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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. Sitting here in awe of how smart, thoughtful and normal Miley Cyrus is! Impressive woman. Makes me a little bit sad that she feels that she had to promote such a sensationalistic image to have a successful career.
  2. "I couldn't help but think that 13-year-old should have talked to Kate Bornstein instead. I think she would have given better advice." Sorry don't know the way to officially quote, but I agree! This show is turning me into a Kate Bornstein fan girl. Her story is full of hardships which would make some people withdraw into themselves, and there she is traveling, patiently teaching, and seeming to enjoy herself all along the way.
  3. Was anybody else holding their breath when that 13 year old went up to Cait? I was so afraid she was going to say something offensive! I have to give her props though, she was encouraging and didn't give bad advice! Though the "good luck kid" at the end did make me laugh.
  4. What is going on with that chiropractor?? He is ripped and is successful, seems well-mannered.... Why in the world would he not have been snapped up already? Or agree to marry sonebody sight unseen? I just am really having trouble suspending my disbelief at this show
  5. Never mind-I was late hearing the news! Not surprised though. He goes through his women. No way he was going to stick around with a sick one. He just wants a pretty arm piece to be at his beck and call.
  6. If this team wins they are just playing stupid. They seemed absolutely certain they were going to get three lights, which makes me wonder if they are just pretending to be idiots to build suspense and get 10 episodes worth of shows.
  7. I really need Alec and Stacey to get in that truth booth, because my entire guess for season at this point relies on them. Thank God they weren't dumb enough to send Austin and Cheyenne. They are doing so poorly that at this point I don't think a sure answer can be determined- it can't by me that's for sure!
  8. Oh that Kansas City to London couple was painful! Much as they tried I didn't even get the sense that they like much about each other! Girlfriend should have picked the cute place she wanted and sent him back home. She will meet plenty of charming Brits in London.
  9. It's beyond me that Cassandra wasn't stolen tonight, compared to some that were. And in no way do I think Braiden won that battle.
  10. Not convinced they are as stupid as they want us to think. There was some thought put into the pairings at the end. If one specific pair gets sent to the truth booth next episode I will know that there is strategizing going on behind the scenes.
  11. Tamra's mom is a babe! And her beauty looks much more natural than Tamra's. Good for her
  12. What is odd is how comfortable Don seems in front of the camera in every talking head segment. I don't get it.
  13. Ghoulina said: (sorry I don't know how to make the quote function work on my phone) "I did think the one thing Megan did right was give Megan birth control. Or at least, I don't have a problem with it and don't get why the other women would. They're so outdated, all of them. What? If there's no birth control, girls just won't have sex? How's that working out for all the underage mothers out there?" I agree with your way of thinking Ghoulina EXCEPT that I think it is Hayley's MOTHER'S place to discuss birth control (or even Jimmy but he seems completely dis-interested). It irks me how Meghan keeps trying take over the mother role when the woman is still alive! If she was concerned that Hayley may be sexually active she could have had a PRIVATE conversation with the kids mother suggesting it was time for contraceptives
  14. Wow Meghan may have surpassed RHOBH's Taylor as my all-time most disliked "real" housewife! Her step daughters mother is STILL ALIVE! Stop trying to rush the woman to her grave. You are not Hayley's "cool" parent and never will be. And get some acting lessons because that "I'm so worried" attempt at fake crying was weak.
  15. Wow. Have this on for the first time ever. This show SUCKS Chuck Lorre rips off his own show by writing a female version of two and a half men. That show sucked too
  16. I can't believe the house manager ratted out Lu and Ramona's late night activities to Kristen! Especially the marital status of Lu's date! I am sure that is a pricey place to stay. I would expect discretion from the employees! I would not be surprised if that guy no longer has a job. He needs to keep his mouth shut.
  17. Sorry I haven't been able to tead the entire thread, but I wanted to make sure in the midst of all the debates that LuAnn got props for having the line of the episode, and possibly the season: Bethenny( at the bar):"I don't want to leave you here alone" LuAnn:"By the time you get back I won't be alone anymore" GAWD I so want to be BFFs with this woman!
  18. Shannon is super high strung and seems to be hitting rhe vodka hard, but I am completely on her side regarding the phone call controversy. "Thus is Meghan King"-from Missouri??! It is completely understandable that she thought it was a nuisance call. Once she said to Meghan" I didn't know it was you " Meghan should have apologized for the misunderstanding and let it go. Even her husband quickly grasped that Shannon didn't understand who was calling her. Try knowing your own name bubblehead
  19. I totally get Bethenny. I have friends. I don't necessarily need new friends. Just because I am introduced to a new person doesn't mean I need to make an effort to be their friend. My obligation as a person is to be polite and respectful. If a friendship naturally develops great, but I am not going to put an effort into developing one. Because I have enough friends that are eady and get me with no real effort. So I get that she met Dorinda and Carole and naturally feels comfortable, but doesn't have that vibe with Heather and Kristen and could care less. I DON"T get Proplw like Heather and Kristen who give a crap if somebody they just met likes them or not. Who cares? Move on! PS I fo admit that Bethenny is not always polite, but I feel like she only attacks after being pushed into a corner
  20. I totally get Bethenny. I have friends. I don't necessarily need new friends. Just because I am introduced to a new person doesn't mean I need to make an effort to be their friend. My obligation as a person is to be polite and respectful. If a friendship naturally develops great, but I am not going to put an effort into developing one. Because I have enough friends that are eady and get me with no real effort. So I get that she met Dorinda and Carole and naturally feels comfortable, but doesn't have that vibe with Heather and Kristen and could care less. I DON"T get Proplw like Heather and Kristen who give a crap if somebody they just met likes them or not. Who cares? Move on! PS I fo admit that Bethenny is not always polite, but I feel like she only attacks after being pushed into a corner
  21. Why is Christina dressed like she's going shopping at Target?
  22. Wow. Just....wow. Trying to recover from turning on my TV to see David Hasselhoff gyrating. Just when I started to feel better there was the horrible sounds of the group trying to sing the Culture Club song and now, I am listening to a little kid sing in a little kid voice. Is this group completely weak this season? I haven't been watching so I don't know, but ...wow
  23. Well Hell must have frozen over because I actually agreed with Farrah last night! Don't get me wrong, I don't think Farrah is in anyway the Queen of Good Choices, but I had to nod my head when she was on the talk show saying to Catelyn and Tyler "You said you were giving up your daughter so you could both get college educations! Have you done any of that? No, you've made poor choices!" Seriously, for the amount of progress they've made in improving their lives (zero, that I can tell?) they might as well have just kept the kid and spared us the years of listening to them whine about letting her go. (Although I am 99% certain that Carly is better off where she is, and for that I am grateful!)
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