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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. When Frieda was originally in the maximum security about 30 years earlier, she was allied with one of the sisters. IIRC, Frieda stole that sister's stash and blamed the other sister to set them against each other. She meanwhile turned in the stash and used it as a bargaining chip to get herself transferred to minimum security. Frieda knew that the sisters had realised that she was the one who'd set them up, which is why she was trying her best to avoid them.
  2. I thought Constantine said ‘bush tickler’ which would also work They established that Gary was into Constantine but not specifically that he was gay - and I got the impression that Constantine was going to reconnect with him at least long enough to make sure he was no longer unicorn bait.
  3. “I really depreciate you coming”. I’m an accountant and I had to press pause just so I could laugh at this.
  4. There’s a lot of Brexit debates and voting going on this week. I doubt that anybody from the British government could be spared to travel (although I bet May wishes she could be anywhere but London)
  5. I’ve only seen a few of these but I love the one in the hotel corridor where they’re all speaking in verse. Really well done.
  6. Conrad is starting to annoy me to the point where I almost wished it had been sepsis rather than the drug causing the illness just to prove him wrong for a change. The drug trial guy was a bit of a dick, but Conrad gave me the impression that it wouldn't have mattered how nice or nasty the guy was, Conrad still wouldn't have wanted to have the trials at Chastain. And seriously, does he not know that pretty near every drug he prescribes has had to go through similar trials? What would he prefer, for drugs to be cleared for use without adequate testing, like, I don't know, that replacement hip that nearly killed his other patient?
  7. Well damn. He was the reason I started watching it in the first place.
  8. Whether it was done solely for budgetary reasons or just to try something different, I did think it was a fun way to do a bottle episode. And come on, seeing the team walk in covered with paint and feathers was IMO much funnier than seeing how they got covered.
  9. I really dislike the way they do the eliminations. I know they’re trying to drag out the suspense but really I wish they’d just announce the team going home and be done with it.
  10. I missed that line. Still though, even if the characters don’t want to wear fully period appropriate clothing (because it’s not always going to be the most comfortable or practical), at least have the TARDIS rustle up a coat or cloak or something that looks ‘right’, so they don’t end up standing out so much.
  11. Because we were very good and deserved a treat ;-)
  12. I'M NEVER BURSTING ANOTHER BUBBLE WRAP AGAIN!!! Oh who am I kidding, I'll take my chances! I'm not sure why the Doctor had all the robots deliberately detonate. Since she was able to override their destination instructions and tell them to open the box, could she not just as easily had them remove the wrapping without popping it (a near impossible task for humans of course) and just collect it for later disposals. She didn't have to kill them all.
  13. She was originally a staff nurse (i.e. fully trained and on staff at a hospital). There was an episode where she was on the phone to an expectant mother and had to talk her through the delivery until the midwife got there. The following season I think she appeared to be back in training for her midwifery qualifications.
  14. The air date for the next telemovie has been announced. The Blake Mysteries: Ghost stories will air on Seven in Australia on the 30th November.
  15. I thought it was really sweet when Sandy offered Rahul a kiss and he asked would she kiss him on the forehead. Lovely little moment.
  16. Yaz's mother could be the youngest of a bunch of siblings. Yaz might not necessarily know exactly how old her Aunts or Uncles are.
  17. What I love about Jake and Amy (and I'm not usually a shipper of canon ships), is the way that although they're both such different personalities, they're both willing to take on the best bits of each other, without changing themselves completely. For example, Amy's vows in this episode, where she's serious for the most part but ends with the joke Jake was making earlier. (the clip came up on my recommended videos on YouTube and damn if I didn't tear up all over again)
  18. I remember that they showed it later on during some sci-fi special evening. It was the first episode I'd seen of Babylon 5 (was away at University while S1 aired and I didn't have Channel 4). It didn't exactly make me want to watch the rest of the series, and only for Bruce Boxleitner being in S2, I probably wouldn't have started watching when I did get access to Channel 4.
  19. Third time. She was also decapitated in Freak Show - to cover up the fact she’d been shot in the head We’re assuming that Constance was telling the whole truth and not just glossing over the fact that she’d chucked out her grandson before killing herself
  20. IIRC, Patsy was already sharing a room with somebody when Delia moved in. Asking to swap might have drawn undue attention. Also, Delia wasn’t a midwife, Julienne offered her a room to stifle her mother’s protests about Delia coming back to London. So maybe as a paying guest rather than a midwife living in, she was entitled to her own room. I thought it was Phylis who’d figured out about Patsy and Delia.
  21. They're all behind the times. Holby City (BBC UK show) did that story over a year ago!
  22. It’s about 8€ a month for me. For comparison, a cinema ticket would cost about 12 or 13€. There’s usually a first month free option which would give you a chance to see if they have enough shows/movies you’d want to watch
  23. Ceindreadh


    I've seen videos on youtube where the coach or spotter has broken the gymnast's fall. Never seen it in competition, but yes, that's what they're there for.
  24. If he was reading from cue cards, it’s a pity they didn’t include the proper pronunciation of Samhain. It’s not ‘sew-enn’, it’s SOW (rhymes with cow) ANN. (Although at least it wasn’t ‘Sam-hayn’ like on Supernatural. Perhaps Mark should have worn a frame around him and said he was going as Frida’s self portrait.
  25. Ceindreadh


    Dear commentators. It is actually possible to mention that Morgan and Mai are defending World Champions without adding the caveat that Simone wasn’t competing that year. We get it, Simone would have likely beaten them if she’d competed. But she didn’t. They did and they earned their medals, and I don’t like the implied question mark as if Morgan and Mai only got their golds by default.
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