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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Mr. Max and I say the same thing. I can only remember one time that they didn't get protein on day 19 or 20, but they had been eating very well up to about day 16. I remember an XL episode with Jeff and EJ. They were kicking butt with their eels and they even managed to snare a turtle. They penned it in, planning to save it for later, but the next day, the turtle was gone. I don't think the turtle escaped on its own. I think the producers set it free and into the direction of another camp. I forgot to respond to this. I think Andrew and Elizabeth shouldn't have lost PSR points. They didn't screw up. It was medical. They couldn't help being tapped.
  2. So the DVR taped a preview and Mr. Max and I figured out a few more: Max, the Marine Ryan is the bearded guy. Amber is one of them women (I always remember her as the woman who tapped twice - in one she was with Chris and called him a pussy because he didn't want to hunt gator. He got himself a gator after she tapped. 😁That may have been the one where she tapped because her breast implant burst. She tapped again, I think with the Asian guy with glasses, who had 2 people tap on him) Suzanne (again) And, this is going to be great, LACEY. She was in an XL with Amber and I do believe they clashed.
  3. RE: Andrew and Elizabeth They were doing good, other than the injuries. Have we ever seen a double medical tap? I remember one episode where it truly sucked and they decided to tap together, but it wasn't medical. RE: Waz and Rose Waz was a total badass, getting that pig. He just jumped right in that water. What if there were gators about? And Rose, for all of her "I can identify every plant," didn't seem to be gathering any plants for them to eat.
  4. So every time a guy asks a woman to smile or whistles at her when she's crossing the street or is told "Damn, you hit hard for a girl" that's not a micro aggression? I agree that Kevin really hasn't experienced them as a white cis male, but to say that it's only against racial or ethnic minorities, as you have bolded, is incorrect.
  5. Mr. Max reminded me that Ed is really E.J. I don't know why I keep calling him Ed.
  6. He's not a candy eater. His snacks are more of the popcorn/chips variety with the occasional cake thrown in. I've considered leaving him at home when I shop but 1) he'll bitch that I didn't get this or that and 2) I despise shopping so why should I be the only one who suffers?
  7. Most cell providers are eliminating flip phones from their plans. About 5 years ago, I had to get a flip phone for my dad and I had the choice of one. And it took a week. The smart phones were all right there. My brother works in construction and has used a flip-phone for years. It was one of the ruggedized ones. It fell off a four story building, fell off his truck a number of times, went thru the washer AND dryer twice and still worked without an issue. In January, his provider told him they would no longer support his phone, so he had to go to a smart phone. And HATES it.
  8. As a student in Pittsburgh, I can tell you that late 70s, early 80s, advanced students were actually sent one day a week to a special gifted class all day, which was always (for me) in a completely different school. There were White, Black, Asian and Hispanic students in each of my year's classes (it tended to be the same kids, unless someone moved or someone new was added). But the classes were predominantly white.
  9. Maybe Randall should apologize to Kevin and Kate for thinking he knows best and going behind their backs? Yes, 1000 yes. Randall became the breakout character (because of Sterling K. Brown's excellent acting) so everything is about him and how HE is affected. Forget that Kevin left his Broadway premiere to help Randall... Same here. I hated Kevin, loved Randall, and that's been reversed right quick since last season. I wonder if this was what they originally intended or if circumstances caused them to change direction? I totally expected the cops to pull up after that cabbie kicked them out. This episode was well acted, as they typically are, but really very exhausting.
  10. HA! I came here to say his twin brother could take his place and be mean and evil and moustache twirly.
  11. I have tried explaining this to Mr. Max, but he says if he's not hungry, he doesn't know what he wants to snack on. Yet, we end up throwing half of it away because he bought too much.
  12. I think you're right. On both counts. I like Steven Lee Hall, although he is full of himself. And I like Matt. The nice Marine guy wasn't bad. I think he was on the XL with Russell and Russell left him all by himself because Russell got too cold. I liked Ed until that XL with Jeff. I'm pretty sure they're in the Louisiana swamps.
