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Everything posted by madmax

  1. What's funny is that my parents had 4 boys and 2 girls. Me and my sister both had two boys. My brother had 4 girls before he finally got the boy. He was ready to quit after 4 but my SIL REALLY wanted that boy to carry on the name. Good thing one of those blue sperm finally swam faster or he might have ended up with a Walton sized family, but mostly girls. My other brothers never had children.
  2. I do understand the original intent of Facebook - connecting with people you hadn't seen in a while (high school classmates, etc.) or relatives far away. I don't care to connect with high school classmates and I don't like dealing with my relatives in town, let alone the ones far away. It's become a cesspool of random rule enforcing, and if you happen to break whatever rule is being enforced at the time, you're put in time out. I have a friend who insists he's going to quit, but never does, then complains when he's banned. Just give it up already. It's not worth the aggravation.
  3. Same here. I had a FB page at one point, before things got out of hand. It kept getting hacked, so I just ended it. I did join again when my son was in boot camp because there were some really great parents' groups, but as soon as he graduated, I was out again. This is the only place I post as well. I used to post a few other places, but I had to abandon one when I started getting stalked and another shut down.
  4. @icemiser69 - I know you didn't ask me about the snow, but I thought I'd share. 😉 We ended up with about 10 inches. My son was driving from NC to Pittsburgh during the storm. Took him 15 hours. I don't have to shovel, either. Mr. Max just uses the front loader and moves the snow off the driveway. No sidewalks.
  5. I hope you feel better soon, icemiser. It sucks to feel like shit around the holidays. My dentist always works like that and I hate it because I get nauseated and completely lightheaded when he finally lets me up, but I really like the guy. I just put up with the misery.
  6. He was most definitely NOT my favorite character, so I was tempted to watch until he died, but I didn't want to put myself thru the crappy relationship until then. 😁
  7. That's why I quit my rewatch after season 10. Cristina was gone and it was just Der & Mer being jerky and another surprise sister and more interns that I didn't care about.
  8. I've had to tell two dying family members that we would be OK, my brother and my father. We are. For the most part.
  9. I get it, Grey's. I understand that this is a horrible disease that affects people of color disproportionately, but I want some entertainment, not a PSA. And what really sucks is that they've done PSA type stuff so much better than this. I rolled my eyes more times during this episode that ever when watching this show, and that includes ghost sex. And yes, I have COVID fatigue. I want to see less on TV because I'm living it. We're all living it. You as actors have a job to entertain. Entertain us.
  10. Every Christmas, I use George's line at my sister-in-law's. Well, probably not this Christmas because I won't be there, but I'm sure it will look the same.
  11. The only episode of Grey's I ever cried at was when George died. I almost cried here when he said he checks up on Meredith's kids. The Asian storyline was ridiculously clunky. And Nico taking out his frustrations on Owen, who as far as we've seen has never treated him bad, was ridiculous. Yes, Owen made a mistake, but it wasn't intentionally racist. When he said to Bailey something about you go with what you know, I thought that was true. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck. Of course, she came back and told him he was making excuses. Helm was good this episode with Tom. I especially loved the line about world destruction or whatever it was.
  12. Yeah, she's related to the ones on Alaska: The Last Frontier. She was actually just on a few episodes ago. Mr. Max watches; I don't, but I caught it in passing. The first season I did watch a bit, but it pissed me off because in the opening credits, they listed the men but never the women and the women worked as hard as or harder than the men.
  13. I just finished season 10 and I think I'm going to quit there. It got so much more unbelievable and irritating after Cristina left. That's not to say I won't continue to watch this season. I'm a glutton for punishment, just not six old seasons worth.
  14. Wow, I feel horrible now compared to your friend's son. We're in PA and he's in NC, so only a few states away, but he hasn't been able to come home since last December. We did see him in September when we met him halfway. Sounds like you had some horrible Thanksgivings! I've never cared one way or another for the holiday. What's funny is my favorite one was 2018. My son graduated boot camp the day before, so the family postponed the big dinner because we were driving 14 hours. My immediate family (Mr. Max, the Marine and his brother) had Thanksgiving dinner at a hibachi restaurant. We were the only ones there.
  15. From what I read, they donated any real equipment they had and were using fakes for filming.
  16. I got some good news today - my son can finally come home on leave from the Marines, barring a nationwide ban on leaves. So I will see him on December 15 for almost 3 weeks!!! You don't know how happy I am. 🥰
  17. But..but...she's Catherine Avery, who can do no wrong! Sometimes I think she's the main character.
  18. madmax

    S04.E10: Happy

    I laughed out loud when Gaetano tripped and blew out his brains. And then kinda laughed/ewwed when the top of his head popped off. I think this was the best episode so far. Everything seems to be coming together. How, tho, is the ring going to win the war? It's not like Ethelrida knows that Josto hinted to Nurse Crazypants to kill his dad.
  19. What was her relationship to Denny when he showed up in her death-dream from the ferry accident? Not much. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Mark. But Lexie sounds logical. Or George.
  20. The original line was as long as Ellen Pompeo wants to do it, that's how long the show will go. I think recently she's hinted that she's about done with it, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last season. It's in the top ten of longest running shows already. I seem to remember some speculation from last season that they were going to kill off a character, possibly Jackson, but that was scrapped when they wrapped the season early. I wonder if they're still planning on killing off a character and was wondering if it would be Richard instead. He's older, he could get COVID...
  21. It's going to be George or Lexie. She already had her "closure" with her mother in another death dream. She had closure with her father while he was alive. Unless they go way off base (or if Chyler Leigh and TJ Knight don't want to do it) and have someone like Adele Webber.
  22. The text under the video said it was the full video. Why anyone outside of Philadelphia would watch it is the question. Most people would just fast forward to the good part. I'm pretty sure I remember an episode with a conversation between Deja and Beth where Deja said she didn't feel comfortable calling Beth "Mom" because her mom was still around. I've always heard the half that was needed at the time. The pregnant woman goes to the OB, the other women go to the Guy-nee, even if they're the same doctor. I believe doctors can tell from an exam because a woman's pelvic bones move during pregnancy and don't always move back. That's why I have hips now when I had none before I had my children. *** If that wasn't an error with the ovulation test, then Kate is way more messed up than we thought. It would mean she purposely tried to get pregnant to that obnoxious asshole. And since they lingered on it, I'm sure it was NOT an error. Episode was mostly good for me. I'm over Randall right now, since it seems most of the entire show has been about Randall. I liked Kate and Toby, but I think because I like Toby, which puts me straight in the minority. I thought Kevin did the best here. He has shown real growth since the beginning. Unlike his siblings. ETA: The idea that Vietnamese grandpa would recognize William Hill's name is really ludicrous. First off, William HIll is a very common name. If it was Wilfred Hillsrtall, that's a different story. Second, Randall is in Philadelphia, Laurel was from Pittsburgh. They're in the same state, they're not right next to each other.
  23. My sister was babysitting me one night and was watching Psycho. She sent me to get a bath just after the shower scene. Gotta love siblings and how they messed with our heads.
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