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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. I agree my theory was incorrect. When I had wrote my post I had only just finished episode 4. I have now finished episode 6. It sounds like Vi was in prison for years if she was captured after the events of episode 3. I really liked the team up of Vi and Caitlin, and also enjoy the way they depict Jinx's unstable mind. For knowing nothing about the game this series is based up, I am really enjoying the story line.
  2. I thought it was Vi. Powder shot her in the back (where her board was harnessed which saved her from a killing blow) and lying on the deck at the end of the confrontation. I assumed she was picked up when security first arrived, pre-Caitlin doing her solo investigation. I could be wrong.
  3. I would say it's Vi's fault, since she is the one who decided they can do this job without notifying Vander. All of them were there to steals things and Powder actually found something valuable. Jayce coming home unexpectedly is not Power's fault. They all had to run at that point, and if I recall, Powder accidentally dropped one of the crystals. She didn't know it would explode. I agree it was sad and infuriating, it certainly didn't go the way I expected it. I felt bad for Powder when she finally realized what she had done only to have Vi abandon her all while instilling in her what everyone else thought. That she was a jinx and screws everything up, which ironically is what made her act the way she did in the first place. I'm really surprised there are so few responses to this thread. I find the animation top notch and the story is very intriguing.
  4. Wasn't even thinking White Savior trope, it was more the biblical parallels that made me cringe.
  5. I'll probably be in the minority here. I've never read the books, and I think you need to, to appreciate this movie perhaps? I don't know. I thought it was overlong, anticlimactic and often dull. I watched it on HBOMax and the worst part for me was that everyone spoke so very softly. So much so that I had to crank my receiver to the max to hear the dialogue, and then turn it down when the dramatic music would kick in. I don't think it's because I streamed it either. I have a good surround sound system and don't have to crank it to the max for other things. I think I would have had the same issue had I seen it in a theater, which I wouldn't have, because my interest was only mildly peeked by the trailer and all the big names in the movie. The boy messiah story line who can speak "the word" to save the desert people isn't very interesting. The constant cuts to him having visions was distracting.
  6. The clues I picked up on, which made me realize the doctor was the daughter prior to the reveal. When the Monsignor first came to the house to perform the mass at home, the mother called him "John" and smiled at him, he smiled back and corrected her claiming his name was "Paul". Most people with dementia will often confuse names and faces, so easily shrugged off. When the daughter was discussing with her girlfriend about how growing up gay on the island, and how the Monsignor would stare at her, like he somehow knew and was being judgemental, which she misinterpreted , in my opinion, was just him staring at his daughter. When the mother was de-aging and the daughter ran her through the gauntlet of questions to test her dementia, she asked "What is my fathers name?". There was a long pause by the mother until she finally said "George". Those few clues as well as the black hair on the daughter, the color of the Monsignor's hair.
  7. Even if they didn't have vampire lore, the creature looked exactly like depictions of the Devil himself. That alone is was got me. This was a complete waste of 7 hours of my life. This show could be have easily been done in 3 episodes if they cut out all the homilies and complete psalm hymns I was subjected to listening to. You would think it would have eased up after a few episodes but no, they had the loooong Easter procession march with the candles and hell even the very end of the show itself was near unbearable with all the vampires singing praise to God. It also didn't help that nearly every plot point, for me, was realized early on.
  8. I believe he looked to Daniel, because as stated earlier by Daniel they were keeping things heavily under wraps regarding the story/plot because the pandemic kept the release date out of theater for so long they didn't want to give too much away. So I took it as he was trying to get confirmation from Daniel if it was something they should talk about and Daniel explained it was another plot point. With the long stretch from the end of filming to the actual release date of the film, a lot of them seemed unsure of what they could actually talk about. Yes this was weird. They were talking about working with Phoebe Waller-Bridge and then his response didn't even mention her.
  9. I just assumed he formed some kind of ice cube in his throat causing him to choke. They were illusions as depicted when Courtney ran into the room while Mike was struggling to breath, there was no one else in room, and when Shade told Barbara to fight the illusion, that it wasn't real and to just "start the car"
  10. https://screenrant.com/stargirl-eclipso-powers-dr-midnite-connection-explained/
  11. I just started watching this on Prime after binging Eureka, and when I saw Claudia pop up on that show I decided to watch this one. I remember when it aired catching a few episodes here and there. Alison is so good as Claudia. What did surprise me as I have been watching is how awesome Lindsey Wagner looks. She aged well, and is a testament to letting yourself age naturally and not mess up your face with fillers and plastic surgery. I really like Myka and Pete (when he is serious). His goofball ways at times get a tab bit annoying, as does all the boobs comments, but I did like the body swap episode and Myka right away told Pete to stop touching her boobs.
  12. So after this episode the big take away is that Nana runs a foster home for misguided genius level miscreants who like stories of Robinhood. Do I have that right?
  13. This is how I remember him looking. Not so clean shaven, and buff yes, but not like in this episodes, his guns have gotten huge. https://leverage.fandom.com/wiki/Aldis_Hodge
  14. I must be in the minority. I miss Nate. I don't think Noah is a good actor so don't like him as the 5th person replacement. I think they would have been better served to have Sterling take over Nate's position. So that alone made this meh for me, and I love Leverage. I'll keep watching because of that fact, just to see all the callbacks. Waiting for Eliot to give us a "It has a very distinctive...." Aldis being buff, and clean shaven threw me a bit at first.
  15. Holly sums it up nicely toward the end of the last season, when she was getting her memories back. "Oh you are all the geniuses and he's the strength that holds you all together."
