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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Yeah, Duck tapped so Charlie didn't have to leave by himself. But he tapped. And I really like Duck, but he tapped. Mr. Max and I discussed it when it happened and we both think he wanted to go back to his family and used that as an excuse. Kate is a female Shane. Toxic to all who cross her path.
  2. They tend to put controversial people in XL. Kate & Bulent this year, Jeff last year, Lacey and Shane the year before that, etc. Unless they stop getting the ratings, they will keep putting people like Kate in. Hell, they may give her another chance. They gave Duck 2 chances at XL and he tapped both times.
  3. It always surprises me when vegetarians/vegans make it 21 days on Naked & Afraid. Now 100 days? I don't think so.
  4. I would have freaked the hell out if all those wolves surrounded me! I wonder if they're protected like the foxes. He couldn't miss with the bow at 3 yards away. Roland still seems like the winner to me. I just wonder with the weight loss if he makes it 100 days. This. I can't root for her because she's crying constantly. Holy crap, I wondered if he was from my area when he said the rocks were "slippy." 😄
  5. I agree with you for the most part. He lied about Sarah yelling at him (he does know that those cameras record, right?), he didn't let them know about the change in plans for the first hunt, he sat around and waited for them to get him for the second hunt, even though they had made the plans the night before. But... Why didn't Gwen and/or Sarah go into the other blinds for the second hunt? Why weren't they in those blinds every morning once the crossbow(s) were done? I really did like Gwen in her first challenge, but in this one, I didn't see her do much of anything. Could be the edit, I don't know. I would totally love to see Jeff and Bulent in the Thunderdome.
  6. Really sad to see Ryan go, but he just wasn't mentally there anymore. Sleepwalking is scary stuff. My youngest son struggled with that for a while and I was petrified that he would end up outside during one of his walks. Bulent in camp. Let's see how fun THIS is...
  7. I just assumed they were doing it rather recently and had them all online due to social distancing. 😄
  8. I'm beginning to think he went the distance. I'm also thinking that maybe the producers told him not so much resting prick face, because he seemed a bit more animated and interested the last couple after shows. Of course, they could be just messing with us. he did say that wasn't enough meat for 100 days, but he said it would get him close. Does Kielyn look like she's in a hotel room or is it just me?
  9. Sorry to see Joel go, but better he leave before he did physical damage. Loved his little freezer, but Roland's food cache was a beast. The more I see him, the more I think he goes the distance. Mark should be glad he snared that fox; it stopped the fox from eating his rabbit.
  10. I'm totally in the minority, because I always liked Owen. Except with the Cristina pregnancy story line. He knew what he was getting into with Cristina. On another note, I just finished season 5 and again, I cried when George was revealed to be John Doe. The only time I have ever cried while watching a television show. Every time I watch it, I cry. Probably shouldn't have watched it during my lunch hour since I had to go into a Zoom meeting after and everyone was wondering why I looked so bad. 😄
  11. The second option, obviously. Once they've done something on Grey's, they forget about it. Until they need to do it again with a different character.
  12. I found this very hard to take. Teddy, who I never really cared for anyway, finally got the man she wanted, then decides to have a fling with Koracick of all people. I get that the show is a drama and all that, but it doesn't have to be a "drama."
  13. It was just this past season. And yeah, came out of nowhere.
  14. I remember not really liking her during her initial challenge, but she's not so bad here. I think even Mother Teresa would have a bad reputation after dealing with Seth. Sorry to see Wes go, but that kind of pain is agonizing. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Hope someone else can get some hunting done. As to the constipation problem, aren't they supplementing with greens? Makani was eating greens; couldn't they eat those?
  15. Wow, I didn't even know he was in that. Guess I stopped way early. 🙂
  16. I stopped watching Private Practice midway through the second season, I think. Did she end up with Tim Daly's character? I did like him, but I've always liked him in everything I've seen him in.
  17. Mid-way through season five and just finished the episode where Addison came back with her brother with the brain worms. Were that whole group from Private Practice obnoxious as hell or what? "Hey, we know you love Meredith and were planning to propose to her, but let's remind you, Derek, of the song you wrote for Addison where you promised to stay with her until death." And they even got Mark in on it!
  18. I'm sure it's an editing issue, but what was with Wes and Gwen and the "Who is that?" at the beginning? They knew Ryan was coming back with his people. Yes, Suzanne was an addition, but still? I was getting flashbacks to Jeff and getting very irritated, but at least that changed. Not sorry to see Seth go (is anyone?) and even didn't fault Bulent for not sharing his kill. He coulda thrown him a piece of jerky, tho. But what do you expect from a jerk?
  19. I don't get how Callie is still living in a tarp. It is Callie, right? I think I have the guys down, but I keep forgetting which female is which. 🙂
  20. Finally got to watch the episode tonight. I worry that Wes and Gwen are going to be the new Jeff and Laura. That whole "make sure we have our food" really bugged me. Can't wait to see what happens with Seth and Bulent. My favorite group is Camp Murder Puddle. I hope that doesn't change when they join up with Wes and Gwen.
  21. I'm not as impressed with this group as I was with past XL participants. But here's my nickel's worth of opinion, anyway: Seth is a petulant ass who needs to be left alone so he can see how hard Suzanne was working while he was "hunting." BTW, I swear her name didn't have the umlaut in the first episode. She is a bit of a mother, and not in a good way, but when dealing with a petulant child, I guess you gotta be. I knew Makani wasn't going to make it from day one. First off, her lazy strategy would never have lasted 40 days. sorry she got sick, but she's better off out. And did anyone else notice that her voice went from normal to baby doll breathy and back? Bulent has ALWAYS been a jerk. I can't wait until the teams meet up and he's the one banished. Wes and Gwen are good together. I loved Gwen in her first challenge. I don't know how she's handling the African heat. Love the team of Sarah, Ryan and Jonathan. They seem to be working the best as a threesome. Camp Murder Puddle is an excellent camp name. But the best part of this season is "Clothed and Opinionated." They could not have picked better people for that!! Except now that they've added Jeff the (insert your favorite insult here).
  22. I just finished episode 19 of season 3, the one where George and Izzie hook up. It felt wrong then and still feels completely wrong. As a matter of fact, Grey's has a serious problem with close male/female friendships. Nearly every close M/F friendship ended up as lovers. George and Izzie, Jackson and April. The only one I can recall that didn't was Meredith and Alex. Of course, after 16 years, I might be forgetting one.
  23. I'm doing a slow rewatch now, about 3 episodes a day between work. I'm up to season 3, episode 10. It really was much, much better in the first few seasons, but I still think Derek was insufferable.
  24. Obviously not the first guy to lose his "fire steel," as he kept calling it, but yeah, I would have scoured every inch of the area where I had been before I tapped. Especially since it was his dream. I'm sure if they have another bring back the ones who didn't make it season, like season 5, Shawn will be back. A bit off topic: I LOVED season 5, and especially because Sam won.
  25. I don't have that kind of willpower. I'll watch live, no matter how ticked I am that they screwed the fans with that "awesome" cliffhanger.
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