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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I am shocked at how horrible some of his choices have been. I wonder if he can't overcome his distaste for shopping in small-town stores, with their Middle America inventory, as he clearly loves and prefers high-end fashion.
  2. I watched two episodes and felt I was watching a clumsy mishmash of Magnolia/Home Town/Good Bones. There is a limit to how many of these duplicate shows I can watch without getting bored. I thought the decision to re-cast a traditional, charming red-brick bungalow into a hacienda/southwestern/Spanish design was terribly misguided (white painted brick, red tile roof). Generally, home buyers don't like a design that is a significant departure from what all of the other neighborhood houses look like - it feels too specific and sticks out. But perhaps the homeowners dictated this style.
  3. Jennie = just another racist Bravo asshole. There are too many Bravo thugs for it to be coincidence. They are either knowingly letting them in, or keeping them in the hopes of generating ratings.
  4. Rayna's refusal to chip in a lousy $100 to the new stew tells me everything I need to know about her character.
  5. Corporate HR doesn't get involved with independent contractors, which most if not all reality TV personalities are. HR only has oversight on W-2 employees. That's one reason we see such egregious behavior in the Bravo "workplace." I think a lot of people are confused about using certain words if they are included as song lyrics. I didn't see the incident but my understanding is Rayna sang the offensive words first and Heather repeated it.
  6. Claws also had an erect penis on last night's episode. I'd forgotten how boring it is to hang out with druggies. The photography is phenomenal.
  7. And seriously incorrect. "Red represents indigenous women." Actually, no one color represents indigenous women. They are not sports teams. However, red bandanas, scarves, etc. currently represent missing and murdered indigenous women. https://mmiwusa.org/ Shawls of any color are very personal choices, often labored over, and usually worn at powwow dances. Betina's cultural appropriation annoys me. I didn't see all of the episode. Who was the woman on the bus who yanked Jen around? Production? Security? As I expected, I'm pretty sure the allegiances to Mary and Jen are to keep them on the show as long as possible and the ratings up. Disgusting.
  8. Should we start a media thread? I don't know how or if it's OK.
  9. There must be a story there: I guess he became too consumed by serving as head coach and perhaps was told to take a step back? Then he had to take part-time jobs to survive and apparently moved in with friends to save money. And he chose to talk about how he couldn't commit to a long-time girlfriend and it was a smart decision. Now he's back to serving as one of two head coaches. An unusual trajectory. Monica's and La'Darius' relationship seemed unhealthy - boundary issues. She was tolerating his behavior at the expense of the team. I didn't like the on-camera sobbing and hugging session. I think Monica slowly lost her way over the time period we saw - she seemed less effective as a coach. Ultimately I loved Vontae. He really had self-discipline and exhibited good leadership as they headed to Daytona and while there. Cassadee was so familiar to me, and then we were shown who her family is. Maddy Brum is a true star. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When her dad tried to worm his way in I worried. She seems tough and smart so I hope she gets everything she needs out of this experience.
  10. A viewer can really see how the fame distracted Navarro - all the running to Hollywood, press conferences and appearances, little girls screaming, talks about creating a brand for each cheerleader, etc. The cranking out of the paid messages while sitting in the spa. When the media announced that Jerry had bought a house I was glad because I thought it was a responsible choice. I assume he will lose it now. I suspect the others' money will be spent and gone. Meanwhile these kids don't seem to be getting a true education (a marketable trade or a four-year degree). I was also turned off by the lengthy interviews about how dramatically some of them reacted to Jerry's arrest. There was a whiff of reality-TV performance in those interviews. It was great to see the other Navarro cheerleaders, and the TVCC team, instead of the same small handful featured repeatedly. I appreciate being reminded of how talented some of them are. But the TVCC coach seems kind of mean. A lot of those kids don't have much. There must be tremendous resentment of those who are getting so much attention and money due to their "fame." I hope Jerry's victims survive this exposure. Very brave, but they will feel the consequences. Their mom seems smart and tough.
  11. I'm laughing at the thought of the young, impulsive Scruff being perfectly trained after a couple of training sessions. Better still keep an eye on the sheep.
  12. I've learned a hard lesson about descending into the reality TV cesspool, which was a desperate act for me during COVID. I cannot believe I missed that this series was launched anew in 2021, and my reality-TV-diminished brain missed it. I still have the books that I bought after watching the original version. They made the cut when I forced myself to lighten my bookshelves. So I've been binging 2021's first season. Love the proper Scottish nod (not to mention the language), and of course the glorious Dales. Loved seeing the Dame (in every sense of the word) and Callum Woodhouse from the Durrells. Perhaps it's nostaliga, but I remember being more captivated by the original series. I miss a starchy, older Mrs. Hall. And Herriott seems a bit overshadowed by all of the strong personalities. The actor's voice reminds me of the late, great Ian Charleson, and I believe that's Nigel Havers playing the stuffy thoroughbred track overseer - both actors so great in "Chariots of Fire." Still, I'll keep watching for the animals and the Dales.
