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Everything posted by madmax

  1. While I can't say this was my favorite season finale, it wasn't the worst, either. I'd put it somewhere in the bottom half. Maybe I was expecting something major since we waited 5 months. I was surprised that they remembered they could cover themselves with walker guts and walk among them. They'd only done it a handful of times. I did like Lydia pointing out the Whisperers in the horde so they could be dispatched as a sacrifice to the walker gods. Why didn't Carol grab the bag when Oceanside chick (who we all knew would die because no one remembered her and she wasn't a major character) died? No way that ginormous horde went off the cliff that quick. They would have been there for days. It's not like the walkers saw all their friends doing something and raced to do it too. Kudos to whoever upthread said good luck to Lydia; she'll definitely need it if she's hanging with Carol. Nod to the comics with the Storm Troopers, but I agree, it looked stupid. I even thought so in the comics. Ninja killer couldn't have been Hershel unless Maggie has some radioactive steroids wherever she's hanging now. All in all, I liked it, didn't love it, which is kinda where I am on the whole WD series right now. I gave up on Fear twice and watched the first half of the new one and said not for me, but I'll stick with WD until the end. ETA: I did like Beta's descent into madness, thinking all of the walkers were talking to him.
  2. I like Rabbi Milligan's moral compass. Or just common sense. OF COURSE, there would be a major war if they killed the eldest Cannon. Good thing he and Doctor Senator are around. The scene with Orietta and Josto had me laughing. Especially the choice of music. I'm all about giving Timothy Olyphant some more screen time, even if it's just Raylan as a Mormon. Not really liking Salvatore Esposito's method of acting. I get that he's supposed to be unstable, but he overacts his role. I find myself drifting off when he's on screen.
  3. I was browsing another website's review and in the comments, someone put the names of the rival factions right next to each other and I laughed. Cannon Fadda
  4. I thought he was asking for her to mercy-kill him (actually, get-him-out-of-the-way-kill him) and she was just going to give him more meds to keep him comfortable because she was, you know, a normal nurse. Of course, she didn't, because she's the Angel of Death, but did Josto know that? I vaguely remember that being mentioned after season 2. I wonder if it would be worth it to watch the whole series in chronological order, just to see if there are any more missed connections. And YAY! Timothy Olyphant!! I have loved him since I first saw him in Scream 2.
  5. I thought this was still filming; didn't realize it was on until it showed up on the DVR. As others have said, there was a LOT going on. A little hard to tell them apart in these first couple episodes. No one really jumped out at me as the stellar performer as in other seasons, but I think season three was the same for me. Gotta say, swapping kids is the ultimate insurance plan... Pretty sure the "Hebrew" was killed by the Irish kid, who then assimilated to the Italian mob. Of course, I could be wrong.
  6. This may not belong here - I've seen other threads about actors' past work - but I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread. Watched Silverado today, one of the few non-Clint Eastwood westerns that I love. Seeing Kevin Costner that young and enthusiastic after seeing him as John Dutton was a very big change!
  7. We saw the first episode and looked for more, but there were none. I'll have to tell Mr. Max and we'll DVR it. Thanks for the info! One of the contestants is the brother of Jordan from season 6.
  8. At the end of season 8, right before the plane crash. I hated it when Jackson and April got together. yes, I know, so many people loved Japril and all that, but I really liked them as friends. And there was no lead up to it, either. It was just "Ooh, I want to be bad and forget I love Jesus, c'mere, Jackson!" and he went like an obedient puppy. Derek's just making me hate him more and more. "We're going to Boston." Asshat.
  9. I just binged the whole series over the last two weeks. Had a big old pile of mess I was going to post, but let's condense. I like Beth, I love Rip. Jamie was only good when he was cowboying. On the fence about Kayce (or however it's spelled), don't like Monica or the kid. I really like the bunkhouse crew and love their interactions. Sometimes the business stuff goes over my head. Especially the POA. Why would it be a Utah POA if the ranch is in Montana? I wouldn't think that Beth was that stupid. Looking forward to season 4.
  10. Unfortunately, they will. Most especially Grey's. They like to do the "ripped from the headlines" thing.
  11. I'm with you. When "Everybody Loves Raymond" was such a huge hit, I couldn't watch it. It was like seeing my mother-in-law on my big screen. It was hard enough dealing with her in real life; I didn't want her in my leisure time, too.
