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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I think the bachelor party in the cabin stems from Covid. Easier to send the actors to a set rather than attempt filming crowds. The show has the cabin set, so send them there. Same thing for Madison's party, have it at a set they already have and bring in one extra actor. Kevin is also sober so a booze-fueled weekend was not going to happen anyway. His bachelor party was always going to be lowkey, so fishing at the cabin sounds right in line. I assume the girls also hung out at the pool while not watching Netflix. But, sometimes just laying around a hotel room hits the spot. After a year of only being in their own home, a hotel room sounds like a dream especially if room service is involved.
  2. Leaving out the tennis court, that is pretty common for upper middle class southerners. Outside of the big cities, Southern rich don't appear to be rich. They live in modest homes on acres of land and don't dress flashy, but spend thousands on their trucks and toys. That being said, most of them spring for an actual house and not a doublewide. A doublewide is still a trailer, and trailers will always be trashy. Things may differ in Florida.
  3. It's even better, the book is the smallest size for hardcover books and clocks in at just a hair over 200 pages. Nonfiction doesn't have the same word count rules as fiction, but the entire manuscript is novella length. It was traditionally published, so it was copyedited. It, like all D-List celebrity books, is solely a money-making venture. Jeremy being Jeremy probably thinks the book is a serious work, but we all know the truth. He only got the book deal because he married a Duggar and Jinger is the draw, not him.
  4. I have also heard of readers giving books 1 star on Goodreads in a way to keep track of all the authors behaving badly. That way you have a list of authors to avoid. You don't need to rate all the books by a particular author, one is enough. I work in books and follow more than a few authors and readers on Twitter, and every week there is a new author who gets put on the "never buy" list for acting out. You can keep a separate spreadsheet, but who has the time. Easier to rate on Goodreads where you track the rest of your reading.
  5. I hate that commercial. If you cannot get Nick Offerman to reprise his role of Ron Swanson, please do not create a substitute. Russell even talks like Ron.
  6. Magic with his basketball money was always going to have an easier time than everyone else. He has always been able to afford the necessary medications and as long as he is taking his pills on schedule he can keep his viral load down. Pray, Blanca and Ricky are not so lucky. They will have times when they have to choose between rent and their prescriptions. Any of them surviving until 2020 is down to sheer luck, and Pray's luck is starting to run out.
  7. I watch the occasional episode of New Amsterdam, and Freema is aging like fine wine. My UO on Dr. Who is Martha was a better character than Rose and Freema was prettier than Billie Piper.
  8. I went to a wedding where the only "free" drinks were water or punch. Sodas were part of the cash bar. This wedding still ranks as the worst wedding I have ever been to. The bride was 19 and had a set budget. The buffet was skimpy to begin with, but the real kicker was her bridal party going up for seconds before all of the guests had been served. I was seated at one of the last tables to go up to the buffet and by the time we got there, it was pitiful. All of the proteins were gone and what remained was some random sides and sauces. Everyone else before us loaded up their plates assuming the buffet would be replenished, but that was only happening if someone paid for more food, and that was not in the bride's budget and her parents refused to chip in anything.
  9. I've been to a couple of weddings where the couple could not afford a full bar. I get that, it's expensive. So if you can only afford beer and wine, I can live with that. I like the heads up so I can make my own arrangements like when my cousin had the reception at the hotel we were staying and I could sneak up to my room to "refresh" my ginger ale. Or stop by a bar and have a good strong cocktail or two before heading to the reception.
  10. I did not need an entire episode devoted to Ridgeway. I do not care why Arnold Ridgeway became a slave catcher.
  11. This is why I cannot buy Sophie as a viable love interest for Kevin. That phone call should have been a text. If all she wanted to do was congratulate Kevin on the birth of the twins and wish him well in his marriage, all she had to do was text Kevin, "Hi this is Sophie. Congrats on the babies and the upcoming nuptials." But, she decided to call him, and include the "don't ask" about her new number which of course means ask about why she had to get a new number. It's some passive-aggressive bullshit and not romantic. I do have a suspicion that the writers think this is romantic though. They seem to have a warped view as to what is romantic. It's like they read a bunch of romance novels and took away all the wrong things. Second chance romance is a thing, third time's the charm is not. Totems like the emerald ring are a thing, but the conditions set forth by Sophie's mom in regards to the totem are not. Now Kevin and Madison is a complete romance novel. One night of wild sex. Madison miraculously getting pregnant from that night. Madison going over to tell Kevin she's pregnant just as Kevin is having the fight to end all fights with his adopted brother. Kevin deciding he wants to be in Madison and the kids' lives and moving in with them for reasons (pandemic here, in a romance novel it's other reasons). Forced proximity FTW. Kevin and Madison deciding to make a go of it and getting married for the wrong reasons is a modern update of the marriage of convenience trope. I could go on, but the story is there.
