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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Just hit Cristina's "Sliding Doors" episode. I really liked this one, with her imaginings of what her life would be like if she gave Owen what she wanted or if she did not. I just don't understand how Shane ended up winning the Harper Avery in the version where Cristina had Owen's babies. The work was Cristina's, right? She just told him to finish one part. So how didn't she get any accolades?
  2. madmax

    S04.E09: East/West

    I totally missed the Wizard of Oz references. I wanted so much more for Rabbi and Satchel. This...wasn't it.
  3. Here, you can't have anything but an insurance policy that will presumably be for your final arrangements. If she has to be in much longer, I will have to sell her house, her car, her furnishings and her house is not located in a great neighborhood, nobody's buying because of COVID, but they want you to sell it within 6 months. And someone hit her car while she was in the hospital. The first place I contacted wanted $11K per month.
  4. Finally got to watch today. I was spoiled by the ending, thank you very much Yahoo. I hated McDreamy, so it was no big deal to me. "I want my husband back, so I'm going to give him the best job!" Yeah, OK. I can't remember who asked about it upthread, but Chief of Chiefs is over all of the Chiefs of all the hospitals the Foundation owns, so it's like the biggest job ever. Nothing like a little nepotism, huh? Is Jackson the new man whore? Are they trying to get him with every female in the joint? don't like him and Jo. At all. Maggie and her boyfriend were cute, but a tent? Really? I don't like Amelia at all, so I kinda glossed over her parts, but naming the kid Scout? Ugh. Just name him Derek, for jeebus' sake. I just hope the whole season isn't all COVID, all the time. It will get very tiresome. Unless you're Meredith Grey, who's been on the verge of death so many times she's seen nearly every dead person she was ever near.
  5. My husband won't let me use the riding mower because I mow in figure eights, not the perfect oval he wants me to do. My plan worked. 😁 Ever since I got a horrific yeast infection after taking antibiotics, I always take a probiotic. Seems counter intuitive, but I don't want that ever, ever again. Spent almost all of today trying to find a place for my mother that can handle her JP drain (for the infection in her abdomen) that didn't cost double digits. Almost $200 per day was the best I could do. Hopefully, she'll only be in there until her drain is out.
  6. I think Tess was right, but the video was wrong. Beth was right that what goes on the internet is there for a long, long time. And I could see it being a bigger issue for Tess, as a POC, than her friend. Yes, we saw her in the future as a professional, but was that the profession she actually wanted? Did she get into the school she wanted? Did that video negatively affect her career? Or are the writers just trying to be so "woke" they are writing stuff and not considering what they've already told us? I thought Kate and Toby's bickering showed them as they were and not some perfect couple to the adoptive mother. I thought her look wasn't one of horror, but almost like a smile. Of course, hard to tell with a mask. I did wonder about what Toby was saying, tho, that she cherry picked stuff from their social media. She didn't say she was a Stillers fan. I think she'll flake, tho, and not give them the baby because this is the season of Randall.
  7. I take travel logistics on any show/movie with a grain of salt. I remember watching a movie that was filmed in my hometown and they showed a car chase with a car going into a tunnel and coming out 15 miles away where there wasn't even a tunnel. Now I watch just to laugh.
  8. madmax

