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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Which kinda makes my point. Why did the Bureau of Land Management guy say they couldn't do it with horses? If they would have added a word or two, it would have made more sense. But this season doesn't seem to be much about sense, just Jimmy...
  2. Glad I'm not the only one confused about how Laramie ended up back in the bunkhouse. Even if it was just a booty call, she shouldn't have been there. Mr. Max seems to think she's branded, but I don't remember that. Only Teeter. And why in God's name did Rip not say that from the get go? The whole horses thing was ridiculous. "You can't do that with horses." Look, we're doing it with horses, some weird mystical plan that Mo came up with? Maybe a better line would have been "you can't do that with two horses." Isn't Taylor Sheridan's character supposed to be some kind of super rider? Why was he helping them round up cattle? Good God, enough of Jimmy!
  3. I've seen that trope more times than I can count. The ex calls themselves the husband/wife and the other partner jumps up to say "You mean ex" As was said, there wasn't enough time for Bailey to refute his claim.
  4. madmax

    S01.E08: D&D

    She never expected them to be able to rat her out. Did she know about Trevor's ability?
  5. I'm hoping for this, but Grey's does have a tendency to make friendships into love affairs. This whole season is just meh. There's really nothing interesting going on.
  6. I laugh every time, too. I think he is her brother, who knocked them down the first time. I mean, he'd have to be or why would he be there when she was putting freezer snowman back outside? And then he's the first to help her build a new one. What I don't get is why they have it in a cooler. It would melt a hell of a lot more in there than the freezer.
  7. madmax

    NHL Thread

    The Pittsburgh Penguins actually had the doors to the team offices padlocked in 1975 due to bankruptcy.
  8. My son asked me why Santa liked snickerdoodles so much when the only person he knew that really liked them was his dad. That's how we do it Christmas morning. I hand out the first round, then whoever has finished a present hands out the next and we all take turns opening so that we can see what everyone got. Christmas Eve with my in-laws, it's more of a free-for-all. Someone hands someone a present, they open it, maybe you see what it was, maybe you don't. I called my father Daddy until the day he died with me holding his hand. My mother, well, she's Mum or her first name, if I'm aggravated that day. My oldest calls me Mum or Mummy, my youngest calls me Mom.
  9. My older siblings would actually fake a phone call to Santa. "Hey, Santa, how's it going?...Max has been pretty bad this year...I know, I know....Well, I don't know, maybe she can turn it around...I'll call you a few days before Christmas and let you know, OK?" One of my mother's friends dressed up as Santa and was going to people's houses on Christmas Eve. I refused to come downstairs because I was afraid he wouldn't leave me any presents. My mother finally convinced me that it was OK so now there's a picture of 6 year old me sitting on a scrawny Santa's lap.
  10. The issue for me wasn't that she called him when she realized her plane was delayed. It was that she decided to go to his cabin rather than trying to get home to her kids.
  11. We still do stockings, obviously, and I actually wrap all the stocking gifts. Mostly it's things like deodorant, chap stick, candy, etc, but I try to throw something fun in there as well. It's a lot harder as they are older, but it's something I like to do. This year, I bought them small magnetic lights, about the size of a golf ball. Mr. Max does a lot of work in small spaces, so I thought he'd like it and they weren't that much, so I got more for the other stockings. Everything under the tree is wrapped, even when there were Santa gifts. Each son had special paper. All the gifts under the tree were from Santa, the stockings were from us. They weren't allowed to wake me up until at least 7:30. Now I'm the one awake and have to wait on them. 😄 My in-laws had the big do on Christmas Eve AND expected us to come over for Christmas Day lunch as well. I already had to go to my father's and my mother's on Christmas Day. Before we had kids, it was manageable. But after our first son was born and I tried to do that, I was a wreck by the time I got to my mother's. I told them no more, it's time for us to make our own traditions. So we would open gifts, eat a big lunch, then just loaf until we had to go to my father's, then mother's. Well, my step-father passed away about 10 years ago, so my mom quit expecting us to come over; she instead came to my house for dinner. When my dad passed 3 years ago, I didn't have to go there anymore. So now I just sit around the house in my Christmas Skull PJs until dinner time. Then finish lounging after my mom and oldest son leave.
  12. I am truly hoping that Teeter is not actually gone. Maybe Rip tells John, she's got the brand, she's a good worker, she's not like them. Please? The buckle bunnies did help out with some things, not the heavy duty cowboy stuff, but I do remember seeing Mia doing something? So yeah, here's a couple bucks, get the hell out. Summer is every damn vegan I hate. How hard is it to say, "I don't eat meat or dairy, can I have some vegetables or fruit?" instead of being an asshole. Gator, tho, gotta love him. Jamie is so frigging stupid. Yeah, he's needy but damn, have some balls! And he is the Attorney General and knows a crime has been committed and does nothing but hug the perp? WTF? God help him when John and Beth (especially Beth) find out. He's supposed to report back, right? He's going to lie? That'll go well. Don't care about Kayce or Monica. They can both just live in their little house paid for by daddy's money and never show up again. Same with Jimmy. Everyone upthread who said about Sheridan spreading himself thin is 100% right. Something's going to suffer and I'm sure it'll be Yellowstone. I don't care, I'm loving Beth. She gets all the best lines. "God gave me these and looks like he gave me yours, too." Her relationship with John is odd, but I think she's looking out for him.
  13. I admire your creativity. A friend of mine made stockings for each of her daughters, then each of her grandchildren. I used to cross stitch, but never completely finished a thing. Oh, the pattern itself was done, I just never framed it or made them into stockings. I actually did four Snoopy stockings for the family. they're still in their plastic bag, waiting for me to put them together. 😄
  14. They'd have to resurrect someone for me to shell out that much to see someone in concert. Truthfully, there are very few commercial artists I'd want to go see in concert right now. We did just go to see Delta Rae in a small venue here, tickets were $25, which isn't bad.
  15. madmax

