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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Have you ever automatically discounted someone's opinion/post on a message board because you didn't like their username? Maybe it reminded you of someone else? Not on this thread, but on another thread on this site, there's someone with a handle that is very similar to that of a manipulative bitch on another site I used to frequent. I can't even read her posts without cringing.
  2. I actually heard it as "apples and pears." Wasn't until I came here and saw "apples and pants" that I replayed it and heard the pants. So yeah, I agree. He just rolled with it. Damn, that kid is awesome. I cut one of my brothers out of my life for years because he A) borrowed my husband's ATV and returned it damaged without any offer of repair or even "I'm sorry;" then B) accused my husband of breaking one of his tools that my husband did not (I found out later that HE broke it right after my husband returned it, but figured we'd take the blame anyway) and he was talking shit about my husband to the rest of my family. It wasn't until one of my other brothers got terminal cancer did I talk to him again. Your spouse/children should ALWAYS come before your siblings. But the Pearsons don't quite get that.
  3. Yes, they were both to blame for this, but Toby took responsibility. Kate did not. She just jumped on him for the umpteenth time. Teaching a blind toddler how to open a door is not "good parenting" or whatever the hell she tried to say. It's irresponsible. He's not going to be locked in his bedroom forever. What happens when they're hanging in the living room and Hailey needs something from the kitchen and Kate just moseys out there? Jack could easily open the door and leave. but it would still be Toby's fault. Kevin and Randall (mostly Kevin, of course) butting into the fight was wrong. If he was being abusive, that's one thing. But they were just yelling at each other and truly, Toby didn't even say anything that bad. Kevin just didn't like the tone. Guess what, Kevin? I didn't like your tone. Stay the fuck out of other people's problems, especially when you were a contributing factor. Kinda creepy of Kevin to go into Madison's bedroom looking for Elijah. What if he was doing something creepy with Madison's underwear? When Toby came in after they were laughing about the doll, why didn't Kate just say "We were laughing at the doll" first thing instead of 'Ha, ha, nothing, really." Then Kevin wouldn't have opened his big mouth and made it worse. I don't agree with this at all. If you have toddlers, let alone special needs toddlers, you make sure your front doors are locked. Hell, I did this up until my kids were around 10 because I had a sleepwalker and I was petrified he would end up outside. It was surely a pain in the ass for us, but it was better for me to be inconvenienced than something happen to my kid.
  4. Really surprised Riley tapped. I thought she could at least hang with him until he had to leave for the merge. Max really is a strong survivalist. He'd probably be my first choice as a male mentor. Has he done the most challenges or is it Laura? And why, oh why, aren't they wearing them during the extraction hike?
  5. Mass Mutual is running some funny commercials: The kid playing Little League, with mom shouting "You can do it" and the like while Dad shouts "Even if you don't, it's OK." The mother asking the father what would happen if he was out of work for a while and when he asks what could happen, the whole family takes turns yelling out things that could happen - Grandpa yells Scurvy.
  6. Rotator blew that match. He should have just sat back and waited for Tantrum to be counted out. His side man told Victor that Tantrum wasn't moving, but instead he had to keep going in for the hit. That Minotaur/End Game fight was great. I'm not a huge fan of them, but Daniel Freitas is one awesome driver. Again, let's not show the #2 seed from 2020 in a full match. 🙄 Instead, give us this half-assed highlight which didn't even make sense. Did they just wait for Cobalt's battery to die? Shouldn't a working kill switch be a must?
  7. It's already been stated, but Eat n' Park is still around. They just reopened their buffet!!! I don't think alarms were so prevalent back then, especially on smaller mom & pop type places. Plus Bethel Park was a higher class neighborhood.
  8. Loved the shout-out, but as my eldest son says, Eat n' Park is overwhelmingly mediocre. And those Smiley cookies aren't that good, unless you like solid sugar. Of course, my youngest son loved them when he was a kid and he always wanted to go "eat at Park." The police car was good, too. The markings looked exactly as they did in that time period. Kate's job was just to supplement their savings, which they were living on before Toby got the job in SF. Toby had to get a job because they had nearly run through the savings. Kate's part time job as a teaching assistant would never have carried them through. Ooh, maybe that's the end! Randall is really a supervillian! I did enjoy this episode, sorta, even though it was all Saint Randall, all the time. Mandy Moore's acting is what sold it for me. She deserves all the Emmys.
  9. I was wondering how many were being killed - you could hear the gunshots - while they were just sneaking around. At the end, they're all "we have to help these people" and there were what, 5 or 6 left? Hilltop is bleeding residents, go there.
