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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. This was kind of a let down for me because I expected the boys to be snarkier. I ended up falling asleep partway through Nathan’s segment. But I did find it interesting that each of the first three guys had good things to say about Barbara! Even Kieffer, although he couldn’t resist making a crack about her voice, lol. And as usual, Barb, wins MVP of the episode.
  2. So excited that Denise Alexander (Lesley) will be appearing on the show soon! She is the only person who gets me back to watching this show.
  3. “Take it from my dad” Bwahahaha! so glad I wasn’t drinking at that moment! Happy Thanksgiving B&B writers and everyone on this board!
  4. Judges. On. Crack. ok that was for the first three, but now they are praising my favorite ( Ayana?) so I will calm down. just sick of the Brandon praise and Kenya’s is Boring
  5. Wow, you don’t think most would find him good-looking? I think he is FIIINE. i noticed his looks first, then last night realized he also seems to be a decent person. I hope he gets a good match! Seems like there are quite a few women we know almost nothing about yet.
  6. Two take-always from tonight: 1) Kareem is a punk 2) Tyler is a catch and I don’t know why girls don’t seem to be chasing after him
  7. Right? If this couple is a match they just got a WHOLE lot of info.. and even if they aren’t it’s still helpful.
  8. What an absolute pleasure this is, especially after the hour of tension I went through last week watching Nathan’s violent mental illness.
  9. For another not well known reference, I was thinking that Amy looks very much like a (Belgian?) comic book character named Tintin! Look him up and tell me it’s not true!
  10. I think that UxHER thing was a hint the baby's name is Usher. That's my guess
  11. Wow. My take away from this is that Nathan is really dangerous. Maybe even more so than UBT. His temper is so hair-trigger! Plus he's kinda delusional (really? Still thinks he can be a cop after all of his arrests?) and he is huge. I really think he really could snap and kill somebody some day.
  12. Doing an internal happy dance (So that my family doesn't mock me) that this show is back!!! #guiltiestpleasure
  13. Seriously though, the way Tinsley shoved her tongue down Scott's throat on their first date, and then spent three days straight with him, I think it's clear that she was ready to "fall in love" with the first thick wallet she could get her claws into. Poor guy.
  14. So, did anybody else get the impression that Luann DOES have info about Adam dating somebody else?
  15. This was the first episode I saw this season, bug one thing jumped out at me: Jesse CAN'T STAND Darcy! is he just being polite because she flew all that way? Is getting laid THAT important? Wow, they are painful to watch.
  16. First a quick thank you to Bethenny for shutting down the Jill talk. It is quite clear to me that either Andy or Bravo want to bring that bitch back. I'm counting on Bethenny to do whatever it takes to veto that idea. Now, on to my favorite imaginary BFF Lu. From watching her special it is clear that Lu has relied on her appeal to powerful men to get ahead in life. I don't say that negatively-she knows they like her, she likes them back. She allows them to provide her a very glamorous life. I don't think she has any expectation of sexual fidelity. However, she does expect discretion. Not being discreet is disrespectful. I think she and Tom probably DID agree to an open arrangement. But Lu didnt expect him to tell anybody that. He was disrespectful by not being discreet, so for her own dignity she needed to end it. I think all that public knowledge put out at the reunion was the final nail in the coffin for that marriage. And I do think she was sad because she thought they could have had a fine life together, even if it wasn't a great love affair. I suspect Tom liked the fame and it's perks, and was happy that she didn't expect monogamy. Too bad he didn't count on how much scrutiny he would receive and he's a dumbass in how obvious he is. The good news is Lu will continue to be catnip for men-she is absolutely gorgeous. She wont be alone for long.
  17. I remember moving the original version of this show. But this version? No Bueno
  18. Wait! I must have missed part of last week's episode-- why is Bethenny selling the apartment she just moved into?? Where is she going to live?
  19. Am I the only one whose senses were so hurt by Brennley's dress that I couldn't focus on her singing? Who puts a 15 year old in that???
  20. Wow-she is actually somebody that I have heard of! She's a big get for this franchise-sober if she'll bring the drama
  21. Freakin Kail! Leading Jobto believe Isaac is sad because Javi shows up unannounced, when he is truly sad that he can't be WITH Javi! Lying beast! Kail just tweeted that Javi was taking Lincoln to Guatemala for a week. And yet she couldn't be bothered to pack a bag...
  22. !!!! WTF is Cole wearing??! He looks like Vanilla Ice!
  23. I am not a Jenelle fan by any means, except for enjoying the drama she brings to this show. And I definitely think that the time is long since past where she could have claimed Jace. Now he needs to stay with Barb where he is comfortable. But I do see that she is a bit calmer around David. I will give him credit that he doesn't come across as a hard drug user or somebody that would be supportive of that. I don't know if Jenelle is afraid of him, or if she's on some good calming meds, but I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she is making some small progress. I would love for her to have a relationship that actually lasts. I have always thought that Jenelle had a higher intelligence than many girls on this show. Unfortunately we all see she has mental health issues. But with a stable family life and proper treatment, maybe she can actually be a mom to the younger two kids. Lets see how long my optimism can last, lol!
  24. Ooh tell me where to find the social media shade! i love this show so much. I have been forcing my husband to watch it with me this season. Perfect mix of cheesiness, laughable drama, and a logic puzzle mixed in! Heaven.
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