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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I'm reading Anderson Cooper's Vanderbilt : the rise and fall of an American dynasty. Get it from your library for the sole purpose of reading the chapter about the Vanderbilts, Astors, Fishes, etc. Here's a tidbit: a party goer wore an outfit made of dead cats to one of the costume balls. All the stuff about head doyenne, which architect was best, wretched excess, and so on is there.
  2. Captain Lee, who never met a clumsy catch phrase he didn't like, calls the Hamilton shenanigans "corny." The chef is a narcissist. "I must have QUIET in the galley." As if she's the only exhausted one. Rayna is a petulant toddler. She won't get far with that attitude. The guests were lovely.
  3. When Meredith's face was turned toward Andy, her right eye appeared to be shut completely. Like a wayward wink. The white mesh top didn't fit and had gathers across it from trying to rein in her latest purchases. Her physical alterations are ruining her natural beauty. The changes are startling. The tawdry "fashion" doesn't help..
  4. Me too. It bugged me the entire episode. Also, I thought the dog was too close to the electric fire. And I wondered if it (she?) was in labor. All that whining - PBS loves a dramatic birth scene (Call the Midwives).
  5. All the housewives know the hot mic trick. "Savagely berates another housewife, then pretends not to know mic was on."
  6. I'm kind of with you. I enjoyed the first couple of episodes despite Short's hammy scene-stealing. His character being a desperate, needy director didn't justify that behavior. But then I began to FF through the remaining episodes, skipping some entirely. However I wanted to know who the murderer was so I watched most of the 10th episode. Loved Martin's physical bits, although they went on too long. Him smooshed into the doggie carriage reminded me of ET and I laughed.
  7. Erika would never do Big Brother. She can't function without her glam squad and beauty treatments.
  8. And those CFDA "mentors." Everything out of every mouth was complete nonsensical hokum, with the exception of Christian in the work room. Someone please remove the exhausted werk girl from the industry's vocabulary. Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole reading about the CFDA Fashion Fund, which was a series briefly. CFDA and Project Runway flirt with each other, but an observer said that CFDA has kept a careful distance because it is about fashion and PR is about putting on a TV show. The shade. Chasity's was Nancy Kerrigan-personified. I remember how I loved Chasity's earlier smoky blue jumpsuit. Where did that aesthetic go? I think she's flat out marketing her evening gown brand at this point. Kristina's essentially doing the same thing. Well, and Coral. All of them could have elevated their looks if production would give them enough time. Shantall for the win please. Elaine's's get-up was especially silly. I liked seeing Nina in the lavender.
  9. I suspect a journalist is already researching HH in order to write an unauthorized biography.
  10. Agreed. She used Hef and he used her. There was nothing stopping her from walking out the door, beyond not knowing how she would make a living. I don't buy the claim that he was so overbearing they were afraid to leave. Not wanting to provide details about those orgy nights, and her lead role, isn't fooling anyone. And she's grasping at straws with the Asperger self-diagnosis - anything to justify her choices. (If she said a psychologist had diagnosed her, I missed it.) Other people have written about what went on at the mansion. I have Hollywood friends who experienced the parties there as seedy and transactional. A lot of drunken, pawing creeps who felt entitled to being serviced by young beautiful women.
  11. I love Adlon and Hahn so I enjoyed this episode. I don't watch the big networks' episodic TV and I seek out other stuff, such as the series and movies these two have been in. They are not Hollywood-fame-seekers, they just get on with the work, so they are not as well known as others.
  12. The gossip sites are saying that SLC is filming the third season, and they delayed firing Jennie so that the other housewives could confront her on camera. Once they had those scenes in the bag, they dumped Jennie.
  13. Bravo trying to spin this story. I believe production knew about Jennie's history and hoped to bring some fireworks (e.g., Ramona on RHoNY). Their revolting plan backfired badly. With Jennie's racism and history of violence, what kind of homelife are her children experiencing?
  14. One brief comment that jumped out at me: Robert controls Mary with money. I've assumed that even if Mary wanted out of the marriage and the church, she doesn't have access to money on her own. However, presumably her Bravo money is her own.