    S01.E10: Topanga

    I figured the trip to 1988 would be a way to get rid of most of the red shirts, but apparently none of them went. I still wonder why the camp was so deserted if no one but Isiah went to 1988 and Wolf Snack, Riley and Lily went wherever they went.
  16. He knew I had already purchased a gift for his boyfriend. He didn't expect anything else. He actually made fun of me for worrying about the stocking. The only quasi-inconsiderate thing was not telling me exactly when they were coming, but I could take the blame for assuming it was Christmas Eve.
  17. I think they've been brought up before, but I do like the Zillow commercials showing all the sides of the woman's personality.
  18. Brought this from the Commercials that Annoy thread My son's first Christmas with his boyfriend, he told me that we'd see him at Christmas. I assumed it would be the big full family Christmas Eve celebration and not our smaller, only us Christmas morning celebration. I already had a gift for him, all wrapped and ready to go to give to him Christmas Eve. Imagine my surprise when on Christmas Eve, about an hour before we had to leave for the big Christmas Eve celebration, my son told me that his boyfriend was looking forward to my big Christmas breakfast. OK, but stockings are a big part of our Christmas morning and I didn't have one for him. I didn't want him to feel left out, so I ran to the closest store, a Dollar General, and bought the most generic things to put in his stocking. The stocking didn't match the rest of ours and that made me feel bad as well as the generic gifts. So this year, I got new stockings for everyone that match as well as gifts that are more geared towards him and not just any guy. .
  19. Sometimes I read too fast and don't think. 🙂
  20. Sorry you had to go thru it! The funny part was when they took me into the hospital, they needed to put me somewhere where I could be observed 24/7 and the only bed they had left was in the Burn ICU. I was paranoid that I got burned and didn't notice, even though there was no fire involved. The worst part was not seeing my son - who was also in the car - for a whole day because he was too young to be allowed in the ICU. I told the nurse I was walking out if I couldn't see him and they finally wheeled me to the waiting room where he was. ETA: My son was fine, just a little scrape on his cheek where the cooler brushed against him.
  21. She had some line about teaching when they were looking at houses, but I wasn't really paying attention because I just don't care about her. I thought it was just me. He's in Texas, let it go. The end of the last episode would have been the perfect segue into the new show, which, yeah, not gonna watch. This was a very slow episode. I kept looking at Mr. Max, wondering if anything was going to happen. I wish they would have dumped the whole Jimmy plot and focused less on Monica & Kayce and showed more of Jamie and his new found family.
  22. Unrestrained passenger in a car accident. My jaw fought the dashboard and the dashboard won. Luckily, I didn't have to have it wired shut. The funny thing is no one in the hospital realized it was broken until I tried to eat. I now have a lovely titanium plate holding it together. FYI, I, too, thought he was singing about Ovaltine for years!
  23. When I broke my jaw, I practically lived on those and real milkshakes. They weren't that bad. My uncle would go through a 2 liter of Tab a day. I tried it once and it was disgusting. Of course, I was really young.
  24. Concerts I wished I'd seen: Led Zeppelin right after Led Zeppelin II or III Black Sabbath with Dio (saw them with Ozzy) Soundgarden with Chris Cornell Stone Temple Pilots with Scott Weiland Alice in Chains with Layne Staley Silverchair after their first album AC/DC with Bon Scott
  25. We've always tried to keep indoor cats, but one of our cats, Kashmir, decided to go out and never come back in the house. She hung around the house, but wouldn't come back in. so we would give her food/water/etc. One day, she was coming to greet us when we came home and Mr. Max accidentally ran her over. He was sick, I was sick, and I vowed to never have an outside cat again. Current kitty Corey, who we rescued, must have been an indoor/outdoor cat. He always runs for the door, but at least now (not when we first got him) he'll come back inside if you just yell at him to go home. I'm leery about letting him outside, because of the instance with Kashmir above and the fact that people do 50 on our road plus we have coyotes. So I'm trying to leash train him. He walks two steps, then drops down and stares at me like I'm killing him.
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