  10. All I have to say about Nathan is karma is a bitch. 😁
  11. Not sure what car it's for, but there's one where a little girl is in the back saying no one ever listens to her and she says, in a whiny voice, "Car, I'm cold." I don't know why, but she irritates me to no end. Probably the whine. And the no one ever listens to me comment.
  12. I enjoyed this episode, but have some of the same questions: If the USD is the currency of the Commonwealth, what is to stop some peon from finding a bunch of cash left in a bank and becoming one of the Elite? Negan finds a woman, falls in love, gets married and gets her pregnant all within about 2 and a half months? You go, Negan. I don't think even six months has gone by. Remember, the six month mark was when Daryl showed up at Hilltop with the Stormtroopers and that hasn't happened yet (next episode, I believe, based on previews). Leah must be one super duper badass to take out all of those soldier by herself. Mercer used up all his ammo killing walkers, then miraculously had 2 bullets to take out the skeezy guards? Can't wait for Carol to go full Carol on Lance.
  13. At least they explained it enough for us to know it was on that show that most of us don't watch.
  14. Too much talking. Two bouts we only saw highlights of, and both looked good. One was Whiplash, my favorite, despite Matty's crazy eyes. Knew Hydra was going to get in but kind of surprised it beat Ribbot so handily. Ribbot was a pretty sturdy bot, but getting flipped that many times definitely causes damage. I think they were playing dumb about the controlled movement thing; they didn't want to lose their #2 seed. Blip looks good - and great flipping design - but I don't think they can go the distance. Yay! Tombstone is out!!!!
  15. It will probably come up in the next episode, Trevor's Pants (or lack thereof...)
  16. Sadly, I don't know any of my (few) neighbors. Every house around in my area except ours is a rental and very few of the renters last more than a year. By the time you get to know a neighbor, they're gone. We did know the neighbor across the street, but she had a stroke and moved to assisted living. Her house was sold to pay for her care, and now it's a rental, too.
  17. We burn everything we cut down. He has a wood burning stove in the garage and I actually heat my house with a wood burning furnace. We have the space to split and stack it to dry.
  18. Mr. Max has done all our tree cutting except 3, which were leaning towards the road. We called professionals for those. I think we might have paid $800 total for all three trees, from different tree guys. $575 is insane. Although, one company wanted to charge me $1,800 to take down a dead pine that was close to the power line. I think I ended up paying $400 for that one. Mr. Max just likes to do things himself, and most of the time, there's no issue. Then there was the time he was up in a tree, cutting branches with a small electric saw that bucked and caught his coat...his long sleeved shirt...his t-shirt...his chest. How I wasn't widowed, I don't know. He came in the house, "Can you clean this out?" which was a chewed up section of skin about two by two. I was pregnant with Rugrat #2 and had a real hard time not adding more disgusting matter to his wound.
  19. It was driving me nuts during the show. Where the hell have I seen this guy? I had to check IMDB.
  20. There are some really great new designs...and some really crappy ones. I thought Chomp was ridiculous. That thing spent more time trying to self-right than actually fighting. And most of the time, it flipped itself. I liked the original version of Duck. Yeah, it was pretty much a brick on wheels, but that's what made it work. The new version is horrible.
  21. But whose dream? Maybe it's Ellis' Alzheimer brain working overtime...
  22. BIOHAZARD!!! Loved that bot. It won the giant nut at least once.
  23. It's probably like a game show, they film a bunch in one or two days. Probably why Glitch couldn't get fixed in time. I noticed that Kenny and Chris talk about weeks, but the builders talk about hours.
  24. I said as much to Mr. Max: Get rid of all the talk and show the matches! The Copperhead/Lucky battle and the Huge/Uppercut battles both looked really good, but all we saw were highlights. No one cares that the teams look like their robots. Duh, we can see, ya know. Not a fan of Witch Doctor at all. I really wanted to see them go up against Glitch. Sucks that they didn't get a chance to participate because they were a fearsome robot. And their pre-season wasn't a pair of gimmes like Witch Doctor. Hypershock actually looked the best this year that I've seen in all the years I've been watching. And I thought he should have won that match. He had a couple of really good hits on P1 and he managed to right himself to get in that one big hit that had P1 flying. And I stated above, I believe it's in the by-laws that a Ewert bot has to be in the tournament. I'm kinda sorta kidding....
  25. Hell, I try not to leave my house around the parade day. And St. Patrick's day.
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