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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. This is an interesting and different tactic than the other lawsuits. Regarding the diamond earrings, is she refusing to turn them over? Does she have a deadline to do so?
  2. I'm wondering if they are women and the show is trying to build up to a surprise reveal. I think I saw long blonde curly hair, but of course that could be a dude. Same here. McBride is my least favorite of the actors. ETA: SailorGirl beat me to it.
  3. Episode MVP. Loved her. I would visit Mrs. Chamberlain for the Degas. I am rubbing my hands with glee at Nathan Lane arriving as Ward McAllister. I think another poster mentioned it - this series is stuffed with theater actors.
  4. I agree. I suspect the parents influenced the decision. These days, many people start angling for financial returns the moment a tragedy happens. Trauma is broadcast on social media and is monetized. The boys are too young to be exposed the way they were on the show. There will be emotional repercussions down the line. I wonder if Jerry was abused by someone in the foster community. A neighbor who is a police officer fostered a young girl and told me foster sexual abuse is more common that people realize. (Girl now in college and OK.) Also, foster-for-cash.
  5. The strongest impression I had after viewing this documentary years ago was that Diane was suicidal and her husband was oddly talkative and media-seeking extremely soon after the deaths. I thought he was covering up something, or trying to spin the narrative to avoid liability.
  6. I didn't watch it when it originally aired because I didn't have Showtime. Just finished binging over a couple of weeks. My youngest brother was a local pick-up roadie while he was in college. He did that for a couple of summers, and I remembered some of his tales. He wanted to go on the road and had an invitation from a known band, but my mother freaked out. Overall I enjoyed this. It was a pleasant interlude during an unusually cold, snowy winter. It made me long for my own concert-going glory days. We all lived for the concerts during our college years. I think about how, as the oldest sibling, I started it all with my bedroom record player, and my brothers followed me toward the music. It still binds us today. Machine Gun Kelly: I only knew of him through his social media blitz with Megan Fox, but I thought he captured some of that goofy young roadie energy. I would have enjoyed another season.
  7. I loved the decor because I love Mexico and the American southwest. Tiles/pottery and textiles are among the best things. Unlike many of Erin's craft projects, I appreciated the take on papel picado. But agree the decor did not fit the house's vintage period. I appreciated the reality of the homeowners' explanation that they can afford to work in California but not retire there. That's true in many expensive communities these days and a real problem for those facing retirement. I have a 1920s Craftsman home and I've kept it true to its time period. No shelves or cabinets on the upper kitchen walls (but I understand that's not practical for people with lots of stuff). I think there are only two shows that do true restoration - one in California and one in the midwest. Erin and Ben talk a lot about preserving Laurel homes but they don't do restorations; no doubt that is what Laurel homeowners want. Ben's old-stuff finds are clearly staged, but he's such a sweet and kind soul that I forgive him. Being from south MS, I have heard of the Kiln whisky company.
  8. I've been saying this for years because of little stories in the media. Years ago the media said that Paris was supporting her family. The family parents are conducting a big reality TV campaign because they need money.
  9. I have been distracted by CN's teeth for a while now. Now just in this series. She has a lot of fans, but I find all of her acting to be mannered and affected. She was pretty good in much earlier stuff. In this series she is pitching her voice higher than normal, and along with her relentless grinning, she ushers me right out of her scenes.
  10. When the Washington Post reviewed this series, it said something like Carrie couldn't really act beyond icy bitchiness due to the writing. Her face is expressionless and she just marches in and out of scenes ordering people around.
  11. I only watched a little bit of this reunion, but I think Rayna is too immature to handle responsibility and accountability. Bravo's line-up is clearly now centered on two trends: 1) shrieking women rehashing minor incidents repeatedly and 2) racism. At this moment in time, the latter is extremely important and, as Wes says, ripe for teachable moments, but Bravo handles it poorly while cashing in on it. One reason I don't watch much of Below Deck is Eddie. Under his superficial charm, he's craven and petty. He has zero qualifications to be a leader, on or off TV. Lee seems checked out. Or exhausted from his illness. Agreed. Everything Rayna says is for validation. Rachel also faces an uphill battle because that's how it is in early sobriety.
  12. Since much of this story is ripped from real life (and books), I predict a nearly penniless member of the English landed aristocracy. (I.e., Consuelo Vanderbilt and ninth Duke of Marlborough) She is horrible. And occupies so much of the story. Full frontal is the rage over at HBO and Hulu, but we have to settle for Tasteful Hints of Nipple. Peggy's not destitute, right? She has a job working as Agnes' secretary.
