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Everything posted by madmax

  1. madmax

    NHL Thread

    It is a difficult question, for sure. But I think their best days are behind them. The big three are all quite a few many years older and their bodies are more broken. Obviously, I won't stop watching (my co-worker declared himself done with them when they resigned Malkin), but I'm not holding my breath for a great year this year.
  2. Been a rough couple of days. Paul Sorvino was always one of those "Hey, it's that guy!" for me. He always elevated everything he appeared in. David Werner was the best Jack the Ripper in "Time After Time." Every time I saw him after that, I got the creeps. RIP.
  3. madmax

    NHL Thread

    I had hopes that new ownership would realize that their best chance at a cup would be with different players. But alas...
  4. Wow, they're really hitting us with Alone this year? Looks like a couple cast members from Frozen will be on the Skills Challenge.
  5. Sad that Adam tapped. I thought he had the potential to win. And I agree with @rmontro regarding no honor in being medically tapped. I think there would be much more honor in that, basically you tried until you literally couldn't go any longer. Tiemojin is my next pick to win. I think the girlfriend talk is just subterfuge. I think Juan Pablo is nuts for fasting. I don't see how he can survive long enough. Everyone else is getting some kind of food. Do they not set traps/snares immediately? I don't understand why they don't. Kerrie Lee plays to the cameras a lot. How many songs has she sung? She just too weird for me.
  6. madmax

    NHL Thread

    There was most definitely some of that when Malkin first came here. But Crosby was babysitting the kids of the owner of the team, so who do you think came out on top? Malkin has alluded to being "the man," but I think most of the teams out there took a look at his past performance plus injuries and didn't offer him near what he wanted. So he's back to second fiddle in Pittsburgh.
  7. madmax

    NHL Thread

    Yup, it's Pittsburgh. Malkin has never been consistently great. He is great a lot of the time, but he's also lazy as hell a lot of the time. What's funny is he plays his best when Crosby is out. So the "two-headed monster" is very rarely a real thing, despite what the Pens and media would lead you to believe. I would have spent the money elsewhere, but I'm not in charge. I believe Crosby is in charge and he wants to keep the core together. Kinda like when Lemieux was here. I was surprised at Calgary. I thought they had potential for next year.
  8. madmax