  15. I watch this show for Judy and Keefe. Keefe breaks my heart while stealing it. John, Walton, Adam and Danny are charismatic hams but the other two actors own their scenes. There are no words for BJ's romper-bund. Well,, perhaps transcendent. The way he swanned about so proudly in that outfit told the story of his Gemstone trajectory - he believed his baptism was his triumphant arrival.
  16. Eddie stated that he used to do musical theater. This explains a lot.
  17. I think the parasites get into the soil? (Learned from modern vet shows) I'm still waiting for recreation of when James was repeatedly stalked by a farmer's dog. At every visit he had to walk along a stone fence, and the dog would lurk silently and invisibly on the other side, deciding when to leap up snarling and scare the bejeebus out of James. I laughed so hard when I read that story. I don't dislike the modern housekeeper, but I prefer the traditional old-Yorkshire model - a vanished breed. I wonder if all the lovely ancient stone buildings have slowly been lost to developers.
  18. I found the names of the two men arrested in addition to Jerry. It may be considered off-topic so I won't elaborate, other than to say one was a Navarro cheer participant and one was a "celebrity" visitor (valued in the cheer community). In years of cheer and dance, I've encountered some cultish cliques and mean-girl coaches who manipulate players and their parents (not to mention body-shaming). I think they exist at Navarro, especially now that fame and money AND TV have arrived. I worry especially for the kid who was replaced by Maddie - she was sensitive and became an outsider, and facing the pandemic loneliness to boot. I hope she moves on and excels at something else.
  19. Despite that expensive glam Jen's face would scare little children when she's screaming at someone. Meredith is playing a role...badly. She needs new material. I'm shocked that tiny Jennie broke her husband's ribs, and chose to reveal it so publicly. I wonder if she was arrested? If so, there's Bravo's answer as to why she was selected to appear on the show. "Bravo: It's a Thug's Life." One of the worst sounds on earth is women screeching in anger. It annoys me so much that I can't summon any enjoyment for the show.
  20. Up and Adam on Youtube has interview with Mary's mother. Supposedly Mary is out of the next season. Mary's stepfather has a big mouth and dominates the interview. Alleges that Robert Cosby and his business manager launched the scam by convincing Mary to divorce her first husband and marry Robert. Mary's mother insists that it was Robert who fooled Mary into thinking her grandmother wanted her to marry Robert. They think Robert and Lois Johnson (??) manipulated a young Mary into marrying Robert. They think that Mary chose to be on RHoSLC in order to shine a spotlight on Robert and try to get out of the situation. They say she is a victim. They heard rumors that Mary had an affair with Cameron, the deceased church member, but they don't know if it's true. They say that Cameron was a fine man. This is similar to the story that Mary's uncle told when he was interviewed about a year ago. Roz, Mary's mother, speaks just like Mary.
  21. I FFed through much of this series, especially the Traveling Symphony bits. Too many wacky characters to focus on and care about. I snorted at Elizabeth's ready access to expensive clothing and jewelry and wondered if Iris Apfel had wandered into the terminal. I always love scenes where people are living inside well-stocked stores. It would be fun for a week, as long as there is a supply of food and books. My family laughs at me because I hate the trope of childbirth scenes, which provide cheap drama - all that frantic screaming and huffing. I had to leave the room when seven women gave birth at once. Snark aside, I loved being introduced to talented actors who are new to me. Little Kirsten, Javeen and Miranda. They rose above the material.
  22. And the brief was to emphasize height in the photo. I can't believe the other designers left that ladder to Shantall. Coral was smart to choose that yellow, which on its own is horrid but which was perfect for that drab setting. Bones had a great idea (wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a tornado), but he didn't have enough time or the right fabric (denim) to pull it off. What if he had built in a structured smoky net swirl surrounding the top? The headpiece was terrible. Kristina's would have fared better on a runway. That photo was mind-boggling awful. I liked her color choices. Chasity's clever sound bites and quippy patter with Christian do not signify a notable designer. Her stuff is very routine. She is more determined and business-like than some of the others, and she's talented. They were purposely freezing her out. I think she made the animated faces to her little boy because that's what many little kids like. It can be hard to interact with a little one on video calls. The Coco Rocha obsession has been around for a long time. It's an example of one of the things I hate about the fashion world. Instead of appreciating something or someone in a dignified way, there's the screaming and genuflecting. It becomes group-think in the fashion community and often evolves into snooty elitism.
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