  12. Ugh, another episode where the catalyst for Kevin's doubts about marrying Madison is his ex. Doubt is not inherently a bad thing. Why can't Kevin have them naturally. The whole relationship between him and Madison is unusual. The groundwork is already there, no need for Zoey and Sophie to pop up. Also, Sophie calling Kevin like that is suspect.
  13. And if the Rod girls wore dresses that fit, it would lower their chances of grifting. Hard to get the kids new shoes for free when they are wearing the correct size.
  14. @JeevesI have been to many a wedding, and I dont immediately expect a full meal at them. But, if the couple wants me to travel overnight and give a gift, I expect a meal. Ditto for late afternoon ceremonies. I'm cool with a pig pickin or hamburgers and hot dogs if that is what the couple wants or afford. I dont expect a full bar either, but cash bars are tacky. If all you can afford is punch, cheese straws and cake, then get married at two so I can be done by 3:30 or decline the invite and send a gift. And the Duggar afterparty for select guests is beyond tacky. I think many of us have opinions on weddings because we have suffered through more than one that just plain sucked. Couples with champagne taste and beer budgets create events where only the couple and bridal party enjoy themselves. Why plan an event where your guests are miserable when you can plan a simpler affair where everyone has fun?
  15. Its really not a blind item. That website hates Meghan and will post something negative about her on a weekly basis.
  16. As much as I dont want to see Pray dying and funeral, I need a scene or two with Jackee and Electra.
  17. I have no intention of stepping into a movie theatre until next month and In the Heights opens. That's about the only upcoming movie I need to see in a theatre.
  18. Reading the description above, the fresh take is the story is not going to be all black trauma all of the time. We need to see black joy as well as the pain. Middle class and above black families have existed for centuries in America, long before the Jeffersons and the Cosbys. You have professional parents not maids and field hands.
  19. I read the book a few years ago and understand what Colson Whitehead was doing with this chapter, and Barry Jenkins knocked it out of the park. The level of detail is outstanding and I really liked the costumes changes. In Georgia you see the antebellum silhouettes on the whites, and in South Carolina you get the 1880s. Seeing the different ways the whites were studying Cora, Cesar and the others works so much better than reading about it. The whites who run everything sincerely believe they are helping. I had chills when the museum director was demonstrating using a whip.
  20. They "moved" into the bachelor pad because of Jeds political ambition. He was running for a state legislative position and needed to live in the district. Once the election was over and he lost, the boys moved back home and the house went on the market.
  21. It does matter on some socks. My sister has some that on the sole say "bring wine." I have seen others that say Fuck off. The socks Jer is wearing, it doesn't matter.
  22. If Josh does beat the rap, it will be because of a technicality not because one juror is a fundie. I know when I was on a jury, we took our instructions seriously. I assume the same in Josh's case. There is little room for emotion when you hold a person's life in your hands and are given instructions from a judge. And I dont think I'm an anomaly in the 21st century. The jurors will take the case seriously and decide if the prosecution met the burden of proof.
  23. More news about this show that I am pleased about. I know this year has been a cluster due to covid, but I never liked NBCs release schedule for this show. Just release the show and forget about ratings. I get breaking around Christmas and New Years, but I hate it when networks fiddle with releasing a show based on outdated notions. It's 2021, no need to air a rerun because Fox is showing the World Series in October then return just in time for November Sweeps.
  24. He does give off the perfectly bland male vibes which I believe have helped him achieve his fame, but I would not be surprised to find out he rose to the top via blackmail.
  25. Well yeah, the Vuolos are in a difficult position here. They have a book to promote, so if NBC wants to do an interview how do you say no. From what I read on the Today Show website, the article is a win for them and their book. NBC got a Duggar son-in-law to give them a good quote and the rest of the story is straight book promotion. Reading the story, it appears the Vuolos were in control (as it should be when a victim of abuse is telling her story), Here's the story I'm talking about https://www.today.com/parents/jinger-duggar-vuolo-reliving-painful-past-new-book-today-t218126 But, I think they only got that interview because of Josh and Jinger's status as one of his victims. If Josiah or Joe or John David had a book out, I don't think they would have snagged this.
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