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Everything posted by scrb

  1. The rapes in the previous episode set the stage for the rescue in this one perhaps? Kind of depict why Jon had to ride in? At times Dany has sounded like she wanted to be ruthless when she came back and reclaimed Kings Landing. Then she sounded all these noble notes about freeing slaves. Then in the last episode, she crucified the masters, perhaps showing a dark side. This episode, she wanted to fix the mistakes she left in her wake. Perhaps that sets the stage for her to have a change of heart about the desire for ultimate vengeance which seems to be driving her. Then again, most of her conquests so far have been relatively bloodless. So is she going to march up to Kings Landing and offer all the houses a chance to surrender ahead of time as she's been doing?
  2. So what happens if and when Jackie is caught again? She loses her job and there's no reason for the show to continue since the hook is that this is an addict who is completely functional in a demanding job?
  3. Brendan is kind of neurotic too -- 'don't say that, don't say that!' If they feed each other's neuroticism, their children may be in for a rough time. Can't have the Big Brother winners win this.
  4. scrb

    S03.E04: Clovis

    Clovis is suppose to be Facebook, with the hoodie wearing 26-year old billionaire and his female second in command being Cheryl Sandburg?
  5. This show/book has too many moving parts. As if there aren't enough threats from within Westeros, then Dani coming, then Wildlings, now some supernatural ice demons. Martin must have been taking some crazy drugs in his day.
  6. Geez, a lot of the reactions to the show is about having Roman back? Well least they could have done is to have her take her top off again. Not sure where the show is going. Jackie is back to using full time and now that her supplier is busted, she's going to have to find other sources and hide the fact that she's using. Again. There better be a different wrinkle to all this ...
  7. Yeah and there's the whole sordid United Fruit Company business that goes back to early 20th century. Death squads were all right-wing in Guatemala and Nicaragua. But Reagan wasn't interested in getting the backing of Congress and the country to help the "moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." He had Ollie North siphon funds from Iran surreptitiously, in extra-Constitutional ways. His best defense for these illegal tactics was that he didn't remember.
  8. I liked the things they pull on each other but I can't recall any memorable episodes. Nothing really happens, just the characters putting each other down
  9. So how many here would not want stainless steel appliances or some kind of slab (as opposed to tile or laminate) counters? It's funny to make fun of them on TV but wouldn't most of us look for the same things when buying a home or remodeling?
  10. Liked the focus group. Never seen her standup but in many of the bits, she seems to make fun of her insecurities. Does she do that in her act?
  11. Maybe the publicity will help the ratings.
  12. So Brody could be back in flashbacks. Guy needs to be put down with a silver bullet or something.
  13. Brian provided a lot of entertainment with the things he said. Funny, probably not intentionally so. The OGs weren't going to cut him a break. "I'm a deep dude …"
  14. Going to gauge viewer reaction before checking this out.
  15. Couple of lukewarm reviews: http://www.sfgate.com/tv/article/Turn-from-AMC-review-Standard-spy-story-5364901.php http://variety.com/2014/tv/reviews/tv-review-turn-1201149209/
  16. Some have compared her to April in Parks and Rec. April did soften over the years ...
  17. Who knows what she's up to away from the cameras. She must have friends her age.
  18. Things not so chummy this episode. Thomas had to hold it in when Patricia mocked him but he was ready to go at the party. Did the producers get lucky when they set up the shoots at the bar and at the party? They captured some good shots of Thomas' face reacting to the congo. Looks like more trash talking back and forth in store the next episode too. Why is everyone so against Thomas and Kathyrn? Those kids deserve every chance at happiness without the carping from the peanut gallery!
  19. Surprised there are no reviews of this yet. Maybe coming this week?
  20. But it should have lower production costs so maybe it'll survive. Consider that it's given out $24 million in prize money in 24 seasons. They pay that much to some of the stars of the highest rated shows for one season.
  21. Thank you, there is the second part of the reunion left to air and there have been stories about the production company trying to find a venue for season 2. Will try to dig them up.
  22. So all the fighting training that Arya was doing doesn't really lead to a payoff? She's not going to become the next Brienne?
  23. Thanks, I don't recall the reference (other than the Nordic name?) if it was from the movie. A cameo here and there from Frances McDormand could be fun.
  24. We need to come up with unique thread titles for these Small Talk threads because they all look the same when you get the email notifications.
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