  12. I hate crossover episodes. Yeah, they stand alone and you can basically follow, but there's usually some minor thing in the other series episode that ends up being a big deal later. I hated the Private Practice crossovers, I hate the Station 19 crossovers, I've ALWAYS hated crossover episodes in any series.
  13. There have been instances in the US version where the replacement came the next day and others where they came a few days later. And some where they never got a replacement at all, even when one of the partners tapped on day 2. I think it all depends on if they have someone lined up as a replacement. Maybe it's the next team that's supposed to go out, since they would have already had their shots and have their passports lined up.
  14. The last I saw, second half was expected to drop early 2021. Makes sense, if they've finished filming and need to put the episodes together.
  15. Finally finished this half season. Really getting tired of Maze's behavior. How many times can she go down that well? How many times do the writers think we want to see it? However, Lucifer was pretty dickish with the "just a demon" comment but also, as Linda has said many times, Lucifer is all about Lucifer plus he was worried about Chloe. I do wonder, tho, could Maze be gaining a soul? Since all the other stuff was supposed to be impossible (Lucifer falling in love, Amenadiel fathering a child with a mortal), why couldn't a demon gain a soul? It would explain her recent "human" behavior. I actually thought for a hot minute that Dan had kidnapped Chloe to keep her away from Lucifer, maybe to convince her dating the devil was wrong. Ellis still amazes me how different he makes Lucifer & Michael. And I think the accent got better. I agree with the other posters who said it felt like God was just coming down to make the children stop squabbling. I guess he skipped the announcement that he was going to turn the car around.
  16. It makes it really obvious when watching in rapid succession, but I wasn't a fan of his in the original run. I didn't remember the other thing I really hated about the Zola adoption - Meredith was already freaking out that she wouldn't be a good mother and he just left her to deal with Zola on her own. God, he was such a jackass. I'm actually counting down the episodes until the plug pulling. 😆
  17. Just finished season 7 and I think that's where my Derek hatred finally manifested itself. Yes, Meredith messed with the trial (for good reason) but he was a real ass to her, not caring that she got fired, not showing up when Meredith got Zola. Yeah, I was not sad to see him go. At all. Another observation, which I'm sure has been made multiple times but...did these doctors ever hear of birth control? How many unintentional pregnancies did this show go through? And how many were Christina's, who never wanted kids ever?
  18. The medic treated them when they ate the aloe.
  19. I just made it to the musical episode. I'm not ashamed to admit that I loved this the first time it aired and have watched it multiple times since. I even bought the damn soundtrack! Yes, it was kinda cheesy and IMO some of it didn't really work, but I totally loved it.
  20. I binged a couple episodes, so I can't remember exactly which episode the showdown between Michael and Lucifer was, but I think it was early in the binge and this was the first, so I'm putting this here. Ellis is doing a very good job of differentiating between Michael and Lucifer. So much that I am not finding Michael attractive at all, but Lucifer very much so.
  21. I never had a problem with sleepwalking, but my youngest rugrat did. I don't know how many times we had to guide him back upstairs. Rugrat #1 had to stop him from peeing down the steps. It really freaked me out, not knowing if he would walk outside or something. Thank Jeebus he grew out of it or Camp Lejeune would have a fun time with him. It really bothered me to see Ryan sleepwalking because it brought back those memories.
  22. I said the same to Mr. Max. Why not have a small fire ready to go when she got cold? Also, Kielyn covered her fishing hole with the boughs. I wondered why neither of the others did? Callie, I can understand because she wasn't used to the cold, but I think Roland should have thought of that rather than chopping a new hole every time he needed water. Callie stayed 89 days, so she beat Fowler's record. And I thought the same thing about Roland. So important now, but you couldn't take a day for her funeral? I knew Roland was going to win it, but it was good to see it down to 2 women and him. And again, the woman had to be medically tapped. Makes me wonder if there's a conspiracy here? 😉
  23. The opening always shows a male falling on rocks. I don't think we've seen that in the show yet and I wonder if that could be Roland. I've always discounted it, because he usually films Danger Rock from a different angle, but one of the last episodes, I saw him filming from that angle, but I couldn't tell if it was him.
  24. Same here, except for Sam. I was very happy when Sam won.
  25. You and me both. I watch this stuff to forget about real life, not relive it.
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