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Everything posted by Mellowyellow

  1. I love love love the bakers this season. I find their interactions and talking heads hilarious. Sandro is so earnest and tries so hard. Syabira is crazy levels of competence. Janusz is hilarious and I love that way Abdul plods along calmly. Janusz and Abdul have such sunny dispositions. I'm enjoying this season. I think the contestants need more time for the challenges but it was very amusing to hear them rant during that vertical tart. They seem to have cast very well with people who can bake and who are amusing on TV.
  2. Ahh that makes perfect sense! I could not for the life of me work out where the extra car came from and it seemed like a bizzare mistake to make from a writing perspective.
  3. You guys have provided the best commentary!!!! It was better than the show!!! Thanks for the laughs ♥️
  4. Watching Season 9 and 4 at the same time. Gosh I loved their distinct personalities. Ben had so much integrity and made his own life very difficult at times (there was a case where he said he wasn't going to prosecute this guy for killing his father if that person had been beaten up by his father and Olivet was all "I interviewed him, he's a psycho, get a grip man" Abby I find would get really really really passionate and unmovable about stuff but then she'd be hit with guilt under certain circumstances (the Drs ep in S9). Jack I feel is very "do whatever it takes" and doesn't look back with regret or gets angsty. It was such a great show. I'm really loving watching the seasons I missed. They're all so real to me! Like I know the actors are different people with different lives but these characters are just so real and it's like they all exist out there somewhere. I love that I can feel that Mad crush on Ben! Mad mad mad crush!
  5. It is an absolute crime that Michael is gone and Daniel and Keyma are still in the competition. I don't like Sarah either. It's a bit hard to watch the show when I don't like anyone except Billie and the judging is so shady it makes me want to smack judges I usually like. Ugh
  6. I'm probably the only person who likes Anne. Yes she's a nutter but I find her very authentic in her craziness. She's like the ultimate Tiger mum. She simply cannot help herself. I much prefer this to disinterest. I usually like Bobby but I found him very disinterested this season. I also like Brooke as a judge. She's very serious but she doesn't say things for sound bites. She's just really serious about food and cooking. I like that.
  7. I'm not keen on a Daniel win but I can deal with it better than the Larissa win! I really did not like her! They are so going to take Billie out.
  8. I have a mad mad mad crush on Ben Stone!!! I'd never seen him prior to this reboot. Jack was my introduction to the Mothership and was the face of Law and Order for me. But Ben is wonderful!!!!! So intent on doing the right thing. I think watching him has made me enjoy the Mothership even more!!!!! They rarely bleat on about the characters but the personalities are so distinct. I love the difference between Ben and Jack.
  9. My husband, who is very much a golden man, just melted when he saw photos of real life Liberty. He said he could see that she had a loving and genuine soul (he's a tad salty because his real life golden girl is a dramatic diva)
  10. I don't mind the RBF because my good friend has one (I dodged her when we first met and she would chase me and acted like she wanted to be my friend but she always looked so sour. She turned out to be a darling, just really grumpy looking!!!) but I don't find Sarah pleasant at all. Arrogant and constantly name dropping!
  11. Pretty please can someone tell me if they cast a golden retriever for the Fords???
  12. Sarah is fast becoming a pill. Not fond of her at all. She seems arrogant and sour. Julie I love! Julie is hilarious! I love Michael too. He's so competent and inoffensive!
  13. Aww it looks like a lot of fun!!! My goodness they are wholesome!!! Haha maybe this is Julie's stealth way of distracting them🤣 @katisha
  14. Pssst! GANG! I am trying to scan your comments in this thread to find what episode to watch but not get spoiled at the same time! No easy feat! Am watching Forgiveness tonight! Any others you recommend for this season that are a standout? I have watched the fabulous Prince of Darkness already!
  15. Omg Prince of Darkness was so good. So so so good!!!! Freaking awesome!!! All the twists and turns, the quippy random lawyers and judges. So exciting, so much fun and so sinister. ETA: Ben Stone is awesome too!!!
  16. I'm so excited!!! I got my hands on S3!!! Going to watch "Prince of Darkness" because I was lurking in the quotes thread and someone brought it up.
  17. Thanks @GHScorpiosRule! I will track some down and report back! Hehe I will need to get used to the dated clothes etc
  18. The reboot has got me itching to watch some old eps! I would love some recommendations for the older seasons. I've think I've watched the season where the lady who dates Jack dies in a car crash (possibly not the stuff before that), seen the Serena years, the Abbie and Alexandra years onwards. Thanks in advance!
  19. I'm staying with it too! For me it's still one of the most well written and acted shows out there. Especially since they need to straddle the line of comedy and predestination already laid out by BBT. I think the only way to go all out happy is to do an AU version which they can't do!
  20. Yes there were a few silly names 🤣 In his first season he had Taower (tao is the fancy word in Vietnamese for apple). I think he made an apple dessert of some sort that day.
  21. I like Tommy. He's not the best cook and I don't expect him to win by he's fun and endearing. I actually miss him when he's not in the episodes!
  22. Errr sorry about the spoiler tags 😬
  23. @katisha I'm trying to ponder if that would be a worse win than Larissa. I actually preferred Emma's win because I found her more pleasant than Larissa. *** Had to do a rewind to work out what happened to Tommy. Suddenly he vanished which perplexed me. I also warmed up to Jen more after finding out she made sunflower earrings with Julie. That was cute. I'm enjoying Julie. She's managed to rise above her unintentionally irritating edit!!! I know they want to promote her but it's so silly as she's absolutely fine to be left on her own without the excessive pushy editing. Only in an Australian show can you edit against someone without meaning to!
  24. @katisha I hope what you posted is true!!!!!!
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