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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I've seen Blake Ritson, who plays Oscar, in other productions. He usually gives us an extremely posh, plummy English accent. Here he struggles manfully to contain it as an American character. It makes me laugh. As does a ladies maid sashaying in and out of the master's bedchamber while he lounges in his jammies. Ugh, so disappointed in this show. So of course it will be renewed, with Marian, her garish clothes, Monty Python hats, and flat delivery.
  2. Because dopes like me tune in, hoping to see it happen.
  3. I don't know the contractual details, but I remember reading that Bravo and the housewife kind of brainstorm ideas and the housewife promotes it with Bravo's support. I'm sure it does not apply to pre-Bravo brands. That's why we've seen so many products surface on the series and then die a quiet death.
  4. Lisa has always confused this show with a high school popularity contest. I'm shocked at how stupid she is; she's terrible at the game.
  5. I've wondered about a Brooks/Andy hookup. It would explain a lot. And remember that Bravo receives income from any housewife product that's promoted on the show. A couple of nuggets that were audible despite the screeching and talking over each other: - Heather says she's being cancelled (by the viewers) - Somebody says gross Seth is unemployed. Perhaps he lost the job in Jackson, MS (or it ended - I think he does rapid corporate turnarounds or dissolutions) - Meredith takes more baths than Cleopatra.
  6. Certainly the conversations/dialogue were drummed up by writers, but I found the series to be accurate in terms of the players, the major events, and the physical space (clothes, hair, etc.). I was a very young legislative assistant working in the House of Representatives when these events transpired. I saw those women walk the halls of Congress and went to NOW and other meetings. I was glad to see the brief time the series spent on Members of Congress sexually harassing their own staff. Father Drinan, a Jesuit MC, held meetings in his Hill office to help establish an effort to push back against the harassment. Many do not know that as Congress passed civil rights legislation, it exempted itself from those laws. The local media referred to Congress as "The Last Plantation." I think this was around the time that Liz Ray bragged that Representative Hays paid her $14K a year "to not type." (the sexy blonde in the green sweater in Hays' office) Anyway, I could not watch this series when it aired because it was too depressing to remember how horrible the workplace was for many women, and the organized resistance to women's rights. But I just watched some of the episodes in honor of the women portrayed. The actress who played the TX organizer was especially brilliant (the acting, not the character's opinions). As were the other leads (I was distracted by Gloria's wig, as I don't recall her hair being THAT BIG). I did find the fictional Alice character a bit too predictable and convenient. Did the writers feel they had to give the viewers some satisfaction after being exposed to Schlafly's rhetoric? Or did they pander to Paulson? The final statements in the final episode stated that women never again achieved the same political power as the 70s. I disagree. The suffragettes started it - successfully - and it continues.
  7. Is Adderall an amphetamine? The linked article about Heather's DUI cites booze, Adderall and a positive test for amphetamine. Nice going Heather.
  8. I'm not sure it's true that disease or other trouble from implants is rare. We hear about women in entertainment taking them out for health reasons. My close friend chose not to get implants after her mastectomy because she distrusts the long-term implications for health. Late last year the FDA updated its guidelines for implants and cites health data: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/implants-and-prosthetics/breast-implants
  9. Good tip CrazyinAlabama. Because I can't find tile to match my ancient, odd kitchen tile, I'm considering settling for just paint.
  10. I haven't seen any of the new season, but I have been one of the "bitching and moaning" posters in the past. It has been because for some of us the show missed the opportunity to be great. All of the elements are there - talented but harried single mom, three young daughters, an eccentric grandmother, cool houses, glimpses into Sam's rarified but frustrating career, her great friends and their struggles to age in a tough town. I watched for those elements but was really annoyed by the spoiled, bratty daughters and Sam's tendency to be a doormat. Let's not forget that Primetimer evolved from the old Television Without Pity, which existed to love and also lambast TV. The tradition is for posters to be equally free to express adoration and hate for TV.
  11. It's almost as if Erin and Ben have been reading our posts. Where's the screen porch? Mosquitoes nine months out of the year! I'm sick of open concept, especially for a vintage home! That ping pong table was sublime. I understand Erin's reasons for not putting in a tile backsplash, but how will the homeowner protect the shiplap from splashed water? I appreciate the butcher block because I'm sick of HGTV countertops. Erin's sense of color was on display - that dark wood with blue/gray painted trim was beautifully done. I know another traveling nurse from MS - she did indeed save a lot for a south MS home base. Despite the rickety porch, that little bungalow was probably very well-built. Mine is very simple but solid as a rock at 100 years. Carpenters still marvel at my original beveled porch trim, which I took for granted until someone explained it to me (allows rain water to slide off).
  12. Forgot to say that Meredith pulled out all of her acting chops last night. The other women are on to her.
  13. I didn't watch all of the reunion episode, but I saw Jennie get called out for appropriating Black culture/communication style. The editors showed clips of her finger wagging and head waving. She denied that she was appropriating any culture other than "Long Beach."
