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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. Estonia to Lake Zurich with the wife who was insisting on city living. Can’t believe I fell asleep right before the reveal - did she end up out by the cows? The husband seemed pretty determined...
  2. 😩 I’ve missed Thomas since he left, but now that we have NuThomas I miss him even more!
  3. Oh I’m so sad that Renee didnt win. I really wanted to buy that outfit! Gorgeous.
  4. Ok I haven’t been feeling Wally because I’m still angry that Wyatt and Katie were broken up for no good reason, but I will admit I liked the chemistry between Wyatt and Flo! happy to see my favorite guy on the show getting some appreciation and storyline.
  5. What is going on with this show? I watched it last night and already can’t remember what happened. Did anything happen?? Zzzzzz
  6. She’s working her fan base! She’s got a tour going on that is selling out.She’s a single woman who is finding a way to make a living. AND seems to be enjoying it! Good for her, I say.
  7. LMAO! i kind of love that the people who write this show give ZERO F@$ks about plot continuity! Ingo’s leaving? Ok, marriage over! Story to explain it? Nah
  8. Ugh I suffer from “face blindness” and I can already tell it’s going to be a long season trying to tell Teddy apart from Denise!
  9. Jules just seems like such a Colorado stoner girl. She needs to be working in Vail or Aspen, not Mykonos. I like her, she just doesn’t belong in this group of wanna-bes and doesn’t have the energy to bring the drama MTV is surely looking for.
  10. I am on a high right now because I saw Luann’s show tonight, and it was a blast! But even BETTER was that I waited around after the show and as she was driving away her car stopped at a red light and she rolled her window down and chatted with my friend and me! She’s gorgeous, gracious, funny and still and always my favorite housewife. I am rooting for her to have a happy life.
  11. I wonder if they ever will get married! The way she kept saying how awful it was to give up her job to move with him, and rolling her eyes at his budget concerns. Then him telling how it bugs him that she spends money before “getting permission”. They seem like a miserable couple!
  12. Wow! Watching the couple moving from Minneapolis to Dublin. Newlyweds but they already talk like they hate each other!
  13. If I were in any way related to Reagan Strange, or had money invested in her, I would advise her to withdraw from the competition immediately and “give” her spot to last night’s runner up, DeAndre. Lets face it, she had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning this competition. In the midst of this controversy here’s the universe presenting her the chance of some amazing PR.
  14. I don’t even care that much about Deandre but I was voting for him as fast as my fingers could go just because I thought that was such a douche move by Adam
  15. I am not a particularly religious person, but Kymberli gave me chills. Wow. THERE is a voice. Kennedy’s song choice didn’t realky show off her vocals but COME ON! That was some professional level performance! She learned that in a week?? You can call her Miss Holmes if you’re nasty! those were my two favorites this week. I heard two are going home? I would send Reagan and either Deandre or Chris. My least liked performance last night was Sara Grace’s because I HATED that arrangement, but I can appreciate her talent.
  16. Ooh a TV celebrity surrounded by millionaires on vacation did coke??? SHOCKING
  17. Also watching Madrid. Not often that I come to the site DURING THE EPISODE to see how much snark is being slung. But this woman deserves everything she gets. Wow, pretentious much??! Not sure why the seemingly pretty nice spouse puts up with her.
  18. I think they showed that Cali and Tomas are still together
  19. https://media.giphy.com/media/spfi6nabVuq5y/giphy.gif that's what I think about the likelihood they won on their own.
  20. Still stuck at four! Brett and Nutsa standing in the truth booth is our cliffhanger ending.
  21. Do you know how difficult it is to get pregnant when you have PCOS?? And here’s stick thin Maci (also atypical with PCOS) with her multiple surprise children. I call BULLLLL -CRAP
  22. This one! I had the same questions of wondering how she got a job! I fell asleep during the commercials before the reveal- can anybody help me out? House place with water view or affordable apt?
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