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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. Don't know how to link to it, but just saw a clip of the extended scene of Brandi talking to Lisa and Eileen in Yolanda's yard. Lisa Rinna is my new fave! She ripped Brandi a new one and gave her the perfect warning not to mess with her. Wish they had shown the entire moment on the actual show
  2. I am going to come to the defense of Lisa Rinna's daughters. Have you SEEN how wiry thin their mother is?? That takes extreme discipline. I am NOT saying that there aren't people who are just as disciplined out there, who due to genetics can't get as thin, but to stay that thin at her age you know Lisa is working out regularly, and very rarely is a transfat or carb passing her lips. She surely sees that as necessary for her career. Her girls have grown up watching this attitude towards food. Also, they live in Beverly Hills where many more people than elsewhere have those habits. So they simply aren't used to seeing the ratio of overweight people that exist in most places. It could truly be a bit shocking to them, because they have spent their entire lives in an environment where being overweight is avoided. I'll admit, at the risk of being chastised, that when I was in my 20s I left NYC, where I had been living for year, to drive to Michigan. We stopped at a restaurant in Ohio, and I remember thinking "WHOA, there are ALOT of fat blond people out here!" only because the ratio of both was so much higher than what I saw in NYC. I don't think I said it out loud, but if I was riding in a car with my family and I was a teenager, I might have. And yeah, they should have realized that it would sound bad on camera, but I think those kids are probably so used to cameras being around they don't even think about it anymore.
  3. It felt racist to me that the black matches weren't interviewed. I kept waiting for them to be interviewed and getting more annoyed as I realized it wasn't going to happen
  4. Now that I have heard Dani's REAL voice, I think I get it. SHE'S THE SCAMMER! Rumor has it she got paid a good sum of money to get married to Mo so that he can get a green card. And that money has been spent long ago, so actually she could give two craps if he marries her or not. All of the crying and acting mentally slow are just a cover so if the INS catches on she can be the play the part of the poor duped victim who was so in love, so that she doesn't go to jail. Poor Mo. His family apparently spent all that money to get him over here and now he is stuck with this mess. In all likelihood she won't have enough money to truly sponsor him, and he will get sent back with no green card and out thousands of dollars. Winner - Dani!
  5. Yes, I totally noticed that all of a sudden they were with their right matches, in some cases "out of the blue". So either they got help, or they figured it out off-camera. I think there was some fake drama to mess up one pair so that they have the right number of episodes. I feel badly for Tyler and Ellie, because IMHO they are getting the least desirable guys of the house. I also want girl Alex to run for the hills. If she is worried about getting cheated on then she needs to avoid Anthony no matter what the computer says. They are NOT a perfect match in real life. She wants a relationship and he has shown with his actions and SAID WITH HIS WORDS last night, that he is not ready. Which is fine. He is young and wants to have fun. I think that he has been honest about that throughout this game, so I don't hold that against him.
  6. If everybody else picks the right guy, which they should all know by now (if they didn't the host pretty much pointed it out to them at last night's ceremony who needs to switch), then no matter who Christina picks that guy has the option of switching her for the last girl, who should be the right one, no?
  7. It was said at last week's ceremony that Brandon's match must be Briana or Tyler, so they are all aware. .. Did you all hear Christina and Nathan acting horrified at the thought of Garland and Ellie being their matches? I think that is going to come back to haunt them. ...
  8. Actually even Brandon, who acts as if his head isn't in the game at all, knew EXACTLY which two girls could be his perfect match. So they know more than they are letting on. Apparently MTv doesn't think logic makes for good TV!
  9. I was proud of Briana, as it showed she actually IS paying attention. I suspect MTv is editing towards their target audience by showing the partying/drama etc. but that in fact there are people keeping track and working to figure out the matches. Also,they want to get a certain number of episodes aired so maybe they are told to not get them all right too early.
