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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I'm plumb crazy about Damarr. The low gravelly voice, the humming...
  2. That's because they know this is a TV show and not a regular yachting gig. They know that it's production who decides who gets hired and fired. The normal yachting chain of command is not a factor. I wonder if Jamie is going home.
  3. I caved and watched last night. I think Sutton was planning to discuss a different scripted scenario (probably the way she was treated last season) and was startled when Kyle launched into something different. Especially if their meeting was many days after the burglary. I also think Sutton is over Kyle's determination to make every event about Kyle, complete with fake histrionics. Sutton isn't as quick in these scripted moments as the others are. Sometimes she struggles to be coherent and on-tone. However she does great in the talking heads. We'll see if Sutton pulls it together.
  4. I always say it's the human beings that ruin religion. I was a bit lost during this latest episode. Too many brothers and their wives. I'm put off by Wyatt Russell's high voice.
  5. Of course the rancid Justin Timberlake had to ram his way into this series. Couldn't let his wife have her moment in the spotlight. Really soured me on the series. And he's STILL a lousy actor.
  6. I don't believe it. I think she's fabricating. After all, there's no proof that anything she claimed inside the house happened, other than the burglars dragging out stuff.
  7. This exact same thing happened in my family. My grandmother told me the story (only one part of the family followed Young, and the two groups never spoke to each other again), and now Ancestry shows links between me and people in Montana.
  8. And the same people are posting repeatedly. I didn't watch but understand the "robbery" was the focus of the episode. PK apparently has a gambling problem and is repeatedly overextended financially. Other sites have claimed that he owes money to bad people. It's possible the robbery was a warning. ETA: the gun at her head, being yelled at that she will be killed, the conversation about the phone...is there any proof of this? It could be fabrication.
  9. I agree with this. There are lots of people who aren't pleasant to be around, and most of society don't try very hard to understand why and make an effort to help them. Betty was tottering on a ragged edge. All I could think was "someone get the baby." I had a heck of a time finding this thread. "Candy" doesn't provide any results with a forum search. For whatever reason (I never heard of this murder), I figured within minutes that Candy and her paramour were an item, and they were trying to subtly communicate while he sat in his hotel room. They were trying to avoid revealing too much about their relationship, he's feeling guilty, and Candy is taking it minute by minute. I wonder if Betty suspected the relationship and confronted Candy when Candy showed up early. Biel's performance is an improvement over that gawdawful illusionist movie she did. She does a pretty good job of showing the struggle to disassociate post-murder. In one scene, where we see her naked from the side, she has curves. Then in the volleyball halter she's flat as a pancake. Maybe the Lycra in the halter? I thought I saw the word "tabernacle" on the church's front facade. I was thinking independent bible church. Maybe a bit progressive, but still very specific in the limits to women's roles. Brings back memories of VBS, weird food at potlucks, the earnest positive attitude all the time.
  10. I mean, we've been seeing this stuff for 20 years. The blue sink read mint green on my TV screen. My first car: 74 Super Beetle. Drove it cross-country and back with no air conditioning one summer. (Ah youth). I wouldn't mind owning a VW bus. This design was cleaner than some of their previous ones. The homeowners had a beautiful property and the home was already in great shape. The twins' loud, emphatic enunciation has always been hard to take, especially when said enunciation is endless prattle.
  11. What a mess. Did enjoy the powwow scene, even though it added nothing to the story.
  12. The temple in Maryland (it looms over the Beltway) was open for public tours when it was first completed, and it has recently advertised that it's open again for tours for a limited time (and I presume a limited number of rooms). In the 70s and 80s a 5th generation LDS woman, Sonia Johnson, very publicly criticized the church loudly and often as she supported the ERA. I met her and listened to some very disturbing tales, which was one of my first "insider" exposures to the church's teachings. But then, other religions have their own heinous practices. Episode 3 really drew me in. Storytelling tension, fantastic acting, a good attempt to weave together history affecting the present. The conversation between the detective and his bishop was very well done. I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode. The scene where the detective's wife protested the postponed baptism, then switched to seducing her husband, was unsettling. I couldn't figure out if the writers were attempting to show deep love, or the wife's understanding that she had to make hubby happy after arguing with him.
  13. Looks like Jason may be able to pursue a second career as an actor. Completely fake, as is Crishelle's new "relationship." I can't get over the horrible bleached hair on a few of them. All of that money, and they can't keep their hair healthy? And I noticed during the regular episodes that Christine's is thinning rapidly. Laughing at the desperate new one rapidly backpedaling after backing the wrong horse. Off to try to find the thousands of brain cells this series steals.
  14. Jamie has waited the entire season to tell that story, on-camera. There's something really off about him. I figure Ryan knows the captain is seeking a replacement - after all, we see this every season - and that's one reason why he's being an egregious jerk. He's waiting to be marched off the boat. The other reason is he's a terrible person. Benny, Ryan, Magda and Culver seem like central casting, while the others are true experienced yachties.
  15. We binged last night so I'm not sure if the third episode showed Kathleen's staircase death scene or it was in another episode. But it was very well done. It was realistic and reminded us that she suffered. (I understand the portrayal may not have been accurate.)
  16. Glad you mentioned this. I was distracted by Firth's manner of speech - it sounded like he had marbles in his mouth - but I don't know anything about how the real Peterson sounds. I actually wondered if they gave Firth a pipe to cover for his struggle with the accent. I'm impressed with the younger cast.
  17. I adored the first season because Hugh and Ben were so fantastic. This season is less successful. I'm not a fan of Claire Foy, and all of these upper crust folks are running together on my TV screen. Still, the scenery and clothes are fun.
  18. I always think that too much cooking, smoking and drinking is just lazy script writing and acting. These days, relatively few people smoke and drink constantly.
  19. The profit seemed tiny given the location and how long the owners had the house. The twins could have done more and increased the sales price and profit.
  20. It is very disjointed, but I'll watch for Garfield and Birmingham.
  21. Yeah, the episodes are nothing more than vapid sound bites with a few photos thrown in. Extremely disappointing, but not surprising. HGTV is frantically pushing out as much product, with their "stars," as possible. And "People" magazine is a prominently featured sponsor. It's an all out money grab at this point. I'm disappointed in Ben and Erin in their empire-chasing.
  22. Jason got caught faking a phone call during I think the last episode (I fast forwarded through entire episodes). Viewers of the show spotted it, and TMZ posted a story.
  23. Dorinda has a new boubon on the market. It's called Bluestone Manor.
  24. Crishelle went from a fresh-faced beauty to another dime-a-dozen frozen Hollywood face. Mary also needs to step away from facial procedures. Can't stand Christine (as production wishes) nor the new one. Like watching nails on a chalkboard. Even the house porn isn't enough to keep me interested. All the houses look the same. And a measly $5K for a bribe? What a stupid fake plot. I don't watch shows that go out of the way to insult viewers' intelligence. I'm out.
  25. He's done this multiple times. I think he's seeking camera attention. I've seen him looking for the camera out of his eye. I think it's the one flaw in the show.
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