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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. I've been slowly losing interest since the second half of last season. I'm giving up now after the bar tender felt the need to take his shirt off because he got a little beer on it. This show has just gotten so dumb.
  2. One thing that really bug me is how he pronounces "important", it makes my ears bleed.
  3. Yea, even in the video of the linked article, the small snippet of him is him saying "I would have never done that" ...always has to bring it back to himself. There will be enough guest judges that I do like that hopefully he won't be too prominent.
  4. Living in Chicago my whole life, I am very familiar with all things Wrigley. 😀
  5. The gum Vision swallowed was also Big Red, that nasty cinnamon flavored gum. Also there is this about the show on Wikipedia. Filming began in early November 2019,[55] at Pinewood Atlanta Studios in Atlanta, Georgia,[56] with Shakman directing,[27] and Jess Hall serving as cinematographer.[57][34] The series was filmed under the working title Big Red
  6. Disney+ does have a Marvel show called Legends, to tie into these TV shows. They are basically quick little recaps of each characters movie clips. So 1 for Wanda and 1 for Vision. Maybe 10 minutes each, but it may give you a bit more insight into the characters.
  7. I thought she was as well, especially when she pointed out she is seeing the back of Graham's head on her screen, and then her exclamation of "What? That's it? They told me it was a half hour, I can't stick around?"
  8. I watched the whole show, didn't love nor hate it. It was just there. But this part above is what I think I appreciated the most. Ava wasn't very good, like at all, at wielding the halo. I think I would have hated it had she been shown to be super uber once she go in fighting and using it. This is a girl who spent most of her live crippled and bound to a bed, so had she shown otherwise with the halo I would have been majorly disappointed. Those scenes when she did try to be a bad ass and fell flat on her face seemed more realistic. Like when they were trying to escape after retrieving the book from Shannon's hidden room. She steps out with the sword and is all "I am the Halo bear....FWAP (crossbow to the shoulder)...OOWW" or even sneaking up on the guard in tombs who hears her and clocks her in the nose. I also like Sister Camilla who seemed to do a lot of the paper work and managed the armory. At the end when the were fighting Adriel and they had him on the ground, she shoots him with a crossbow bolt, steps on his back, pulls out the bolt, reloads it, and puts it in the back of his skull, then proceeds to spit on him. That's what I took from it, either demon or alien. I mean it really only mentions another dimension, no proof it's hell.
  9. I am unsure if you like "behind the scenes" type of information when it comes to shows like this. If you do I would recommend Disney Gallery The Mandalorian. I think you would enjoy how they are actually doing a lot of this. I was blown away by how they are actually filming this.
  10. PoI was more engaging, had a tighter storyline, extremely likeable characters, even the reoccurring ones, and was very smart. As you say, this is not. When an evil AI thinks it's time is well spent convincing a kid to bring a gun to school to fend off the bullies, I was out.
  11. In the Christopher Walken Prophecy triolgy Nephilim were considered pretty dangerous. In that universe there was a second war between the angels still raging in heaven. Angels were made to obey God, and human's were made with free will making them God's favorite, and some angel's wanted it back the way it was when God loved them best. The Nephilim were considered dangerous because they had the power of the angels with the free will of a human, not bound to "obey".
  12. I thought Stargirl indicated the autopsy report showed that one of the needles injected into her arm had shattered a bone, which would not occur if she had done it herself and that it indeed had been done by a super. Still as @CletusMusashi says, it was a weak episode. I did like all the things with Kimiko.
  13. A Train is still an asshole. I didn't buy it last season and I don't buy the let's get sympathetic for The Deep this season. The dude sexually assaults women, so fuck him twice over. I can deal with all the gore and violence, but there was something disturbing about the gills talking, just no.
  14. Sort of. Star Sapphire wears a gem on her forehead, was often a member of the IJS, and a foil for the Green Lantern. I was just assuming whomever took up the lantern next season would have a counterpoint. Plus I am unfamiliar with Eclipso.
  15. Interesting. I thought the gem looked a bit pinkish and thought they were hinting at Star Sapphire.
  16. I assume with the ending and the Xmas picture and the use of a polaroid camera, which I would think would be in the Smithsonian, that maybe the cell phones don't have camera's?
  17. Aside from the thought that he is Fiddler 1.0 (Irish) I thought this comment reflected back what we saw in the episode where Icicle went to ISAs lair and the hooded/masked character (who seemed more in charge then Icicle, since frosty seemed a bit leery of him). That character definitely showed some scaly skin around the eyes behind the mask. In the water could mean the sewers, like the Lizard from Spiderman comics? I doubt he's hanging out in the school pool is all I am saying.
  18. I wasn't sure about this show when I first started watching. I couldn't swallow all the cheese I was being fed and it felt like a weird cross between the more mainstream DC superhero shows and a Disney XD teen show. I still wince every now and then, but I think what finally sold me was the note Courtney left Yolanda that was signed with a Star and Kitty face. Such a teen girl thing to do.
  19. Now you know why they were pounding us over the head with the co-captain all season. With Sara being taken who do you think is going to be captain while she is gone and they search for her?
  20. Wow did I not like this episode at all. Aside from having Mona and the Nate/Zari stuff back on the screen, and Astra being blah. Everything feels like a massive retread of what has been done before countless times. S2 had the Spear of Destiny rewritten reality, the non ElseWorlds participation episode where Charlie/Constantine constantly rewrite history and we get Puppets of Tomorrow, the end of last seasons stupid Heyworld where Zari rewrites her history, capping it off with Crisis, which rewrites history/reality and we got the crap episode that started this season. To top it off, I didn't find any of it funny or amusing. I also seriously can't accept that this was Charlie's resolution and that she thought it was all ok. Way to make badass Charlie a doormat to her sisters. I really hope they do a massive course correction for next season because I am losing faith in this show.
  21. No dispute there. But Jax was half of Firestorm, Sara ex assassin, Snart/Mick freeze/heat guns, hell even the semi newer members Charlie shapeshifts, Zari airbender, Constantine has Magic as does his pointless apprentice Gary, even more pointless Mona even turned into a wolf, and I guess Ava can fight besides call Sara babe all the time, but what does Astra bring if she is made permanent? The only thing she has shown is high mounts of snark because she clawed her way to the top in Hell. It just doesn't seem long term imho. I mean if I lost Ray and Nora so we get Astra, I'd not be a happy camper.
  22. I agree, I was meh for most of the episode and I don't see what Astra would add to the Legends if they made her permanent. I think the only things I chuckled at were when Ava tried to activate her ear comm while wearing the moose mascot suit and Zari and the recruit texting back and forth, because Beebo.
  23. I understand all this, and to clarify. I don't mind them tying Fox and Pennyworth to Kate by using next generation characters. I don't mind the use of minor villains and them being repurposed. The minor complaint I had is taking an iconic Batman villain and placing his origins and changing those origins in this show. If he had just emerged on the streets (as Hush already) because a new Bat had suddenly showed up in Gotham, and he started hunting Batwoman down to find out where Batman/Bruce went would have worked better for me.
  24. What bothered me was that Maddow's character voices over that the new villain is being called Hush, only to have useless Sophie reiterate that very fact in the next scene. Plus I am having an issue of one of Batman's iconic villains being used here. They have avoided that so far giving Kate he own rogues gallery so this bugs a little bit.
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