    NHL Thread

    Hey, at least your teams aren't thinking it's 5 years ago and trying to keep the same team together despite the fact they've been bounced from the playoffs first round the last four years....
  9. Mr. Max and I both said it looked like he stepped on that log deliberately. He even said that he had to watch where he was walking, and he steps on a slippery log? Nope. He used that as an excuse. Unless they're editing the show really badly, her teeth were messed up before she made her fruit leather. I thought she was puking into the fire. My first thought was she was puking in the shelter, then I realized her face was aimed towards the fire. I believe they said that during a previous season. Statistically smaller. I'm liking Adam for the win, but Teimojin isn't far behind. I was hoping for Juan-Pablo, but I think his stomach is going to take him out. Not rooting for Kerri after that muskrat thing. That was gross. I hope she cleaned those bones damn good.
  10. If they're working together, they may as well be on Naked & Afraid: Frozen, which is also coming up later this summer. Frozen must be the new survival theme. I recognized one guy, but no one else. Not surprised that Terry got pulled. When he started talking about sharp pains and nausea, I thought he was sick. Damn beavers. Tom is next, I think. He's losing his coordination. Cute idea with the boxers flag, but does that mean he was wearing the same pair for 40 days? EWWWWWWWWWWW Hodgepodge lodge looks like it's as big as my first floor. And it's STILL not done. I don't expect her to last, considering she's spent the prime hunting time building a shelter. But that is a cool water cache. I hope she still boils it. Bird poop, dirt, and/or dirty pine needles can be falling in that pool. Why wouldn't the item Adam kept referring to as a dock make a good dock? Yeah, nice door, nice seat, blah blah, but they ain't gonna keep you fed. Karie Lee is past weird. And yeah, her teeth are weird. Sorry. Maybe next episode we can see everyone.
  11. Exactly, Amber got along with the guys. I've said since the beginning that she is totally different with guys than with girls. She couldn't go in there with the "I know better than you" attitude when she was with Steven, who did way more days than she ever could, or Matt or EJ. So who had the job of holding that tree rat in the hole after Matt missed? You're telling me that animal wouldn't have freaked out when that first arrow hit the tree? The editing on this episode was all over the place. When Amber got that last fish, they showed her with three different hairdos. Glad EJ realized this should be his last trip. Maybe should be Steven's, too. He looked HORRIBLE at the end.
  12. Shit, I forgot about that! And at the end of the speech, a creepy smile at the camera. He's got some weirdo vibes going.
  13. Some ethnicities do not grow facial hair at the rate of Caucasians. Our family has quite a bit of Hispanic heritage and two of my brothers could never grow any type of facial hair. Two could grow moustaches only. Remember Colton's from last season? Terry reminds me of him in so many ways. The dirty hands, his voice, his closeness to his mother. I think Jessie bit off more than she could chew with that massive shelter. It took over 30 days to get it done and it doesn't, to me, look as good as some that were whipped up in 10 days. That's a lot of space to heat, which means twice as much firewood. She could store it inside, which would help it dry better, but unless she starts getting a lot more protein, she won't be around long. Not all of Terry's jerky looked done. I saw lots of pink in some of that. Hope he put those pieces back on the smoker. Juan Pablo's fish head stew looked disgusting. I hope he heated it back up before he ate it. And was it the next day he found the grouse he hit? Would the meat still be edible? Of course, he doesn't boil his water, so maybe he doesn't care. Tom (?) and the beaver...If you wouldn't have taken the shot any other time, or you wanted to wait for it to come on shore, then don't take the shot!! Although, I don't think he mortally wounded it. Maybe grazed it.
  14. I binged the first two season of The Boys. These waits between episodes are killing me. Mr. Max couldn't get into it. I love it so much, I'm practically in tears laughing every episode. And sometimes hiding behind my hands going 'EWWWWWWWWWWWW"
  15. I binged the first 2 seasons. This wait is KILLING ME!!!!!!!11 I thought this episode would be a lot wilder than it was, based on all the hype. It was a good one, but not all that it was projected to be. Ackles (Never got into Supernatural, I remember him from Dark Angel) is doing well enough with what he has to work with. I don't think he's great, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because we haven't seen a ton of Soldier Boy yet.
  16. Most definitely staged. Just the fact that it sat there while they all "crept" around it is a big red flag. And Dan, you are not a master hunter. As I said before, I could have made that "kill" and I've never touched a bow. I don't think it was dead already, but seriously drugged. EJ hasn't contributed much to this challenge, other than being directed finding the other camp. I think, sad to say, that EJ needs to bow out of future challenges. Steven is looking skeletal. I really hope they find him some food. Dan, too, but I think Steven looks worse. Matt and Waz still look like they have some weight, as does EJ. Amber looks a bit thinner, but not as bad as Steven. Sucks that the master fisherwoman can't get any fish.
  17. There's a Quicken commercial constantly on the channels my husband watches. I've never actually seen the commercial, just heard it multiple times. "I'll have my house paid off in 12 years and I'll retire at 61." Not in this economy, you smarmy jackass.
  18. This has been my biggest struggle, but it's not necessarily the shopper's fault. I put an order in yesterday and there were steaks on sale. The photo on the website showed 2 steaks, so I assumed (HA!) it was a package of 2 steaks, so I ordered one. I got one steak.
  19. Even Rock House wasn't huge, tho. He used the existing rock and built onto it. He didn't build a massive shelter like Igor and Jessie.
  20. I don't understand why these people are building such huge shelters. Igor, Jessie, and was it Benji building the teepee like thing that looked HUGE. More space means more heat means more firewood, not to mention the time to build it. All that beaver meat Benji had is now going to waste. And I don't know how much I would trust that fat in a dugout log. But what do I know? Juan Pablo said he never boils his water. Could be that his stomach is hardened to the bugs if he's been doing it all his life. Hope he smoked those fish for later. The fish won't be there forever. As long as he doesn't end up like David. Seriously, 90 minutes and you can only show a few? Give everyone at least one or two segments.
  21. I've recently started using the local grocery's website/pick-up. I'm hooked. Why waste my time going into the store for the basics? There's no charge for it. They have not only the recent things you purchased online, but things you actually purchased in store, if you used your rewards card. Occasionally, I still need to pop in for random items, but the pick-up option is the best thing to come out of the lockdown.
  22. I don't think they recognize him as the hip hop star, but the guy from the store. At least, that's how I heard it. And he could have bee someone's plus one, or just crashed it because he followed them to get his damn hard seltzer.
  23. Looking forward to frozen, got a few of my faves there. I love Jeremy and Jake and Gabrielle. Gabrielle is a true badass. A fan challenge, a 21 day challenge that she completely mostly alone, and an XL. Probably my second favorite female contestant.
  24. I think it's more to show how they survived the challenge where someone who tapped didn't. When someone taps, they always provide them with either a robe or their clothes. Lately, I've even seen them giving them bottles of water. I'm sure as soon as the cameras are off, the drivers are throwing robes, water and deodorant at the ones that completed the challenge.
  25. If I could love this more, I would. Amber: "Let's pray for my girls, and pray that EJ gets his big win." I thought that was pretty damn assholeish, but I don't expect much else from Amber. Sorry, Dan, I could have made that shot and I've never held a bow in my life. That caiman was either drugged or already dying. But a big win is a big win and hopefully, the meat chandelier dries correctly so they have food for a while. Especially because you know EJ is "stumbling" on their camp. Speaking of, EJ complains about the humidity and how he could easily get dehydrated and he wanders off for two days without any water? Good job, producers. (Actually, we know it was Amber's shrill voice and constant "brothers" that drove him away) Speaking of producers, thanks for planting those baby caiman so Trish and Jen could make their 40 and get the hell out. I was getting tired of both of them; more time for the other groups.
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