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Everything posted by Mellowyellow

  1. I can deal with excessive silliness or even stupidity but it's her meanness that I can't accept! The over perky, fake friendly attitude and then WHAM random mean girl comment is incredibly jarring and just awful!
  2. Diego and Justin are too good for this show! Justin especially looks like he needs to be rescued from this hot mess.
  3. Ree and Eddie were charming on the Christmas Cookies show. I actually would take Jason over Molly. Not Rachel Ray the yelling banshee though!
  4. "Why does it need to be Texan? Can't it just be toast? I love Jackson!!! He cracks me up with his lines and mannerisms. I love the amused, mildly snarky, deadpan delivery. I must admit in the very first episode when they aired his confessional about losing his taste, I thought he (or the elves) we going for some kind of "Muhahaha" slightly villainous edit! But he's just a nice and hilarious dude who can cook!!! I am going to make some kind of shrimp toast for Easter since we've all agreed we are not going to bring meat to the potluck. Looooove this season!
  5. Finally watched this! Sam is so so so awful and cringeworthy!!! He's a combination of arrogant and nonsensical at the same time! And it is not charming or even amusing nonsense! He just seems like an a$$!!! He was making snide comments about Leia's cooking while acting like a moron at the same time! Ick! So glad he is gone as everyone else left seems either decent or likeable!
  6. Jackson side eyeing his quick fire reward was hilarious and the moment of the episode for me. I was thinking the exact same thing! "But I don't have immunity so did I really win" 🤣🤣🤣 His and Buddha's dish looked and sounded absolutely delicious. That's food that I would love to eat. It was also very telling that Wylie had an initial moment where he wondered if they'd recycled and used the same tuile for both dishes! They looked so similar! I'm finding lots of personalities to love this season and they can all cook! Love Nick! He just seems like such a nice Uncle type. I really like Luke too. He's quiet, just plods along, takes bad performances in stride and tries his best. I appreciate that more than a loud, obnoxious personality! Sad to see Robert go but Sarah was not very impressive and I think it was her time.
  7. I don't care for Sam so I'm happy he's been eliminated. He looks like he'd be exhausting to deal with and made that weird comment at Damarr last week who is one of my favorites! Love Jo! I find Jo very soothing and "just right." Great cook, not too peppy, not boring, not sour. She makes for very pleasant TV. She's a good cook (I would have loved to try her pork belly, what's with Tom saying everything is bland???) and I totally have a girl crush Monique who I think is absolutely gorgeous! So pretty 😍
  8. I kinda liked the crazy hair! I was thinking "Good way to express yourself and go over the top with the hair instead of the hosting!" *** Second challenge in the Easter Baking Ep2. Were they given their cakes pre made? I seemed to recall everyone assembling and no one baking. Also no comments on the cake taste so I assume it was all generic cake that they had to decorate?
  9. Yes!!! She is great on the Easter show!!! Engaging but not over the top. She's giving me the same vibes I get from John and Jesse who I've always thought have that "just right" balance on the versions they host.
  10. I've only seen the first ep so I'll see how the second ep fares, but I find her sugary sweet persona incongruous with some of the things she says to the contestants. On Halloween the contestants sometimes joke that John is mean to them and it's quite funny because he's a sweetie. This show has the opposite effect. She's pushing for tooth decay levels of sweetness but some of her comments in the first episode came off as unpleasant.
  11. I don't like Molly. Agree that she's intrusive and I found some of her comments last week mean, as if they were designed to rattle the contestants. That's not cool. I don't see the other hosts doing that! I'm enjoying Sunny a lot more which I didn't expect since she's normally a screaming banshee. But she's nice on the Easter Show so far.
  12. They actually eat a lot of cake and pizza at his academy. No idea how much they actually consume but they're always having birthday parties and that's what the kids get served.
  13. Can't wait for the requisite Eteri interview burying Kamila for good. "I teach her all I can but she was hungry. W teach them to be competitive but Kamila had a special hunger I could not stop. So she took the pills. We did not know. Training was going so well. We thought her technique improved from all the training. Why she would do this I'll never understand."
  14. Is the Witch going to receive any fall out from this? If it's true and it's PEDs I doubt Kamila is sourcing them and dosing herself. Or are they going to hang her out spectacularly and the Witch will continue on with all her riches?
  15. To be honest I wish it was weed. I'd rather she be a flaky, stupid 15 yr old who smoked a joint than being force fed drugs or a cheat.
  16. Ok apparently non enhancing now...... https://www.championat.com/olympicwinter/news-4604335-stali-izvestny-podrobnosti-doping-proby-kamily-valievoj.html?utm_source=copypaste
  17. It is highly suspicious though because this stuff doesn't happen to say......Bradie or Rika iykwim. I ADORED Kamila and was a huge fan of the Russian girls.
  18. Yup. I am (was?) huge fans of them but there is no way I can think they're clean if this is true. https://www.goldenskate.com/forum/threads/team-medals-delayed-by-legal-issue.90874/page-13#post-2925300 Go to the end pages. I know the site is nuts but there's too much stuff to link so I figure you can look it all up and decide yourself.
  19. I'm not sure but many are cropping up. You know the saying...smoke and fire and all.
  20. Several outlets are reporting that it's performance enhancing and that it is Kamila. My heart is broken. I can't believe I was so naive.........
  21. Your post made me think of Yuma's performance. Now I'm normally a "jump" girl but oh my goodness some of his random skating was absolutely gorgeous. There was this intricacy to his steps. It was beautiful to me. Oh yeah and he has the quads too!!! Ladies will get there. Kamila was very sassy during Bolero at RussNats and probably too sassy at Euros (some of us speculate that's why she fell). I think the Olympics was just too big an occasion for her to go full performance and throw down all those quads.
  22. Oh the poor darling!!! I've gone on and tried shower him with support. Gawd the poor thing.
  23. Yup! The lack of 3-3s I cannot deal with. And the tendency to fall on normal triples as well. I'm sure the quadsters could practice their artistry better if they just skated around and did 3-2s. Anna and Sasha are 17 going on 18 and keeping their quads. Kamila is decently tall for a 15yo and looks as fit as a fiddle. I think people are going to find it hard to cling onto the narrative of "tiny Russians only jumping quads because they're tiny" in a few years. They've really moved on.
  24. She's just very stressed because it's the Olympics. At Europeans she laughed at herself after a mistake. I think she's just overwhelmed here. I wouldn't assume she's being yelled at or anything.
  25. I loved SATC too much to let this ruin it for me. I saw 3 eps of this and then went back to watch SATC. I'm up to S5 now. Samantha is and always will be fabulous 🥰
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