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Everything posted by madmax

  1. Me too. I hate when they don't give him a chance to announce them. I don't like when they're just short one liners, either.
  2. This is what I don't get. It's not like it's the first season. This show has been on for years. They have to know what to expect. And they're taking a spot from someone who might have made it the 21 days. I know things are different when you're in them, but how many of them say "I didn't think it would be this hard!!!" when the show has been showing how hard it is for almost 10 years!
  3. Can't remember all the names so... Episode 1: Good job on her for lasting 17 days without her partner. He didn't give it much of a chance, I don't think. Seems like he expected to get food all the time and get a full night's sleep every night. Did he not watch the show? Episode 2: If I heard Andrew mention that damn tribe one more time... Rissa was a better person than me. He totally didn't listen to her and I'm glad he got sick from that nasty honey.
  4. I cannot find it, because I can't remember the make, but there's a car commercial with Devan Chandler Long (Thorfinn) sewing. It's something about "you designed it" and the only reason I actually paid attention is because the guy sewing reminded me of Thorfinn. 😄 If I remember the make, I'll post it.
  5. Of course it will. Why else would he be invited again except for the drama?
  6. If I was supposed to like Kate better after this episode, it was a big ol' fail. I wasn't fond of her before, but after this one, she can go pound salt. She was horrid. We saw not one instance of Phillip being anything but an ass until he texted her after the divorce was signed. Serious retconning going on, which is probably due to COVID, but still, not cool. I'm going to miss little Jack. It makes little sense. He started to mature and now he's falling back on the womanizing ways? Great writing... Because Jack's wife (sorry, can't remember her name) showed common sense and didn't want them there? Truly, I didn't want anyone but my husband there when I had my children. I had to kick my mom out of the room for the first one and we really didn't tell anyone for the second. Shouldn't it have been Ms. Pearson-Damon? Everyone I know who hyphenates uses Ms. But the braille was a nice touch. Quick! Somebody edit it to MeanJerk! I admire their consistency in casting blind actors. And yes, chubby kids do sometimes turn into thin adults. Happened with my youngest, between hormones, growth spurts, and him deciding on his own to eat healthier. The only way I see Cassidy there is if she was invited by Kevin. Kate and Cassidy have had no interactions, to the best of my knowledge. You nailed it.
  7. "Getting sucked off at prom? I suppose that could happen."
  8. "Getting sucked off at prom? I suppose it could happen." I laughed so hard at that one. Good episode, but neither Sam nor Jay went into the attic since they bought the place?
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if they do. From what I've read, Ellen is about done with it (Lord knows she's made enough money from it) but they keep talking her into another season. At this rate, if they do go to 20, she'll probably appear in one episode.
  10. I used to gross out my son by eating a spoonful of sour cream.
  11. It was. Back in the day, I bought the whole season on iTunes for something like $5. I don't remember much about it, other than Nathan Fillion in a classic Challenger. 😄
  12. Amen to all of that. Way too many times, a form of protein shows up on day 19 or 20. Not every time, but enough to make me think it's planted. Just like I think the producers released the turtle in the first (I think) XL when Jeff and EJ were catching all those eels plus caught the turtle. I've often wondered if there is someone besides the camera operators following them during extraction, guiding them where to go. Because that rudimentary map isn't very detailed. Also, alerting the truck/boat/plane - whatever is picking them up - that they will be at the spot in 5 minutes, so the vehicle always shows about 30 seconds after they get there.
  13. The closest I've seen was Laura, who got a 9.9. Never a perfect 10.
  14. Chenny (Air Force woman) got on my nerves in the very beginning, in her introduction. But she grew on me. I liked that she was willing to help her partner, but not at her own expense. The guys were good; no bullshit. You think those terrapins heard the screams of their brethren and got the hell outta town?
  15. For a mid-season finale, it was kinda blah. Were there still people at Hilltop? Or was Maggie and her ragtag gang all that was left? I would have liked a convo between Leah and Daryl before he killed her. I read that the series finale would have been different had there not been a bunch of spin-offs planned. Would like to see what would have been.
  16. The two biggest for me are Firefly and Adventures of Brisco County, both on FOX. When a show came out on FOX called Drive, my son said I wasn't allowed to watch it because I was a curse for FOX shows. Well, Nathan Fillion, fresh from Firefly, driving a classic Dodge Challenger? I couldn't resist. I think it lasted 3 episodes. There was also Journeyman, Terriers, American Gothic, Grandfathered, Boomtown, The Job. So, so many...
  17. Amber and Gary, AGAIN? Was Jeff not available?
  18. That was my original question, but I misread your response. I think it was examiners/evaluators that messed me up. 😁 No reason for H & K (examiners) to talk to Schmidt, every reason for the evaluators to talk to Schmidt.
  19. Pretty sure they wanted to talk to all the residents, but they were all (with the exception of Schmidt) working on the pig organ transplant. I think it makes sense to talk to the residents, as it's regarding their training and their careers. Why they specifically asked for Schmidt doesn't make any sense, tho, unless they knew it was his mother that made the complaint.
  20. I think it's the gimmick, plus the female captain. Sure, this forum doesn't seem to like them much, but when you watch the audience, they have a lot of fans out there.
  21. I think as others have pointed out, TPTB love Witch Doctor (as do others, if the audience is any indication) and they wanted them in the finals. But it was bullshit. They unstuck WD, but didn't unstick Blip, whose magnets had it hung up on the rail?
  22. Same thing I asked myself. How would you like to be that patient? "Hey, who are those people?" "They're trying to decide if the hospital is good enough to keep teaching residents." "You mean that resident that is going to do my surgery? Get me the hell out of here." Wasn't he supposed to talk to the evaluators? What was the point of him talking to Hair and No-Personality? The only good part of the show. He's no longer living with Jo. She kicked him out when she realized she loved him but couldn't keep sleeping with him. Or something like that that ruined a great platonic friendship. So with you 100% She is horrible and I like to fast forward thru her scenes. It brings me joy. Meredith is not going anywhere. Although, given how seldom Ellen is on the show anymore, it wouldn't really matter if she did. I don't understand why Not-Derek wouldn't let that guy's wife in the first time. Gown her up like him and the residents and let her have her moment.
  23. While out of all the bots that were left in the final 8, I'm glad Tantrum won, but damn, that was some messed up shit for those last few fights. Why was Witch Doctor unstuck when other bots weren't? There have been many, many times that a bot gets stuck and they lose the match. Yes, Minotaur lost that wheel, but by the standard rules they've used in the past, WD should have been counted out and Minotaur move on. Then when they decided to ignore that rule, they figured, let's ignore another one and let Minotaur crab-walk around (hell, no, Daniel didn't have control of the bot) and not count it out. What are the rules here? Are they making them up as they go along so they can get a fan favorite in the finals? As much as I dislike Jake Ewert, I thought Hydra won that match.
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