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Everything posted by madmax

  1. My first day in the office today in 2 years. I dressed too warmly, because I couldn't remember how the office regulated the temperature. I was on my feet all day sorting two years worth of paper. I got no real work done because even though departments are staggered as to who is working what days, every person that was in came to our area to "catch up." I would have gotten more work done at home. Sigh.
  2. That did make sense, but she did nothing to the "hut" when she was hanging in the boma, even after saying "I'm staying close and keeping the fire going and working on the hut." No, she worked on her half and that was that.
  3. I did not see anything wrong with the way Elijah was talking to Monica, but I don't have Asperger's. I thought he was trying to give her the answer without giving her the answer, making her think about it. Which is probably what he does with his wilderness training of at-risk youth. I also didn't think she pulled her own weight. She killed a couple birds and got water a lot of the time, but wasn't she supposed to be working on the hut? half of it wasn't even done at the end. It seemed like she spent most of her time just hanging out in the boma. I'm glad they ironed out their differences and made it to the end. Especially happy that the producers put a couple of birds in the traps at the end.
  4. SMEEEEEEEEEEEE is probably one of the dumbest robots I've seen on there.
  5. This S&T Bank commercial: She talks about the house being old, but the bank's been around for years, so it's all okay. How are they the same thing?
  6. I wasted 40 minutes on this shit? YES!! Then Meredith can be one to pull his plug and not tell anyone in his family!!!! C'mon, we got Jo to change that scarecrow hair, let's make this happen, people!!!
  7. @Nashville, yesterday here it was 60 degrees F. This morning, 6 inches of snow and 19 degrees F. It'll be 50 on Monday.
  8. You're right, she is younger, so maybe that was the reason. Still rubbed me the wrong way. She could have said "Can Hailey try it?" Or something similar. Then Kate the all-knowing could say "No, she's too young, mom, WTF?"
  9. Yes, he won one. Everyone was shocked. I think there's something in the by-laws that a Ewert has to be in the tournament. 😉
  10. That was seriously awkward. If I was one of the in-laws, I would wonder like hell what was wrong and maybe even feel a little hurt. No, strike that, I would be hurt. My MIL did shit like that all the time. That's why me and my former SIL named ourselves the out-laws. There was a scene when Toby announced the job was in SF and Kate said "but..but my part-time job!!" or something similar. Which to me, means that she doesn't want to move to SF. Sugar Pie is not a Pittsburgh dessert. Never heard of it before this show. Hell, I never make a dish the same way. I hear about it all the time. Whatever, still tastes good. 😄 Was I the only one to notice that Rebecca said "give my grandson" the batter and never mentioned Hailey? Does she not consider Hailey her grandchild? Kinda rude and again, reminding me of my MIL. I get the issue is not what Jack's eating, but communication. But I'm team Toby here. At least, scraping that OBSCENE amount of marshmallow from Jack's potatoes. I swear, Kate gave him the piece with the most marshmallow. Great episode, tho, best one this season.
  11. I was angry, too. I hate Witch Doctor as well. Mr. Max called it a bye for Witch Doctor. With WD being such a fan favorite, I'm not surprised they put it up against Rusty. I do like Rusty, well, I like the builder's enthusiasm. But I wouldn't care if they didn't bring him back again. I feel bad for the youngest Ewert (the only one I like). Fusion seems like it would be a good bot, but he has so many problems with it. Pretty much called the top 5 for the tournament. Liked that Tombstone is below 20.
  12. Coincidentally, our cable promotional price just expired with Comcast. We talked about cutting the cord, but the internet is so much more expensive if you don't have a bundle and we can't count on our cells all the time because we live down in a valley, so we keep a landline for emergencies. And my mother. Probably the main reason we didn't cut the cord, because there is ONE channel that Mr. Max loves and usually falls asleep to. What pissed me off is when I went to downgrade the package, the idiot told me I wouldn't lose anything but the movie channels that we rarely watched. Well, wouldn't you know, we lost that one damn channel. Called the next day and got it back. For extra money, of course. We pay for Amazon Prime and Netflix. A friend bought me Disney+ for my birthday last year and I believe is buying it for me again this year. We did have every channel except Starz before I dropped the movie ones and HBO Max was free, since we had HBO in the cable package. I think the only movie channel we have now is Epix. I really wish you could choose your own channels.
  13. Totally forgot about this show and was in no hurry to watch it. Guess I should have waited because it was stinker of an episode. Every serious issue this episode was soooooooooooo heavy handed, I thought I was watching an afterschool special. They've been going in that direction A LOT lately and it really gets on my nerves. My thoughts exactly. Nolan couldn't do the interview? Noooooo, Nyla had to get closure, apologize, again with a heavy hand, to show that she wasn't a bad person.
