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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. I know it's industry lingo, but the cancelled in the URL does not make much sense. The show was conceived as a 6 season show and has been written that way. I for one am pleased that it is ending on schedule. Adding extra seasons would have diminished the impact of the story.
  2. While Rebecca has been diagnosed with dementia, she has not progressed that far yet. The argument from last season was over Randall wanting Rebecca to uproot her life to travel to St. Louis to be a part of a clinical trial for a new medication. She is still capable of living her life with some precautions. She may no longer be driving and Kate would not leave her kids with Rebecca alone, but she is currently having more good days than bad days. Rebecca getting lost in Pennsylvania was a bad day. That is not her baseline yet.
  3. Kate isn't keeping any big secrets from Toby, she is dampening her joy because she knows it upsets Toby. Toby is the one who is making everything about him right now. I guess being married to a Pearson has started to change him.
  4. Why would JD have to resign? He is an adult, married and living under a different roof than Josh. Josh is also an adult who committed crimes. Unless JD is also indicted, he would be in the clear. As to him being re-elected, it all depends on if someone else runs against him. The position has no teeth and seems largely ceremonial, so not that many people even care about running. If he has zero opposition, then he might win the election based upon voter apathy.
  5. I am also not a fish eater. I have zero issues with other seafood, but I cannot abide the texture of fish. Meat is not supposed to be flaky. I have heard it all over the years and people still insist that if I only tried this fish, or this preparation then I will magically be able to like it. Nope, the fish is still flaky and I gag. It's the only protein I will not eat. I will try almost anything else. I'm really not that picky of an eater and can usually find something to eat wherever I am. Unless the only option is fish with Pico de Gallo (cilantro is the devil's weed, and I cannot eat raw onions).
  6. He was getting roasted on Twitter yesterday when a still from Killers of the Flower Moon was released. I believe it was the NYPost tweeted it with a caption about Leo being unrecognizable (he wasn't). That's where I saw a reply with an infographic about his girlfriends and their respected ages.
  7. Can the feds do anything related to the financials though? The warrants for Josh's crimes would be specific to his crimes. I can see there being evidence of some kind of fraud on the computers which were taken in, but wouldn't those need their own warrant for seizure?
  8. I have never understood the media's preoccupation with female celebrities love lives. Sure JLo is a serial monogamist. So are many other male celebrities. There is nothing wrong with wanting a partner. I don't see JLo as being needy. Nor do I think the number of failed relationships she has is some kind of mindbogglingly high number for someone who is in her 50s. How many girlfriends did George Clooney have before he got hitched to Amal? Or Johnny Depp? Or any other male celebrity in her age bracket. But for some reason her number is a problem. And then you have Leonardo DiCaprio who cycles a new girlfriend in whenever his latest gets too old.
  9. This is a standard practice now with publishers. I see the ebook is still full price. If you wait another week, it'll be on sale as well. Publishing is weird now. Authors are told to promote preorders, but almost all books are being discounted within a month. I only preorder books from my auto buy authors. The USA Today bestseller list comes out on Thursday and it includes today's sales. The publisher may have discounted the book today to ensure getting on that list.
  10. This topic was getting too far away from Derick and Jill so I wanted to reply here. I have yet to see JB enforce any consequences on the kids if they ever did attempt to go it alone. All the boys appear to have been set up by JB to have employment suitable to pay for their expenses. They just don't seem to actually work enough to accomplish that. Meanwhile, everyone has whatever toys he/she needs for their various hobbies. JB buys planes for JD and others to fly around in. The Lost Boys have all the necessary equipment for snowboarding. Jana has her ever growing garden. Jessa and Ben take family vacations, so do Joe and Kendra. Jinger and Jeremy live a charmed life out in LA where they appear to have everything. Whatever allowance JB gives his children is more than enough for them to have their basic needs met.
  11. Yes, JB doles out just enough money so that each kid feels okay about being under JB's thumb as adults. It appears that only Derick has questioned JB's financial strategy. The rest of them are willing to live in blissful ignorance about still being under Daddy's control.
  12. Her persecution complex compels her to troll boards like this and also on Reddit.
  13. I wonder how much JIll even knows about Derick's Twitter usage. Derick seems to prefer Twitter while Jill focuses on Instagram or that is how they post. Jill has a Twitter account, but her posts for the last few months are all about her Instagram posts. Does she scroll thru her Twitter timeline on a regular basis? Does she see Derick's tweets? Does he regale Jill about his witty clapbacks after he has posted? She may have no idea about his Twitter spats.
  14. It wasn't a sponsored event for their book. All Jer and Jing did was go to their local Barnes and Noble and signed the copies already there. There were no fans standing in line buying the book, no reading, no meet and greet, etc. This is a cute way to get people to pop on in and buy one of those special copies. A lot of authors are doing this now.
  15. It's bougie as hell, but not a bad concept. It's an adult place for adults that does not cater to college students.
  16. Nor was Marissa Tomei's for My Cousin Vinny. She made that movie.
  17. When you grow up watching the imitators, it can be hard to recognize the genius of the originator. I had the same reaction to Some Like it Hot. I had to take a step back to realize how groundbreaking the ending was. It will never be the funniest movie ever made for me, but I can appreciate it for what it was in the 60s.
  18. Josh is being prosecuted by the feds and not the state of Arkansas. Federal courts run separately from state courts and have their own guidelines. The judge followed the federal rules and regulations as it pertains to Josh being released and made her ruling. Josh's ability to see his children is up to the state.
  19. Josh had some devices confiscated in November 2019 when the search warrant was acted upon. Since he was not charged with anything at that time, he could easily purchase a new phone, tablet or laptop. The car lot was shuttered after the raid. It appears that Josh's illegal actions were happening at the car lot where he brought his RV in and set up his laptop using the internet there. If Josh has been under Duggar house arrest since then, he may have not had the opportunity to do anything else illegal. Josh was "working" at the car lot in May 2019 when he downloaded the files.
  20. I believe that was the judge getting on record the fact that both Mr. and Mrs. Reiber knew what they were signing up for with Josh. The judge made the decision to release Josh with a long list of conditions. She needs to make sure the people who volunteered to house Josh understand those conditions.
  21. She must have received some writing advice from Anne Rice.
  22. If it was decided that the M kids could not stay with Anna, they would not immediately be placed into foster care. Josh has multiple adult siblings who may be willing to take in a kid or two. Taking the kids away from Anna does not immediately taking them away from their extended family.
  23. I know someone who used to do this kind of work. I had to take a class once about how to spot child abuse and she led it. I don't think you are ever going to find anyone willing to casually give you concrete examples of the techniques used to get honest answers out of an abused child. They have heard some stories and usually do not have the spoons necessary to fill you in. You just need to trust that they are trained to do their job, and whatever reasons you have listed here are things they know about.
  24. In matters like this, CPS is trained to question the children in a way that promotes honesty and away from parents like Anna. They know parents will attempt to coach the kids to keep to a story. Sadly, Anna is not the first mother nor will she be the last who will choose their spouse/partner over her children.
  25. I wonder about this as well. I assume an investigation was triggered by Josh's arrest last week and that it is ongoing.
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