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Everything posted by Mellowyellow

  1. So apparently the tab is back! Was there a year where there no bets allowed or did I hallucinate that? Anyways read at your own risk! Would love your thoughts on this order:
  2. This cast is likeable and I find their food and personalities more appealing than another cooking show I’m also watching right now. The newer chefs Young Chris, Tall Fire Chris, Martel, Mika all cook well and carry themselves well on TV. Kess wasn’t as strong on the cooking side but she’s darn likeable too! Great casting Food Network. This is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me because the 24 hour thing is such a gimmick but it’s sooooooooooo fun to watch. I’m counting down for the next episode!
  3. Perfectly happy with Nikki moving forward. I liked Alex too but he’s been dinged a few times: not enough sugar last week, not enough sugar the passion fruit week, weird combo with the mango and dates that even Jesse thought was odd Nikki has put forward some yummy bakes and knows her stuff (that smokey flour she has last week that she handled really well). Both have done exceptionally well in some weeks and had a hiccup or two in other weeks. I HATED Jaleesa’s win (I considered quitting after that season) but Nikki’s skillset is far superior and she’s nothing like Jaleesa. I am usually annoyed with the judges but the judging this season overall has been better than previous seasons imo.
  4. I like Mika. I think she’s just slightly delirious so she’s rambling. Doesn’t count as a personality flaw to me. She’s not nasty or anything. Interestingly the fatigue seems to have toned Carlos down. I like all the chefs even Carlos. He’s very loud and in your face but I don’t get bad vibes off him like I do with someone such as….. say Zakarian.
  5. One of the best episodes ever!!! George taking the lead and putting his years as a coach to good use, the two professors and their love for Sheldon, President Hagemeyer being her fabulous wheeling, dealing self. The scenes of George and Mary wearing all the different college gear were adorable. As someone who is absolutely miserable in winter (and I live in Sydney where it doesn’t snow) Sheldon’s reason for abandoning MIT resonated with me and made perfect sense. Perfect way to resolve his dilemma! Such a well executed episode! It was hilarious and had so much heart. Everything I love about the Big Bang universe.
  6. Yaaaay for recaps! I can read the article! Awesome as ever! How many hamsters are they eliminating each week? I hope they don’t have 2 days worth of immunity challenges. OMG that bored me to death!
  7. Kaleena is as sour as Michelle is likeable! I hope Kaleena gets booted again. Preferably when there’s no now LCK so I don’t have love with the promise of her gone only to have her come back like a whack a mole. They cast for less drama these days so she stands out as being comparatively unpleasant. I like Rasika but am especially fond of Michelle so am very relieved she survived!
  8. I wonder if it’s hard now because of some of the contracts the others have with the Food Network! I’m surprised they got Stephanie and Marcel. I wonder if the more permanent players on FN like Eric, Brooke, Antonia, Michael V would be out of bounds.
  9. Have they got the official contestants yet Katisha or are they still auditioning? Auditioning rounds are the bane of my existence.
  10. The delightful Eric Adjepong hosts Wildcard Kitchen which is very entertaining. He’s such a great host and Food Network seems to know this. I find it fascinating because he’s not a loud character at all but has really carved out a good TV career for himself. He’s dashing, witty and entertaining. Yeah I’m a huge fan😂 I remember being salty when they eliminated him half way through a finale (loved Kelsey and Sarah too but that was uncalled for as he had his entire menu ready) so I’m thrilled he seems to be doing so well post Top Chef.
  11. The Mandy character/actress is awful! There is zero warmth or heart to her character. She's just constantly sour and disagreeable. I adore TBBT and love this show but she is the absolute worst!
  12. I’m watching! Really enjoying it and that handsome pup has me swooning!
  13. I really like Nickey so I spent half the episode raging because I was so sure they were going to screw her over when they announced that twist! Especially since her original cake sounded delicious and then to be slapped with an ingredient that actively worked against her flavours! But she saved herself!!!!!! Anna was the right elimination but I was fond of her too. I like everyone this season so I’m going to be fine with whoever wins. They’re all very good! I hate confetti but that confetti cake looked delicious.
  14. Good riddance! I never liked him! Seemed humourless!
  15. Thank you for this! I found his new show!!! Love it! Eric is a great host! Love his easy going manner. It’s actually so interesting that he’s made a career from hosting shows. He was never loud or crazy on Top Chef. I would not imagine him trying for Food Network Star but I enjoy his hosting very much!
  16. 😭😭😭 I love Eric and don’t like Maneet so that was a doozy for me! That was probably more sad for me than the Brooke loss which bummed me out already. Anyways hopefully he’ll be back with Alex for another season of Alex vs America. I’ve only got Antonia and Amanda whom I like left. Everyone else I’m so so about. Boo to the Michael vs Antonia match. I like them both!
  17. Erica was so bad! I was worried she’d be one of those people they’d drag along until one of the competent contestants have a bad week and they eliminate them leaving her to win *cough cough the lady that won the sprinkles season * I like everyone so far! No one seems to be overly attention seeking *cough cough the lady with the accent that was 10 times stronger whenever she spoke to the judges * The judging perplexes me sometimes. There were two ugly fondant/ modeling chocolate flowers. One was declared bad while the other was pretty. They looked like they were the same quality!!! Are the judges blind???
  18. Woooooohoooooooo they walked it back!!!! I’m so relieved! YS George is too good of a character to destroy. I don’t care if it doesn’t 100% make perfect sense. They started this show after TBBT and there was no way they could have known how the characters would evolve or what the actors would make of their characters. It’s more feel good this way and I’m all for feeling good! Plus if one wants to be super picky, how do you explain that Leonard’s bully looks identical to George? Reincarnation? Doppelgänger? I’m so happy they decided to go with this!
  19. I thought it was just me!!! I’ve never warmed to her even in the first season of Top Chef and I found her more annoying and obnoxious as time went by!!!
  20. I wonder if part of the motivation is that she doesn’t have to deal with the cheating Russians either. No need to break your bones trying to learn quads when your competitors had an unfair advantage all along.
  21. Farewell Jack you legend! You will always be the heart and soul of Law and Order for me. I burst into tears at that last shot of him in his hat and coat. How many times have we seen him walking off in his coat over the years? This will be the last time. Thrilled he left on a win whilst also plotting strategically. I will miss him but at the same time I can enjoy the reruns as I assume he’ll be retiring somewhere nice and occasionally have a chat with Mike, Connie or Abby.
  22. Broooooke😭😭😭 Nooooooo 😭😭😭 Hopefully I’ll see you on Triple Threat! I like Shirley but am a wee tad more fond of Joe S so this was not a good ep for me. I am pleasantly surprised they aired the Amanda v Darnell portion. I was bracing myself for them to bury it in some weird way. I approve! He existed, he competed against Amanda, air it quickly and never refer to him again. It makes more sense than if they tried to bury it.
  23. What happened? What is the deal with the missing kid? I could not last until the end but I still want to know about the mystery. Thank you in advance!
  24. Jack/Sam has always been the face of Law and Order for me. He’s always been so real to me, I feel like I’ve been along for the ride of his entire career. Law and Order did an amazing job of bringing their main characters to life, whilst simultaneously revealing fairly little about them. I also loved Ben whom I discovered after Jack. As a devoted Jack fan, it was odd to find myself developing a huge crush on Ben! So strange!
  25. Spoil me please gang! I won’t get to watch this until a few days from now! I love spoilers!!!
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