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Everything posted by madmax

  1. The main line for my office is one digit away from a plumber. You can imagine the calls I had to field when I was receptionist.
  2. Sounds like my mom and no, I can't look at it as she confirmed I was right. I couldn't tell you how often I researched things for my mother, taking lots of time away from my own pursuits, my own family, etc. Then she turns around and does whatever because she got an email about a good deal or one of her friends told her to do this. Inevitably, she bitches because she either got screwed on price or didn't get everything she wanted.
  3. I hate it all, but I'd rather do clean up than cook. I used Hello Fresh for a while and I liked it, introduced me to some things I probably wouldn't have eaten and since they give you exactly what you need, I didn't have to buy a whole bunch of something and use a quarter of it, leaving the rest to go bad. I dropped it when the pandemic hit. Might go back to it once I have to go back in the office.
  4. I just read a book that was written in the 80s and while I loved the book, I had to set my "21st century" self aside to read it. There were misogynistic and racist parts, plus the fact that there were no cellphones. But it was still a great book with a great message. I do the same when I watch anything old, like Match Game or movies like My Fair Lady or the like. BTW, I loved Match Game, would watch it all the time after school and I'm always delighted when I catch a rerun now. The shit they got away with then, plus most of them were full on drunk when they were taping. Hysterical.
  5. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/ghosts-cbs-comedy-hit-1235170357/ We'll see Crash again!!!
  6. It's good that they respected her; there's definitely not enough of that. But as @mansonlamps pointed out, they now totally ignore the weight, and that's just not possible. I don't remember any weight related episodes - or even offhand comments - since the second season. I rolled my eyes so damn hard at the Marc confrontation that I'm surprised I can still see. The character was such an asshole that he would have made a comment about her weight, but out of respect for the actress, they didn't go there, which is great. But it certainly made the confrontation much less believable (along with the fact that they traveled that far during a pandemic just so she could get "closure").
  7. I agree 100%. My youngest son started tipping the scales at 220 when he was only 14 and he wasn't tall enough to carry it. I started cooking a little healthier and yes, I might have nudged him not to take a second helping a time or two. But then he realized on his own that he was too heavy and put himself on a diet. He's now 6'3" and 190 and looks damn good in his dress blues. 😁 There's a difference between overweight and obese and even morbidly obese. I'm sorry to say, Kate/Chrissy fits in that last category and I think Rebecca would be remiss if she wasn't concerned. My mother was married 3 times. Two divorces (my dad and Asshole step-father #) until she found the love of her life at 54 (who was younger than 3 of her children). They were together about 20 years before he passed away. So yeah, no generalizations.
  8. I caught that and immediately thought that her calling him Randall was basically saying "You're not my dad."
  9. I love the worst case scenario game. I could come up with some pretty good ones. And it's possible they're still together in the future. Maybe someone came to their senses and Deja stayed in school. This was great! I liked how Beth won the game. I thought she was still a teen? I can't remember how long it was supposed to have been since Jack died, and he died when they were 16, I think. That was my exact thought. But I do understand her not leaving Rebecca with the kids. I actually thought, when Rebecca was meeting her at the school, "Will Rebecca get lost?" I wouldn't think she should still be driving or babysitting. How is Rebecca trying to change her? I actually liked most of this episode for a change. Deja and Malik didn't bother me as much as usual. But Beth and Randall need to put the foot down. Kevin's storyline was good. I like Cassidy and hoped she was endgame, but she's right, they're not good for each other. Nicky and his gal (can't remember her name yet. Edie?) were great and Kevin and Nicky's convo was hysterical. Young Kate was so obnoxious but Hannah was fantastic.
  10. Do you see this on the bottom of the post you want to quote? The first one ( +" ") is for multi-quotes, where you quote a bunch of people in one post, or if you want to quote something from one page to another. This will show up on the right side, once you've quoted multiple posts. When you're ready to type your response(s), click on that and it will put everything you've quoted in one post. Hope this helps a bit.
  11. Dramas, I expect them. Not a huge fan of them in sitcoms. Oh, and I remember Farscape. Only watched the first couple seasons, tho.
  12. Use multi-quote, the +" It saves all of the posts you want to quote until you're ready to post. It will show on the right side of the screen in a little box that says "quote X number posts." When you're ready to post, click on that box and all the posts you quoted will be in the box for you to respond. You don't respond until after you've picked all the quotes you want to respond to. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget why I quoted someone. 😄
  13. Really hate Chevys, but damn, I love these commercials.
  14. That's me. One brother died on Christmas Eve; his twin, my only sister, died the day after Thanksgiving and my other brother died two weeks after Christmas. Holidays kinda suck.
  15. I don't recall seeing this one mentioned, but since the Limu Emu ads are pretty universally hated, it's probably here somewhere.... The one in the park with the bird whistles. The whistles hurt my ears and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Seriously, who comes up with this shit?
  16. Finally got around to watching this today. Coulda skipped it. Wasn't very interesting. In some ways, dumb. Oh, just once, how about reversing the trope? NOT have the visiting cop be a bad guy? Every time we've gone out to dinner with another couple, we sit on the same side, across from the other couple. Male across from male, female across from female. That was a ridiculous set-up, almost as ridiculous as the food that was served. The only reason was to show Tim and Lucy as total assholes to their dates.
  17. This is my new favorite commercial for a local convenience store/gas station: I LOVE how he yells "OOH, with tots on it!" at the end, because that's exactly what I would do. 😄
  18. Oh, I agree that Jack couldn't have said "Oh, yeah, he's dead" to his parents because he couldn't control the all of the various scenarios. So I think Nicky was dead to him, but no one else. Which is why it was so damn stupid of them not to have at least one throwaway line. Thanks for asking about my boy! He's a Marine, most likely short term, but he's still thinking it over. He went in right after high school and if he decides not to make a career out of it, I get him back in August. 😁
  19. I took the comment as why didn't the ghosts know about it after their deaths.
  20. Not sure how it was back then, but my son is in the military and should something short of death or major injury happen, they wouldn't notify me because he is an adult. Possibly the same then back then; Nicky was an adult, so the military wouldn't necessarily notify his family. I'm not excusing the writing this episode because I think it was wrong that Nicky wasn't mentioned, but I can get behind the military not notifying the family.
  21. NFL Minimum Player Salary NHL Minimum Salary MLB Minimum Salary NBA Minimum Salary And that's just the minimum they can receive, anywhere from $600K to $975K. Star players (or even just more established players) get much much more, which is also easily found on Google. Granted, to most of us, that's a fortune. But they have a lot of expenses - agent, manager, training, etc. and many of them have no idea how to manage money or even have an education to fall back on. So I don't begrudge them any advertising opportunities they want. Except Peyton Manning and Shaquile O'Neal. Because they both made insane money and they're both media whores, shilling anything and everything. But I do understand the repetition of the commercials on certain channels getting on someone's nerves. Luckily, not my channels. 🙂
  22. My mother-in-law was Polish/German and used Campbell's tomato soup in her stuffed cabbage. Now I can't eat it any other way. I'm willing to waive the early sledding flashback as Nicky being too young and probably in a playpen. But there was no excuse for not having a throwaway line "We can't find Nicky." or "Nicky's number is disconnected." Instead, we got the presumed only child Jack. Which is bullshit. That's my biggest problem with this episode, well, that and it totally didn't advance much in the way of the current storyline, a filler episode in the final season.
  23. He said that the guy that constructed the vault locked him in because of an indiscretion with his wife.
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