  10. I've been thinking they probably matched Ellie with Layton. She is a pistol and seems like she'd throw any BS right back at him. I agree I would hope she would just say no thanks and walk away solo
  11. I know, not many people comment on this show. I love it so much. Who knew Layton was such a psycho? Good for John being honest. The guy needs money for law school. No shame in that.
  12. Wow, my impression of Ben has really gone up watching this episode. He had some clever ideas and truly put so much effort into that proposal! Well done
  13. Im watching! And I am also well beyond Mt V's targeted audience range. I gotta wonder when this crew is finally going to wake up and start planning strategically instead of randomly mixing up multiple couples every week. Time is running out. ..
  14. I was so happy during the previews to see that Cat Deeley is going to be a guest judge this season! I am hoping that it is in fact a try-out for her to be the hostess of this show next season. I suspect she would be a major improvement. (Sorry Alyssa, I actually think you seem like you would be fun to hang out with. I just don't agree with your fashion judgement!)
  15. If I ever walked into a medical establishment and saw that Jenelle was working there I would leave so fast! It would show a complete lack of judgement on the part of the establishment to hire a known drug addict. I am a health care professional, and I know that a higher percentage than average of people who work in health care BECOME addicted to drugs, due to ease of access to them. So to hire someone with a pre-existing addiction is irresponsible. I don't understand how Jenelle can believe this is a viable career option for her. Hah! As I was writing this I realized who I was talking about.... I know better than to expect objective logic from Jenelle (though I do believe she is intelligent)! Hopefully potential employers won't let me down.
  16. The guy who is basically stalking Shelby, I think his name is Nathan, seriously worries me. He doesn't seem to be in the best mental health, and I worry he could hurt someone.
  17. Wow. After reading the comments from that Starcasm article I Googled "Tunisia bezness". Who knew there was a whole industry based on taking advantage of older desperate women? Danielle is so screwed. I was praying for her that Mohammed would do her a favor and stay "lost" in NYC. Let's hope it is only American money that interests him, and not young American girls
  18. Jenelle may not be doing any illegal drugs but she seemed very sedated tonight. I think she is heavily medicated. I was relieved that Barbara seems very cautious about giving up custody of Jace. Hopefully she will drag it out enough to frustrate them, at which point we will see how maturely (or not) they react.
  19. It scares me how happy I am that this show is back! Total trash TV disguised as a logic puzzle. Good times!
  20. [quote I'm sick of this show trying to make Tyler some sort of role model for how a boyfriend should act. Bull and shit. This clown has been stringing this girl along since we met them and her desperate behind is going to let him keep on doing it. Amen!
  21. Isaac is so amazingly loving that I have to believe that overall the adults in his life are doing a good job with him. All Kail had to say was "please don't dress him like a thug". Horrible that she brought racial stereotypes into it. I do think based on her repeated apologies on Twitter that she learned from her mistake. Once again Jace made me tear up, not knowing what to say about where he wants to live. Neither option is great. I really want that little boy to come live with ME!
  22. I mean, it's a sad day when Nathan has a more logical perspective on the situation This! I felt so WRONG last night when I found myself agreeing with NATHAN of all people! LOL there must have been pigs flying somewhere
  23. Omg... Could this girl get any more annoying? Oh, yes she could! She could be as annoying as her friend! Arrgh! I can't believe the remote is on the other side of the room. .. Make this go away!
  24. This show just seems as fake as fake can be. I realize all reality shows have some fake set-ups, but this really just seemed all planned out ahead of time, and not very well-acted
  25. Pretty much every episode of this show has me thinking "Why in the world did she keep this baby?! Give it to somebody who can give it a good life and wnats it!" This episode had me screaming it at the TV! This girl was miserable about having that child! She had other plans and seh is PISSED that they fell through. Add to that the fact that the baby daddy doesn't acknowledge the kid's existence...why in the worls not give that child to somebody who wnats him? I also don't understand why nobody told her to go get a piece of that baby daddy's paycheck.... although I amy be laughably optimistic to think he HAS a paycheck....
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