  14. In addition to the Lego and inbred cousins comment, didn't Lisa state that Heather was a party girl in college, implying that good Mormon girl Heather slept around? I'd say Heather has just been biding her time, stockpiling ammunition to take down Lisa. She and Whitney must spend hours on the phone, plotting. Heather revealing that Lisa's image of wealth and success is a mirage. Andy going after Meredith a little bit. Me: patiently waiting for Jen's comeuppance. Realizing I'm not gonna get it.
  15. Years ago I read that a band called Tommy James and the Shondells was owned and harassed by the mob. The lead singer talked about having to hide out. After learning that Rose dated Asher, Abe steps into a hallway and becomes a raging demon. Way too dark. And the chalk comment was loathsome.
  16. The lazy reliance on endless profanity instead of great dialogue annoys me. And the show beats us over the head with each idea (Midge bumping into her bedroom furniture). Love him, but too much Shaloub. Why is Rose wearing so many "pregnancy" jackets and blouses? Those big roomy things? The actress who plays Mei is terrible - so uncomfortable with her dialogue and moving her body around the sets. I do laugh at Shirley's foghorn rasping out in so many scenes. I am enjoying Susie's arc this season. Mrs. Maisal still my least favorite character.
  17. It's incredibly weird that Mary also has a trial scheduled sometime in March (for harboring an underage runaway). What are the chances of two Bravo housewives, never mind from the same city, going to trial at the same time?
  18. I think the actors are going for elegance and snooty refrain but it's horrible and has ruined the series for me. They all look and talk like mannequins. Baranski is the exception. ETA: How could I forget scenery-chewing Nathan Lane?
  19. We are watching this series slowly, so I'm behind other posters. Gotta get used to unexpected full frontal on routine TV shows as it embarrasses me a little when I'm with those outside my immediate family. (Although I have advocated for full frontal equal opportunity in movies for a long time.) Mangled naughty bits on huge HDTV screens are not my cup of tea. I'm enjoying Roscoe; the character seems organic to that small southern community. When she said "roadhouse just across the Alabama border" I thought "Phenix City," a once-notorious den of iniquity that drew in soldiers from Ft. Benning.
  20. Since I haven't watched much of this series over time, I don't know if anyone posted this already. Harry and Lisa as Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen for Halloween, with Harry sporting the Nazi symbol (as Sid once did). Someone on Youtube was grousing about it recently:
  21. Did we know that Mary is facing a May 2022 trial for harboring an underage runaway? Her son was also charged, but the charges for him were just dropped.
  22. As I watched I thought "this behavior was everywhere, not just at Playboy." I experienced it personally (lewd remarks, physical grabbing, expectations that I would "put out," drunken co-workers or clients banging on my hotel room door late at night). My friends and I still talk about it sometimes. If a woman was remotely attractive she was a target. It was routine and predictable. Instead of welcoming housewives/mothers to the workforce, the Mad Men generation thought thery were being handed playthings. Everyone normalized the behavior. If a woman complained, she was outcast and often threatened, including from other women who were experiencing the harassment. There was an online post several years ago, during GND, about how many Playmates suffered tragedies due to that world - addiction, domestic violence, death. They were commodities who were used and discarded. I have mixed feelings about some of the women who have appeared on this series, and who are speaking up in the media (e.g., Kimberly Hefner, Holly). Too little, too late. Yes the Playboy lifestyle was difficult and offensive, but they could have walked away or spoken up much sooner.
  23. No way will Bravo resist the temptation to film Jen during the trial. They will coordinate filming with her - travels back and forth to the courthouse, sound bites from her at her home. She and her attorney will be careful, I think, limiting the discussion to how much she is suffering. ( In other words, same old.)
  24. Forgot to say in my earlier post that I think Heather's looking better in her talking heads. She's taking the time to blend the normally-ratty extensions into her real hair and wear some better eyelashes. Often her lashes look like they got lost under the bed - fuzzy weird whitish glue and skewed application. And in her THs the surgery/injectibles have calmed down. As a Beauty Lab mogul, she needs to try harder than she does. Or go more casual - nothing wrong with that. I'm assuming Lisa's Vida has taken a very hard hit during the pandemic, since she once said that the Sundance film festival is her main business income. It's been cancelled at least twice due to covid. Perhaps she and her family are living off of Bravo income? It will be interesting to see how Bravo and Jen will handle her trial, which begins in early March. Could be next season is Jen's last appearance on Bravo. Coach Shah continues to resemble a robot, in that all of his appearances on the show are so very rehearsed and inorganic. I wonder if the feds investigated how much he knew about Jen's shady practices. He's probably terrified. I finally realized who Meredith reminds me of. In addition to Buddy Hackett, she's channeling Caroline Manzo: "when you threaten my famb-ly..." So, after watching Housewives during covid, I still can't get over how all of these women throw away their dignity completely (e.g., Whitney and hubby). I guess they really need the money, and some of them ADORE the attention.
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