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Everything posted by madmax

  1. As much as I love me some Timothy Olyphant and will watch him in anything (including Hitman), I think they stuck the landing with the series and should have left it alone. They can't top that and there's no believable scenario to get Boyd to Miami, so they've lost a big part of what made the series so great. I'll watch it, but I'm not holding my breath for it to be excellent.
  2. This is the only thing that bugged me about the episode. It was great of Sam to get all the ghosts together to hear Sass be a storyteller, but that had to SUCK for Jay. Just sitting there, maybe getting a translation from Sam, when all he wanted to do was watch some hoops. that hit a sour note with me. Probably because I hate to be idle like that. Otherwise, a welcome back. Loved Sass's flashback and didn't realize that was the actor's father, so thanks! The "Maybee" bit was great, especially from Thorfin.
  3. We go back two days a week the week of March 14, which will be 2 years out of the office. Each department gets to choose what days they want to go into the office. Our department picked Tuesday/Thursday. Obviously, nobody chose Friday.
  4. Tom Savini? Make-up artist and biker in Dawn of the Dead? Also Sex Machine in From Dusk Till Dawn? My son met him once. He came in the store where my son works and my son, gotta love him, told him "My mom is going to be soooooo jealous that I met you." 😁
  5. I totally agree. Kate did throw that line in there about how Kevin being there and her marriage, but if he left, she would have no help with the kids. Plus, the two of them are so co-dependent, it's ridiculous. I was basing my post on what @greekmom said above. If that's what he's waiting for, then he's got a long wait, so he needs to rent something ASAP. If not, my point still stands. Call a realtor, Kev.
  6. It was. They showed him on Talking Dead in zombie make-up.
  7. If Kevin's waiting for the cabin to be built, fine. But rent something in the mean time and get out of Toby & Kate's. Of course, then Kate would be all alone with the kids and whine about that. Get a custody agreement. Now. I'm surprised that no one has even thought of that. Hammer out some details on holidays. It's not that hard. Madison shouldn't be unilaterally deciding things. There are two parents, both wanting to remain engaged. So just deciding you're hanging with your new boyfriend on a major holiday - regardless of the fact that it's a Pearson thing - is all kinds of wrong. Re: Kate/Sophia and Kate/Madison: Family, especially for the Pearsons, comes first. So Kate was right not sharing Kevin's secret with Sophia and Sophia should have realized that years ago. Although I do think they interacted prior to this, but I might be mistaken. My focus tends to wane when Sophia is on the screen. But Kate/Madison was all kinds of wrong, for the same reason. Family first. She should have at the very least mentioned to Kevin to discuss holidays with Madison and maybe, you know, get a custody agreement? I totally zoned out on Beth's call, so I'll take everyone's word that it was cringe. I thought it was stupid, calling after so long.
  8. I liked this episode, a good start to the second third of the final season. 🙄 Gabriel is totally Murder Priest now. Kinda digging it, actually. Maggie is slowly turning into Negan. Daryl is totally faking out the Commonwealth. I just hope it doesn't take the rest of the season to get to where we learn how/why. Aaron killing the walker underwater was pretty nasty. Knew the pipe would break because duh, but how the hell did he get a rope tied somewhere to get out of there? Poor Alden, knew he was a goner. Nice of him to leave another zombie surprise for Maggie. This irritated me, too.
  9. Agreed. Even now, years later, Night of the Living Dead scares me. My late sister's boyfriend played a zombie in the original Dawn of the Dead. He's one of the ones you can see rushing in the door at the tenement. Speaking of, even though it's been years and a bunch of remodels, I still get creeped out when I go to Monroeville Mall.
  10. madmax

    S01.E08: Pie

    Just finished the series and I enjoyed it. Good cheesy fun. The Cruise movie (never saw the second because someone I trust said it sucked) was good, if I didn't consider it a Reacher movie. I called him Mack Smeacher. Cruise is a better actor but just really didn't fit the character. I've read most of the books - the most recent one was my last because Child's brother is writing them now and you can tell, plus it was very political - and I was glad that the show was pretty faithful to the source material. I'm looking forward to the next season.
  11. I agree with @Nashville. Army of Darkness is the GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!
  12. He did that once, said it wasn't the same. So about every six months, we go buy five gallons of the expensive stuff. I never did with my father, but I call my mother by her first name all the time, especially when she pisses me off, like when she ordered some random thing from Facebook and never got any confirmation, then made me call the credit card company when they charged her for the thing she never got. One of the first movies I remember watching on a VCR was on an old Betamax. It belonged to this family I babysat for and they told me to watch this really creepy movie once the kids went to bed. It was Evil Dead. I was hooked.
  13. We got a microwave early, but it was a commercial type with preset buttons. I think my asshole step-father #1 stole it from somewhere. That thing was a beast. I don't think we had a VCR the whole time I lived at home. When we got married, we paid $750 for ours. We actually buy leaded for our ATV because the unleaded eats some little doohickey in the carburetor. You can buy it at a Shell station not far from us; they call it racing fuel and it sure ain't cheap. Easily $2-$3 more than regular unleaded.
  14. I had no idea of the story of the song and never really watched The Sopranos. But as you said, that song is so associated with the show that I realized it had to be related to it and that whoever was driving was important to the show.
  15. He is the close friend of the son of one of my co-workers, and she says he is very intelligent. Guess the stupid act pays well.
  16. I do, but only buffalo chicken pizza in blue cheese dressing and as @Bastet said, only the naked crust (which might have a hint of sauce on it, but no cheese or chicken).
  17. I thought they had just divorced when that came out. I'm too old to remember... Thomas. Definitely Thomas. Always thought Locklear was a bit trashy. Of course, some people like that better. 😄
  18. I loved both of those shows! "I'm the unknown stuntman that made Eastwood look so fine..." And the opening about being seen with Farrah - I thought that was kinda weird and funny. I had the biggest crush on his sidekick, Douglas Barr. Lee Majors played Ash's dad on "Ash vs. the Evil Dead." Still looks pretty good. Lots of work, tho. It probably wasn't that good. Just like all those other shows we used to love. But I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
  19. I thought so too, but they're just playing on the name of the cruise line. Which is kinda dumb, when you think about it.
  20. I think the acting was just so much more broad back then. I was watching some old Wild, Wild West, which I loved when I was a kid. Yeah, super dated, but cheesy fun. The acting, tho. Wow.
  21. I don't think people want it to be the focus, just not ignored but for a few scenes that happened years ago.
  22. Probably half of the male contestants on the show, especially during the first few seasons. I'm wondering which All-Stars' kids will be participating.
  23. I'd be making friends with that robot, then tell him who was talking about him behind his back so maybe, he'd use the death ray...
  24. The prefix on my landline was one number off of another woman's number. I'd get calls for Lisa constantly. One time, I got a message from a friend that she was at the airport waiting for Lisa to pick her up. Then a couple hours later, the same friend called pissed off, telling Lisa she owed her for the cab ride from the airport. I finally realized that the number was off by one when Lisa's grandmother called me. She was a very nice lady. I actually recorded a message that if you were calling Lisa, you had the wrong number, that's how often they were. A friend of my husband left a message asking for Lisa. 😄
  25. I couldn't believe how perfect they go together. First time I heard it, there was no intro, it was just the song and it blew me away when I was expecting U2 and got Metallica. Chris Cornell did some awesome covers. Gone way too soon. ☚ī¸
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