  16. Interesting to see this topic pop up. I originally checked here back when I started streaming this show, first time viewing, a few months back, and was disappointed I did not see a forum for it. I really wanted to see other people’s take on the show, and now here it is. I wound up really enjoying the show. The cast had a very good dynamic. From the beginning you had Jack and Nathan’s frenemy’s and the constant ribbing they would give each other. I do have to say, that Colin Furgeson surprised me. Known only to me as the “Maytag Man” he is truly underrated as an actor. He handled the combination of drama, what with his facial expressions and being able to well up his eyes at the drop of a dime, to his comedic timing and his physical slap stick pratfall capabilities. A well rounded actor, so shocked I haven’t seen him in many more projects. I also enjoyed detective Andy a lot and wonder if the actors face hurt after having to smile that big smile all the time on camera. I also loved how when Jack said something “smart” and people would look at him all “Hey good thinking Jack” he would beam and be all “What, I pay attention and can learn…” especially toward the end when Zoe was always proud when he did do something like that. I think I felt bad for Henry the most. His character kept getting the shaft. His first love was vaporized, had to give her up again after altering the events which Jack had to fix, and then wiped Jack’s memory of the event while still holding a grudge against his friend, and then she came back as a living computer database that got destroyed when they had to extract the information she held. Time travel to the past to return to wife he doesn’t remember, falls in love anyway only to find out she (and his other timeline self) were spies against GD. The man needed a break. The additions of Felicia Day and Will Weaton to the cast was interesting and gave Fargo someone to play off of. I like when Weaton get’s to play the more dickish characters. Here, Dark Matter, Leverage. He plays asshole well. Supporting cast was good also. I like all of them. Zoe, Jo, Vincent, Larry, Zane. Overall fun all around. The only constant thing that bugged throughout the show was the choice to have Neil Grayston voice Sarah the house, and Matt Frewer doing a bad Aussie accent.
  17. I know all this, and I think you missed to point of my post. After watching BW, I don't think Yelana would be gunning for "the person responsible for her death". She knew Nat found a 2nd family in the Avengers and after endgame, I think the only thing that would have been released publicly (as shown in Spiderman Far From Home and the schools tribute to them) was that the Avengers brought everyone back and then fought Thanos again, during which 3 Avengers lost their lives. And Yelana, who seemed to be looking for a good death in this movie, would consider that a good one for Nat and not be looking to place blame. The scene just didn't ring true to me.
  18. Plus the fact that during this movie we often heard Yelana saying "This would be a sucky death". So I would think, that she would think, saving half the universe is a good honorable death and wouldn't be looking to place blame anywhere. I actually texted my nephew after the movie was over to ask what the hell that end credit scene was about. When Nat died half the population was gone, and none of it knew what the Avengers were attempting, and when all was said and done I doubt they did a full disclosure of all that went down. So why was Valentina blaming Clint for Nat's death. Upon waking this morning the only thing I can come up with is Valentina is saying, Clint recruited Nat into Shield, which led to her joining the Avengers, which led to her death protecting the universe.?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. This is what I recall as well. It was also the reason it took so long for a 4th movie to be made. They couldn't agree. No one wanted the aliens and George dug his heels in.
  20. I was getting a very big Lost Boys vibe from them until it devolved into Lord of the Flies. It seemed slightly implausible that so many would turn on Bear so quickly. When it comes to the doctor, I have a feeling that the humane way of continuing the prior doctor's research for a cure (who was using the hybrids) will be found in the purple flowers that pop up around those who are sick and they are so quick to destroy. I also thought it odd that the woman in the zoo who was so protective of her daughter and people not finding them would be announcing over the radio "hey look we are over here!"
  21. When the trailer for this auto played when I logged into Netflix, I thought it was going to be about the hybrids after they had all grown up and how they adapted to society and how the world adapted to them. At the end of this episode I realized I got suckered into watching a show about a 10 year old boy hybrid and was disappointed, but strangely I kept watching (finished episode 4). I'll keep watching if only for the oddity of it all. One thing I did find strange is the warning placed in the PG-14 notification that pops up. Usually this will contain stuff like, brief nudity, smoking, vulgar language or something similar, but this was the first time I ever saw "fear". We now have to warn people that fear is being depicted in a show? Is this because it is geared toward very young kids? I mean I can see a parent wanting to shield a child from nudity, smoking, swearing etc, but fear? "Sorry honey, I know you want to watch this show, but people are afraid in it, I don't want you see that" ????
  22. It usually shows up for me 3 days after, so I can pull it up on Sunday's on Comcast on-demand.
  23. Aside from this volume being a lot shorter than the first, I felt the only thing missing was the more lighter episodes like Three Robots, or When the Yogurt Took Over or Alternate Histories. Other than that is was another enjoyable set of episodes with different animation styles.
  24. As did I, and also thought it brought to mind the star for Jews and Pink triangles for homosexuals. Or to put it in super hero terms, it reminded me of the mutant registration act in X-Men comics, another group constantly persecuted for "what" they are. I also agree with your assessment in the second paragraph quoted. The multiple nooses hanging outside the orphanage was a clear "you are next". Again to bring it back to X-Men, I truly think Professor X would save Magneto had the government decided to publicly execute him to make a statement. All the people to follow Penance were the ones who were listening to Desiree read the news paper article about the hanging and took umbrage to the idea of it being made public.
  25. Jamie during the drive in episode made the talking head comment that "Nobody wanted to work with Gabriel". That combined with what I quoted above and Maria's asshole comment makes me think there was a general dislike of Gabriel, or at least of being teamed with him.
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