  13. I have not, but I would like to. Mr. Max has been called 5 times. His aunt got him out of 2 (she worked for the courts), he had to serve one (a rape case, which just about gutted him) and he was dismissed 2 times. Matter of fact, he was dismissed on Friday from jury duty, which had been postponed twice due to COVID. What sucks is that he gets paid by the jobs he does, so if he's on jury duty, he gets nothing except the $9 check they give you for serving. They could at least give you 8 hours of minimum wage. No wonder so many people don't like it. At least my employer pays me if I'm on jury duty.
  14. Speaking of forgotten children, I only saw 2 of Meredith's get into Linc's parents camper. Did they forget how many there were or was Ellis hiding in the corner, watching Amelia cry?
  15. I watched the video and here's who I came up with: Matt Ed Can't remember redhead woman Carrion eater guy Jeff (ugh) Nice Marine guy Max or Chance? Sarah Steven Lee Hall Other woman I can't remember I forgot bearded guy, either Ryan or Chris - I always got the two of them confused. Maybe someone else can do better:
  16. Naked and Afraid XL Legends starts April 25! 🥰 Unfortunately, Jeff will be there. 😕
  17. So yeah, it's nitpicky, but the title "Okay, Boomer" irritated me because HE WASN'T A BOOMER!!!!1111 I get that it's just the cool thing young whippersnappers say to us old people, but it really irked me. He was Gen X and she wasn't even a millennial, she's Gen Z. UGH! Now to the show itself: I had the feeling when it started that one of each pair would tap, so that the old and the young had to learn to work together in harmony. Calvin was an idiot for not A) setting traps/snares right away and 2) rinsing his mouth with the dirty water. What a moron! I felt bad for Joe's partner (sorry, she was gone so quick, I don't remember her name), but as soon as someone says "I have the mental attitude to do this," I know they're not going to make it. Amanda and Joe made a good team. But again, why weren't traps/snares set from day one? And why didn't they make new shoes?
  18. I'm reading that many restaurants and such are having a hard time filling positions because people that were laid off are collecting far more in unemployment than they would make actually working. Doesn't give me much faith in my fellow man, but at least I know they won't be collecting that money forever, like some do.
  19. I knew it was Zach Galligan from the movie, but I, too, think he looks a helluva lot like David Naughton. They should play father/son or something.
  20. This bothered me the most this episode, even more than the Sun's first words being about Jo, even more than whiny Amelia, even more than McIrish. Why did she think she had the right to scream at her boss, who was (albeit misguided) trying to do something nice? How could he have known? You think he's up on all that shit? I would have fired her, not tried to work with her.
  21. The TurboTax "Free" commercials are REALLY getting on my nerves. Especially the exercise one.
  22. My mother, God love her, sends me all of these. "Is this legit?" No, Mom, as I've told you thirty other times, it's a scam.
  23. I didn't notice any "EWWW" look on Beth's face. I even rewound the recording and nope, nothing like that. More of an "OMG, are they kissing" type face. Which is totally OK, but Beth should have set out the ground rules before Alex came over - open doors, at least one foot on the floor, etc. But there was no disgust at Tess being gay, or Alex being they. I totally related to Beth's discussion with her mother. I had suspected my son was gay for some time and was totally cool with it, but when he came out to me, I still had to make some adjustments to my thinking. I don't know how Randall restrained himself from the epic Pearson speech at group therapy. Damn, his tongue must be bleeding in fifty places. Hope his and Kevin's talk goes well. At least he's waiting until they're vaccinated and not just flying across country on a whim, unless that's just for skinny dipping with your dead mom. I get that Kate was all weepy after leaving her kids for the first time, but you have a job now. Do it. Put your phone away and check it at lunch. The music director was spot on when he was talking to her. Gonna be some big problems ahead if Toby doesn't fess up. Staying at home with the kids isn't for everyone. I know I wasn't able to do it. Best parts of the episode were Toby and Madison in the park and of course, baby Jack not wanting to rock. 😂
  24. But yet the characters who came before her, we still don't know about. If they wanted to give someone some back story, pick someone who's been around a few seasons (Connie, Kelly, Luke, Yumiko, don't care about Magna). We did get a couple lines about them (at least, Connie, Kelly and Yumiko), but not a full episode. Or even half. I agree with most of the rest of the episodes and what they represented, but the Princess one, just no.
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