  14. Warwick and Cat were pretty good together. I liked how she gave him the majority of the food. And yeah, stupid fish trap. Why do they insist on those? They almost never work. Speaking of not working, what's with the producers this season? Did they forget they're supposed to supply them with protein on day 20?
  15. Only watched the first episode, so I'll just comment on that one. It was really cool that South African guy (I really suck at names this year) accepted Terra. And it really sucks that he had to be medically tapped. He seemed like a good dude that would go all the way. Good for Terra to make it alone. I really thought she was going to tap, especially after the nipple incident (and a big OMFG to that!). That's the first time I remember that the truck wasn't immediately there when she walked out of the forest. I did see the beginning of episode 2, where South African guy's brother was doing the challenge. Hope he makes it.
  16. This episode bored me. I like Eugene as a side character, but I don't think he's enough to carry a whole episode.
  17. My favorite part of that was seeing the very young Donald Hudson and Disector! That was my favorite bot, way way back in the day.
  18. One of those sports betting ads, don't know who for because they all tend to blend together, has a woman trying so hard with hockey lingo, she just sounds like an idiot.
  19. I would hope they do? But they don't really show the aftermath. I do remember that when Russell was in the four person challenge, he and one of the females ended up having a relationship. And she was the female that did absolutely nothing but sun on the beach. Not everyone does the 14 days first, only fans. The others are "professional" survivalists and jump right into 21 days. Max and Gabrielle are the only fans I can recall that went on to do the 21 day challenge AND and XL challenge.
  20. I mostly give them a pass for health tap outs, but if I remember right (I just watched it yesterday, but I'm old) the woman in the second episode didn't like the taste of the water and so she didn't drink much. UTIs can be caused by dehydration so she may have brought it on herself. Mr. Max and I laugh every time someone says they're going to make the jungle their bitch or something similar because 90% of the time, that person taps.
  21. I watched!!! Very impressed by Shanika. Would be cool to see her in an XL challenge. Wouldn't consider her quite an all-star yet. But pretty bad ass for her to pretty much solo the place that even all-stars couldn't handle. As for the second episode, I'm surprised that the producers didn't give Zach a protein hit on day 19-20. I guess he was eating enough of the jungle strawberries. Other than Shanika kicking ass, wasn't much special about either episode.
  22. Not just on duty, but whenever she's out fighting walkers. Her hair should be in a French braid or something, close to her head. This episode wasn't bad, but not as good as last week's. I liked that Daryl is now the sole caretaker of Judith & RJ and has to think of them instead of himself. Although I still think last week's flash forward confrontation is a fake out. Good to see Carol up to her old tricks. She's definitely gonna pull one over on second in command guy. Sorry, can't remember all these names. Almost didn't recognize Princess without all her fluff. Looks good. And what's with the dress code comment? She was dressed nice. Rosita is definitely going to the resistance. Daryl, too, I think. Random thoughts: WTF with having a zombie haunted maze? Things are just so ho-hum in the Commonwealth? Carol finding that wine was a little ridiculous. Like the storm troopers wouldn't have cleared the houses close to the Commonwealth? Magna better watch her ass. She was loitering with her buddies and I don't think that's a good thing for the peons to be doing.
  23. It was the alternate universe, so anything goes. As for the actual timeline? They barely even hinted at Alex and Meredith and only did so very early on, when Alex (and Meredith, for that matter) was sleeping around. So I still stand by it.
  24. It's probably just me, but I don't get the State Farm commercial where Jake is talking to the people at a party(?) and he's talking about how the agent called him back right away and the woman says something like "blink twice if you need help." WTF is that supposed to mean?
  25. I think the revolving door of writers screws up these kinds of things. They weren't around when those things happened on the show, so it's all fresh and new. There really should be something for the writers to refer to as to what's happened with these characters. It just makes them look stupid when they contradict shit that came before. As to the episode, nothing much I can't say that hasn't already been said. Jo and Linc are a bad idea, but Grey's doesn't like to have platonic friendships unless it's Alex and Meredith. Schmidt's friends are assholes for leaving him alone and he shouldn't have been able to leave without some sort of psych evaluation, anyway. Kai has no personality, but she's just a rebound for Amelia before she decides that Linc is what she wants, until she doesn't want him again next season. So since McIrish now knows what Owen did, him leaving the hospital doesn't make him free of any charges, should something happen, right? Oh, and no notice? That's a shitty thing to do. Don't give him a recommendation, Bailey.
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