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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Ashley is no victim. She played the gold digger game successfully. Her mother was in on it, at least peripherally. I think she and Michael concocted a lot of what we saw for a storyline. I question whether she actually lived in an apartment in Alexandria. You can't just chunk someone out of their established residence, especially a spouse, even if they are not an owner, which I believe Ashley was not at the time. You must get permission to evict. Ashley claims she wanted children, which I always assumed was part of her crafty long-term financial planning. She sure put on a motherly show for the cameras (the endless breast bumping, with a side of naked breasts). Perhaps she loves the children and will be a present, nurturing mother. Or will she hand them off to nannies most of the time, off-camera? I think the only unscripted parts were Michael's drunken antics, which infuriated Ashley because Michael strayed from their script, and him exerting control over Oz. I suspect Ashley was flirting and partying too much at Oz for Michael's taste. A lot goes on in restaurants before and after hours. They had an arrangement from the beginning, and now it's run its course.
  2. Chef reminds me of British actor Tom Hollander, who played vicar Mr. Collins in Pride & Prejudice.
  3. I wondered about the kitchenette, too. Some jurisdictions don't allow any kind of kitchen arrangement in a basement.
  4. One of the plaintiffs' attorneys - wasn't there a recent claim that Erika's son is implicated somehow? Perhaps knew what was going on?
  5. Just started watching. Don't recall hearing about this, but Netflix shoved it in my face last night. Love the great Tantoo Cardinal and Merritt Wever. I spend a lot of time in southern CO and northern NM, so I love these locations and the care taken with the cinematography.
  6. What sensible designer uses the word "dark" to describe a design theme? Homeowners want as much light as they can get. I hate the tacky, cheap plywood strips nailed to wall surfaces. I notice the twins have started pretending that they mirror each other's speech, saying words at the same time. They did it on Rock the Block too. But they didn't do it during earlier seasons of this show. It's fake and annoying. I think the blonde twin and their contractor are the ones with skills (well, the contractor has skills), and the brunette is doing stuff any homeowner can do.
  7. Erika is bemoaning her behavior in order to promote the show. She knows people will watch if there will be lots of nasty fighting.
  8. Maybe a yeast situation. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) At this point, Erika is essentially selling herself to the highest bidder(s). One won't be enough to cover her expenses.
  9. The scene with the captain supposedly lecturing the chef was really off. I'm pretty sure the editors forced together shots from two different events. I don't understand how Magda lost gloves in a toilet two different times. Still trying to enjoy this season with Aesha, the captain and Tumi. It's weird that they barely feature Culver.
  10. Agreed, or close to it. It was valued at about $1.3M a couple of years ago.
  11. Ashley is on title for the Arlington penthouse condo. She and Michael share ownership of that valuable property (everything in Arlington is valuable).
  12. I spotted this show while I was channel-surfing in a hotel room. I fell in love with it.
  13. Askey's comment that she would put her morals up against everyone else's is deeply revealing. She's riddled with small-town judgment and personal superiority and brought that into the case. That monstrous ego allows her to try to continue to cling to her story. Did the show ever portray where Pam's husband worked? What was his profession besides "flipping houses?"
  14. Quality TV: economical use of content with true talent. No meandering on for too many filler episodes. Notable acting. Tight editing. Loved it. I wonder if one reason for tension between Russ and Betsy's daughters is money. He received compensation for the prosecutorial misconduct, and I have a feeling the daughters would like him to share. Especially since Pam spent their "trust." Also, I think that family is messier than the series showed us.
  15. I meant to write down her exact quote so that I can use it later. It was hilariously deadpan. The last two episodes were way too talky, presumably to fill up eight episodes. I actually fast-forwarded multiple times, which is unusual for me with a historical story. ...in fetching outfits that screamed "aristocrat slumming." How did Lady Danforth manage to dance?
  16. This truth is what bugged me about all this "marry only for love" schtick. It happened, but was apparently not the norm for the aristocracy. (Unless all the books I've read and TV shows and movies I've seen have been lying to me.) Anthony was doing what was expected of him at that time. Random questions: Were there pretty, fancy wedding cakes scattered everywhere? I wasn't sure if the pastel tiered round boxes were cakes or gifts. Was the Queen's monstrous headpiece hopefully fashioned by production out of Styrofoam and wire covered with hair? Cause if that thing was all hair, it would have been almost impossible for the actress to comport. Does Prudence have to have the appearance of a big nose to underscore her nastiness? Such a tired trope.
  17. I live near tons of places to buy stuff, and then there's a Container Store for storing all the stuff. It's madness.
  18. Behind every raging narcissist is a spineless dependent doormat. They find each other. They've alluded to the daughters' money and behavior problems in two episodes. I think the show chose not to go into it any more than that out of respect for the daughters' feelings. Betsy believed Pam would do the right thing.
  19. Celia Weston. I'm a fan and would know her anywhere. If you saw the movie "Juno," she played the mother-in-law.
  20. Halfway through this season I stopped watching. The gorgeous visuals couldn't compensate. But I watched the last two episodes last night. Fellowes is just so relentlessly shallow, and he panders. The predictable, pot-boilery plotlines. The hammy acting (the secretary spending Dixon's bribes with smirks on her face). And Fellowes' inner bitchery shining through with these rich women's petty triumphs. He does that a lot and glories in it. Says a lot. Very disappointed in Coon's wooden acting. Perhaps her real-life pregnancy affected her? The less said about the insipid, simpering Louisa Jackson as Marian the better.
  21. Culver is from Maryland originally - I wonder if it's Annapolis with its sailing history. Brittini sounds American to me.
  22. Our beloved Sarah Lancashire plays Julia Child on HBO MAX. This will tide me over until Happy Valley returns.
  23. The original point of reality TV was to avoid the bureaucracy and expense of typical television production, including unions and scriptwriters. There was a lot of discussion in the media around the time that Survivor launched, with actors, scriptwriters, etc. protesting that reality TV's independent contractors, and reality TV in general, would steal work away from the traditional TV model. These folks are not members of SAG and are not afforded employee protections.
  24. Thanks to certain family members' Wrestlemania obsession, I just discovered that I have Peacock. So while they watched wrestling I binged this show. I've stopped watching the other BD shows, but I was very curious about Aesha. Pleasantly surprised! The captain is an absolute dreamboat, and Aesha is a great chief stew. Everyone gets along (mostly) and the crew's sexual shenanigans, racism, and out of control drinking are minimized. There is a more prolonged look at operations. No jet skis or super slides, just lovely gentle snorkeling. The scenery is stunning. Of course we have to be punished with at least one asshole, and that is chef Ryan, who seems to think he is a human Automat.
  25. Utterly shallow note that is meant sincerely: Ross and Carson have the best face work I have ever seen.
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