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Everything posted by madmax

  1. And the people that came from the ship are water people...
  2. madmax

    S01.E08: D&D

    My guess is that they're showing Thorfinn speaking English as a second language, which accounts for some of his phrasing. We all know that Vikings talked like Ragnar on, well, Vikings. 😉
  3. YES! And it seems to be a series of commercials. Did they make the actor work out IRL so he could be all pumped from his Peleton?
  4. I had an uh-oh moment, thinking that the checks would go to Jamie instead of the ranch, because the address wasn't confirmed.
  5. If he was stopped, it was probably by a friendly cop that answers to the Duttons. I thought that as well. He's lost face with the Duttons and Rip and he's lost face with the crew he's supposed to lead. I wouldn't be surprised. EXCELLENT name. That's all I hear when she talks. I asked Mr. Max why he didn't punch the shit out of Walker, and he said Lloyd is senior and should have known better. I still think Walker deserved a Lloyd punch. Now we really see where Jamie's loyalties are.
  6. madmax

    S01.E08: D&D

    That was a good joke, I totally believed it when he said it.
  7. madmax

    S01.E08: D&D

    Thorfin would have been perfect for D&D. They should have done this episode when he was available. Exactly. Even after she agreed to do it, she should have set up some compromise. Who the hell wants to sit there for hours translating? My original fanwank was that Sasappis picked up everyone else's language, but that doesn't explain Thorfin. So yeah, they just must not want to offend Native Americans. This show is really growing on me. At first it was amusing, but there were some really funny moments in this one.
  8. My SIL gave my nieces all exotic spellings, except for her daughter, Autumn. And I'm seriously surprised she didn't try Autym. My husband used to go to a dentist named Dr. Payne.
  9. When I was a senior in high school, our teacher allowed us to choose our Spanish names and I chose Concepción. He told me I was courting danger with a name like that as a high school senior. I kept it all year anyway. My oldest brother was supposed to name me, but he wanted to name me after the Russian male protagonist of a book he had just read, but luckily my parents vetoed Patruska and my name.
  10. It's been pretty much murdering and shenanigans since the beginning, with a sprinkling of funny. I think she is completely mistaken. I think Rip is with her for the long haul, come what may, even if it's snotty kids named Carter. Speaking of Beth, I'm a fan. I wasn't in the beginning, but she's really grown on me. Still a bitch on heels, but she's shown some softness, mostly because of Rip. But her in the truck, explaining the 4 ways to become rich? I laughed my ass off, then laughed even harder at Carter's response. And her dealing with the nosy shopper was great. So John gave the guy an unwiped gun and just let it rip? Didn't clean the prints, didn't look for the gun when the guy fell (to me it looked like he was empty-handed when he fell)? And isn't that "train station" getting full?
  11. madmax

    S01.E07: The Storm

    Where is all the incidental stuff that fell in the sinkhole? The rest of the phone poles, the asphalt, the other buildings, the other cars. I guess they only had money for certain things in the main set, until they need things like a perfectly intact 18 wheeler.
  12. I don't want Station 19, and I think this is going to play out on that show instead of Grey's, but I wonder if they will find a document stating that Ben should have Pru. At the last minute. While the grandfather is making noise about taking her. Then she'll be another kid in the background that the doctors forget they have.
  13. If Amelia is not his wife or significant other, it doesn't matter how she feels if Link takes Luna. I caught that vibe, too. But it could be Glasses' delivery. I watched one episode of Station 19 when it first came out and that was enough for me. Total soap opera. Yeah, Grey's is a soap, but at least there were interesting characters in the beginning. I found the Station 19 characters very cliched. So no, I won't be watching no matter how much you try to force me. I only knew she was non-binary because in her introduction, their pronouns were used. But I 100% agree with the bolded above. It is not a choice and they seem to show that with nearly all of their female characters. Arizona is the only one I remember that didn't bounce from guy to gal. This episode was a total snoozefest. Someone died, people were supposed to be sad, but who the hell was he? Megan barging into the surgery was ridiculous. They should have stood there with their hands in the air until she got the hell out. Looks like they're pushing McIrish and Megan together, which is blah. McIrish with Jo is much better. Speaking of Jo, go find a bottle of hair dye. And stay away from Link. Be his friend, that's all. Ben agreeing to take someone's kid without discussing it with Bailey? Does he even know his wife? How is he not scared out of his everloving mind? But yeah, unless it's in writing, that kid is gone. And Bailey will get pissed because she'll get completely attached in 2 days.
  14. Didn't he say something like "Not again" or similar when his head fell off in the pilot? So it's happened before and he eventually finds his head? Does Sam never see him wandering around? I thought it was a good episode, not as good as Pete's wife, but it did give Flower some more depth. And yeah, Sam needs to invest in airpods.
  15. The NHL is airing a commercial during hockey games talking about the addition of the Seattle Kraken to the league. The guy at the end screaming "Release the Kraken" is on my last nerve. I wish the friggin' Kraken would eat him.
  16. We have a split king sleep number type bed and when we first got it, the only place I could find sheets was where I bought it. Now everyone is selling them. I get mine on Amazon, the brand is Bare and I've had great luck with them.
  17. My first flip phone had internet, but it was super basic, very slow, and VERY costly, since it used up the minutes.
  18. I just saw this one for the first time and was just completely flummoxed about how tone deaf it is.
  19. Unless.....Bailey did it all and gave the trophies to Fred as a gift. He thought there was something strange about them, so he hid them in a cigar box taped to his desk until he could decide what to do with them. 😉 Speaking of, Bailey had no problem touching every one of those trophies, smearing all of Fred's prints. She told Nolan not to run into fires, he needs to tell her not to touch evidence. (For the second time, since she was touching the hell out of that cop car in the last one)
  20. The drones didn't cause earthquakes. Maybe send smaller shipments of stuff, not the size of a plane.
  21. My first thought! Wouldn't that still be disallowed? Also, tired of the firefighter as arsonist trope. Could be the neighbor, or could be that the body they find in the fire is the neighbor and they can't identify it quick enough, so Nolan thinks he's in the clear and the firefighter hits him over the head JUST as Chen calls him and says "He's not dead!!!!" The treasure hunt was cute, but the pairing of Jerry and Tim was just great. Glad they got Tim a new girl so this Tim/Lucy shit can die. Of course it won't, but I can dream, can't I?
  22. Because organic is a great buzzword that will have people clamoring to buy it? Seriously, no plastic in the mattress? Springs are metal, which is organic, right?
  23. I truly thought the plane would take off and crash, eliminating all those extraneous survivors that aren't part of the main cast. Of course, we do need redshirts to be electrocuted. Exactly. Every plane that's come thru has crashed, but Levi thinks his miraculously repaired plane will magically make multiple trips thru the rift BEFORE it closes in a couple hours? If Eve and Mary Beth were so worried about their kids being on the plane, they should have just given up their spots. Tied up the kids in the woods and said "Oops, can't find them, must be on a nature walk, who's next to get on?"
  24. I never understood the concept of buying someone a car as a surprise Christmas gift. Wouldn't you want to be involved in the selection of something that you'll be stuck with for a few years? Granted, we did buy my sons each a vehicle as a surprise, but we knew exactly what they wanted and managed to find them both the right vehicles.
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