds fishy, particularly from his end. The part about Kenya calling to celebrate with him and him saying he was with someone sounds believable. But I don't think she would call to celebrate if they had actually ended their relationship. Sounds like dude was double dipping.
  15. It's not just the Jamaican men; it's all the Caribbean men. My friends I, both male and female and all Caribbean, joke about how all our dads cheated constantly and that we have droves of siblings out in the world we don't know! So there is no question as to whether Peter has cheated. The question is with how many women!
  16. Please don't let Karen bring another stupid human into this world! One can only hope that if it's true, it will take after the father, whoever that may be.
  17. Lol! Obviously, I had it on the brain as my previous comment just above yours was speculating on Yesteryear's, uhm, accoutrements and use thereof! Dirty minds all around. I forgot to mention in my previous posts that Arzo's hot pink lipstick during that sappy scene with Yesteryear was an unfortunate color choice. It definitely made her look closer to 50 than 35-ish.
  18. Lol! I so did not know about this! Makes me look at Kat Williams in a whole new light! I thought Mica's dude was corny, but they had a similar sense of humor, which was nice.
  19. Was I the only one who got the sense that if they were alone, Violet and Santino would have jumped each others bones to screw on the worktable? Sucks that Katya is gone....she was definitely one of the better queens in this dreadful season.
  20. So I'm guessing Greg is a middle school principal? The way he was shooting them that eye of discipline from across the room, then walking and sitting silently in front of the perpertrators was such an administrator move. I'm not a fan of Chantelle, and i wished she would have toned it down, especially after breaking the damn glass, but if I was there and heard her call Greg "Massa", I would have lost my shit in hysterics! Just the juxtaposition between the serious, I'm not playing look on his face coupled with her response almost made me roll off my damn couch. I must say, that now I can see why he and Demetria are together. There's only one reason Arzo is with Yesteryear (tm someone upthread much cleverer than me!) - that young 20-something, go all night, D! He is not that good looking, nor as talented as they keep telling us he is, so it's obviously something else.
  21. Sophia also had this look on her face of "why the hell am I on this stupid-ass show", the entire time. Sometimes I wish some of the celebrities would realize what the show is and isn't, and just relax, drink, and have stupid fun for 30 minutes. There have been many A-list celebrities who have and it makes the show great and also makes them (the celebrities, not Andy), come across as down-to-earth with a sense of humour.
  22. Glad I'm not the only one who was rolling my eyes during the entire last 30 minutes of this show. And I'm chuckling to myself that Demetria wasn't mentioned once, even though she could be seen several times in the clips.
  23. Watching the episodes after Cam's death where Mya goes through a very minor "slut phase" and posts a video of her and cute, random boy, Harry, to facerange. What the heck happened to Harry??? I loved that kid even though he was only in like 2 episodes. He definitely could have filled the cute, lovable stoner role left open when Jake left. Still cracking up over his whole, "that's okay. Just go with it", in regards to him suggesting Mya give him head and her never having done it before. Lol!
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