  13. It's too late to change the concept now, but I always thought that five people were too many. The culture role especially seems like a catch-all for whatever the show wants to talk about. The SLS debate has raged for at least 20 years. I never notice a difference when I use a shampoo or toothpaste that has it. Sometimes people jump on bandwagons because everyone else is doing it.
  14. ...was designers' efforts to suck up to the housewives franchise (and dollars). I loved Leah's dress, but agree it didn't have the housewives reunion "pop." It reminded me of something Vera Wang or even Georgina Chapman would design. Karen's dress can be found in any department store. And she walked like a linebacker into the designers' workroom on the second day. I've been disappointed in what Aaron has produced, but his hot pink dress best fit the challenge. Luann's dress should not have won. Too classy for the housewives. As another poster mentioned, I noticed the rough appearance of the skin on her thigh, and I think it was a combination of camera close-up and high definition television. All skin loses it elasticity as we age, even Luann's. I've noticed that a lot of the PR designers smoke, as do the crews on Below Deck. It's very worrisome. A friend has worked decades in the tobacco cessation field, and their eternal challenge is to convince young people that tobacco use clobbers you after middle age. ETA: lack of sleep, too much hurry, not eating right...I think some of the designers flame out earlier than others.
  15. Jonathan has a new show coming out on Netflix in late January. Sorry I don't remember the name or link (brain fog).
  16. I have to come here after every episode to learn what the heck just happened.
  17. What in Sam Hill was Ben smoking during this episode?
  18. Just watched this. My takeaway is that Simon was your typical grandiose and charismatic sociopath who, once he snared Brittany, had the means to indulge his worst impulses - food, drugs, wild spending and living out his delusional fantasies via Brittany's position in Hollywood. But the drugs, the food, and his own mental illness overwhelmed him - got the best of him - and the three of them were living in a beautiful madhouse. (folie a trois) The attention to housekeeping, nutrition, and health are the first to go in those dysfunctional situations. I believe he dangled a romantic relationship in front of Sharon - she wanted him and he leveraged that, all the while getting her hooked on pills. Predatory behavior. Was there anything left for Sharon to inherit? Simon apparently spent all of the money, and I wonder if the house was mortgaged.
  19. Well, perhaps "they" understand that Delilah is attention-seeking. Every time I spot a whiny IG post from an entitled idiot, I think "Get off IG and seek professional help. Quietly." Delilah knows how to get help. She's an adult and doesn't need anyone to do it for her.
  20. Finally! They addressed asbestos. Although they must have tested the kitchen floors before production rather than mess around with it even a little bit while demoing. No way a pregnant Erin would have taken a chance.. Looks like they put in ducts for HVAC. I loved what they did with this home. It's adorable and handsome at the same time. I love Erin's design aesthetic when she lays off all the tchotchkes. I kept expecting them to hug that wonderful young man, then remembered COVID.
  21. I'm not one for Christmas movies, but I was charmed by this one. Najimy and Coolidge are treasures, and for once the story was not cloying and the cast was truly ensemble. The mother's obsession with signs was hilarious. Not to mention her quiet little one-liners.
  22. I agree. I asked in an earlier season whether these horses become injured and lame over time. They are athletes doing unnatural, damaging repetitive motion, and surely it takes its toll.
  23. These are essentially vanity projects. Or better known as Friends and Family Productions. With so many talented actors going without work, I hate to see the leaden Faith Hill and Tim McGraw splashed all over my TV.
  24. We have been binging this season over the holidays and are disgusted at the escalated violence and the mistreatment of the kid. At one point I said "so they threw him around in the stables and then left him in there in the same dirty clothes (and presumably underwear) and banged up face for about a week?" The only lesson that will teach him is how to become a psychopath. Are we the only ones who think the Duttons are essentially entitled rich white brutes and, in the case of Rip and Beth, sadists? Are we supposed to think that these two assholes are interesting? This season is non-stop brutality with occasional scenery porn. Beth has become a comic book villain. All she does is smoke, drink, show her tits, and snarl. I am so disappointed in how the producers and writers have developed her character. Are they all 14 years old? Don't get me started on the bunkhouse bunny scenario.
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