  13. Who apparently never had a good orgasm until she had sex with Che. I'm assuming said orgasm is the culprit behind the demented, stalky behavir.
  14. I've only watched to see Mary and Jen get their comeuppance. Of course, like RHoBH, Bravo's cash cows will be protected as long as possible. At this point I can monitor entertainment news instead of suffering through all of the fishwife screeching. Also, at least four of them were almost laughing, clearly signaling that these fights are scripted, allowing them to act like drunken lunatics while collecting a fat paycheck. Jen in particular is relieved whenever the focus is not on that nasty little business with the feds.
  15. The vests seemed to have a colorful stripe that matched the caps. School loyalties? I'm reminded of the cricket in "A Passage to India." The British always say "the cricket" and "the football," which makes me chuckle because it reminds me of people who say "the Facebook." Not enough animals in this series. The books were notable because of the many ways the animals needed a vet, and how young Herriott was challenged. I agree that production is saving money by minimizing the need for animal actors. I guess they think viewers prefer a soap opera. This viewer does not. That young bull was beautiful.
  16. I've read all of the books. Having scoffed at Cruise's vanity in the movie, we were cautiously optimistic when a series was developed. So far, OK. But it's easier to accept this gargantuan, monosyllabic character in a book than visually. Reacher did seem kind of flat to me in the first episode (when he wasn't busting heads). One thing we don't like about the books is that the author spends a lot of time on boring details, such as all of the streets that Reacher walks in each town. I laughed when teeny Roscoe ordered Reacher around. The detective needs to calm down. And where are the GA accents? They are still prominent in small southern towns. As Reacher waited to be arrested in the diner, I was yelling "Eat some peach pie while you wait!"
  17. I made it through two episodes and stopped. I can't get past vain executive producer Seth Rogen writing himself into so much of the story - half an episode up front would have sufficed, followed by brief updates in following episodes to track his story. I REALLY can't get past slimy EPs Rogen and Franco exploiting Pam - who objects - by artificially creating a Pam clone and then repeatedly showing her naked and having sex. She's essentially portrayed as an animated sex doll. And not very smart either - all the squeaks and simpering and baby doll voice and batting the eyes. The second episode is essentially a soft core porn tape. Loathsome.
  18. I think this is one of Shantall's inspirations for her big graphic prints and the snake motif. I could see it in her designs. Forgot to say I was disappointed not to be able to see Zayden's face. In fact, some of the returning designers looked like they were dressed for a costume party.
  19. I thought the editors would never put an end to Chasity's weepy-voiced blathering. She was trying to market her way into the win. She abandoned some of her earlier designs that were stunning and went for Bob Mackie. "Black sheep who bloomed." WFT? So when I saw the black ruffled britches I thought "wooly sheep." And, later, the god Pan. I wonder if Elaine got into a snit about something and didn't show. Perhaps that the fix was in for Shantall? I had the impression that her no-show was very last minute. The judges seemed a bit thrown off at the start of the runway. Hopefully she wasn't extremely ill. Coral's photos in her studio took me back to my Central American travels in the 80s. It's a magical place. I still have some of the textiles I bought there. I bet we'll see some of her exquisite macrame and embroidery work on Hollywood ingenues. I'm not a fan of huge graphic prints, at least not for business wear, so I didn't love all of Shantall's collection. The baggy red dress was straight out of the 80s - we called them coat dresses. But she was the smart choice. She will be a good partner to the PR/CFDA machinery and maximize its leverage. Good for Christian stopping Kristina's nudity madness. Kristina seemed a little bonkers during the episode. But I liked her flowy dresses better than the cotton pajama trend she had going. Although I'd wear the cotton pajamas around the house. Someone explain the model-picking to me. We didn't see a lot of refitting. So how did the designers know the sizes to make their collections?
  20. This was my favorite part of the show. I love hearing about the old ways. I loved the pale pink, which I have in my dining and living rooms. I customized the color trying to match it to the interior paint of some adobe homes in Santa Fe. It shifts beautifully in sunlight and shade. Ben and Erin have some fantastic skilled craftspeople - floors, tile, and the young woman who is a project manager and jackie-of-all-trades.
  21. I posted a while back that Lee is one of the top earners on a platform to sell video messages.
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