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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. These people are idiots. HOW could they not have sent Brett and Nutsa to the truth booth??? Cam completely laid it out how much info they would get. Who cares who likes who? They have the rest of their lives for that. Go get the money!
  2. I think Lewis tried very hard to be gentle in his rejection. She forced him to be blunt! And he still was nice about it. And I totally agree with what he said at the ceremony the other week! These people are harassing him to have sexual contact with her! It’s not okay.
  3. Actually, I was thinking Shane has much more chemistry with Kelly than he does with his wife! I think they have a similar sarcastic sense of humor and could be great snark buddies.
  4. Holy crow Ramona just posted a picture of her and her girlfriends on Twitter. There is ALOT of BAD plastic surgery in that photo!
  5. So I kinda watch this show intermittently ( missed tonight’s second half) but am surprised to hear people ragging on Paul so much. I mean, I get that he’s an utter weirdo, but any time I’ve seen he and Karine lately she’s been the one acting like a lazy entitled melodramatic teenager. Seems like he doesn’t deserve to get so much of the blame for that dysfunction. if I’m way off base please tell me what I’ve missed so I can understand!
  6. Maybe it’s because he’s as horrified by trying to act these recent scenes as I am watching them, Today’s final scene with the two baby mammas and he beaming at each other was creepy af!
  7. Thanks @CharlizeCat! sounds weak! I’m disappointed- they were fun
  8. Ok I apologize up front because this is way after the fact. I only watch this show intermittently due to work, but I really liked Wyatt and Katie together! Is anybody willing to briefly give me the storyline of why they broke up? I see ZERO chemistry between Katie and Thorne, (but in all fairness I have never been an Ingo fan).
  9. Shannon looked like she wanted to jump on Kelly’s date! I thought she was going to start drooling. I am from NY so I will tell Gina to her face that I think those moon and star earrings look stupid.
  10. I hate that the road rage incident is all over the news after this past episode! It will encourage MTV to keep her on the show. None of these beyotches deserve to be making six figures a year-not even Chelsea. I have vowed not to watch but admit I still feel the need to watch the train wreck that is Jenelle via this board. I have always had a soft spot for Jace out of all the kids.
  11. Really? I think this is one of my favorite episodes ever! I was laughing at every bit of the speed dating shenanigans! These ladies really entertain me.
  12. !! Oh the tea he could spill!! Has he considered doing an AMA on Reddit?
  13. Ok guys I apologize if this was covered weeks ago, but I CANNOT stop drooling over the halter blouse Luann is wearing in her talking heads. I’m sure it costs a month’s mortgage but has anybody identified it?
  14. Jill has been trying to get back on this show for years. This was her big chance, she was not going to pass it up . I fear Andy is going to let her back on, especially if Bethenny doesn’t object. Yuck.
  15. Am I the only one on here PRAYING for Scott to break up with Tinsley?
  16. I hope these guests are acting, because if not they are going to be humiliated by having everybody they know see the crew call them every swear word in the book! That can’t be good business for the yachting industry can it? I guess I need to stop thinking anything about this is real. But it did make for a rather entertaining episode!
  17. My take from last night was that Larry still wants to try to work things out, but Theresa is done. She wouldn’t even look his way when they were at the winery. Who knows if he did something hurtful to make her feel that way, but I felt bad for him while watching last night.
  18. So much to snark on! First of all, hell is now icy because I actually agreed with Farrah. Deb is just delusional. Tyler’s sister looked like every heroin addict I’ve ever seen in photographs. Wow. There’s the person who should be going to rehab. Those poor kids. I wanted to call CPS and tell them to turn on MTV. And in the last piece of “I can’t believe I’m thinking this”, I actually felt very sorry for Andrew. As much as I know he clearly is a famewhore jumping on the TeenMom gravy train, he clearly is too smart and normal to enjoy spending time with Amber. There is no way he will make enough money from this to compensate for the misery he had to endure. Gawd she’s a she-devil.
  19. This show had done SO much to set back the adoption “industry”. It’s a shame.
  20. One hour in, only half paying attention-has Jenelle said a word?
  21. Haha never knew that GhostRick came back to visit. I was so disgusted by that storyline. Longtime viewers know that there was a long central storyline about Lesley refusing to be with Rick when she felt he would rather be with Monica. She didn’t even know at that point that he had been physically unfaithful. Yet suddenly we were asked to believe that she had knowingly put up with a philandering husband on a long term basis. Total bullshit and character assassination. Also poor Scotty gets AJ levels of abuse poured on him doesn’t he? I also have a soft spot for him! Imagine how popular this show could be if the “heroes” were the characters we actually liked! (And not mumbling monsters and their robotic sidekicks)
  22. Not to mention Laura is a serial killer. David Hamilton, Rick’s mistress, Rick (? I stopped watching so am unclear if it turned out they pinned this on somebody else eventually). Not sure if she killed any Cassadines because I stopped watching once the mob took over the show. Agree that since the rape didn’t stop Luke from being mayor it certainly shouldn’t be held against Laura. Also, although she barely graduated high school and I don’t remember her graduating from college, the woman has run entire companies, so having jobs for which she is completely unqualified is second nature to her. What?!!! Changing the channel now that I’ve seen the cardiac surgeon show up to take care of the pregnant girl. Come on show, make a small stab at how the real world works.
  23. Lesley has a hottie!! So thrilled- she deserves one. Now let’s all pray he doesn’t turn out to be a Cassadine ?
  24. jocelyncavanaugh it’s not just you. Jenelle has always been my “favorite” teen mom in a guilty/sick way. I just get the sense that underneath her mental illness she is the smartest. In the early years she had real goals. However I think her anxiety drive her to ever harder drugs and now her brain is just fried. At this point I don’t think she is capable of being a good parent and I pity the children in her custody. It’s sad. But yeah I think that she and Maci (maybe Kail? If she could not be narcissistic for half an hour?) are the only ones out of the nine that I could spend any time with. Chelsea is sweet, but I also think she is low-IQ, so I guess I put her in a different category. I’m too much of a wise-ass to be around her.
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