    S04.E08: The Nadir

    This season isn't nearly as compelling as previous ones, even #3, which was just OK. And with the loss of Raylan Bullock, I don't even have anything invested anymore. But I will continue because I'm a glutton for punishment. Whatever happened to Ziro (?), the hostage held by the Loys? Do they still have him? Was he thrown into the street? Was he killed?
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. My mother has been in the hospital/rehab since September 4. Because I was out of town when she went in, my nephew was made her "personal contact," meaning he was the only one allowed to visit her. I was allowed to see her twice while she was in the hospital, because I told her care manager that I had no idea what her last wishes were in case something happened and that's not a conversation for the phone, especially with an 83-year old woman with severe hearing loss. The other time was to meet with palliative care. I wasn't even allowed to be there for her surgery and my nephew had to work, so no one was there. I feared something would happen; thankfully, she came through OK. She's in rehab now and was isolated for 14 days. Today is the first day she's allowed visitors, by appointment only, just 20 minutes, and I had to have a negative COVID test before I could go. I did see that recently some hospitals in my area are letting next of kin stay with the patient during end of life.
  10. So glad I found this topic! I love to read!! Just finished a pair of zombie novels on Kindle that were pretty good for self-published: Walking with the Dead and Home with the Dead. Also finished Once Gone by Blake Pierce that I didn't really care for, The Hive by Barry Lyga and Come Closer by Sara Gran, both of which were great. I just started Afterland by Lauren Beukes. Another dystopian/post-apocalyptic book, which are my favorites.
  11. 😂 Pretty close, actually. If I recall correctly, it was something like "It's not a tan, it's heritage. I'm half Hispanic." with lots of muttering under my breath.
  12. Hell no, we didn't. I remember laying out on my kitchen roof slathered in baby oil so I could get a tan on top of my already half Hispanic complexion. As we learned more, we slathered sunscreen on ourselves and our children, but sometimes, even that didn't help. I remember taking my sons to the pediatrician one summer and getting yelled at because they were tan and accused of not using sunscreen. When I told her that I put sunscreen on them almost hourly when they were outside, that they were tan because of the Hispanic genes in the family, she shut up. But didn't apologize. I requested to never see her in the practice again.
  13. Yeah, I think that pushed it over the edge for me to, from a good balance to very Randall-centric. I'm very surprised that Miguel wasn't given shit because he said "yeah, I remember that from the list" when he was talking to the doctor.
  14. I just started season 10. Really hated to see Brooks go. She was my favorite of the new batch of interns. I also remember how much I hated this season, how they pitted Cristina and Meredith against each other for wanting different things.
  15. Wow, lots to read. Thanks to everyone for their insightful posts and some really funny ones. I really wish they would have left COVID out of it. I, like probably 99% of the world, am so tired of it. I'm tired of wearing masks, I'm tired of not being able to meet up with family, I'm tired of not seeing my son for a year because the Marines won't let him come home on leave. I watch TV to escape the daily grind, not relive it. That being said, I'm glad they addressed BLM but I wasn't on board with Randall's dismissal of Kate and his assertation that they never talked racism. They did. They tried their best in the time that they were in. Things were way different back then, in more ways than one. Had they had a scene where Jack and Rebecca sat Randall down and had "the talk" with him in 1990, it would have been a bunch of fanwanking and pandering. I understand that Randall has had a totally different experience than every other Pearson, but when someone asks how they can help, you don't reject it the way he did. BTW, I live in Pittsburgh and totally remember the Johnny Gamage case. Everyone did a pretty good job in this episode. Toby & Miguel's talk was very touching. Kevin and Madison were so cute. Think Madison could join the outlaw group? I would totally watch a show that was just Toby, Miguel, Beth and Madison. The Laurel twist was totally unnecessary. Not only did Randall already find a birth parent, they also had a character come back from the dead (Nicky). This is getting to be more of a soap than the daytime ones. I do agree with many that the new therapist will recommend that Randall use a genetic site to find relatives and he'll come across some siblings.
  16. I loved how Josto kept insisting Gaetano was dead, even when Calamita kept saying they just took him. Hope that Loy was smart and actually killed the jackass, but you know that's not the case. Felt bad for Dumini, since he wasn't going to kill mini-Mike, but he had to go. Rabbi needed the time. Is Orietta now going to find Ethelrida's book in with her trophies? And is Ethelrida going to realize that she doesn't have the notebook, all these days later?
  17. My dentist only does root canals in office on certain teeth. He did mine in office, one visit, but my husband got farmed out to another dentist 45 minutes away. At least it was only one visit.
  18. This is why I'm so glad I don't have any real neighbors. All are on the other side of the street and not even directly across from me. I'd check the laws where you live. In some areas, like mine, you just need to inform the homeowner of the problem and they have a certain time period to correct the situation, in most cases 30 days. If they don't, you can have the problem resolved. I had a tree hit my house after a really bad wind storm. It was a pine, so they're shallowly rooted to begin with. I swear, the floor jumped when it hit. The insurance adjuster said we were lucky that it hit where it did, otherwise it might have gone straight thru the house. Which would have been absolutely horrible because my 2 year old son was sitting in his high chair in front of that very wall.
  19. I'll stick with the original too because I've been here this long and despite a lot of missteps, they do some amazing shit sometimes. And I do love me some zombies. I gave up on Fear in the beginning of the second season, then swung back in last season, I think, because I heard it was getting good and Garret Dillahunt was going to be on, who is one of my favorite actors. It was until and then I checked out for good. I made it halfway through the teen version and gave up. Carol & Daryl will be interesting at first, then it'll be the same old, same old. I'm not giving that one much hope, but I will watc. I love the idea of the anthology, especially because they may be addressing the back stories of characters already gone. Just please don't do Lori. When they're on TV, I'll watch the Rick movies. I said from the moment they were announced that no one in their right mind would pay money to see them. WD was on the decline when they announced them. I never heard that! I always heard he left because he wanted to spend time with family, but of course, that's what they all say. 😉
  20. I thought this was one of the better episodes, even though it bounced around quite a bit. Glad not to see much of Nurse CrazyPants, but wish I saw much less of Crazy-Eyed brother. I actually cringe when he comes on the screen. I just hope it moves a little faster now that Loy has lost his second. Full out war and take out Crazy-Eyed brother first. I don't know why he didn't pull his gun before he turned around. It looked like he reached for it in his jacket. Did he think his portfolio would save him? My assumption was that was a nod to our current "leader." I knew she looked familiar! Hate her in Yellowstone. I laughed like hell at that. Might start using that in place of the other.
  21. I really liked Fernando, how upbeat and positive he was. And I do like yelling "Fernannnnnndo!" every time I see him on screen.
  22. The day after we buried my mother-in-law, I had 2 root canals done on my two front bottom teeth. I was expecting hellfire, but it really wasn't that bad. And I don't have a high tolerance for pain like Mr. Max. I'm having an issue with another tooth and I just want him to get in there and get it done.
  23. I thought there were entirely too many guests. And they mostly looked awkward as hell when they weren't talking.
  24. What upset me most about that episode was that he wasn't allowed to say Fuck, but Breaking Bad was. Same channel, why the difference? I, too, swear like a sailor and do a double take as well when I hear it. It usually takes me a minute. I don't have anything past 1984 and I rarely listen to that. The first two are on heavy rotation. I knew EVH had been sick, but I was totally stunned yesterday. We'll never get another guitar player who was so damn talented and played, as you said, so joyfully. He always had a smile.
  25. I still have cable, because there are channels Mr. Max likes that you can't get streaming, plus I wouldn't be able to get local channels without. I live down in a valley where the signal don't go. We even had to get a booster for our cell phones. I pay for Prime, but I use the crap out of it with shipping and free Kindle books. Somehow, Netflix is included in my cable package. I also get Peacock with my cable, but I don't think it's the full Peacock. I did manage to watch all the seasons of Yellowstone on there. I have no desire for Disney, other than maybe Marvel movies, and I'm not paying the fee for those. I have a friend who always buys the blu-ray for his collection and he gives me the digital codes. Never saw anything on Hulu that I really wanted to see. I think it's just that on Peacock or CBS all access, they can get away with more. The censors are more flexible because it's a pay service.
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